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Educational Coaching
Educational Coaching
Educational Coaching
Ebook154 pages3 hours

Educational Coaching

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About this ebook

Educational coaching is aimed at the three main levels of the school context: the teaching team, parents and students. The objective is to develop the confidence of the trainee in himself so that he can make decisions, assume responsibilities, thus achieving the objectives or goals that have been proposed at the beginning of the process. The advantage of the coach is that by not belonging to the educational community, he appears as an impartial professional who observes the school reality with different eyes. Educational Coaching wishes to bet on individualized learning in order to guide, transmit and teach the three levels of Education (students, trainers and parents) a new educational model. By integrating this new methodology, students, trainers and parents will be the fundamental pillars of a people-centered education. Structure of educational coaching. It has three fundamental pillars: Family Coaching. Training of parents by implementing the tools of coaching to help them in the mission of educators. Coaching in the Classrooms. Teacher training as an academic advisor trained in communication skills, conflict resolution, emotional control, and leadership. Coaching to Students. The training of coachee students. The students to whom it will be directed will be those of 3rd and 4th of ESO and 1st and 2nd of Bachillerato. The reason is that at these ages the possibilities and values ​​of people are definitely forged. In the case of high school students, coaching is aimed at providing them with great motivation, making them think big, getting them to get the best of themselves, better managing their time, both leisure and work, and finding balance in their relationships with parents, teachers, classmates, and friends.

Release dateOct 2, 2020
Educational Coaching

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    Educational Coaching - Miguel D'Addario


    • Coaching: It consists of the guidance that an external professional (coach) gives to a manager to improve his skills, that is, make him much more effective in his performance.

    • Coach: It is the one who helps the coachee to become a different observer of himself and his environment and to detect the obstacles and limitations that interfere in the realization of the expected results.

    • Coachee: The person who has decided to require the services of a coach to help him focus on a critical moment in his life, relating to his professional career and / or his personal evolution.

    • Maieutics: From the Greek maieutiké (art of midwives, art of helping to recreate). Maieutics is the philosophical method of research and teaching proposed by Socrates. It consists essentially of using dialogue to reach knowledge.

    • Socrates: Greek philosopher, is considered one of the greatest of both Western and universal philosophy.  Plato's  forerunner  and  Aristotle,

    fundamental representatives of all Greek philosophy. He proposed the Maieutics.

    • Assertiveness: Derived from the word assertive, assertive. It comes from the Latin assertus and means Affirmation of the certainty of a thing, it is related to firmness and certainty. An assertive person is one who affirms with certainty.

    Genealogy of Coaching

    • Of English

    In its adaptation to the English language to coach, this word means to train. In the business and personal environment, coaching is known as the interactive and transparent process by which the coach or trainer and the person or group involved in said process seek the most effective way to achieve the objectives set using their own resources and skills. In sports training it is usual practice to have a coach to achieve the best personal results and high-performance teams.

    • From French

    The word coaching comes from the French word coach, which means carriage, vehicle to transport people from one place to another. Coaching would literally be the activity carried out by a coachman, to take a passenger to a mutually agreed place. We can then associate coaching with the activity conducive to achieving advancement or displacement of the coachee towards the desired situation.

    • From Greek

    The concept of coaching is several thousand years old. In a pure sense, it is the art of maieutics, already used by Socrates in ancient Greece. Socrates helped his disciples by asking them questions and allowing them to find the answer for themselves. That is to say, the person who tries to learn, gives himself the answers to the questions that he has posed, in the search to get the best of himself. Coaching uses the most modern communication techniques. It works all the basic areas of life, such as the profession, personal economy, family life, couple, health, spirit and personal relationships. Coaching only looks at present towards the future, he does not care about the past or the reason for the current situation. You get the best out of people by building on and empowering your strengths.

    Potential means that inside people there are many things waiting to be released. People have a greater capacity than they manifest. A part of this potential can be activated through coaching.

    Coaching is aimed at anyone who wants to improve in any area of ​​their life or even in all and who wants to change.

    Coaching procedures

    Socrates said that there is no teaching, but only learning. And with this simplicity, what is the methodology of coaching is described today. Socrates helped others to learn by asking questions of his interlocutor and allowing him to find the answer for himself. Maieutics consists essentially of using dialogue to reach knowledge. Although Socrates never systematized maieutics, it is surely correct to highlight the following phases in this method:

    1. A question is posed which, in the case of Socrates' use of this method, could be expressed with questions of the following type: What is virtue? What is science? What does beauty consist of?

