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Toward a Christian Public Theology of Grace-based Justice - A Theological Exposition and Multiple Interdisciplinary Application of the 6th Sola of the Unfinished Reformation - Vol. 10
Toward a Christian Public Theology of Grace-based Justice - A Theological Exposition and Multiple Interdisciplinary Application of the 6th Sola of the Unfinished Reformation - Vol. 10
Toward a Christian Public Theology of Grace-based Justice - A Theological Exposition and Multiple Interdisciplinary Application of the 6th Sola of the Unfinished Reformation - Vol. 10
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Toward a Christian Public Theology of Grace-based Justice - A Theological Exposition and Multiple Interdisciplinary Application of the 6th Sola of the Unfinished Reformation - Vol. 10

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Gospel and Kingdom and New Covenant coherent Theological system, Church and Public praxis, inclusive of the theological discussion and application of the 6th Sola of the Unfinished Reformation, viz: Justice by Grace Alone WITHOUT the ongoing Retributive, (or partially Retributive, Purgatorial, Expiational, or non-Redemptive Church and State atoning) Punishments of the Law, whether of God or man. This breaks major new ground for the advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth in the here and now!
Release dateNov 30, 2018
Toward a Christian Public Theology of Grace-based Justice - A Theological Exposition and Multiple Interdisciplinary Application of the 6th Sola of the Unfinished Reformation - Vol. 10

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    Book preview

    Toward a Christian Public Theology of Grace-based Justice - A Theological Exposition and Multiple Interdisciplinary Application of the 6th Sola of the Unfinished Reformation - Vol. 10 - James Waller

    VOLUME 10: BOOK 19






    Table of Contents


    JESUS is the LIFE of the Real Party!

    Specialists without ‘Spirit’

    Another Sacred Cow ‘Herd Instinct’

    Fit for Barbequing:

    The Myth of ‘Private’ Devotion

    God’s Gospel ‘Ultra Vires’ ‘Law of Christ’

    Beyond Earthly powers and mere earthly authority

    God’s Unconditional Love

    Find the Real Deal

    Catch the Fire of God

    Living a Lifestyle of Divine Encounters

    Taking our Poetic Medicine

    Barbequing our Sacred Cows

    Some Perennial Myths and Sacred Cows

    The Law is Powerless

    Against Christ’s Agape Love



    Every act of forgiveness enthrones Justice

    A Prodigal and Prodigious Fatherly Justice

    Conditions all rules

    Law and power do not change things

    Jekyll-and-Hyde-ing Jubilee Justice

    Making the Gospel a renewed

    Jewish Midrash-ing

    Mistaking livery for life and process for persons

    Kaoritic-erotic-agapaic Love


    The Algebra of infinite justice and the Experts’ Anthem


    A meditation on Sept.11, a year on – a parabolic parallelism


    Pedagogic Meditations

    The MEGA MYTH is the assumption


    The Deadly Dangers of Legal Paternalism

    Elitist Managerialism and Institutionalism

    The Boast of Big Pharma and the Mental Health Industry

    The Pseudo Love of the Psychiatric Industry

    Hells’ Bells – ‘Fracking’ Hell

    As God GIVES us to SEE the Right

    Let us strive on to finish the work

    The Covenant with the Gibeonites


    JESUS is the LIFE of the Real Party!

    I am the beauty of life

    I am life eternal

    I am life abundant and love victorious

    I am the reason for living

    I am light and love and law and liberty

    I am laughter and the long term view

    I am righteousness and life

    I am both your justification and justice

    I am full of grace and truth

    I am the answer to all suffering and sin and death

    I am Jesus Christ the name of God, the

    I am who is love eternal and love unfailing

    I am love’s unfolding dream come true

    I am Christos Victor

    Jesus is Love and Tenderness personified

    Jesus is Meekness and Magisterial in Mercy

    Jesus is Empathy and Compassion incarnate

    Jesus is perfect Manhood and loving Deity

    Jesus is never dismissive or condescending

    Jesus is full of Unmerited and Undeserved Favour

    Toward even the worst of sinners

    Who will come to Him and will look to Him alone

    Who will believe on and come to Him alone

    Alone on Him for their salvation and preservation

    Who look to Him as their everything and all in all!

    "You have conquered me with your great love

    You are Yahweh, the only One who holds the power to

    Melt the hardest of hearts.

    Just when I thought I understood love, I met you

    You showed me what unselfish love looks like – pure agape

    Which flows effortlessly, expecting

    (Or rather demanding or coercing –jcw)

    Nothing in return

    (Though God fervently desires a relationship with us

    And has gone to extraordinary lengths to win us to Him

    At the cost of the Blood of His own Son)

    I’m so grateful; so zealous to love others the same way

    Lord you have awakened me to experience

    The adventure of life with you

    You have become my Beloved, my Forever Friend

    And I am your bride

    You held nothing back from me when you redeemed me with your love

    In return, I will hold nothing back from you

    Take me over completely, so I will release the fragrance of your Presence everywhere I go

    Come closer – even to the places where I’ve tried to hide

    You have set your love upon me and call me beautiful

    I give all that I am to you, forever."

    (From page 202 or July 9 of Prayers on Fire: 365 Days Praying the Psalms

    Dr Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez: 2007, Broadstreet)

    Jesus is the ONLY way to God for: He is

    The ONLY Truth for knowing about God

    The ONLY Life for living the life of God

    The ONLY ATONEMENT for all the sin

    And all the crime of all humanity

    For: you cannot mix or add anything to Christ – such as

    Your own efforts or penal punishments with God’s grace

    Since God’s grace cannot be earned or paid for

    Or be secured or supplemented through

    Works of Punishment and Repentance or

    Moral self-righteousness, Rehabilitation etc

    But ONLY by faith alone in Christ alone

    For the glory of God alone!

