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The Apathetical Man
The Apathetical Man
The Apathetical Man
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The Apathetical Man

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Today we, as mankind, need hope without any doubt. We need hope in something greater than that of our Government, Teachers, Doctors, and so on. Even though these are good for us, we still are sometimes without the understanding of true reality. Today, we can have greater hope in something greater than you can imagine. Just look to the heavens, m

Release dateFeb 23, 2019
The Apathetical Man

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    The Apathetical Man - Gregory M. McLeod

    The Apathetical Man

    Copyright © 2019 by Gregory M. McLeod

    Published in the United States of America

    ISBN Paperback: 978-1-949981-35-3

    ISBN Hardback: 978-1-949981-36-0

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-949981-37-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

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    Chapter One

    Taken Of The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. 

    The Candy Cane 

    Chapter Two

    A Season Of Reason. 

    Techniques Of Gardening? 

    Self Will A Road To Destruction 

    Crazy Train. A Ride To Destruction 

    Chapter Three

    Forgiveness By Grace. 

    You Are Forgiven 

    A Great Lesson Of Fishing 

    Chapter Four

    Wrestling With God. 

    Chapter Five

    A High Calling. 

    The Whole Armour Of God 

    The Man In My Doorway 

    A Vision Of Satan 

    Chapter Six

    What God Are You Preparing For Me Now? 

    The Keys In The Moon’s Light 

    The Swallow-Tail Moth 

    There Is No Power 

    Chapter Seven


    What Sufferings Are You Talking About? 

    The Butcher’s Shop 

    The Glorious Cross 

    Chapter Eight


    A Mole In A Hole 

    Chapter Nine

    A Call For Change. 

    The Abyss 

    What Hope? 

    God’s Finger Of Hope 

    A Battle Of A Great Dragon 

    Chapter Ten

    It Just Doesn’t Make No Sense! 

    It Just Doesn’t Make No Sense! 

    Who I Am, Or, Who Am I? 

    Heavenly Treasures 

    Chapter Eleven

    Enter In The Strait Gate. 

    The Train Revelation 

    The Mind Of Christ 

    Straight Are The Gates. 

    Chapter Twelve

    Another Chance At Life. 

    Discipline Or Disciple? 


    White As Snow 

    Iron Man 

    The Fiery Furnace 

    Scripture References 


    To my parents whom have suffered greatly throughout their life, but steadfast in Love toward all us children.

    To my brothers and sisters whom have also suffered with me throughout my life and have encouraged me to live.

    To my dear daughter whom I love dearly and gives me a hope for the next generation.

    To All my family throughout the Great USA.

    To All whom is suffering from Mental Illness and from Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol.

    To All the Doctors whom have charity within their heart to help those with these problems.

    To all my In-Laws, before and after.

    To all those whom have came into my pathway of this Life on earth and gave to me a piece of their life and gave me hope when I had lost my hope.

    To all the Pastors and Teachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Last and most, to my dear Honey, Sylvia, my wife, which is like Honey to my Soul. Thank you honey for showing me the longsuffering of a man’s hand. Thank you for suffering with me and staying with me with patience throughout my trouble days.


    Life the way that I perceive it today is a matter of Understanding. Have you ever thought these things to yourself or said to another man, I just don’t understand. or I just don’t believe that man understands. or You don’t understand what I’m going through! Have you ever thought this to yourself, This life is like a dream that I can not awake from. Is this life real? Am I who I really think I am, or not? Could there be something greater beyond my imagination to this life, much more than, I really understand? Maybe you have never asked these questions to yourself or maybe you have given up about these matters in your life, because the understandings of these matters seem to be too great to conquer. Maybe you have said, This Life just doesn’t make no sense! Listen closely my friend; if I thought that this physical life on this earth was all there was to Life, then I would be a man most miserable and without nothing. My past life was surrounded by these thoughts daily, and I gave up on these matters. I was a man without a true understanding of my Life’s Purpose, much more so, the Purpose of All Life. I suffered greatly of not having confidence in Life and failed many times, because of not understanding Life in it trueness. Today my friend, a have been given a greater confidence in the matter of Life in completeness or it trueness and I have a great passion to give this confidence to you. Once I began to understand somewhat the mystery of Understanding, I asked God, God Please tell me what I need to do. My God was quick to answer me back with a gentle, yet powerful magnificent voice, and he said to me, Give your Life Away.

    Today, I am confident that I can do nothing of my self, except to live, but I couldn’t breath without the air from my God and Creator of All. These writings that follow are not of what I have created, but was built from the foundations of others and things of this life.

    Surely I wrote the writings on paper for the eyes to see, but I take no glory. My life would not exist, if it wasn’t for others in my life: For an example; If it wasn’t for my Father, Mother, grandfather, grandmother and my God, I wouldn‘t exist and you perhaps would not be reading these particular writings now. My life is not of my own and I’m confident today that there is something greater than of myself. Would you ever think that you or I could create ourselves? I would think not, and much more so, would I think that I could have the power to created an ant?

