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Into Another World
Into Another World
Into Another World
Ebook50 pages22 minutes

Into Another World

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About this ebook

Walking home from a college party, Ted Jackson is engulfed by swirling, colored fog. When he emerges and unlocks the door to his rented house, he discovers two women making love in what should be his bedroom, yet isn't.

How will they react, when they catch him watching them?

Stranded in a world that doesn't know him, can he build a new life with Mercy and Terri?

Release dateSep 25, 2020
Into Another World

M.R. Leenysman

M.R. Leenysman is a 50+ widower who discovered, after his wife's death, that he enjoys writing erotica. He hopes you enjoy the products of his imagination.

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    Into Another World - M.R. Leenysman

    Into Another World

    By M.R. Leenysman

    Copyright 2020, M.R. Leenysman

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. This author will not upload this ebook to any free ebook site, so if you find a copy at one, it has been uploaded without his permission and should be considered stolen. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author and all authors by ensuring that they get paid royalties.

    Into Another World


    I remember the fog becoming dense, as I walked home from the frat party, through Lincoln Park, to get back to the house my friends and I rented on the other side of the park from campus. My roommates had opted to party longer, but I had my part-time job at the campus library in the morning, so needed to get some sleep.

    The further I went, the thicker the fog seemed to get. When it started to swirl in multiple colors, I wasn’t sure if I was actually seeing it or maybe someone had slipped something into my last drink or if the last joint I smoked had been laced with something extra.

    I kept moving forward, keeping to the path that was all I could see.

    Moments later, the colors faded and the fog thinned once more, as I reached Murphy Street and could barely see our house several doors down on the opposite side of the street. I crossed and walked the rest of the way, still thinking about the colored fog. I was definitely buzzed, but that had to be a hallucination. Right? Fog simply didn’t change colors on its own.

    As I unlocked the front door with my key, the sudden urge to pee struck me, so I rushed to the house’s one bathroom, relying on the night-light, and started to furiously piss.

    As I finished and turned towards the sink to wash, I heard moaning. Female moaning, coming from one of the bedrooms. Had one of my roommates come back before me with a girl without my knowing it? I hoped it wasn’t Zack, as we shared a bedroom and I didn’t look forward to seeing a sock over the doorknob and the prospect of sleeping on the lumpy sofa Zack’s parents had contributed to our motley mix of furnishings.

    That’s when I started to notice that the bathroom seemed different. These weren’t our towels, our soap, our shower curtain. Nothing matched that hadn’t been there when we moved in. What the hell was going on? I knew I hadn’t walked into the wrong house, because I had used my key. Yet, nothing looked right.

    As I exited the bathroom, the living room furniture was all different, too. The layout of the house was the same, but the interiors weren’t.


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