    For there can be NO boasting by the creature Before God

    Because NONE of us can qualify our self in any way

    For God’s blessings -

    But only the Unmerited Favour of God in Christ

    Freely imputed and freely received can do that -

    As a pure GIFT for All who will receive it:

    Without any selective compassion or

    Negative discrimination or

    Disqualification by desert

    Such as the heinous criminal acts of

    Selected sex offenders

    Or murderers or abortionists

    Because there are no further expiational Punishments

    Ordained by the revealed will of God

    In addition to the Atonement of Christ

    For all the sin and ALL the crime of humanity

    When such punishments are NOT justly or reasonably

    Required by God of the State:

    Neither can such Christ Denying and Gospel Defying And Cross Demeaning Penal punishments

    Be JUSTLY demanded by the State

    Especially for all true Victorious Believers in Christ

    Who do not represent a threat to the Community!

    Except for those who do not or will believe in Christ

    Failed or fallen true believers require counselling

    And Spirit Direction on the meaning and power of

    The Unmerited Favour and especially the

    Exchanged life of Christ and

    NOT further costly and fruitless Punishment!

    Though they may be ‘delivered over to Satan’

    That they may be brought to repentance and faith –

    (1. Tim. 1:20 cf. 1 Cor. 5:5; 6:1-12

    And Rom. 11:32; Gal. 6:1 and 2; 12-17)

    For CHRIST is become of NO EFFECT unto those

    Who seek to be Justified or made Just

    Or even sanctified or matured by

    The Law of God or laws of man

    Since by such earthly, fallen and demonic ‘wisdom’

    Who want to make a ‘Fair show in the flesh’ (Gal. 6:12)

    Such persons and such Institutions

    Cheapen the cost and defy the Justice and

    Culpably Demean the Magistral Mercy and

    Limit the awesome Power

    Of God’s Unmerited Favour in Christ alone!

    Being guilty of falling from Grace! (Gal. 5:1-6)

    And bring themselves and others back into bondage!

    Which is incapable of making us holy and without blame

    Before God in love!

    Such persons are:

    Unskilled in the Word of Righteousness (Heb. 5:13)

    The Church of Christ desperately needs

    Followers and leaders established in

    The New Covenant of Grace AND Grace-Based Justice

    Who will NOT be satisfied with putting

    Christ’s New Wine of the New Man

    Of the New Creation

    Into the old wineskins of failed Law based covenants

    And Christless, powerless and loveless social contracts

    By compromising with a mixture of law and Grace

    Or Christ plus Moses or Judge Earl Hardy of twirl!

    As we have discovered in the best parts of the

    History of Western Civilization

    Only Christ is the true Foundation of

    Fulsome Freedoms and correlative Response-abilities

    Whether it be Religious Freedoms and Freedom of Conscience,

    Freedom of Association, Freedom of the Press

    Or personal, governmental, familial, social, Educational, Economic, Judicial, cultural, vocational, Creative and Political freedoms

    But they MUST be Grace-Based ONLY

    If the Life and Freedom and Liberty and Love of Christ

    Is to be made freely available to all

    For only the supernatural VIRTUE that Christ and

    His Free New Covenant of Grace Supplies

    Is more than sufficient to create that necessary character

    For a safe and free democratic civilization

    And a diverse culture of freedom of conscience

    Or science with knowledge and a

    Jubilee Justice Religion of Unmerited Favour - et al

    That supplies the necessary liberation from domination

    Scapegoating oppression and retribution

    From having to perform to obtain blessings

    Thus liberating us from being held hostage to fear and guilt

    By the expectations and unreasonable demands of others

    And the rules of Christless Law and unjustified coercion

    By autocrats, bureaucrats and other Totalitarians

    Also Christ frees us from the demands of others And Ourselves – by NOT holding us

    Captive to the past and our former selves

    Or to lesser versions of ourselves!!

    Because that which is born of the flesh is flesh

    BUT that which is born of the Spirit is spirit!

    Thus supplying us free-of-charge -to-us

    Forever pardon and holiness ‘Package deal’

    For happiness, success, peace and prosperity

    With wholeness of body, soul and spirit

    With assured futures and a very meaningful Present – being occupied with proactively Advancing the Grace Modality of the

    Now Kingdom of God on earth!

    Because only the character of the saving virtue Of Christ

    Even the eschatology and ethic of

    FREE Justification and GIFTED Righteous dominion

    Of the LORD Jesus Christ is capable of

    Supplying the motivation, affection, love

    Authority, anointing and power of an

    Unearned and unfailing COSTLY and

    Freely imputed agape Love

    And salugenic Grace-Based Justification And Justice

    Which whole bundle of Incredible Good will And Mighty Magisterial Mercy

    Is necessary to ground and prosper a truly

    FREE Religion and Free Society and a Free Civilization

    With the New Human Right of knowing Christ and Making Him known to all persons And all Nations

    For we cannot and dare not attempt to

    Wring incoherences out of life

    Nor impose contradictions on Life

    Nor resort to any Rule of Law

    Inconsistent with or contrary to the Gospel and

    New Covenant of the LORD Jesus Christ


    Only believing in, and abiding by and adhering to

    The only Safe and Salugenic Rule of the

    New Creation in Christ and the

    NOW Grace ONLY modality of the NOW Kingdom

    And World Dominion of Jesus Christ

    Recognising and now EXERCISING Christ’s

    NOW COSMIC authority over ALL the earth

    Including Church, Society and the State/Nations

    (Read Gal. 6; cf. Mt. 28; Col. 2)

    Nor should we condone or voluntarily submit to

    The thrust of a man-made ‘soft’ and hard

    Dominating and scapegoating violence and

    Forced incoherence upon us and our children

    Lest we become another prisoner with many dragons

    Craving acceptance and freedom as the cost of our own souls!

