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Dr. Jizhou Kang's Information Medicine - The Handbook: A 60 year experience of Organic Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine (Volume 2): 康氏信息医学──中医学西医学三融合(下册)
Dr. Jizhou Kang's Information Medicine - The Handbook: A 60 year experience of Organic Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine (Volume 2): 康氏信息医学──中医学西医学三融合(下册)
Dr. Jizhou Kang's Information Medicine - The Handbook: A 60 year experience of Organic Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine (Volume 2): 康氏信息医学──中医学西医学三融合(下册)
Ebook263 pages6 minutes

Dr. Jizhou Kang's Information Medicine - The Handbook: A 60 year experience of Organic Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine (Volume 2): 康氏信息医学──中医学西医学三融合(下册)

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本书上下2册共分四部分。第一、二部分为基础篇与临床篇。为“康氏信息医学---中医、西医、顺势医学三融合”。不是采用中医诊断加西医诊断,中药加西药的结合方法。此二部分重点突出中医、西医、顺势医学的融合过程,教导如何诊治病人。第三、四篇为中国经脉穴与福尔解剖检测点结合篇。即文字结合与经脉穴位彩色图谱结合,是目前针灸唯一如此的结合本。再者,此中国经脉穴与中国大陆者不同,它是中、日、韩三国经3年10次讨论决定的“国际标准化针灸经穴,361穴中、日、韩三国一致穴”。另外,还有5个穴位未统一意见。第三、四篇是中医、西医、顺势医学者的工具,必须具备。对针灸医师而言, 可说更为重要。在中国大陆绝大多数的针灸医师都学习过中西医的基础知识,当然知道西医解剖学

Release dateJun 1, 2015
Dr. Jizhou Kang's Information Medicine - The Handbook: A 60 year experience of Organic Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine (Volume 2): 康氏信息医学──中医学西医学三融合(下册)

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    Dr. Jizhou Kang's Information Medicine - The Handbook - Jizhou Kang







    康济周医师到美国后,主要要想获得中西医结合的新思想、新理论、新方法,就必须深入到能治病的各个领域。此后,他不但学了顺势医学、福尔电针,还加入不少学会。如 Nevada association of Homeopathic Physicians, American Institute of Homeopathic physicians, American College of Advancement in Medicine, the Cancer Control Society,  Association of Health Practitioners, American Naturopathic Medical Association , and the United States Psychotronics Association.

    经过向多方面学习,康济周医师的确寻求到了新理论、新思想、新方法。在中庸思想指导下,信息论,系统论为基础,应用顺势医学思维和福尔电针为工具 ,结合他的病理学与中医基础理论知识,和60年来中西医各临床学科的经验,使他把中西医的各基础学科、各临床学科有机地融合一起。此体现在康氏信息医学的病因病变相关链。通过病因病变相关链,利用仪器,能为病人找出此时的最佳药物。因此,它不是中医诊断加西医诊断,中药加西药。目前世界上有着各式各样的整合医学,但都是这种疗法加另一种疗法。

    康医师也有一些电子学基础,1986年他想将中西医结合的康氏信息医学电脑化。经过三年的努力,设制的诊断仪和康氏医学程序 电脑软件终于完成。电脑软件内的很多医学资料是由康医师自己输入。电脑软件内包括的西医病因、病变,中医的辨证、证候,中、西、顺势医学的药物等等。这些除名称外,还具有自身的特殊信息。仪器定名为KANG-MED-1。康医师带着这一整套仪器和软件,参加了1989年10月16至20日在中国北京举办的第六届世界医药信息学大会。从世界各地到北京参会者过千人。他不但在会上发言,还特别在夜晚给他两个小时,为大家演示。会后,被邀请到北京师范大学,以及回美国路经上海时,作演示报告。

    About Author

    Dr. Ji Zhou Kang, MD is the Director of the Institute for Bioenergetics Research in Houston, U.S.A. Born in Sichuan, China in 1926,  he received his medical degree in 1952 from the prestigious Medical College of West China Union University, sister school to the Medical College of the University of the State of New York prior to 1950. From 1952 to 1962, Dr. Kang taught pathology at the medical school, which is now known as Chongqing Medical University.

    His pathology background, his understanding of occurrence, development and outcome of disease laid a solid foundation for Dr. Kang’s future study of the chain of disease-related cause and lesions. In 1962, Dr. Kang was transferred to the Chongqing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine where he was asked to apply his knowledge and methods of modern Western medicine and combine these two methods of medicine together to organically improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Beside the pathological research, he was the only doctor could take care patients in the surgical and internal wards and outpatient at this institute for 16 years. Because he was able to treat many kinds of diseases which helped him to study of the chain of disease-related cause and lesions.

    In 16 years of research work, he received provincial and city awards and bonuses. But Dr. Kang summarized his research works, he found that

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