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Natural Health Tips: Mineral Balancing, Supporting Detoxification, and Regaining Your Life Back
Natural Health Tips: Mineral Balancing, Supporting Detoxification, and Regaining Your Life Back
Natural Health Tips: Mineral Balancing, Supporting Detoxification, and Regaining Your Life Back
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Natural Health Tips: Mineral Balancing, Supporting Detoxification, and Regaining Your Life Back

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Trying to get healthy can be overwhelming. There are dozens of experts out their with their ideal plans and quick-fixes on how to regain your health. The truth is, there is a lot to do to truly heal the body and there is no magic pill. This book outlines all of the best tips to get you on the track to perfect health. You will learn about mineral balancing, why individualized testing is crucial, how to heal your gut and liver, how to manage stress, and more.
Release dateDec 14, 2015
Natural Health Tips: Mineral Balancing, Supporting Detoxification, and Regaining Your Life Back

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    Natural Health Tips - Kristin Merizalde

    Natural Health Tips: Mineral Balancing, Supporting Detoxification, and Regaining Your Life Back

    Natural Health Tips: Mineral Balancing, Supporting Detoxification, and Regaining your Life Back

    2015 Copyright Kristin Merizalde


    When I started on the road to natural health, I had no idea how complex things could truly be.  There is more to healing than just eating healthy. Between our soils being severely depleted of nutrients, the Standard American Diet that is very unbalanced, and overuse of pharmaceuticals, our health is suffering immensely.  Nearly everyone has some sort of chronic illness, and now children are just as susceptible. 

    Cancer is the number one cause of death in children under 5.  How is that even acceptable? You will find charities galore looking for the cure- but where is the prevention?  At least 90% of all illnesses (including cancer) are environmental!  We are hit from every angle with cancer-causing ingredients, whether it is in our food, our household products, or even the air we breathe.  Help keep your family healthy by changing as much as you can.  There is a lot that we cannot control, but there is so much more than we can control when it comes to prevention!

    This book will be a compilation of all of the things that I believe are important when it comes to health and healing. We need to do everything we can to protect our future generations from suffering. I’m going to include things to avoid like fluoride and mercury, as well as things we need to include in our lives like minerals and natural remedies.  Most of this book can be found on Holistic Phoenix which is my blog. You’ll be able to get more information and sources for everything found in this book.

    About Me

    I was just like every other person following the Standard American Diet and lifestyle.  I drank nothing but soda, I ate fast food almost daily, and I rarely exercised.  I was sick with infections every year as a child and had antibiotics at least once a year.  I was obese at the age of 9, but luckily my father took custody of me and managed to help me lose the weight I needed to lose. To top it all off I was abused by 3 adults as a child- that stress along with my diet and lifestyle truly did a number on my health.

    I was anemic my whole life and never had much stamina.  At the age of 17, I decided to go on birth control and that was when everything changed for the worst.  Within 2 months, I gained about 20 pounds, had chronic pain, migraines, I was sleeping probably 12 hours a night and was still tired upon waking.  I went to countless doctors that year: my primary care, an ENT, a rheumatologist, a neurologist, a pulmonologist, had a sleep study done, and I remember a few other trips to doctors.

    After a year of these doctor visits, I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which basically meant they had no idea what was going on.  I wish I had realized back then that it was the birth control causing all of my issues, because clearly these experts didn’t think that was the issue.  There was no way one of the most commonly prescribed hormonal pills could be causing all of these issues!

    After the diagnosis, I just lived with it.  I tried whatever medications they gave me, went for blood tests, and I was a good little patient.  Not one doctor thought that the birth control could be the issue, nor did they ever bring up nutrition or diet.

    Considering that I was working at a fast food restaurant at the time and eating there almost daily, diet was a huge factor in my issues back then!  I was a senior in high school, lost all of my friends because the fatigue and pain made me so angry, and my grades slipped.  I decided to skip college because my brain just wasn’t working so I knew I would not be able to successfully complete anything.