    Sitting squat on monuments of stone and genocide

    Being the harvest of Hell on earth

    Memorialising obscenities, horrible tortures and grizzly realities

    Not ‘bearing’ up under a plethora of existential agonies

    Where the avenue of the ‘Righteous Gentiles’

    Grows narrower and narrower

    "Where a hushed eerie darkness obliterates reality

    And meaning itself is obliterated" (Paul Kraus)

    Too horrible to contemplate – much less create!

    Because too many good people do nothing

    And put up with too much evil disguised as good!!


    Specialists without ‘Spirit’

    Such as those who in the wisdom of the flesh

    Participate in the Repressive Agendas of

    Mandatory Reporting and other State surveillance

    And through the Power of the Big Pharma Industry and

    The Unaccountable Mental Health

    Autocracy and Bureaucracy

    With its Dark Arts and Dismal science so called

    That bully clients and throw their weight around

    Refusing to be accountable to them or to their advocates

    Keeping their clients on ‘covering’ and unproven medication

    Against their will and against their best interests

    Using persuasive rhetorical techniques

    To convince patients that compliance with medical

    And psychiatric authorities is always in their best interests

    Evidencing a very troubling and even appalling

    Asymmetry of information, influence and power

    Employing vague and evasion communication

    Impersonal care and often disdainful

    Of Iatrogenesis or drug induced harm

    Quickly proceeding to making voluntary patients


    Refusing to keep any interference with the

    Rights, dignity and self-respect of the mentally ill

    To a minimum

    Denying to them ready and proper Legal Representation

    With no explanation and no apology

    Placing the interests and agendas

    Of the psychiatric establishment

    Ahead of and often contrary to the

    Best interests and health of their patients

    Contrary to the rules of fairness and equity

    And Living with dignity!

    Breaching confidentiality of the Carers

    And conveying this to other specialists

    Who do not have proprietary interests in such disclosure

    And ignoring the authority of their Medical Health Attorney

    Denying them the right to negotiate the treatment

    Of their patients with the establishment

    Or effectively the right to a SECOND opinion

    Resenting any attempt to question their authority

    Threatening to ‘bring in the big guns’ if you do

    Interfering with established relationships that the patient

    And Carer or Husband/Spouse

    Have with their own doctors and own psychiatrists!

    Conveying verbal communications negative and

    Prejudicial to them

    But not putting anything in writing!

    Effectively refusing to their patients

    The Right NOT to be overmedicated

    The Right NOT to receive unnecessary or

    Wrongful medication

    The Right NOT to be ill-treated or manhandled

    The RIGHT to be fully informed about their rights – and

    To be properly informed about their treatment

    And medication

    And any possible or serious or harmful side effects

    Often conducting a tacit moral evaluation of the patient

    With attendant labelling and neglect

    With little or no room and willingness to:

    Listen to their clients

    Or their carers or their advocates

    Or to negotiate on treatment or other alternatives

    With Dr JESUDADDA playing ‘Big Brother’ god

    Another Anti-Christ ‘Medical Healer’

    Playing the ‘Caring’ prosecutor and judge

    With her Jumped Up Drug promoting and

    Frazzle-Dazzle open Mouth and Shut Hard–Head Case

    With her Loony-Tune Left Brain Ego enhanced unbalanced analysis

    Employing the ‘Principled Arbitrariness’ of a

    Big-Brother and Cradle to Grave Bureaucracy

    With its ‘Big Stick’ ‘diplomacy’

    Affecting an evident superiority complex

    Assuming and employing the false legitimacy of

    Rational-Legal Domination and self-referential agendas

    Of Self-Protection

    Requiring the obedience of objectification

    Under the obligation of Law and the

    Cover of the opinion of experts

    Worshiping the Idol of Scientism

    Working the oracle of the Humanistic Dominant Hypothesis/thesis

    Mandating the Secularisation of all things

    Even the total segregation of the Gospel/Kingdom of Christ

    From the Governances of the Public realm

    Rendering the subversion of the Gospel

    And the State as a seditious servant of Christ

    And all persons as the property of the Totalitarian State

    Denying the Preambles of Faith and our Constitution

    Demanding a Blind leap of Faith in the

    Dictates of human arrogance and

    Governmental Usurpations of all kinds

    Requiring and affirming the ‘Holy Orders’ of a secular only

    Hierarchy and hegemony

    Bureaucracy and Judiciary

    Creating hell on earth!

    Being fundamentally irrational and

    Impersonal and irrelational

    That places the value of conformity and ‘efficiency’

    Political and economic power and control

    Including the ‘Macdonaldisation’

    Or dehumanisation of medicine

    Because a large range of the important features of

    Sound and salugenic modern social and familial life

    Tend to be eliminated – especially

    When the Weberian dominant rationality of Institutions

    Coerce their ‘expert’ way and hold their

    Meticulously engineered way and sway

    Embedding an elitist Dominant professional ritual and

    Detached routinisation of life

    Over and above all other decent Christlike values

    Like Grace and Gospel Truth and a Sound conscience

    With the Freedom and Liberty of Judgment that goes with it

    Rather the Big Pharma Industry is all about

    Internalising and enforcing a new kind of

    Perverse health and hospital helping societal culture

    Even a Christless restructuring of the personality

    The ‘I –thou’ Societal relation and community

    All subsumed by the new ‘legal’ rationality

    Undergirded by the so called rule of law!

    Where restitution and remedy are rendered null and void

    Since it is only or usually accessible by the very rich!

    Or the psychic and emotional costs of making Complaints

    And pursuing them to a good outcome

    With the consequent alienation and

    Adversarial ‘justice’ ensuing

    Cost much more than an arm and a leg

    And can never be predicted!

    Denying the values and beliefs of a Christlike

    Culturally embedded Holistic Individualism and

    Godly kinship Familialism

    Rather to the contrary

    Performing their duties in a spirit of

    ‘Formalistic impersonality’

    That largely prevents any creativity and spontaneity

    And even punishes any independent initiative or alternative

    Hiding their agendas from Public view

    Effecting the most complete institutionalisation of power

    So that societies and individuals exist

    To serve the Bureaucracy

    Rather than the other way around!