    My friend, there is something greater of Life, much more than, that of my own life. Would a clay vessel have will over the potter that made it? Or can a infant just from the mother’s womb be Commander and Chief over a Great Nation? Understanding is mysterious in the same as the Creator of All Life is Mysterious. But, we today as mankind have a Holy Book right before are very eyes to grasp onto the mystery of understanding. We may say God is mysterious and hides things from us, but How can God hide himself from you? My friend, just look into the mirror at yourself, look to heavens of his marvelous works, look at the oceans and mountains, look at the living creatures, the flowers, the foods and trees of his great handy work. God has given his all to mankind to know him, which is, the greatest purpose of Life, if only a man would seek him. This Book, that I talking about, is the Holy Bible. I believe the Word of God is the Holy Bible and it is the Understanding of God, as he reveals himself to the World and into an individual man’s Life. I believe that if a man doesn’t understanding the Word of God and letting God revel himself to a man would be that of not letting go and letting God. For an example: Can a ant stand in the way of an Amtrak train?

    Of Course I believe an ant can stand in the way of an Amtrak train. An Ant has the right to travel on the tracks of a train, just as we can travel by a train-Pause- What? Could I think an ant could stand in the way of an Amtrak train? Maybe, if the train isn’t moving, follow me? If I would had written this; Can an ant stand in the way of an Amtrak train traveling at a speed of 70mph be able to stop the train?, then my answer would had been much more of, not. My friend, that was just for an example of how we as mankind maybe fast to think without understanding. We would read something and be quick to judge the writings, before understanding the writing in its trueness. I believe today with a greater confidence that NOT Understanding Life in its trueness will stop a man dead in his tracks, such as, a man would be in the way of a Amtrak train traveling at a speed of 70mph. I believe that Understanding is Life and All Life was established by Understanding. And if a man is without the Understanding of Life, that man would be dead from Understanding Life.

    Today I believe that I can do nothing of my own, except make choice. Surely there are inventors, but there is only one Creator. Everything that you could hold with your hands or see with you eyes or hear with your ears are from another and not of yourself. All things have purpose, except nothing. Your complete existence was created for purpose and this Book is base on that purpose which is Life. Purpose? Life? I believe that purpose is the Effect of Understanding Life. If, it wasn’t for purpose you and I surely would not be reading these writings at this moment.

    My friend, I will say this with confidence: I don’t take any glory from any understanding or comprehension of the writings of this book; for I have only built upon of what I have been given of the purpose of Life. Just for starts: if I wasn’t taught by a teacher to read and write in grammar school, again, you may not be reading this writings at this moment.

    I wrote this Book from the foundations of what was given to me by others that were led by the understanding of Life’s Purpose. Now, I have a great passion to share this purpose with you.

    Life is a matter of understanding and if we could understand just this one purpose we would be well: All life Is built on the foundations of our ancestors or even as far back to Adam and Eve. If it wasn’t for Adam and Eve mankind would not exist today, follow me? Life isn’t all about me; it is about us and all that is among All Creation. Would something as simple as an ant have purpose or would it just want to exist? Today, we as mankind may boast and may say that we have great wisdom or even great knowledge, but, if it wasn’t for others, you and I would have nothing. Even though we have Presidents and Governors over us, great Scientist, great Doctors, great Pastors of the Fold, great Teachers, Masters, Servants and even Fathers or Mothers, but, if it wasn’t for others we would have nothing. Therefore, we as mankind only build upon the foundation of Understanding Purpose of Life from others and that Is why I say, I can’t live without others and I take no glory for any of the writings.

    When I truly began to Understand somewhat the Truth of Life I was in a Rehabilitation Center willing to Understand the Matter and was desperate for a Change in my Life. I was near physical death and my spirit man was being quench from understanding life by my own self will living. I did have knowledge of one thing during this time at the Rehab Center and it was this; If I don’t get help on this matter, I was going to die. It wasn’t a matter of If I would die, It was a matter of when I would die. Institutions and jails had already past my life and I knew there was only one matter left for my life and it was, death. I’ve never spent time in a prison, but institutions and jails had past my time and I didn’t judge and think any different.

    There at this Rehabilitation Center one particular day, I was suffering much and was seeking Understanding of Life. I was seeking desperately of how to live a much more abundant or normal. I went to a counselor that was there for me at this Rehab Center and I was desperate for help on the matter of Understanding Life in it trueness.