    Fast forward to 6 years later- I was pushing 300 pounds, still in chronic pain, and I started to have severe gut issues.  I was having vasovagal nerve reactions which would make it feel like I was having a heart attack.  Also, I was having a lot of issues with my digestion because my stomach was always in excruciating pain.  I went to the hospital 3 times in 3 months because of the stomach pain and because of how fast my heart skipped with the vasovagal responses.  I had no idea what was going on at the time- I did not know about the vasovagal nerve, or gut health.  Nothing.  I was terrified.  I was having spasms from my neck to my legs 24/7 which I now know was my esophagus having spasms.  The hospital told me I just had anxiety, and sent me to a gastroenterologist.  The gastro told me I had a hiatal hernia, and GERD.  I was told to sleep on an incline, avoid certain foods, and take Prilosec for the rest of my life.

    I was devastated.   At this point, I was barely sleeping because of these spasms.  I was living on rice, broth and grilled chicken because everything else gave me stomach pain.

    This went on for months until I finally decided to go another route.  I was sick of the pain and the spasms, and the Prilosec made me stop having periods, gave me heart palpitations, and was making me into a zombie.  I started looking up home remedies for reflux.

    My first finds were apple cider vinegar and aloe Vera juice.  These two remedies were nothing short of a miracle.  The first day I tried the vinegar, I was able to eat a normal meal!  Within a week, I had my period again and the heart palps stopped.  I was still having muscles spasms 24/7 but they were getting better.  After a month of just these 2 remedies, I could once again eat anything without pain!

    I started researching natural health with vigor after this experience.  With the ACV and aloe, I started to experience detox symptoms.  I had blurry vision sometimes, I had bouts of bad fatigue, and I was going to the bathroom A LOT for the first time in my life.  I read as much information about healing reactions as I could get my hands on, and I was convinced that this is what I was going through.  I was sold on natural healing after that, and started making small changes to my lifestyle after that.

    I ditched the fluoride, stopped eating foods with artificial ingredients, threw out all of my beauty products, and kept learning about nutrition!  I slowly made changes over the course of a year as I learned about organic foods, endocrine disruptors, and carcinogens.

    I lost 120 pounds, cured my illnesses, and had a new life finally.  My whole outlook on life had changed.  I was intrigued with how easy it had been to reverse illness- something that are told isn’t possible.  I became convinced that there had to be natural remedies for everything.  In the past year, I realized that there IS a cure for almost everything.

    Mineral balancing is the most amazing program there is to heal illness.  It isn’t a gimmick, or a lose-weight-fast scam.  It is just focusing on your personal deficiencies and imbalances, and fixing them!  Our bodies run on minerals and the enzymes that they activate.  Our food is severely depleted of nutrients and many people aren’t even eating true food anymore.  With each generation, we are creating more and more depleted bodies.  This has to be fixed before we are all truly beyond repair.

    I focus on 5 main ways to achieve and maintain health: Reduce toxins, manage stress more efficiently, find your ideal diet, heal your gut and balance your minerals!  My first tip is this: evaluate your life and see what you think could use a tune-up.  If you are suffering from a chronic illness, I would go for healing your gut and checking minerals first.  If you are going through a lot of stress, look into ways to manage it more efficiently.

    My life experiences brought me to this point for a reason. I am dedicated to helping people find the way to not only healing their illness, but to protect our future generations from suffering like we have.

    My Personal Healing Journey

    This is my healing journey. I found an old journal that I started keeping about my healing reactions and what I was going through when I first started this path to natural health.  It was a rough road, especially because I went through all of this without the help of anyone- there was still limited info back then on the healing crisis.

    I read every article or book I could find on natural healing but there were not many that really explained the process or how to get through it. The only things I really found helpful were to learn how to recognize healing vs worsening- luckily I ALWAYS had amazing days after the worse days so that kept me reassured. I had started eating more organic/ less processed at this time but I was still vegetarian, mostly low fat and low sodium- so it wasn’t ideal for me.

    I’ve come a LONG way in 3 years (with a pregnancy thrown in there to shake things up a bit!)

    July 2, 2012 started aloe Vera juice 2x a day

    July 4th started ACV 3 x a day with meals

    July 6th- started my period for the first time in 3 months

    July 10th woke up with extremely sore throat, coughed up gunk and some blood for 2 days; sleeping so soundly for the first time in years. Started to notice a cycle- first, emotional symptoms would happen, usually anxiety or depression (major crying! Knowing what I know now, I am positive this was the calcium shell breaking- I also had myofascial knots that started disappearing with magnesium, so I am certain that I had excess calcium built up). Then after a few hours, physical symptoms would start- fuzzy eye sight, frequent BMs (I started going 4-5 times a day for a few months, after only ever going once a day my whole life).