    Fuelling the secular liturgy of specialist transcendence

    Seduced by the logic of a non-personal and

    Irrelational ‘scientific’ practice

    Convinced of the hidden persuasion of godless

    Yet ‘scientific’ austerity

    Conned by the special training of Senior demons

    Through the education and not-so implicit pedagogy of

    Secular atheistic humanism –

    Disguised as professional care

    Under the guise of love

    Violently opposed to the greater Wisdom of Dr Thomas Szasz

    Maximising their control rather than user control!

    Like so many other repressive state democracies of the West

    Making an ‘Iron Cage’ for their patients

    ‘Specialists without spirit’

    Without empathy and true soul care like Dr Christ

    Losing sight of others and love outside of themselves

    Of the ‘structured niche’ in the remorseless bureaucratic machine

    Outside of their confined and confining environments

    Making the most of their so called ‘technical superiority’

    Employing so called ‘Scientific Management’

    But so often enslaved to official regulations

    Or made to serve agendas other than the patients’ true welfare

    Ruling out any evidence associated with miracles

    Or Transformational change OUTSIDE their industry

    Which CAN be readily tested!

    Outside their Monopoly of power and solutions

    Therefore perpetuating unnecessary ‘supportive’

    Drugs regimes that sentence patients to a lesser

    And lower quality of life and functioning

    Dismissing this as unavoidable or a necessary ‘good’

    Where the functionalist needs of the system overrule

    The best interests and crucial needs of the patient

    Refusing that their own Pharmocopa

    Be tested by true scientific

    Best evidence medicine

    That evidentially does no serious harm for the patient

    Where the ‘Ruling Elite’ want to remain untouchable

    Reinforced by the ‘Iron Law of Oligarchy’

    Where business is conducted ‘according to calculable rules’

    And without regard to persons and their self-respect and rights

    Where the initiative of subordinates and patients is crushed

    Where individuality and creativity and flexibility are suppressed

    As these elite bureaucrats and professionals slavishly follow

    Their own egos under cover of official regulations and procedures

    Where their overriding concern is the maintenance of

    Their own power OVER rather than with

    Their vulnerable clients!

    Where the welfare of the patient as the alleged goal

    Is displaced in favour of the maintenance of unchallenged power

    And the preservation of the organisation

    Where threats are countered by strong internal control

    All demeaning the Doctor-Patient relationship

    Refusing to take any responsibility for the adverse and

    Perverse impact of their ‘treatments’ on their clients!

    Including doubling and quadrupling the

    Anti-psychotic and other drugs overnight

    Which the Chemist may or may not pick up on!

    Interfering with the patient’s relationship

    With her own doctor

    Attempting to poison and prejudice and even

    End the G.P. -client relationship –

    By presenting adverse information about her

    And / or her carer –

    So the local Surgery closes ranks against them both

    And refuses to see them anymore

    As has been the author’s sad experience!

    Forcing them to start again with another doctor

    Playing into the very hands of the Psychiatrists involved

    [And using this – among other predetermined ploys

    Against the patients/carers

    Accusing them of being aggressive trouble-makers!

    Or recalcitrant or non-compliant drugs takers

    Who DARE to question the science and the competence

    And the care of the psychiatric and other authorities – Thereby in their own minds -

    Justifying the intervention of an outside authority

    To take over the care of the involuntary psychiatric Patient

    Forcibly placing her into the hands of another

    More punitive authority – like the Guardianship Board

    Who also sequesters and uses her own money

    And further defrauds the vulnerable and now

    Severely chastened Family!!]

    With specialists like Psychiatrists

    Prescribing medicine that her own doctor

    Could and should prescribe

    Leading to over prescription and chaos

    As an outworking of unwarranted coercion and manipulation

    Also refusing their clients the dignity of

    Freedom of conscience – science WITH wisdom

    And the Freedom to live a life free of harassment and turmoil!

    Generating much more DIS-EASE and conflict

    Refusing the Client and her Carer

    The Right and responsibility of self-direction – or

    The Right to second and third outside expert opinion!

    Refusing Freedom from thought control and

    Arrogant and unaccountable ‘professional’ coercion!

    Employing the spirit of fear and threat of retribution!

    Perpetuating further disabling and debilitating

    Dependence on them and their prolonged medication

    Inducing a Slave Mentality that normalises dysfunction

    When Jesus Christ has come NOT to see addictions merely managed

    But to see persons healed and whole and

    Fully transformed by His omnipotent Grace and all-powerful Love

    And Gospel TRUTH – which alone can set people FREE!

    But current Psychiatric profession and practice

    Is or amounts to a tacit if not overt admission of defeat

    That also arrogantly denies that Doctor Christ is enough

    Whose healing is branded as unscientific or insufficient

    Neither can or will He apparently FREE persons altogether

    From their ‘mental ‘disease’

    Thus the lives of their ‘patients’ are readily and ruthlessly demeaned

    Leaving them disillusioned and so often wrung out like a dish rag

    Whose pharmaceuticals fail to rule the raging of the sea within

    Only dumbing the mind and closing down ever more sections of the brain

    Settling for second and third best when Christ can do so much better!

    Demonstrating their so called science is not much better

    Than a Dark Art and a Dismal science –

    A science falsely so called!

    (I refer the reader to the book Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Edited by Robert van Krieken, Philip Smith; Daphne Habibis; Kevin McDonald; Michael Haralambos & Martin Holborn: 2000, LONGMAN - Pearson Education Australia Pty Limited)

    As we have intimated here and argued at many places in these works

    The Christian Gospel of Grace and Truth is STRONGLY opposed

    To the so called Rule of Law, Coercion and Domination and

    Scapegoating/Mental Labelling et al –

    Being a Ministry of Condemnation and alienation

    And finally death itself!