    I told this counselor this, I want to leave from the care of this rehab center, because you or no one else here can help me. I’ve been through the program many times, but I have always ended up right back in this same position. It’s always the same blob, blob, blob. You just don’t understand what I’m going through! This counselor looked at me and knew something was greatly burdensome on me and he gently closed the door and said this to me, I know your history, but please don’t give up. Please tell me what is wrong, so that I can Understand. As soon as this man said this to me, I began to discern this man and knew he honestly wanted to help me. Not only did I discern the truth of this man’s intent, I also knew I didn’t even understand the word understand, no kidding. For the very first time in my life that I can remember those words from the mouth of that man touched me where only God himself had ever touched. I felt an awesome power of love and compassion in my heart and my life immediately began to change. I began to have hope in this Life again and told him what I believed to be the truth of my Life. I got honest for the first time in a long time with this man and it was if weights had drop from my heart. I told him this matter; I know deep within my heart that I will die, if I don’t get help with this matter now. I want to live a normal life and I do not want to die the way that I was living. I want to live for Life and not die in the Horrors that I was living for such a Long time. I‘m sick and tired of the way that I’m suffering and also the way I‘ve cause my family and others to suffer for me. So, we sat there for hours and he began to understand my past and he understood the truth of my desperate call for Life. Together we began to seek help for the matter. I know this with confidence; if another man, such as a Doctor or Counselor, doesn’t know the truth of a matter in your life, then that man can not help you in the matter.

    When I was willing to give this man my understanding of my life with honesty, he did somewhat understand the severity of my life. This man knew that he had to seek more counseling for me.

    This man told me that he was willing to help me, if it took bringing in special Doctors into this Rehab Center at their expense, no kidding. It was at this very moment that I began to understand that I was almost at the end of my thread of Life. For the first time in my life I was truly beginning to Understanding the severity of my life when the counselor said this to me, Please tell me, so that I will understand.

    In my past life, I had always thought that everyone knew and understood my problems and illnesses, especially the Doctors, but they really didn’t understand. If they really understood the severity of my life during chances that came my way, would they come to my rescue? When this Counselor said this to me, I began to understand the Doctors really didn’t understanding that I was going to die, if I didn’t get help on this matter. I had no doubt of that understanding and I was desperate for change and I made a choice to fight for my life.

    I believe Understanding is somewhat like the game hide and seek, but Understanding is everywhere. Speaking of myself, Understanding sleeps with me, walks with me, eats with me, talks to me, and is even inside me, but I still couldn’t grasp onto it in my past dead life. Understanding can be in the physical where the fleshly eye can see it, and it is also Divine or Spiritual where you can‘t see it. I thought that I had been giving great Understandings of Life during seasons of my life, even from the time I was but a child to this very moment. God had revealed many things to me through his Word, Visions, Revelations and by his Spirit. But, it seemed to me as if the understandings had a lock upon them and I just could open the Truth of the Understandings.

    Today I am confident that All Understandings that are given to a man are for purpose of Life and are for appointed times or seasons in a man’s life. I also believe that Understanding can be given to a man and if the man isn’t willing to break the Locks of self-will from the doors of his heart, then the Understandings would never become to manifest into the man‘s life. During my past dead life, I would seek with my fleshly eyes for something that I could put my finger on at that very moment and if I couldn’t get it right then, I just gave up on getting it.

    During these times of my past life, I would quench my the Spirit of God from my Life and my spirit man would not grow in the Great Understanding of Life. This quenching was that of a fear from deep within my heart of what I thought was the Truth of Life. I would become much void and empty of the Understanding Life as I would continue to quench my inner man from growing through and by the Spirit of God’s Word, Visions, Revelations. Today I have a much greater confidence is this matter: Understanding is Life. All of Life is Established by Understanding. God is Life. God is the Understanding of Life. I believe that Understanding is Divine and it is giving to them that want to Live. Understanding dwells with Life and not Death.

    Given Understanding to a dead man is somewhat liken to this question; Would you take a dead jack ass, lying and bloated beside the road way, hold it in your arms, and then try to give it mouth to mouth resuscitation, so that, the dead jack ass would have a chance at life again? Would you want it to Understand Life? My friend, I know that question was somewhat strong, but this life is serious; for it is a matter of Life or Death. Even though, if it was someone that had died that was as close to you as your own child, wife, husband, mother, father, brother or sister you would grieve greatly to bring them back to life again. But, you would know deep within your heart and see with the eyes of reality liken into a slap upon your face, with no doubt, that their works and rewards were finished in this physical Life on earth. Therefore, Understanding is given to a man that is Alive only.

    My friend, I believe this with all my heart today: If a man wants to Live this Life much more Abundantly and wants all things that would make his Life much more abundantly, then that man will seek Understanding of the God of Life. I am confident today, that if a man is willing to seek, ask, knock for Understanding in the right places, he will live a Life much more abundantly and have a greater confidence of Life in it‘s Trueness. But, if the man gives up on living or quenches the divinity of understanding for a life much more abundantly, I’m confident that man would be void of Understanding the Truth of Life and would possibly die a death void of Life. Remember this; God can’t help a man, if the man stands in the way. Even though we were once sinners and maybe still are, God did knock at our hearts to help us. Standing in the Way of God would be in the same likeness as this:

    Standing in the way of a Amtrak Train, traveling at a rate of speed at 100mph loaded with passengers. Would you ever think that you could stop God? You may survive, but it would not be good.

