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Veronica Unhinged: The Chalet II
Veronica Unhinged: The Chalet II
Veronica Unhinged: The Chalet II
Ebook29 pages27 minutes

Veronica Unhinged: The Chalet II

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The Chalet was a magical place. A gated motel in the middle of the city catered to swingers. The rules were simple, you booked a room for the night and in return you got access to stay and play. The rooms were outfitted with silk sheets, mounted TV’s that played nothing but porn, strategically placed mirrors, and a promise of a very good time.
Veronica and I had recently reconnected after not seeing each other for a few years and she suggested we stay the night to explore our kinks. In the aftermath of a threesome with our room neighbor Veronica revealed her true intentions for our visit, she wanted to be savagely gangbanged. This is the true story of my adventures with Veronica at The Chalet.
This is the second installment in the kink serial Veronica Unhinged.

Release dateMar 10, 2020
Veronica Unhinged: The Chalet II

Nathaniel Hale

Nathaniel Hale is a former freelance adult journalist that now writes erotica based on his work on the fringes among America's naughtiest. Keen on calling himself a peddler of smut, Nathaniel is currently working on a serial about Veronica, a whirlwind of a woman that never backed down in the face of experimentation.Follow the author page on Smashwords as well as the Patreon page for regular updates. You can also join the mailing list which is available on the website

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    Book preview

    Veronica Unhinged - Nathaniel Hale

    Veronica Unhinged

    The Chalet II

    By Nathaniel Hale

    Published by Nathaniel Hale at Smashwords

    Copyright 2020 Nathaniel Hale


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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any similarities with actual persons or events are purely speculative.

    Warning: This book contains a lot of explicit content and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters depicted herein are 18 years or older and all sexual activities are of a consensual nature.


    The Chalet was a magical place. A gated motel in the middle of the city catered to swingers. The rules were simple, you booked a room for the night and in return you got access to stay and play. The rooms were outfitted with silk sheets, mounted TV’s that played nothing but porn, strategically placed mirrors, and a promise of a very good time.

    Veronica and I had recently reconnected after not seeing each other for a few years and she suggested we stay the night and explore our kinks. When we arrived we were quickly acquainted with our next door neighbor Marcus with whom things quickly got steamy as the three of us had a quick fuck in our room where fluids and orgasms were freely exchanged. After we finished, a man appeared in the doorway and encouraged us to move on to the pool area for more fun. This is the true story of my adventures with Veronica.

    NOTE: This story is best enjoyed after you’ve read the first installment in The Chalet series but does also stand on its own. Enjoy!

    Veronica Unhinged - The Chalet II

    As we laid there panting in our tangled mess of naked skin on sheets made

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