    The Christian Narrative of KING Jesus

    And the Christlike ‘socialisation’ of medicine

    Psychology and psychiatry

    Looks and works very differently from

    What we have seen above

    A Christian Mind and Medical Sociology is driven by a

    Whole new Motivation and Methodology and

    A whole New ‘Spirit’ and NEW Sociology of everyday life

    Even the Sociology of a whole New Relational WORLD

    Grounded and rooted in the Redemptive and Reconciling

    Peacemaking and goodwill of our Father and Family God – even the

    Amazingly LOVING character and salvific purposes of God in Christ

    Being a whole NEW way of viewing the world and

    Believing in all persons as sacred and inviolable and valuable

    For whom Christ died and paid for in His righteous and

    Righting blood Atonement

    Purchasing the Right to become children of God

    And so no longer imprisoned by the sins of addiction

    No longer the victims of mental oppression and

    The domination of so called experts and

    All other forms of ‘occupying’ and demeaning demonic control

    Since Christ came to set all FREE from all such prisons

    From slavery to all things other than God Himself

    And not just ‘manage’ their abnormal

    Mental states/behaviours

    And call that Normal or acceptable!!

    All the BLESSINGS of the New Covenant of Grace

    For a WHOLE New Humanity

    In Christ have been ALREADY executed

    Through Christ’s Mediatorial labours

    Through the New Covenant of Grace, GIFT and generosity

    Which NECESSARILY entails a whole NEW

    Cognate and Co-inherent Consequential and

    Correlative NEW Sociology of the Individual AND the Family

    And of Society and Education, Science and Culture

    All co-inhering and cohabiting through the

    New Law of Agape COSTLY other-giving

    SELFLESS Love and Salugenic Ethics

    And optimistic Eschatology

    Inclusive of a non-Judgmental

    Egalitarian and equalising and ennobling

    Healing and Helping and Wholesome

    And rectifying Grace-Based ONLY FREELY pardoning Justice

    That fully embraces the scope and

    Shalomic purpose of proper

    All embracing and ‘alternative’ medicines

    For Body, Soul and Spirit -

    Personal and Corporate

    Private and Public

    For Organic and Institutional Man!

    True Christian Messiahism represents the death

    Of any and all personal works-based meritocracy

    All forms of coercive and false Metropolitan and Mediation power

    And all forms of social welfare functions and functionaries

    In conflict with the new humanity of persons in Christ

    And the congruent Christian socialisation of the Gospel of Christ

    The embodied Christ literally represents a

    HOLISTIC New World new sociology

    Grounded in the Gospel of Grace and

    Rooted in the unique person and work of the

    ONLY Holistic God-Man – namely the Incarnate LORD Jesus Christ

    The New Anthropology and Sociology and

    Pedagogy and Polity of the Gospel of Christ

    Should and must mean a NEW Sociology

    Of all healing and ‘helping’ professions

    And a NEW accountability both UPWARD to Christ

    And DIRECTLY downward to the ‘patient’ or client!

    It also means a new sociology of illness, illness behaviours

    And help-seeking behaviour

    It also means a new understanding of health

    And wholeness in Christ

    This will require a RENEWED and

    Far less hierarchical/hegemonic/dominating

    Restructuring of all of life both organic and institutional

    Inclusive of all medical and health service organisations

    So as NOT to foster an unhealthy and disabling

    Dependence on them or the Nanny State

    Or lead to an unnecessary proliferation of bureaucracy

    That drains the life energy out of vulnerable persons especially

    This represents a FALSE investment in so called health services

    The ‘management bias’ and the dominant

    Values of extant medicine

    Guided by the dominant values of an impersonal

    ‘Professionalised medicine’

    Along with the ‘Medicalisation’ of personal and familial life

    MUST be challenged and replaced with a

    New and far more loving ‘Politics of Medicine’ – even

    A whole NEW Sociology of Health and Illness

    Even a Whole/Holistic New Sociology of Knowledge and

    A New Sociology of Family and Gender

    Of Sickness and Health and of Law and Order

    Of the Sociology of Religion and Freedom of Conscience

    Or Knowledge WITH true Science

    Inclusive of a

    Whole NEW Sociology of Work and employment

    Of Socio-Technical systems and

    How they impact Shalomic Human Relations

    With a healthier organisational culture

    Far more open to scrutiny and change

    And best evidence demonstrated practice

    Inclusive of the de-institutionalisation of conflict

    Making for far less adversarial and far more

    Healthy and hopeful relational outcomes

    That does not overtax the complainants

    And turn life into a treadmill or worse!

    What is needed is a

    A far more critical Christian or Radical Gospel perspective

    Being brought to bear upon such regimes and regimens!

    The Sociology of Doctor-Patient interaction

    Must become more direct, accountable and humane

    The social effects of different medical and psychiatric systems

    Must be carefully evaluated to bring them into proper

    Alignment with the Healing and Holistic

    Mandate and ‘Medicinal’ and embodied Grace and Mercy of the

    Healing and Transformative Gospel of Christ

    Patient compliance with medical and psychiatric regimes

    Must only be coerced as a last PROVEN resort

    Other alternatives and second and third opinions

    Must always remain the rights of patients and their carers!