    It is written in God’s Word, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5-6). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7) I believe that this life is liken into a Boot Camp or a Great School of Learning and Training for a Journey. I believe the Great Creator has given mankind all things to Live and Survive here on this earth and the Life to come. I believe God has given mankind everything you could think or imagine in the physical man and the spiritual man of Understanding the Truth or Reality of the Trueness of his Great and Marvelous Purpose. I believe that the Creator has provided physical and spiritual gifts or senses to every man under the heavens to grow in this physical life and the True Life of Eternity to come.

    I believe with a greater confidence today this; The Great Creator has given mankind All senses to grow in Life and to come to an Understanding of Him and we as mankind has no excuses (blame). I believe that the Creator has given the senses, such as that of sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling, and thought to come to a choice of Understanding him.

    I believe the Creator has given every man severally of the spiritual senses, such as The Word of Wisdom, The Word of Knowledge, Discernment, Faith, Prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, the gifts of Healing, the gifts of Miracles and the gift of Charity, to grow in his Understanding of All Life‘s purpose. Today, I’m confident that mankind has no more excuses of not Living a Life much more Abundant on this earth and to have a greater chance at entering through the Straight Gate and Narrow Way of the Kingdom of the Great Creator of All Life. There are other spiritual things somewhat liken to the physical senses, such as sight, hearing, taste, feeling of touch, smell, and thought. I will expand much more on the spiritual senses and physical senses later in the writings. All of these physical and spiritual gifts or senses are given, so that, a man may grow in the spiritual Understanding and Wisdom of the Great Creator of All Life and have a greater Hope and Trust in him, with all the body and soul. For an example: if a man would have the spiritual gift of Discernment and exercise the gift by the Spirit of God in his life, then that man would have a much more understanding of good from evil. The man would have a much more ability to sense Chance, Choice and Change in his daily life as it comes to him like the wind. Oh Yes my friend, there is a great difference between the words right from wrong and good and evil. I will expand on these 4 words throughout the writings of this book.

    Go by your gut feeling! Have you ever done anything wrong or just didn’t make the right choice, even though, you thought not to do it in the beginning? This gut feeling is the spiritual sense of discernment which is a spiritual gift and not a fleshly judgment. There is a night and day difference between discernments and judgments. I will expand of these Discernments and Judgments throughout the writings of this book.

    I believe that Understanding is the ability to see all things in their true relationships with the Creator’s Spirit’s Eyes and grasping on to them with greater confidence and a greater hope with our complete Life, physical and spiritual. I believe and have great confidence in this understanding today:

    Chance is The Season that comes in a man’s Life,

    Choice is A divine gift or decision giving to man for acting on Chance. The willingness of a man’s intent for his life.

    Change is The effect and growth of a man’s life from their choice of Understanding Life. It is also the manifested choice a man makes at the chances he would get in this life.

    I believe that these three matters our engulfed into Understanding and it is what we do with these matters that will determine the way we live our life here on earth and how we end are life after at our appointed time. After the appointed time has manifested in our life, then what? Chance, Choice and Change comes into our lives unexpected like the wind. These matters aren’t a matter of IF it is a matter of WHEN they come to a man. Remember this my friend: Life is not all about what we know in the Matter of Understanding, it is what we do with what we know of Understanding of Life that will determine the way a man lives his Life and ends his Life on this earth.

    The Purpose or Intent of this Introduction and the complete book from the beginning to the end, is for you to grasp onto what I believe to be the truth of the Understanding of Life as I give my life away to you. This introduction is given, so that, you will become familiar with my Life and to discern and understand me, if you make a choice to continue to read the writings. The writings are giving to you on what I believe to be the truth of Understanding Life in it’s Trueness. I am in no way intending you to follow me. The True intent of this book are written for only one purpose, Change.

    It is by Chance, Choice and Change that you are beginning to read this book. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe all things have a reason for the chance that happens in a man’s life. I also believe that not having the understanding of these matters hinder a man from making the right Choice at the Chance to Change for their self and all that is among him. In the Holy Book of Ecclesiastes 3, verses 1-9 will clearly give you an understanding of why I don’t believe in coincidences in my life. I believe every man under the Heavens have been given Chance after Chance, Choice after Choice and Change after Change to better their ability to Live and has no more excuses. I believe a man has one chance to live, one chance only my friend and the choices that a man makes will determine how that man lives.

    Life is Good and Well today for me, because I understand how to understand. It took me almost 28 years just to begin to understand how to understand the word Understand, no kidding. I will say this with confidence; The way that I once lived I chose to live that way at the Chances that came like the wind in my life. I will say this with confidence also: in order for a man to begin to Understand Life he must understand the word Understand. Would you think? I thought I understood all about the Matter of Understanding in my Life in the past, but I didn’t even have the Understanding of the word Understand at these times.

