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The Communist Republic: Standalone Religion, Philosophy, and Politics Books
The Communist Republic: Standalone Religion, Philosophy, and Politics Books
The Communist Republic: Standalone Religion, Philosophy, and Politics Books
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The Communist Republic: Standalone Religion, Philosophy, and Politics Books

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This is a collection of Marxist/Communist Theory written by Paul Haedo. This theory primarily covers the Transitionary Socialist State, how it would look like, how it would operate, and how it will help lay the groundwork and foundation towards Communism for the country of The United States of America.

The successful liberation of the Proletariat, from the necessity of having to sell their labor power for subsistence wages, the establishment of a massive welfare system, fully funded using state owned means of production and revenues obtained thereof; the expansion of infrastructure for further space exploration, mining, and colonization, all vital to the establishment of Communism, is also covered.

For those interested in seeing how the successful implementation of a Socialist state in pursuit of Communism could look like, for those interested in learning more about possible solutions to many of the problems plaguing the Proletariat in the United States, or simply those who wish to further augment themselves with new Marxist/Communist Theory, then this small yet mighty book, is for you.

Release dateFeb 19, 2021
The Communist Republic: Standalone Religion, Philosophy, and Politics Books

Paul Haedo

Paul Haedo is an author, poet, philosopher, and all-around free spirit, who enjoys the twin joys of writing and reading in his spare time. Paul believes that there is no limit to the number of genres and topics that one can read and write about. An all-around reader and author is something to aspire to according to him, not shy away from.  Such a sentiment is reflected all throughout Paul's total body of work. It is reflected in the many topics that he writes about, in the different arguments that he proposes, and in the worlds that he creates. No matter the topic, or the book, Paul tackles it just the same, with an intense passion for wisdom, and a great desire to see others share in the wisdom and joy of reading and writing.  

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    Book preview

    The Communist Republic - Paul Haedo

    Part One


    The United States shook the world when she earned her independence through the musket, sword, and cannon against the British Empire. One could say that with her, the age of Liberalism began, and eventually, the dawning of Communism. Today the United States contains within her border’s immense stores of wealth, natural resources, means of production, and a well-educated Proletariat with exemplary efficiency in utilizing means of production.

    However, just as much as she is a land of blessings, so is she a land of curses. The iron grip of the Bourgeoisie is arguably the strongest here than anywhere else in the world. The Proletariat labor and toil for their daily bread and are increasingly subjected to the squeeze of efficiency that is the hallmark of Capitalism. The left and the forces of the unions are all but extinct in this land, and any advocates of the former are generally too ineffectual to establish any meaningful change, and the advocates of the latter are either terminated from employment or blacklisted from the rolls before any organizing and Proletariat unity can be had.

    Furthermore, the land grows ill with a populace increasingly indebted out of necessity. Whenever one wishes to move efficiently across the land, the debt of an automobile is required. When one wishes to receive an education, whether in pursuit of a self-empowerment goal, or to improve one’s ability to harness and increase the production of wealth through means of production, the path requires a lien of debt to be levied against your person. When one wishes to remain healthy; and seek repairs and proper upkeep of one’s body or mind, the healthcare system again imposes a levy upon the person desiring such things.

    If one wishes to live with a roof over their head, they must either give a significant portion of the pitiful revenues that one earns through selling of labor power to a landlord, or again take a massive lien of debt; and hope the debt is repaid without issue, and the asset does not drop in value. Increasingly, the very means of living seem to be hidden under price tags that the Proletariat is increasingly unable to afford, and if they cannot afford them, then the only option to afford one’s assistance involves debt, and further selling of the person’s ever depleting reserves of labor power.

    This work aims to highlight that which can be, the Communist Republic that is the true nation upon the hill. Many a story gives praise to the United States, a Republic dedicated to the promotion of liberty, the empowerment of life, and the guarantee that one may be free to pursuit his happiness. Yet even those most basic and paltry of guarantees increasingly are not seen in the hands of the Proletariat. Firstly, the Proletariat is divided, the Black Proletariat in many cases are held up as the ire sponges for the rest of the masses, to be abused and discarded, with tactful permission from the Bourgeoisie, so long as the ire of the masses does not turn on them.

