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Positive Thoughts Positive Outcomes: Master the fourteen principles to transform your life
Positive Thoughts Positive Outcomes: Master the fourteen principles to transform your life
Positive Thoughts Positive Outcomes: Master the fourteen principles to transform your life
Ebook265 pages3 hours

Positive Thoughts Positive Outcomes: Master the fourteen principles to transform your life

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About this ebook

Do you wish you could start all over again? Have you ever wondered if there was a way to change your life for the better? Positive Thoughts Positive Outcomes is the quintessential step-by-step guide to transforming your life, using fourteen key tried and tested principles that others, including Author Shane Senior, has used

PublisherShane Senior
Release dateOct 2, 2019

Shane Senior

Shane is a Businessman, Entrepreneur, Author, Motivational Speaker, and Transformation Coach. He had an early career in the Royal Marines Commandos, which he joined at the young age of sixteen. Having worked for many years in various sales roles such as an interior kitchen designer and then went on to become a professional, working in construction, he decided to pursue other careers. As an ambitious man, he aspired for more and soon worked towards becoming a pro MMA fighter. His first Amateur fight, held sometime in November 2011, was in front of a crowd of a thousand. He soon nurtured the aspiration to be a top body-builder, after falling in love with weight training and even went on to take second place in the NABBA competition held in England in the year 2015. The turning point in his life came after he met his wife and was introduced to his first book about 'the law of attraction'. He soon understood, mastered and started practicing the principles in the book and within a few months had a business of his own, pulling in large six-figures. There was more to be discovered and, being a businessman with a keen eye for opportunities, he became a successful investor, investing in several promising businesses which proved profitable. As a Motivational Speaker, Author and Transformation Coach, Shane aims to educate people about the power of the mind and being able to achieve anything using the right mind-set. He knows his life experiences will serve as perfect examples to the people he teaches.

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    Positive Thoughts Positive Outcomes - Shane Senior



    Copyright © 2019 by Shane Senior

    The rights of Shane Senior, operating under Senior Global Limited to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronical or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any informational storage system, without prior permission in writing from the author.

    No responsibility of loss caused to any individual or organisation acting on or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the author.

    This first edition was published in October 2019 by Shane Senior

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Shane Senior at

    ISBN - 978-1-9162071-1-0 Hardback

    ISBN -978-1-9162071-0-3 Paperback

    ISBN -978-1-9162071-2-7 eBook

    Printed and bound in Great Britain by lightning source UK

    The ISBN catalogue details for this book are available from Nielson’s Book Database.

    A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

    ISO 14001:2015


    I dedicate this book to my beloved wife, without whom, I wouldn’t be in the position that I am today. I met her with nothing and with the bond that we have together, it enabled us to build our Senior Empire. She is a magnificent woman who is extremely strong and encourages me to always do better.

    I cannot thank her enough, which is why all my dedications and consolidations are due solely to Mrs. Senior. With the knowledge and ideas that we have together, there is nothing impossible for us to achieve. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!!




    Energy + Vibrations

    Thoughts become things


    The Media (Especially Social Media)



    Sowing and Reaping

    Chapter Two: VISUALIZATION


    Soul mate/ Dream Partner

    Unborn Child

    New job/Career

    The Unknown

    The power of a ‘Vision Board’

    Chapter Three: AFFIRMATIONS

    Affirmations for Confidence

    Affirmations for Success

    Affirmations for Happiness

    Affirmations for Love

    Affirmations for Money

    Chapter Four: GRATITUDE

    What is Gratitude?

    Gratitude for now

    Gratitude for the future

    Thank you, Thank you

    Gratitude for Manifesting






    Chapter Six: MEDITATION


    Mindfulness Meditation

    Spiritual Meditation

    Visualization Meditation

    Focused Meditation

    Crystal Meditation

    Chakra Meditation

    Lying down vs. sitting down

    Locations to Meditate


    Chapter Seven: HEALTH

    Diet + Nutrition


    Anxiety + Depression

    Disease + Illness

    Life Threatening Moments


    Sexual Health





    The difference: conscious + subconscious mind

    Money is your best friend

    Manifestations while we sleep


    Comfort Zone

    Chapter Nine: HABITS

    How to change your habits?

    Why we have habits?

    Write down your goals

    Morning Routine




    Eating Healthily + Exercise

    Don’t worry about the ‘How’

    You already have it now

    Chapter Ten: EMOTIONS











    Chapter Eleven: ENVIRONMENT

    You’re Home

    Your Friends

    Your Family

    Work colleagues

    City life vs. Nature

    Chapter Twelve: HIDDEN TALENTS


    Challenge Yourself

    Determine what’s easy

    Don’t be shy

    Ask Others

    What you enjoy the most

    Chapter Thirteen: TAKE ACTION

    Baby Steps

    Provide a Service

    To do list

    Sleep less

    Become Proactive

    Chapter Fourteen: REPETITION

    The law of attraction




    Desire, Believe and Receive



    The subconscious mind




    Hidden Talent’s

    Take Action



    Connect with the Author


    You have always wanted to change your life, but you don’t know how to? Are you stuck in a rut? Are you struggling to get out of bad habits such as; lazing around? Well you’re in luck! Shane Senior will introduce you to all of the fourteen principles that one must master in order to live a completely positive and creative life.