    There once was an Old Slave that Prayed a Prayer like this: Father, I aint what I want to be, I aint what I ought to be, I aint what I’m going to be, but, Thank You Father, I aint what I used to be. Somewhat like the Old Slave Praying, I’m confident we all may have been there in that same position during a chance in our lives, praying, hoping and asking in something that could or would change our life. I’m sure as the Old Slave was praying, he was discerning reality in its trueness of purpose, with understanding. He was looking in the past, future and present at chances, choices and changes that he could or would make differently in his life at that very chance. Maybe he was thinking this; If Only I had another chance at what I wanted to become in this life, would I make the right choices to change? But, he also turn his thoughts to accept for who he was when he was praying at that chance. The old slave was well with that moment of chance he had been given at that very moment. He had the knowledge of understanding of who he was for the present chance. He must of sensed that living the way he was living for that day was much better than, that of his past time choices. He also must had been discerning that he was a slave at the present time and he had no control of his life for the future. But, he had a confidence in something greater than that of his self. I am confident that this is a sense that a man needs to have knowledge and understanding of; Discernment. I believe it is the keeper of a man’s life here on this earth and the Life to come. I’ve come to realize that the chances, choices and changes that I have control of, is One Day at a Time. I have to accept who I am for today and examine myself daily, sometimes minute by minute and second by second. If I’m happy and well, then that’s great, but, if I’m not happy and well then I have to examine myself to find out what is causing my sufferings.

    Even though, I may think I understand the cause of my suffering from the past, there is nothing that I can do to change the choice of my past. But, If I am still breathing there is hope and I can change for today.

    If I’m sensing sufferings in my life for today, then I must be still alive and I have another chance for change and I must be happy for that, or am I?

    Chance, Choice and Change comes to us all, if we are still alive physically. If a man is still alive and is not dead physically, the man can Change for the better, if he is willing for change. Today I can say this with a greater confidence; if a man is still alive physically, then that man has a chance for a much more abundant life on this earth. But, if the man is dead physically then that man’s chance is vanished away as a vapor. That man has no more rewards on earth; for he is dead and his work is finished.

    In the Holy Word of God it is written in Ecclesiastes Chapter9 verses 4-6, For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

    Today, change is the hope that I live for every day and I do not want to live in the Horror that I lived in for nearly 30 years. Today, I understand with a greater confidence this; I must change and I have no more excuses but to change, if I want to live life much more abundantly. Not long before I started the writings of this book, I accepted the chance that came my way in this life. I made the choice for a change to the much more abundant life on earth and it was a great miracle in my life. The miracle was, "Resurrection. I was Resurrected from a dead man walking, to now, a son of the Living God. Today I can say with confidence, I Live! I live, because God purpose lives in me." I now anticipate every day, minute by minute, second by second, change in my Life.

    Today I know life is all about change or growth in my physical and spiritual life. The world around me is changing, second by second and I must accept change to better my understanding of myself, my God, and all that is among me. Chance, Choice, and Change still comes like the wind in my life, but like the wind, I can hear it coming now, whereas, I didn’t for a long time.

    I believe a Man has 3 different dimensions of himself. I also believe that All Life Spiritual and Physical, has the witnesses of the God of Life. I believe that the witness in the spiritual things is that of God, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost (The Holy Spirit). I believe that the witnesses of the physical on earth is that of blood, water, and the spirit of a man. Let me explain. God is the Operator, the Son is the Administrator, and the Holy Ghost is the manifestation of the witnesses of God in All Life. God is the Creator of All things. The Son of God (Jesus Christ and God’s Christ) is his Administrator of All of the God of Life. The Holy Ghost manifests the things of God, through his only begotten Son, only. I believe the Holy Ghost manifest all things in a man’s life severely and accordingly to God’s Will or Purpose. I believe that the Holy Ghost is the witness of all God’s Will. The witnesses of the earth is that of blood, water, and spirit. Today, I believe with a greater confidence that the blood running throughout a man’s veins and heart, contains Life and it is the witness of a man. I believe that I had the witness of Life through the blood of my mother’s womb when I was just an embryo, but I became God’s property as soon as his breath Life came into my nostrils when I took my very first breath of air and received my living soul. When I received my soul as a infant, I received the witness of Life at that very moment of the God of Life and God marked ( to know) me. I will explain throughout this book this Mark of God and some other Marks. I was Gods property and God made me in his Image in his likeness. I believe that water also contains Life and it is also the witness of the Life on earth.

    I believe also the spirit of a man is the witness before the Living God, of a man, on this earth. I believe that God’s searches a man’s Life (his spirit man or soul) by his Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit), and judges that man’s life. I believe a man contains the witnesses within himself of the Spiritual and the Physical, and man has no excuses (blame or to be ashamed). I believe the witness are here of the Spiritual and Physical, so that, mankind has the Love of God within them to make his own choice in Life, without excuse (blame or to be ashamed). I believe a man has a soul, a body, and a spirit. My friend, I am in no way leading you to believe that I know all things of these mysteries of the Living God, but, I know what I know, and that, I know. I don’t know that mystery in its completeness, but I do know that I cant even breath without the Living God giving me breath. My friend, this entire book is confirmed through God’s Living Word by his Holy Ghost. There are things I‘ve written in my past or shared with another man that was given to me where I thought that I knew it all, but later, the understanding that I had at the time, was just the beginning of a greater understanding. I will say this with confidence and then I will go forward. Today, I do know that I wasn’t present with God in the beginning, when he said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: So, how would I know anything, except it be a witness to me by God’s Spirit?

