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Lust on the Way to Vega
Lust on the Way to Vega
Lust on the Way to Vega
Ebook54 pages56 minutes

Lust on the Way to Vega

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On a voyage to the star Vega, the crew of the Proteus is awoken to the news that several systems had gotten damaged several light years earlier. In addition to propulsion being down, they soon discover that the system meant to suppress their emotions and sex drive is having the opposite of its intended effect. Can they make the repairs, if the only way to think straight is to give in to lust?

Release dateOct 15, 2017
Lust on the Way to Vega

M.R. Leenysman

M.R. Leenysman is a 50+ widower who discovered, after his wife's death, that he enjoys writing erotica. He hopes you enjoy the products of his imagination.

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    Lust on the Way to Vega - M.R. Leenysman

    Lust on the Way to Vega

    By M.R. Leenysman

    Copyright 2017, M.R. Leenysman

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Disclaimer: All sexual activity described in this ebook is between fictional characters over the age of 18.


    December 12th, 2109, Earth

    Cairo Sendet activated two hover-cameras, letting them focus on the two occupants of the room. Colonel Darius Sullivan was the first member of the Proteus mission who had been willing to talk to a member of the press in the year since they had gotten home. Cairo had a long list of questions, sure to drive her hit count.

    Otherwise ignoring the recorders, she started, Happy 85th birthday, Colonel.

    "Please, Cairo, call me Darius. I’m only 85 on paper. The doctors tell me my biological age is still only 25. Younger than you, I believe. Although, with the relativistic effects of traveling at 90 percent of light speed, I effectively only spent 26 years in stasis and one year awake, out of our 59 year voyage."

    "I will come back to that. First, the crew of the Proteus has developed a reputation for avoiding the press since your return, Colonel Sullivan. Could you explain that for my audience and why you changed your mind to talk to me?"

    Sadness crept into his smile. I chose to speak mainly because of my birthday, to get across the idea of being time shifted like we are. As for why we haven’t allowed interviews before this, wouldn’t you be quiet, if it turned out that the mission you had dedicated your life to making a success turned out to be completely irrelevant? We said goodbye to everyone we knew, knowing that most would be dead before we returned. 59 years sacrificed, for nothing. We got back, with all this survey data on Vega’s planets, only to find out that Earth had already established a colony on Vega-4 22 years earlier without needing any of the information we gathered.

    "Because the jump drive technology was invented during your mission?" Cairo asked.

    Darius said, Especially because the first ship to use it launched after our departure from Vega. We left Vega in 2079 on the calendar, not even knowing that Earth was researching the new technology. There was no hyperlink station at Vega then, for obvious reasons, and we were just then getting light broadcasts from Earth from 2054. The earliest of our transmitted data didn’t start arriving on Earth until 2103, the last the next year. We arrived back at spacedock just 4 years after our data.

    Cairo jumped in with, The Vega-4 colony was founded in 2086.

    Darius frowned at the interruption, then continued, Right. We were two years into our return travel when the Kincaid jumped from Earth to the outskirts of the Vega system in a week’s time in 2081, then made another jump and established an orbit around Vega-4, regathering the same information we had collected so the colony could start 5 years after that. If the scientists had succeeded just three years earlier, the Kincaid could have come to get us during the survey portion of our voyage and at least saved us the 29 years of the return trip. The other survey missions launched around the same time as us were to stars from 5 to 15 light years farther away, so they arrived to find an Earth ship already there, in some cases with a colony already in place.

    "Why couldn’t the Kincaid come after you after getting to Vega? Cairo asked. Jump ships are faster, right?"

    "Yes and no. Technologically, they both rely on the metaverse that the physicists discovered back in 2035. They just leverage it differently. The power systems on the Proteus drew energy from that universe to let us accelerate continuously and power our shields without having to carry fuel."

    "And the Kincaid?" Cairo asked.

    Darius answered, "Jump ships like the Kincaid open a portal into the metaverse big enough to fly into, travel through the metaverse under its different physical laws using a separate set of engines,

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