    He will share his knowledge from the experience he has gained over the years of his expansive career on what works and what doesn’t. We all are built-up with energy and what we think about manifests into our day-to-day life. If you don’t learn how to change your thought patterns, you will remain in a dormant state for the rest of your life!

    Instead, adopt a new way of thinking and expand the vision of what you have been brought up to believe. There are many secrets out there, which haven’t been shared as much as they should be. It’s only of recent; last twenty years, that individuals have truly had the answers to how one can change their well-being which is vastly due to the extensive adoption of the internet, science and more than ever, spirituality.

    If you too can master the principles from this book in your life and understand the true meaning behind them all, you will become one with yourself. Only then would be able to live the life of your dreams, become financially-free, be happy and understand your divine purpose in life. Take back control of your life and start your journey to transformation!

    With every new chapter, the previous chapter will become more apparent. So ensure that you read it fully to the end, to enable you to understand what is being explained in this simple, yet complex book.


    Chapter One


    We Attract What We Think About

    The universe is governed by many laws. You probably have heard of the most important one that we take for granted every day and that is the law of gravity. Most people don’t care or want to know how gravity works but yet we all reap the benefits, if there was no gravity then I wouldn’t be here today writing you this book.

    The law of attraction is another greatly defined law that we use in our everyday life and most people have never even heard of it. You might have been brought up in your life to believe that opposites attract, well that’s totally wrong. Like attracts like and with the power of our thoughts we have the potential to change our lives for better or for worse. The Law of Attraction, like all other Universal Laws, cannot be changed, escaped from or manipulated by anyone. Just like the Law of Gravity, the Law of Attraction is constantly at work. These laws referred to as Universal Laws, natural laws, or laws of nature have existed since the beginning of time and will remain till infinity.

    So what is The Law of Attraction? It’s exactly how it sounds; it is one of the many laws of the universe that controls our life. We attract what we think about. This can be anything from money, new relationships, children, and a new job. But first, if you are to utilize its power and begin to consciously create what you desire, you must be aware of its presence and operation.

    Energy + Vibrations

    The law of attraction states that the universe responds to whatever you are offering; by giving you more of whatever energy you’re vibrating or producing. It doesn’t care whether it is good for you or not; it simply responds to your vibration. If you’re feeling excited, enthusiastic, passionate, relaxed, happy, joyful, loving, appreciative or prosperous, you are giving off positive vibrations. On the other hand, if you’re feeling bored, anxious, worried, confused, sad, lonely, hurt, angry, guilty, disappointed, frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, apprehensive, or depressed, then the vibrations you’re giving off are negative.

    We are all spiritually energetic beings. We have enough energy to power a whole city in our bodies, yet most would think this is impossible. I bet even you think this is crazy! Energy can change form, but can never be created or destroyed. You are constantly giving off vibrations of energy when you think and feel. You may have already noticed this in action when you walk into a particular room feeling great and confident about yourself, then instantly you become irritated and down, this is due to the energetic vibrations of other people passing into your own aura field.

    These vibrations of energy can become transparent once you master your spiritual self. I once also thought this to be stupid until I became mindful and more connected to my inner self; that I became aware of other people’s energy fields.

    We can pass these positive or negative energies also with the slightest of touches. You would have felt this at some time in your life when you are walking down a busy road and somebody brushes past you when walking by and you instantly feel like they have stolen your energy. Well, that’s because they have. People can drain us of our energy whether it be family, friends, work colleagues or even somebody you spoke with down at the shop just before your street.

    Take back control of your own energy and learn how to use its capabilities, with many additions and precautions you can prevent your energy from wasting or reduce your energy that is being wasted. My personal favourite additions are crystals. Crystals of all types have their own energy fields and vibrate at different frequencies, all of which can be felt in your hand if you pick one up for the first time. There are many reputable online sources or even local crystal shops to purchase crystals from. I highly recommend that you go and purchase some negative energy absorbing crystals; which prevent any negativity from entering your aura field.

    My personal favourite is the Tibetan Black Tektite. A tektite is a form of glass formed millions of years ago when an asteroid impacted with the earth‘s atmosphere. The heat from the surface of the asteroid is what forms this marvellous crystal structure. I will further talk in later chapters about some of the amazing benefits of including crystals into your day to day life. Especially for keeping our energy fields free from any negativity.