    Now, the following writings will help explain this matter of the different dimensions of a man: First-The Soul. The soul is the inner man or spiritual man. I believe the soul is in the Image and likeness of the Living God. I believe it is the soul of a man that God has great passion for; a passion beyond a man understandings. In the Holy Book of Genesis 1:26 it is written, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." I believe that a man has a soul in the likeness after the God of All Creation, but the creatures don’t have a soul.

    The reason I believe this to be true, is that of, mankind having dominion over all the living things of the earth. I believe that all living has a spirit, but not a soul. I believe that God can work through all the things of the World by his Spirit, but man has the soul in his likeness. The Soul is Eternal in the likeness of the Living God. I believe when I first took my breath out of my mother’s womb, I received my soul. In the Holy Book of Genesis 2:7 it is written, And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The soul is a replica body in the likeness of our fleshly body, but the soul doesn’t die a death in the likeness of the fleshly body. The Soul is somewhat liken looking into the mirror and seeing yourself in the body, but from deep down in your heart you just feel that isn’t you in the reflection, but only a reflection of your body. After the fleshly body dies the earthly death the soul of a man goes back to the Eternal God whom made it. It is somewhat in the likeness of a locust shedding its skin. The soul has a Mind somewhat like the brain of the earthly body. The Mind stores our understandings of this life on earth for eternal purposes. The mind stores the eternal understanding of a man and will determine a man’s eternal Life, if it be Life or death. The Mind is the storage of our Soul and stores our intents and understandings of Life, such as these good things by God‘s Spirit; discernment, hope, joy, compassion, truth, love, patience, longsuffering, gentleness, love, forgiveness, and faith. I also believe the Mind is the gateway or the Door to the spiritual and it is here in the mind that you can imagine and dream. I believe it is here in the mind of the soul that the enemy, Satan, entices a man away form God’s purpose for their life.

    I believe the mind can be either good or evil. The Mind is the conscience of our soul, and the mind and soul are in one accord in the same likeness as our fleshly body and brain are in one accord. A man cannot function correctly without the eternal mind or conscience and the man cannot function correctly without the fleshly brain.

    The Mind and Soul are a replica of our Fleshly Body and brain. I believe the Mind and Soul is the complete eternal intent of a man. I believe that the mind will only store those things which are eternal and has no other fleshly intent. I believe if a man’s soul and mind is void of God’s Will and is evil, it will be destroyed when it goes back to the Creator. I also believe if the mind is full and not void of the Creator, then the Creator knows that man and receives him back for his Glory. It is somewhat like this: If you plant a grapevine and only a few branches of the vine produced grapes and some branches where dead, what would you do? First, you would cut away the dead branches and cast them into a fire. If a certain branch would produce only one grape, what would you do? I would probably take it away from the rest of the vine and take care of it like pruning it, so that it would produce much more fruit. I also believe the mind is the gateway or door to our spirit man.

    Second-The Body. The body is the Puppet or vessel and it contains the living organs, such as the heart, lungs, eyes, mouth, brain, bones and reflects an image in the mirror, so that the man has no excuse. I believe the body is a self living creature and can make decisions on its own. I believe the Fleshly Body is a gift from the Creator God for Choice, such as learning, growing, grasping the Creator’s Glory and Grace while living here on the earth. The Fleshly Body has a brain, which is in the likeness of the Mind, but the brain goes back to the earth and rots where the worm does crawl. Whereas, the mind goes back to Creator and does not die. The Fleshly Body’s brain is the intelligence of the fleshly body and acts somewhat the same way as the Mind is for the Soul. The Brain stores feelings, such as, pains as if you hit your finger with a large hammer, past experiences (memories), judgments, fear and doubt.

    The fleshly body also contains a heart which is located in the center of a man’s body. The heart pumps life throughout a man’s fleshly body. I believe that the fleshly life of a man is contained in the blood and the heart pumps this life throughout the body. I also believe that the blood contains the complete physical Life of a man, such as, the intents and thoughts of the man. I believe the blood is the complete Life and intents of the man. I believe Life is in the blood and the blood pumps through every living part of a man’s physical body to keep it alive. I believe the blood of a man holds the completeness of the man’s life; for the blood is life. I believe that the blood picks up the intentions and thoughts of a man’s brain and they enter the heart. I believe it is at this moment when the heart receives the intents and thoughts of a man’s brain mass, it enters all his body. It is somewhat like this: If I thought that I was going to die all the time, then that thought would enter into my blood and my whole complete body would not feel to good. If I would think this all the time, I would certainly not be well or die before my appointed time. I believe the Fleshly Body is a self contained Intelligent being and can live on its own here on earth, by its memories and judgments stored in its brain, but will die the death without the Spirit. I believe also that the fleshly body is the weaker vessel of a man. I also believe it is here in the flesh that a man is weak and the enemy tempts a man to be led by his evil spirit. I believe that that body was made in the Image of God and when God made man’s body he said, It is good. I believe that the body is good and not evil, but the body can be abused by the sinful nature of mankind. I also believe the body to be the Temple of God for a man‘s life.