    2. The interlocutor gives an answer, an answer immediately discussed or contested by the teacher.

    3. This is followed by a discussion on the subject that confuses the interlocutor. This moment of confusion and discomfort for not seeing clearly something that before the dialogue he thought he

    knew perfectly is a necessary condition for learning, and Socrates identifies it with the pains that the woman in labor feels before giving birth.

    4. After this moment of confusion, the intention of the maieutic method is to progressively rise to more and more general and precise definitions of the question under investigation (beauty, science, virtue). The discussion would conclude when the student, thanks to...

    With the help of the teacher, he manages to achieve precise, universal and strict knowledge of the reality under investigation. The basic idea of ​​the Socratic method of teaching is that the teacher does not instill knowledge in the student, since he rejects that his mind is an empty receptacle or drawer in which the different truths can be introduced; for Socrates it is the disciple who draws knowledge from himself.

    Ontological coaching

    Ontology has a philosophical origin and is called the theory of BEING, it comes from the Greek, from the verb to be, to be, science, study, theory.

    Coaching ontological is responsible for the reflection that can make the human being about himself, through language and through it change his way of observing his reality. By being aware of this, you begin to discover the origin of your behaviors, giving you the freedom to modify those that do not work for those that give you greater stability and personal power. This broadens your range of action possibilities to achieve brilliant and unusual results. By creating awareness of the patterns of behavior that he manages in his life and what is the origin of these, the individual reaches a new knowledge of how it is structured.


    • Develop self-knowledge.

    • Open perceptual panorama of possibilities.

    • Identify patterns of behavior.

    • Raise the level of communication.

    • Learn to resolve conflicts with speed.

    • Create team.

    • Create commitment.

    • Create an atmosphere of harmony.

    • Build a sense of community

    Ontological coaching is a learning process. When the results we obtain are unsatisfactory and we think that the situation can be modified, we enter into that type of process.

    The ontology of language

    1. We interpret human beings as linguistic beings. Language is, above all, what makes human beings the particular kind of beings that we are, linguistic beings, beings that we live in language.

    2. Language is the key to understanding human phenomena. If, according to what we have just seen, the ontology of language recognizes in human existence the three primary domains of corporeality, emotionality and language, why, then, does this discipline raise the priority of language in its postulates? Because through it   we   can   recognize   the existence of others two non-verbal domains, since to refer to them we inevitably use language.

    3. Ontology also knows that as human beings we need to give meaning to our lives and that we do that through language: conversing, telling stories, tales and narratives that give meaning to what we see, hear and feel.

    4. We interpret language as generative. This postulate questions the traditional conception of language. It recognizes that language not only allows us to talk about things, to describe what we see in the outer world or in our inner world, but that language makes things happen.

    5. Therefore, language creates realities: from certain words our world changes. Let's think: How many yes have we said in our lives that have generated new situations? How many no have we said or stopped saying that could have changed the course of our existence?

    We are the result of everything we said and everything we stopped saying.

    6. We are the result of the story that we tell and that we generate. That history determined who

    we are today and will determine who we will be in the future.

    7. We interpret that human beings create themselves in language and through it. The human being is a space of possibility towards his own creation and what makes it possible is precisely the generative capacity of language. Individuals have the ability to create themselves through language. This interpretation allows us to gain mastery over our own lives by playing an active role in shaping the type of being we would like to become.

    Specify coaching

    Coaching is a tool for developing people's potential that is carried out through a personal and professional advisory system for the subsequent impact on the organization. Coaching is a dynamic and interactive process that consists of attending others in the achievement of their goals, collaborating in the development of their own potential.

    The principles on which it is based are:

    • Coaching focuses on the possibilities of the future, not on past mistakes or current performance.

    • To get the best out of people, the coach must believe in their potential. Our beliefs about the capabilities of others have a direct impact on their performance.

    • Coaching works based on a relationship of trust and confidentiality maintained between the coach and the trainee.

    • The trainee does not learn from the coach, but from himself, stimulated by the coach.

    Define the coach

    Of the two people who intervene, one is the one who facilitates the process or coach and the other is the protagonist who tries to achieve a goal or coachee. The coachee can be anyone, however the coach must be a professional prepared and trained in different subjects and with certain attitudes that have nothing to do with the activity, personal situation or matter that the coachee wants to deal with.

    The role of the coach is to help the coachee to become a different observer of himself and his environment and to detect the obstacles and limitations that interfere in the realization of the expected results.

    Advantages of coaching

    Coaching takes place in a climate of absolute trust and confidentiality. In this way all matters can be addressed during a coaching session.

    Actions and consequences

    Our results are a consequence of our actions or behaviors, and these, in turn, are the reflection of our thoughts.

    Performance improvement occurs when we enrich our mental models and can generate new responses.

    The essence

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