    The problem is most of the time you are not aware of what vibration you’re exhibiting, whether it is good or bad. This is why this book has been written to hopefully change the thought process of millions of peoples’ lives. To truly attract the things you want into your life you have to become one with the same alignment of the thing that you desire. The energetic frequencies must be aligned together. Any slight difference and it will NOT manifest into your life. That’s why each and every chapter has been put together so that you can become aligned with the universes energetic frequencies!

    Thoughts become things

    Every thought becomes our reality. We need to consciously think about what we do, say and think every single day. If we think about what we desire wisely then this can turn our reality from good to brilliant. From the moment we wake up, the thoughts in our mind start to wander about. The time to be aware of your surroundings and thoughts is now. As everything that we do from the minute we wake up, will define our activities that day and the many days to come. Have you ever been the person or even seen a person that jumps out of bed in a bad mood and the day goes from bad to worse? If yes then you know for sure how this completely defines how that person’s day plays out.

    To help eliminate negative thoughts and feelings you should start your day with a shower and imagine washing away any negative energy from the day before and see it going down the plug hole. At this moment, you can start your day by only allowing fresh positive thoughts seep into your mind, as it’s these thoughts that will play a major role in defining your life.

    Your mind will never stop doing what it does. It will get attached to people and opportunities. It will have expectations and feel disappointed when they are not met. It will still operate from a space of fear, and limitation of all kinds. It will go to the worst case scenario; focus on what it doesn’t like and prevent it from happening in the future. This isn’t something to worry about or to make you think you’re doing something wrong.

    ‘Positive energy needs to be dominant, not constant’


    -Shane Senior

    This book isn’t here to make you a robot with zero feelings or emotions but to make you aware of what you are thinking so that positive thoughts can become the dominant ones in your life. They don’t have to be constantly present to have an effect.

    The million dollar question is; how do I make positive thoughts the dominant ones? The answer to this is the adoption of a new faith by you in the universe and releasing all of your old belief systems. The universe truly is wonderful how it all works and once you adopt this new thinking as a way of life and see the light at the end of the tunnel, then you will be able to focus more on positive thoughts. You will need to consciously engage your energy with real consistency in whatever ways work best for you, with whatever tools you find most helpful. You’ll probably have to take a deeper look at what led you to create the unwanted energy in your life now. If you are doing these things, then that ‘good’ energy will become dominant, and that is all you need. Perfection is not required. The quicker you realize that every outcome in your life has been created by your own thoughts, the quicker you can progress forwards.


    Water is the most powerful source of energy on this planet. As studied by many scientists, water is very sensitive to conscious thoughts. These studies have shown the effects human beings have on water with our thoughts and intentions. The research illustrates that we can actually change the nature of water molecules with our thoughts. The immediate and simple answer to prevent destructive vibrations is to bless your water. It changes the vibration pattern immediately. Priest, mystics and shamans have known this since humans evolved.

    You can and should bless your water with affirmations (explained in later chapters) such as, ‘‘I love you water’’ and even have crystal elixir water to infuse the water into the vibration of your thoughts. We are made up of seventy per cent water so blessing water into a positive vibration is a must.

    What do I mean by all this? I can imagine that you’re thinking already after only reading a few simple pages of this book. What on earth have I purchased? Don’t worry more will be explained in later chapters.

    To put this theory to test, I am going to give you a challenge to do at home; it is called the ‘rice challenge’. I want you to go out and buy three simple glass jars, equal in size. Enough to fit a couple of handfuls of rice grains in them. Cook approximately two hundred grams of long grain white rice and distribute it evenly into the jars. Make sure it’s cooked evenly and drained of any excess water.

    Now, label the jars individually with a sticker on the front saying hate, love and ignore. Each and every day for two to three months you are to talk to these jars every morning and every night. It’s self-explanatory what to say to each. Start with the love jar and say to it all things of loving gestures. Things like; ‘I love you’, ‘you make me smile’ or ‘each and every day you make me happy’, all things positive. The hate jar I want you to do the exact opposite and say things of hatred. Like, ‘I hate you’, ‘you deserve to die’ or ‘nobody likes you’. With the ignore jar you are to say nothing at all to it.

    Repeatedly say these words to each jar every day for the time period of a minimum two months and you will see what the effects of speech, feelings, emotions and the vibrations of water has towards positive and negative outcomes. You will begin to notice that the love jar remains nearly the same, the hate jar will begin to turn into black and mouldy rice, while the ignore jar, which you say nothing to will be somewhere in-between, usually a yellow colour.

    You may be thinking what has this got to do with becoming rich, successful or attracting the things I want into my life? Well, I’m simply demonstrating to you the powers of our thoughts. All these details will continue to be explained in the course of later chapters of the book. It will become more

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