    The White Proletariat, content that they are not the bottom of the bottom in the social order, gleefully allows the Bourgeoisie to extract and beat them until there is nothing left. Any labor power that is demanded by the Bourgeoisie is given to the Bourgeoisie, for the White Proletariat believes themselves to be but the temporarily humbled versions of the Bourgeoisie. As the Black Proletariat is beaten and squeezed of all their worth, so is the ire of the White Proletariat thrown upon the differing shades of immigrant Proletariat, imported to the U.S shores by the Bourgeoisie, both to undercut the value of the White Proletariat’s labor power, and to give him further targets for him to throw his ire, and distract himself with.

    Yet the White Proletariat is not in any ways given any preferential treatment by the Bourgeoisie. Just as the differing shades of man are given to the White Proletariat as a feast offering, for him to direct the entirety of his frustrations and angers toward, the same is done to him by the Bourgeoisie, who make sure that the entirety of the remaining Proletariat eagerly blames the White Proletariat not only for the discrimination and hatred that they have received, but also for their current economic and living conditions.

    In all, we have a country that has a divided Proletariat, eagerly attacking each other and blaming the other for their respective ills, all as the Bourgeoisie enjoy and feast on ever greater portions of the wealth produced by the society. The machines continue to hum, and with their near endless physical labor power, continue to extract more and more wealth from the ether and turn it into many differing types of commodities. The skilled Proletariat continue to be given a more luxurious portion of the proceeds, so long as they maintain the operation and contribute to the development of the machines. And the Bourgeoisie, as they have always done, continue to enjoy the endless riches of wealth and ease that is the birthright of all mankind.

    Yet this does not have to be the normal for the society in which we all live. Nor should it be the normal that continues on and on for all time. Just as the Bourgeoisie enjoys life, such enjoyments are also the right of the Proletariat, and soon, there will be those who look back at the times when the Proletariat and Bourgeoisie were divided, and the Proletariat was used and abused by the Bourgeoisie, and say what a travesty, the absolute folly of it all. So incomprehensible shall be the present state of things, that the great minds of the future will sit and ponder for hours upon hours, and ask, how, and why, just as we do the same with the peoples and customs of old.

    Those great resources that were mentioned at the start, they have not gone away, and the wealth of the great Republic will one day be enjoyed by all of her rightful claimants, not just the ones skilled in intrigue, or human suffering. Untold wealth lives, breathes, and flows within this Republic, and as wealth begets wealth, so shall this great wealth beget the wealth for billions, and then trillions, of kings and queens. This is the blueprint for the Communist Republic, this is the blueprint for the liberation of the Proletariat, this is the blueprint for the empowerment of all Mankind.


    The United States is governed by one of the Enlightenment’s greatest achievements. Contained within a measly quantity of words, which make up only a dozen or so pages of a regular sized book, the Constitution of the United States was one of the great creations from the intellectual age that formally destroyed the last remnants of Feudalism. Yet the Constitution, much like the Enlightenment, was a product of its time, and the great struggle of the Proletariat against the Bourgeoisie was not solved by the Constitution, in many ways, it is not even addressed.

    The first element of the Constitution that shall be analyzed is its opening paragraph. It says: WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    If one is so stretched for time, or care of memory, that the only part of analysis or recollection regarding the Constitution of the United States that one is willing to stomach shall be one single paragraph, then the paragraph quoted above should be the one that is chosen. Here we see the effective spirit of the Constitution, we see the good things contained within this Enlightenment experiment, and as well, do we see its flaws.

    First and foremost, we see no promotion of empowerment, either of the nation, or of its people. The entire paragraph sounds the same as the battle cry of freedom, yelled before battle against a powerful overlord. Such is the concern and essence of the Constitution, written as the colonists desired freedom and independence from overlord Britain, it concerns itself only with the decoupling of any entanglements from a higher power, echoed throughout the text, man is best when he is by himself, with only his skill and wit to give him his fortune and quality of life.

    Naturally, the Liberals of the modern day cite the opening paragraph, and eagerly quote the portion that says to promote the general welfare, as justification for their political stances. And in turn the Conservatives of the modern day cite the entirety of the Constitution, in promotion of their political stances. However as a Communist, the Constitution does not give any citation of legitimacy for our causes, for while we do seek to promote the general welfare, establish justice for the Proletariat, and secure the many blessings of liberty for ourselves and our progeny, we understand that things are not so simple as the Constitution makes them out to be.