    Imposed drug regimens that demean and debilitate

    And diminish the self-worth of patients

    That HARM and may even destroy health

    MUST be open to close scrutiny and be READILY abandoned

    All of the aforementioned requires

    A certain New Covenant of Grace and Grace-Based ‘Justice

    ‘Caveat’ of Counsel to be put in place


    Thus a Christian Servant and truly Scientific

    Orthodoxy, Orthopathy and Orthopraxis

    Of Medicine and the other helping ‘professions’

    Of King Jesus’ Gospel of the New Creation

    AND the Kingdom NOW Good News Culture

    Is in MARKED contradistinction to:

    The top down only use and misuse of power

    And relations and sanctions

    By the Command, Coercion and Control ‘authorities’

    Of those hiding behind the (mis)use of Law

    Fostering and sustaining inequalities of power

    Promoting social closure and polysemic communication

    Establishing a ‘monopoly of force’

    Both structural and intentional

    Incorporating a ruling secular Ideological apparatus

    That goes part way to explain the (ac)quiescence of subordinates

    By their pragmatic acceptance and also those co-opted or

    Coerced by hegemonic incorporation into the

    Secular ONLY dominant values of the ruling elites

    Without the social benefit of properly

    Tested operationalisation

    Or the community good of

    Best evidence practice and falsification

    Leaving Christless and Merciless power structures and systems

    Of mechanistic Political intervention and heartless social engineering

    Fundamentally intact and rendered unaccountable

    Manipulating the flow of information to

    Buttress their positional power

    Leading to goal displacement through the

    Iron law of oligarchy

    Leaving clients and persons they are supposed to serve

    Left in the ‘Lurch’ of the Big Hand of Big Brother

    Leaving the average and especially vulnerable persons

    Without any earthly hope of ‘ontological security’

    Stereotyping them as inferior, sad, mad or bad

    Leaving life fruitless and meaningless and loveless

    Dishonouring the authority and power of

    The LORD Jesus Christ

    Disembedding the memory of Gospel values and virtues

    Embedding a false phenomenology of perception and power

    Denying the virtue Epistemology of apt Christian belief

    Denying the Emotional labour and personal cost of

    Face to face agape love that honours all persons

    And augments their own independent agency

    Denying the necessity of the Holy Spirit to

    Marshall our embodiment in order to re-habituate us to the

    NOW Kingdom of God on earth through

    Union and communion with the living and reigning Christ

    "Where the Church’s practices are fundamentally

    Divine works of descent and accommodation and

    NOT human works of ascent and transcendence"

    Where dominant and dominating secular liturgies of power

    Are fuelled by the principalities and powers

    Of an alien Christless and Loveless

    Grace and Gospel Truth denying ‘Justice’

    Denying a true pedagogy of desire that aims to produce

    Thinking and competent, caring and compassionate

    Personal and relational agents of healing

    Thereby denying pluralism and freedom of conscience

    Freedom of choice and religion

    Refusing the ‘Counterformation’ of Christ

    Being expressly contrary to the relational and

    Organic analogy

    Of the Tree of Life of Jesus Christ

    And the auto-nomous self-law or will to power

    Characteristic of BOTH the Romantic imagination

    And the Rationalistic/

    Totalitarian /Communistic will to power

    Embracing the ‘dynamics of disenfranchisement’

    And systematic oppression

    Ruling out the crucial role and critical evaluation

    Of the central core of faith and being,

    Of the affective ‘priming’ and renewing of

    The mind and affections and emotions of Christ within

    With a new disposition of interface

    And Gospel interaction toward this world

    That does justice to our innate, native and pre-theoretical

    Understanding of and navigation of this world

    Such Christless autonomy or Neonomism or Galatianism

    Finds itself outside of and contrary to Christological

    Servant ONLY power of Gospel Love

    As Liberating and Transformative and Empowering ALL!

    Such Christless Self-law dressed as State Law

    Is manifestly discordant with the Person and Principles

    Parameters and Protocols of the NOW Kingdom of God on earth

    As several authors and others have noted

    The world generated by a right brain renewed

    Apperception and Understanding of this world is

    Characterised by a noetic and operational betweenness

    Between the Unity of the One

    And the Diversity of the Many individual persons

    As in the Christian Godhead

    Thus not idolising individualism NOR communism

    Leaving both sides of the Brain

    Both hands and feet – left and right

    Not to do their own thing absolutely or independently

    But in conjunction with each other

    And in organic Unity with the Head of the Body of the Church

    And of Humanity – who IS the LORD Christ Jesus

    Who UNITES Grace and TRUTH

    By giving pre-eminence to persons in prized relationships

    As the Prodigal Father gifted to His Prodigal Son!

    Over and against the extreme Left-minded ‘solutions’ and the

    ‘Right-Footed’ Rule and Bondage of Law and Punitivism

    And creating a new ‘habitus’ or

    A new Love inside-out generated orientation

    Toward each other and to the world – lost and redeemed

    That is carried within each one as a new way of life and action

    Because of the Re-generation and Sanctification of

    Christ the Other and Christ FOR all!

    Especially for those who will believe!!

    This is not true of an extreme Right and Left brain analysis

    And Ratiocination that is in bondage to Legalism or Lawlessness

    Or to the rigidity of selective compassion only

    Or to the cold and calculating dire ‘deserts’ dreaming of a

    Christless and Loveless Hard Calvinism!!

    Both the Old and New Covenant traffics in very different

    Poetic and parabolic and agrarian images and word pictures

    As we have seen in earlier volumes

    Like sowing, dwelling, waiting, cultivating, expecting, reaping, Ruminating, luxuriating, soaking, cleansing, seeing, hearing, Beholding, believing, dwelling, doing, feeling, soaring, roaring, Chasing, diving, walking, marvelling, manifesting, merging, Meeting, adventuring, fighting, climbing, arresting,

    Abiding, abounding, achieving, maturing, arriving

    Whereas certain Governmental or technological rituals

    May reinforce a social imaginary in which the individual

    Or the Totalitarian State is the Control Centre of the universe

    Christian Worship and Witness and Work and Warfare and Wellbeing – attest to an intentionally DECENTERING

    Personal and Relational Praxis and Practice

    Namely: Decentring from self

    Both a holistic Displacement and a Gracious Invitation

    Super-centring on God in Christ

    And Centring on the highest welfare of the other - THUS

    Calling us all out ourselves and INTO the very

    Personal and corporate Life

    Presence and Redemptive purposes

    Languages and Manifold Loves of the Triune

    Father and Family God who is the Friend of sinners!!