    7/22 started digestive healing- I experienced everything that I had just been going through for 6 months. Increased acid reflux, esophageal spasms, bloating, constipation, tightness in stomach- lasted about 3 days and then it all disappeared again.

    7/30 I felt good all day until 7Pm- then I experienced the symptoms that had triggered my extreme gut issues. Anxiety, then severe esophageal spasms, heart palps, chills, and frequent bathroom trips (now I know this was a vasovagal response!) I was scared at first as these episodes used to last for hours, but I managed to get it all to stop in 15 minutes- that is how I figured it was a healing crisis and not a flare up. Nothing I did before would stop them, but this time I could. I slept like a rock and felt amazing in the morning! (Exactly what a healing crisis does- flare up, then you feel great!) My healing reactions started to last only a few minutes or hours instead of a few days or a week.

    8/3 Extreme exhaustion most of the day, took a nap. Colon was grumbling the whole day and I expelled lots of mucus and a little bit of blood (freaked me out but only happened once- luckily I trusted my instincts that it was just cleansing!)

    8/5 Felt better than I had in years. Barely had any pain, no spasms, lots of energy and a clear mind

    8/6 slept almost 9 hours straight, felt exhausted. Took a hot shower and went for a walk in the heat for an hour but it made me dehydrated and weak so I took a nap, still felt bad. Had coconut water, avocado, and a sandwich with tons of spinach- finally felt better

    Symptoms I experienced in order: sore throat, fatigue, brown/red mucus, increased normal BMs (2-5 a day), increased urination, blurry vision (for the first whole month I started detoxing), better sleep on days after healing crisis, but worse sleep on the day before, colon grumbling, reflux, spasms, tightness in chest and stomach, heart palps, anxiety, depression, acne breakouts, eczema, extra joint pain, headaches, and increased muscle tension.

    Over the next few months, I kept changing my lifestyle. I ate as clean as I could because as I learned about artificial ingredients and pesticides I started to cut those things out of my diet. I started magnesium as well which was the big helper for me for my fibromyalgia (nice try doctors, try giving it a real name like Magnesium Deficiency). I cut down on my environmental toxins as well. I stopped dying my hair, I threw out all of my makeup and perfumes, and I switched my cleaners from toxic junk to just vinegar and baking soda.  I made a LOT of changes in only about 6 months.

    I managed to lose more weight (total weight loss over the course of a year was 100 pounds), get rid of ALL of my muscle and joint pain, I had more energy, I was sleeping well almost every night, my cycles were regular with barely any cramps, my brain was clear, my eyes were bright, my hair and skin were the healthiest they have ever been. I still had a bit of fatigue here and there but I knew with time that it would get better.

    However, before I feel like I could fully heal, I got pregnant! We were not trying, but it was a shock how easily I became pregnant especially when I had a doctor tell me I would never get pregnant (once again, thanks docs! Spot on!) I totally account my ability to get pregnant on the fact that I had cleaned up my life so much in less than 10 months- the magnesium especially seemed to have helped a lot with my hormones.

    And now here I am now- my son is 2 years old. I felt ok after his birth but ended up with mastitis when he was a month old and I took the antibiotics that were offered to me. Big mistake. My gut (and his) just shut down. Luckily he bounced back after some probiotics, but it took months for me to figure out how to heal mine. Gelatin and strong probiotics, along with a gluten free diet helped immensely. But I was still suffering from many ailments- anxiety, paranoia, depression, insomnia, exhaustion, and brain fog.

    Thank goodness it only took a few more months to stumble upon mineral balancing. Everything clicked when I started reading about copper imbalances. I was vegetarian for nearly 5 years (meat disgusted me- which is a sign of low stomach acid and a copper imbalance), all of my health issues started with the birth control pill (which I didn’t realize at the time and I stayed on it for a few years), plus I was living the standard American lifestyle, and I had a very stressful, abusive childhood.  Nearly everything that I had experienced had depleted me of all of my nutrients!

    The first month on my protocol nearly all of my issues disappeared, but I experienced a lot of copper dumping. After the second month, I started declining and just chocked it up to

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