    Third- The Man’s Spirit. The man’s spirit is who we really are and is the strength and effect of both our eternal soul and fleshly body. The spirit of a man is the intelligence or Effect (Power) of both soul (spiritual man) and fleshly body. The man’s spirit is somewhat like a self contained power reactor that gives power to both the fleshly body and spiritual soul.

    It gives power to the fleshly body, so that the fleshly body can talk, eat, see, hear, smell, taste, move, think and stores these experiences in the body’s brain mass. The Spirit then discerns, not judges, the heart which contains the life of a man and then stores understanding (confidence) in the Mind or conscience of the soul whether it be good for eternal purposes. These eternal experiences is how our spirit grows or matures in statue in the Creators Glory and Grace. It is somewhat like going to school for our very first time and after we have graduated, we would have the knowledge of things. But, we wouldn’t have wisdom only knowledge. After we begin to grow and learn by experiences of life, we then begin to receive wisdom of Life. I believe the spirit of a man is the eternal intents and is who the man really is. I believe if a man’s intent are sinful then that man’s spirit is evil. I believe if a man’s intents are good then that man’s spirit is good. I believe if a man’s spirit is evil then that man’s spirit is being led by the evil spirit of Satan. The evil man is willing to do what is evil, such as Adultery, fornication, Idolatry, witchcraft, strife, seditions, heresies, wrath, murder, thefts, envying, drunkenness, and such like. I believe if a man’s spirit is good then that man’s spirit is being led by the Holy Spirit of God and is willing to do that which is good such as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance and against such are not held by or under the law of the Creator. I believe all creatures under the heavens contain blood and have a spirit. I believe only a man has a soul or spiritual man and conscience. I believe the spirit can be either a good spirit or an evil spirit and It is somewhat like the darkness of the night from the Light of the Day.

    I believe the Creator of Life creates all his creatures with a Good Spirit in the beginning, but that spirit is void. I believe it is void, so that it will grow in His Amazing Grace and Glory and get to know him much more and go back to him without void. I also believe the reason a man’s spirit is void in the beginning is for the divine choice of the man to make while he is living under the sun.

    I also know that there are evil spirits that can possess a man’s spirit and keep the man bound from growing in the Creator’s Love, Grace and Glorious Creation. I believe that there is a spiritual realm that the spirits are always struggling to do good for a man or evil for the man.

    I believe a fleshly body and the man’s spirit can be possessed by an evil or good spirit. I also believe that these spirits are the keeper or loser of a man’s soul. I believe that if a man’s spirit is possessed by an evil spirit, then that man is in danger for his eternal soul. I also believe that if a man’s spirit is possessed by the Good Spirit of the Creator of Life, then that man wants to do what is well and is not in danger of his soul. I believe that when a man’s spirit is possessed by an evil spirit and dies the death in the fleshly body, then that man’s soul and spirit goes back to the God of Creation void of Understanding. I believe when a man dies the death in the fleshly body the Spirit of God discerns the man’s Life to see if it is void or not of him. If it is void of God, then that man’s soul is cast into fire, somewhat like the dead branches on a grape vine. I also believe that if a man chooses to be led by an evil spirit then that man after he dies the fleshly death, will go stand before God’s Great Judgment Throne and will face an eternal judgment without any excuses, because of a void Life. I believe The Eternal Judgment is the eternal torment for the evil souls and all that are led by an evil spirit.

    The Spirit of God is the Understanding and the Light of God (Life and witness) and the evil spirits are from the Darkness of Satan, which is, man’s enemy and rebels against God’s Good Spirit. I believe that the God of Life has given a man the Choice to choose between the two and choice is a gift from God; for God is Freedom and Liberty for all the Living. I also believe if a man’s spirit is led by the Good Spirit of God and wants to do what is well then his spirit is well and will not face the Great Throne of judgment.

    I believe that if a man’s spirit is Led by the Spirit of God then that man has already faced the judgment of God on this earth and has been tried to be found worthy of God’s Love and Grace and Understanding. I believe this to be true, because, if a man is led by God’s Spirit then that man is doing which is good and has found Grace in God’s Eyes and his Life is not void of God. I believe that when a man makes the choice to receive and be led by God’s Good Spirit then that man has already faced the judgment and will not experience eternal death (torments). Remember Enoch? But, the unbelievers and those that rebel against God’s Good Spirit will be accounted as unworthy and be judged after there works on earth are done. I believe all that have rebelled against God and have not repented (changed) will enter torment.

    I will say this with confidence with no shame; I once was being led by evil spirits. But my spirit which God had given me in the beginning as a new born child cried out to him, ABBA, FATHER! Please save me! Even though, I was being led by evil spirits for so long during my past dead life my spirit man didn’t want to be led by these evil spirits and be cast into the eternal torments. I was without understanding of Life, because the evil had darken the light that my Life had at one time. But, I cried out loudly within my inner man and called on the Father of Light to shine into my Life and bring Life back to me. The Creator of Life was faithful and just to come into my life and the Creator cast out the darkness of horrors, misery and void.