    As James J.A. Smith so rightfully says:

    "If the rituals of social media and smart phones are involutional

    The practices of Christian worship are fundamentally ecstatic

    Calling us out of ourselves and into the life of the Triune God

    Not to lose ourselves but to be found in Him

    "Granted, there is still a call to vulnerability, even a kind of

    Display in the call to confession

    But that is not a competitive display

    It is rather a vulnerability that is met with mercy and grace:

    You confess your sins and are reminded once again that

    You Have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3)"

    "In a society of mutual self-display and debilitating self-consciousness

    It is a special grace to be invited into a Story where we are hidden

    With Christ in God, And being found in him, we are called out of ourselves To love neighbours and enemies, widows and orphans..."

    "And herein lies a central aspect of Christian worship (and witness -jcw):

    It is an alternative imaginary, a way that the Spirit of God invites us Into The story of God in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.

    But as we have seen, if such a story is really going to

    Capture our imaginations, it needs to get into our gut-

    It needs to be written on our hearts. And the way to our hearts is Through the body…"

    (pp. 149-150 of Imagining the Kingdom by James. K. Smith, Vol 2, 2013)

    We need to Intentionally and Intelligently

    COUNTER the Stories

    That Bracket or Delimit, Distort, or falsely Reframe

    The Gospel of the NOW Kingdom of Jesus Christ

    And the NOW KINGLY Mediatorial Divine-Human

    Authority, Pneumatology and Soteriology

    And Historical time Eschatology and Relational Ethics

    Of the Saviour and now SOVEREIGN

    Lord Jesus Christ – LORD of Heaven AND Earth!

    Thus Christ and I ask the humble reader to

    Radically RETHINK and REFEEL and Recalibrate

    His reactions and his responses to both evil

    And to Gospel good

    In the Light and Love and Liberty and

    Long-term View and Cosmic Resolution of the


    We need a NEW Reformation and new

    COUNTER-CULTURAL , CHRIST-CENTRED Personal, Pastoral, Public and Political

    Spiritual and Temporal occupational callings

    Economic, Educational, Judicial and all others

    Endowed with all the Gifts and Graces

    Of the Spirit

    And thus endowing and enabling

    A richly ennobled

    Happy and Harmonious

    Comprehensive RE-FORMATION

    Of the Regnant Christ in Persons, Society,

    Church and State

    In all the Seven Mountains of

    The City and Society and Governance

    Of God for Man and Christ in Man

    With the Holy Spirit of God indwelling and Transforming all!

    Fully Embracing CHRIST’S embodied Gospel of

    GRACE and TRUTH – of Magisterial Mercy

    And Mandatory Compassion and

    Magistral FREE Pardon!

    BINDING on all persons, States and Governances -

    Belonging especially to that Co-inherent Community

    Called ATONEMENT!

    Being one for all and once-for-all

    And NEVER to be repeated or supplemented

    Or Denied or traduced

    Either by the Church, Society or the Nation State!

    THUS Recalibrating ALL of life

    Inclusive of ALL Loves and all ‘Justices’

    And ALL relations –

    And all systems and structures

    Both organic and institutional

    In the Light of the Now KING JESUS –

    BOASTING only in Christ and Him ONCE Crucified

    As the Eikons of God and Christ

    Boldly Declaring the whole Story of Jesus as Gospel

    And so seeing OUR Story

    Within the Bigger Story of God and

    His Greater Glory

    Of the God of Creation, the Fall

    HISTORY and global Redemption -

    Dealing with all the USURPATIONS of

    Fallen and false Governmental Man

    Personal and Collective

    Overcoming the Failures of all

    Provisional and obsolete

    Bilateral Covenants with man

    Ushering in the Promised Historical and

    Predetermined world-wide

    Historically Glorious ‘Golden Age’ Worldwide Revival - attended by

    The eye-popping Gospelling SUCCESS on Earth

    With the fulfilment of the Great Commission and The Demonstrated Jesus–Church-Kingdom

    Successful Cosmic Dominion Cultural Mandate

    Being a glorious answer to the LORD’s

    High Priestly prayer and Promise of Christ!

    Evidencing the Eternal and Timely

    Blessed Historical SUCCESSION of the


    Without the WORKS and PUNISHMENTS

    Of the LAW

    With the Publication of the Gospel of the

    NOW and coming Kingdom of God

    Both NOW and into the Future

    Leading to the Conversion and Discipleship of

    ALL Nations

    Pointing to the Marriage Supper of the

    LAMB of GOD

    With His Bride the true Valiant and Triumphant

    Church of Christ

    And the Final Consummation of all things

    Through Christ in God as all in all

    Inclusive of Israel and her Story

    And the Destruction of Jerusalem

    With the New Covenant Story of the conversion of

    The engrafted Gentiles

    The STORY of the BIG Blessed God who is AGAPE Love

    With His Wonder-filled embodied glory of

    Grace and Truth in the unique Person of Jesus

    Manifest in the life and love and liberty

    And the laughter of the LORD Jesus Christ


    Such aforementioned transformational changes

    Will not eventuate until enough Good Gospel men

    And faithful Christian women in the various

    Health and Healing and Helping

    And all other professions

    Proactively prepare and position themselves

    And actively seek as followers of Christ

    To act as Christ’s Light, Salt and Leaven

    To change the prevalent Christless culture

    Rather than conform to the false values and virtues

    Even the false realities and phony authority

    Of the extant elitist systems and

    Structures and services

    This presupposes a renewed

    Christianisation of our Culture

    Through the Power and Authority of Christ

    Working in and through followers of Christ

    And people of excellence in all the callings of life

    We DO need to truly Love our enemies

    And to pity rather than judge or

    Despise and hate them

    Much less damn them or sentence them to hell

    Though there is a lawful place for a

    Gospel based and Graced ‘anathema’