    Firstly, the issue that the Proletariat faces, as does the Vanguard Party and the Communist Party dedicated to its empowerment, is not so much that of a ruling overlord, that has its tentacles of tyranny across the land, eagerly demanding tax and obligations, while giving nothing in return; but rather that of the fellow American man, who has devised, under the watchful eye of liberty, his own machinations and overlordship structure; and uses his inventions and guile to entrap, weaken, and exploit the Proletariat, his fellow American compatriot.

    The Proletariat does not face the British Empire, whose power base has long withered away, leaving behind only the British Isles and a few sprawling territories across the globe as its legacy, it faces an American enemy. The Bourgeoisie uses not only the apparatus that he has constructed, but co-ops the apparatus of the Federal Government, and the Constitution that serves as its foundation.

    Right after the first paragraph that was quoted, the Constitution gives its first section. It reads: All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the United States, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives.

    Here we see the first issue, we have the congress delegated to hold that sacred power that is so easily used by tyranny, the legislative creation, into the hands of certain delegates in the form of senators and representatives. Naturally, if the respective congressmen are corrupted by the bourgeoisie, then the legislative powers can be whatever the will of the bourgeoisie is, and there are only a few hundred individuals that are needed to be swayed to the side of the bourgeoisie to make this a reality.

    While the congress serves well to guard the liberty of the people, it is terrible for guarding the freedom and rights of the Proletariat. Even though the Proletariat are given the power of willing the respective congressmen to power, the congressmen themselves eagerly corrupt themselves under sway of the Bourgeoisie, who are viewed as the superior ally in the game of politics. The Republic shall stay a Republic, and the Communism with American Characteristics shall be a Communist Republic. However, the avenues by which the Vanguard must establish the freedom of the Proletariat have to be noted and remembered well.

    Firstly, the Vanguard Party should seek to achieve supreme majorities over all the houses and all the senates, both of the respective territories of the Republic known as States, and of the main Senate and House itself. Not only would such a feat give legitimate amendment authority to the Vanguard Party, allowing for a broad modification of the Constitution through amendments if circumstances demand it, but it would also allow for the full power of government to be unlocked, and the usage of such power to rapidly accelerate the technological development of man, so that the full infinite energy and resource reserves of the Universe may be unlocked, and thus Communism may be realized.

    The respective Commissars of the Vanguard Party would be thus turned into the various representatives, with balance among their ranks ensured by the party as often as is politically possible, so that every chamber may have an adequate balance between Scientist/Engineer, Laborer, Theoretician, and Logistician. To achieve Communism; the minds, and talents of all those types of thinkers, including the constant diligence and guidance by the Proletariat masses, is required.

    Luckily for us comrades, the Constitution as is gives us the ability to do all the aforementioned things effectively and well. Naturally, the Bourgeoisie is not going to allow such an event easily, however a peaceful and legal revolution, and establishment of the Communist Republic, is allowed under the laws of the Constitution. Furthermore, control of the Commissars by the Proletariat is also allowed under the Constitution, the following quotation shall illustrate this truth.

    The quotation: The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators.

    Within certain limits as said in the Constitution quoted above, the states may organize their respective means of organizing the elections of the senators and representatives, which gives further power to us, in the event that the Bourgeoisie lock down control of the federal house and senate from the Vanguard Party. With sufficient control of state legislatures, we can not only establish our own means of elections, guaranteeing a Proletariat victory, but we can also directly bypass the congress, and amend the Constitution ourselves, by calling for a Constitutional Convention. This is especially effective if the courts, who have the greatest power to oppose the Proletariat and side with the Bourgeoisie, oppose the revolution, as shall be explained further on in this work.

    Further on, the Constitution gives additional powers to the congress, some of which may prove problematic to the revolution, and which must be constantly watched so as to not be caught unawares.

    For example: The congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

    Naturally the power to tax may prove problematic for the means of production that the Proletariat controls, however so long as a vast majority of the Proletariat obtains additional means of subsistence that is not easily damaged or destroyed by the Bourgeoisie, such as governmental assistance/welfare, or inter-Proletariat commerce, then the Proletariat and Vanguard Party shall still have sufficient funds to carry out its duty, no matter the punitive taxes levied against it by the Bourgeoisie controlled federal congress.

    Additional issues may arise with the following powers: To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States.

    And: To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.

    And: To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions.