    I remember when I was but a child this principle from God’s Holy Word. God’s Spirit brought it back to my remembrance and it reads as written John chapter 3, "There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.

    Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."

    I believe also that the Body will eventually die without the Spirit and the Spirit will leave the Body if it is dead. Please keep reading, the points are coming. For who can understand all of The God of All Existence? The more I am willing to be led by his Holy Spirit the more life grows much more abundantly in His Marvelous Grace and His Infinite Understanding. The experiences that I’ve been through in my life have led me to believe and have Greater Hope and Confidence in this Matter of Life. I believe a man can be physically alive, but spiritually near death. I also believe a man can be near physically death, but spiritually alive. I also know that a man can be both physically near death and spiritually near death at the same time and this is what I will call, Horror.

    The writings of this book are based on Spiritual Principles and I’ve taken Man’s pen and let go and let my Higher Power’s Spirit work though my Spirit and lead me throughout these writings. The writings do not force my Higher Power on anyone; for my Higher Power is Love and he knocks only on the man’s heart (Life),so that he can come in and Love them and show them what Loving and Living is all about. I also will share with you what I believe to be the truth of the Difference of Love and Lust and also, some consequences of my choices throughout these writings.

    The writings are to share my Higher Power with you and share some of his principles (His Will) with you. I have a great passion deep within my spirit man to share his principles with you with a fervently. I have this passion, because of the change they made in my Life. My Higher Power changed me from a dead man walking, to now, a son of the Living God and now, God is my Spiritual Father.

    I please ask that you don’t judge me that I’m being very preachy in these writings, but feel with me and not for me as I share my life with you. Please be patient with the writings, because the writings didn’t come to me over night. Even at this very moment, I am still receiving understandings of Life.

    I know with confidence; the writings of this book are a part of God’s Will for me to get this book to you. I know today that this Life is about the one chance and choice over Life or Death. I have chosen life over death and this matter, I would like it greatly with a passion to share this matter of Life and Death with you. There maybe some or a lot of the writings that you possibly may want to feel for me or even judge me, but I ask you please to keep one thing on your heart as you read this book and that is, What is God’s Holy Spirit saying through me? I ask if you possibly can or will to let go of your judgments of the fleshly intents and let your spirit discern the writings. I will be sharing with you many of God’s principles throughout these writings, because if it wasn’t for them in my life, you would not be reading these writings now. If it wasn’t for God’s Written Word I would be still dead and lost into the depths of emptiness and void or complete death. I would be empty of Life.

    I’ll try not to be very preachy, but I know today what God has done for me. My friend, it is my purpose and passion how God’s Principles resurrected me from spiritually and near physical death. Today I also know that my life isn’t a matter of Why it is a matter of How.

    In my past dead life, I was somewhat like a zombie, but today I say with a greater confidence; I am Alive and I will Live! I am now a son of the Living God! He made me, surely he will save me. Today I can say this with a greater confidence; It’s not I that Lives, but He that Lives in me, is why I Live.

    The writings will not demand you what to do or insinuated you must do in anyway anything to change, but If you sense at anytime that these writings are speaking directly to your inner man, I am not sorry for it. I know today with confidence that it was by God’s Word that I was resurrected from death, to now, a son of the Living God. I know that you and I and all mankind has choice and it is a divine gift from God in this life and I have no right or power to try to control it in any way.

    I will share with you some Wisdom that I have been blessed with throughout my life for nearly 30 years. Most of all this Wisdoms were revealed to me through the Written Word of God, Visions, Revelations and some through men that were led by God. But I will say this with confidence; it was by the Spirit of God that confirmed these understandings by the Written Word of God. I have been blessed with many and I may not share all of them with you. But, my God is the pilot throughout these writings and if it be so, it will be done. I believe there are two types of Wisdom: Faith Wisdom, comes only from God and Experience Wisdom that comes from the experiences of this life on earth.

    During the time of my resurrection I asked God, Lord God what must I do? Please Lord! Tell me what I must do to Live? God answered and said to me, Give your life away.. I will give my life to you from that very wisdom of God throughout the writings of this book. This book is not my book; for It is our book to keep and share for the rest of our lives here on earth, if we are willing to do so.

    My Hope is with you, whether or not you read this book. Once I was willing to give my life away I did just that, and now, it is yours also. My friend, if you find only one word that quickens your Spirit throughout these writings hold fast to it for the rest of your dear life on earth.

    These writings have no respect of persons either, age, origin, religion, gender, rich or poor, sick or healthy, converted or not; for my God is not a respecter of persons. My God Loves the Whole Wide World as One. I will share with you in the writings how God saved me and resurrect me from my horrors, Void-ness, Emptiness and eternal death. My God’s name is I AM. I AM is the Good Shepherd of my Life,

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