    For those who wilfully and stubbornly REJECT

    The Gospel of the Free and Fulsome Pardon and

    Grace of God

    For even the worst of sinners and criminals

    Including those who dare to MIX the PURE

    Gospel of Christ and New Covenant of Grace Alone

    With the pollution of the obsolete and powerless

    Mosaical Law of God or the

    ‘Ministry of Condemnation’ (Read Rom.7:4-7)

    And that Christless and Merciless and Cruel Law of

    Prideful, Personal, Moralistic

    Perversely ‘Pastoral’ and Public Governmental man! (Gal. 1)

    Because they ALSO –like us in former times

    Have been taken captive by the devil at his will

    And are unable to deliver and save themselves

    Being also slaves to sin and pride

    We must love them even as Christ has loved us and saved us

    In and from our sin and iniquity, pride, perversity and crime

    Thus we MUST communicate our friendly acceptance of them as they are

    For Christ’s sake and so for the Gospel’s and their sake as well

    Thus we are and should be SEEN to be the FRIEND of sinners

    Willing to cover their sins and save their face

    Where at all possible


    Debt-Free JUSTICE of AGAPE Love must be the

    Supreme standard of right and wrong – action or inaction

    Decision and Judicious Judgment!

    Against which there is no other or HIGHER Law

    This IS the ONLY Rule of the New Creation in Christ!

    All possible informal and alternative

    Avenues of confrontation and mediation and reconciliation

    Should ordinarily be exhausted if we are not exhausted in the process!

    And thus we must NOT expose them unjustly or unnecessarily

    Or precipitously or presumptuously

    To shame and public humiliation or Public prosecution

    Especially when many innocents way well suffer

    And despite their unreasonable and aggravating speech

    And prideful, even criminal conduct

    And so we must NOT become entangled with the

    Dark demonic spirits that inhabit and control them

    Nor with the human institutions

    Governments and systems

    That provide them a ‘lawful covering’

    Even a Devilish shield and hiding place

    From Public exposure

    Though that ‘covering’ can and will and

    MUST be exposed and fully defeated in due course

    Thus our battle is NOT against flesh and blood

    But against Dark spiritual powers in High Places

    And so we must NOT trust in the weak arm of

    Secular and fleshly, human or this world wisdom

    We must be careful NOT to unnecessarily

    Provoke or punish them

    We must not make the mistake of

    REACTING to them

    Even the lying and truth-twisting

    Leviathan and Pythonic crushing spirits (Ps. 56)

    By allowing them or the Demon powers to

    Get under our skin

    So as to take the bait and be hooked by them

    For when we lose our peace and joy

    We are defeated already

    Or are seen to be agitated and then

    They will come in for the kill like a flood

    Ordinarily by using the authority

    Christ has given us

    We can challenge and rebuke successfully

    The dark demonic powers in Jesus Name

    At other times when dealing with

    ‘World Ruling Spirits in high places’

    We may well have to defer to God Himself

    To repel and defeat these higher power enemies

    We cannot or may not be called to confront directly And defeat this kind or class of enemies

    When it may well be God’s prerogative

    And much safer for us to expect God to do

    What only He can do

    We will need the vital Gift and instruction

    Of the Discerning of Spirits before we

    Attack and defeat such spiritual Strongholds

    BUT we must NEVER fear them or their power

    WE do not know what to do but Our eyes are upon You O God

    Thus we MUST keep our eyes and emotions FIXED on Jesus

    NOT on the Enemy and NOT on the Problem and NOT on the Pain

    NOT on the Hindrance and not on their Hate and persecution of us

    By faith – and thus put our hope and expectation

    Not in the arm of flesh to kill the King of Pride (Job 41:34)

    But in the Almighty God of Magisterial Mercy and Truth

    In order to think clearly and judge righteously


    Likewise we must strenuously oppose

    IN the Name and Authority of Christ and in

    the power of the spirit ONLY

    The overbearing and interventionist State

    That seeks control of vulnerable children and

    Their families

    Through the Christless and Merciless

    Child Abuse Industry - with

    Dr Fruit Loop and his so called Family friends

    Without the siblings of ‘Uncle Fantasy’ and ‘Aunty Fun’

    Without ‘brother Empathy and ‘Sister Sympathy’ (Paul Kraus)

    Rather they weaponise Victimhood

    Another brand of ‘Clown’ Medicos and

    Belligerent Bullying Bureaucrats

    That fails to soothe the hurt

    But works the oracle

    With another kind of honking horns

    And crazy ECT gadgetry

    No lullaby to orchestral grandness

    That transposes head and heart

    Another way of Doctoring

    That fails to drop the still dews of quietness

    That fails to heal

    With no healing of memories

    But only a pessimistic prognosis with a huge proboscis

    Making for disordered lives and greater heats of desire

    With no ego dying

    Malignant not benign

    Another thief that steals our shalom

    Another cancer on the body politic

    With greater proclivity for recycled violence

    Exercising strong power with little aura of hope

    Creating more and more victims and martinets

    Recycling violence through hatred and enmity

    All of this is Manifestly Contrary to Christ’s newly created

    And NOW Redeemed world order

    Ruthlessly usurped by the coercive powers of the

    Totalitarian Big Brother and Grand Nanny States

    Who in the abuse of their power

    Constantly seek to impose on us

    Their oracles of Christless Governance and Justice

    Against our will, wishes and best interests!!

    For ONLY Jesus is the Life of the Party

    As the Author and Finisher of a Merciful and Generous

    Peacemaking and Reconciling and Restorative and Transformative Egalitarian and Ennobling Justice

    FREE and FAIR for all without exception and

    Without distinction and

    NOT based on personal worth or moral or heroic merit!

    Or legal performance!

    But ONLY on the FREE

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