    And: To provide for the organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by congress.

    Immediately with the following four quotations from the Constitution do we see some immediate problems that the Proletariat and Vanguard Party may face during its struggle for power. First and foremost is the power to establish rules of naturalization. All Communists know that the issue of immigration is used to divide the Proletariat on account of shade/racial division and conflict, such examples can be seen in the introduction to this work. Thus, control of naturalization is vital, not only to prevent the conflicts that arise between the Proletariat if the Bourgeoisie control naturalization and immigration, but also so that we may augment our numbers with further numbers of Proletariat, and most crucially, Communist sympathizing Proletariat.

    The second quotation, that of the power to coin and regulate the value of money, is problematic for obvious reasons. Capital, and the means by which wealth is manifested into capital and used, is the central economic question of our time. Who owns capital, who is allowed to utilize it, all are questions that the Proletariat and Bourgeoisie fight over constantly; and this is an argument and conflict that we need to ensure that we win. Since congress has the sole power to control all legally recognized forms of currency, both to pay debts recognized by the court, which is a vastly powerful privilege that we are denied, and to pay taxes imposed by the federal government, vigilance and effort is needed to ensure that this power is under the control of the Proletariat as soon as it is possible to do so.

    If not, all that is needed to destroy the Vanguard Party and severely hinder and punish Communists in the United States is for a Bourgeoisie sympathetic court to levy immense fines upon the Party and any who sympathize with it, and then imprison the members of the Proletariat who do not have the sufficient government approved currency needed to pay the imposed fines.

    In addition, any state that is under control of the Vanguard Party will surely see much of its federal funding revoked by the Bourgeoisie controlled congress, and since only the federal congress has the ability to coin money, any attempts at improving the lives of the Proletariat through the coffers of the state would result in severe deficits, resulting in the difficult decision of either imposing austerity, which is anathema to the Communist movement, and will both tarnish the Vanguard Party’s reputation among the Proletariat, and give further ammunition to the Bourgeoisie, who will cite the failures of the state as reason for never considering Communism for the Republic; or the state will have to resort to unorthodox methods to improve the lives of the Proletariat, such as issuing IOU bonds when the currency reserves run out, and accepting the bonds as payment for state imposed taxes and obligation levies, allowing the IOU to float as an unofficial currency, which will surely draw the ire of the Bourgeoisie courts and lead to massive judicial conflicts and battles.

    The third quotation also gives some issue for the Communist. If the congress of the federal Republic has the authority to call the militia, in order to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrection, and repel invasion, then depending on the congresses definition of what constitutes a militia, all Communist men between 18 and 45 years of age could be forced to serve as peacekeepers, in enforcing the laws of the union, which may be biased and harmful towards us, and to suppress the Vanguard Party and any Communist aligned Trade Union or activist organization, which may be deemed an insurrection by the congress.

    And finally, the last quotation allows for the respective organizing, arming, and disciplining of the militia. Effectively we would be forced to be trained, disciplined, and armed by the Bourgeoisie, with only the appointment of officers and perhaps depending on the interpretation the training being regulated to the states, and thus, closer to Proletarian hands.

    Such possibilities are unsettling and can serve as significant hurdles to the already massive obstacles facing any Communist revolution in the United States. However, the rich tradition of the militia, and furthermore, the effectiveness of a people’s army, as seen often throughout history, is not to be underestimated. No doubt that a great portion of the excess military budget of the modern day can be reallocated to other areas, if the Republic has at its disposal tens of millions of battle-ready Proletariat patriots, in the form of the people’s militia.

    Furthermore, states are quite limited in their powers, even as they effectively in the early days were their own countries in all but name. For example: No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post factor law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.

    And: No state shall, without the consent of the congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws: and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress.

    And finally: No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.

    These three quotations outline the neutered state of the.......well state. The first quotation outlines the broad limits, no coinage of money, arguably one of the greatest of powers given to a sovereign state, with exception of gold and silver coin. Immediately a shrewd Communist would ask, could debased Gold/Silver coinage be coined, and thus pass the test of only gold and silver? Naturally the answer is yes, the Constitution says that Gold and Silver are the only metals that can be coined, but it gives no restriction on their mixing of alloy, and if one cites the tradition that a ‘Constitutional Dollar’ is 371.25 grains of silver, or 247.5 grains of gold,

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