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A Journey of a Real Woman: Book 3
A Journey of a Real Woman: Book 3
A Journey of a Real Woman: Book 3
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A Journey of a Real Woman: Book 3

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Betsy moved back to New Orleans after her breakup with Thomas and seeing Doris again made everything alright. She got a job teaching at a local university and moved in with Doris until she could find a place of her own. Both women immersed themselves in work and also into an intimate relationship while they searched for Mr. Right. Betsy started dating ‘Filler’ and she knew he wasn’t the one, but she needed a man to fill a relationship. After broken promises and several relationships that included more humiliation and domination, Betsy met Danny. Suddenly at 34, she found the man of her dreams, but the road of life still had many potholes to overcome.

PublisherKC Douglas
Release dateDec 15, 2019
A Journey of a Real Woman: Book 3

KC Douglas

I started reading erotic stories a few years ago and found many of them to be very unbelievable, as well as written poorly so I wondered if I could do better. I have written many stories and posted them on a few story sites, which has given me great satisfaction when readers send me wonderful feedback. After receiving many nice comments from readers, I decided to give publishing a try and I am hoping to give readers a rewarding experience by reading one of my books. I fully immerse myself in each story and hopefully that intimate feeling is portrayed in each of my books. The enjoyment received from erotic stories can give a person many minutes and hours of personal enjoyment and hopefully my books do that for readers. Many of my books are pure erotic fantasy... I think... but then again I won't admit what parts come from personal experience. Yes, I have had affairs in my life and in my marriage, but hopefully they have made me stronger and happier. I can't describe the enjoyment I get from writing and will admit that it has been kept a total secret from my family and friends.

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    A Journey of a Real Woman - KC Douglas


    By K.C. Douglas


    Author’s Note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Betsy is probably the most appealing woman I know, and strangely, I am not sure if she is not the wittiest, smartest woman... or the craziest. I am telling her story, as she gets set to turn 40, and Betsy thinks back to what has happened in her life.


    BOOK 3 - New Orleans and Doris.

    It was time to move ahead to the next life-chapter. Her stormy romance with Thomas was over yet Betsy was glad in a way. Although she fell in love with him at first, things started to turn sour when he brought Susan into the relationship.

    Suddenly it was time to move on. Betsy felt her tummy quivering from the realization that the next life-chapter was devoted to Doris and she was elated. When Betsy returned to New Orleans after the breakup with Thomas, she relished the chance to be with her family again.

    Even though it was a season of joy and happiness, Betsy was having a hard time feeling that way. She had been back for a day with her dad when her dearest friend showed up. Doris was like a sister to Betsy, as her dad had raised Doris from the time she lost her parents in an auto accident when she was ten.

    Betsy and Doris were practically closer than sisters, as they never fought like siblings did. Doris showed up at the door the day before New Year’s and Betsy fell into her welcoming arms. All of a sudden everything was alright and Betsy felt like she could move on with her life.

    The two women rushed off to a secluded part of the house and it took hours for them to rehash the last year or two of their lives. When Betsy got to her relationship with Thomas and how it ended, she finally broke down.

    Betsy cried her eyes out and all the while, she was in the arms of someone she loved. Doris comforted her like a sister and held her like a lover. Once the storytelling was over, the two were ready to celebrate the New Year in style.

    They partied with some of their old school friends and acquaintances, and both Betsy and Doris hated when it came time to resume a regular life after the holidays. Doris lived in a city a few hours away and she went back to work the Monday following New Year’s Day.

    Betsy made what seemed like a rash decision at the time. She decided to stay in New Orleans and put out job applications, even though she didn’t seem comfortable with it all.


    Doris lived in a newer condo and she was thrilled when Betsy called. She's coming to stay... live with us. Oh Bingo! I can hardly wait... I've missed her so much, Doris said to her faithful pet dog. I've invited her to live here and she said yes. I'm so happy.

    Doris lived alone except for Bingo who she adopted from the humane society. She got him the day of her first modeling breakthrough and therefore the name Bingo. Doris quickly became a professional model and her career took off once people realized her great charisma.

    Her job meant she was on the road quite often and she had considered getting a roommate for a couple of years before Betsy called. Doris didn't like putting Bingo in an animal shelter when she was out of town and having her dear friend live with her was perfect.

    Bingo was about four years old at the time and he was a very big dog. Probably bigger than a single woman living alone should have, but he afforded Doris more safety and security than any alarm system. She made sure Bingo was well trained by having him attend numerous obedient training sessions and he never left her side when she was home. He slept in her bedroom and Doris devoted one portion of the room to his comfort.

    Betsy was amazed at how readily Bingo accepted her into the house. She moved into Doris' spare bedroom and even managed to find a job at the local college. Doris taught her the commands that Bingo understood and he quickly considered both women as his masters. Doris even ensured his bed and play toys were moved to Betsy's room when she had to go out of town for a modeling job.

    Neither woman realized how much they were alike. They seemed to know what the other was thinking even without saying a word to each other. Betsy had been living in the house for a couple of months before Doris questioned her for more details about the reasons for her breakup with Thomas.

    Doris could tell in New Orleans that her dear friend was very upset with the breakup, but she didn't want to press the issue until the proper time. Funny, Betsy thought, how Doris seemed to know when to do things or approach delicate subjects. When Doris asked, Betsy knew it was time.

    Holding things inside only made matters worse so Betsy decided to confide completely with her dearest friend. She never imagined they would grow emotionally closer to each other after the confession.

    Betsy had her own room after she moved in, but on most nights they slept in Doris’ room. They had sex many of the nights, but suddenly Betsy realized she was falling in love with Doris. Then Doris popped the question.

    Tell me about Thomas. Why did you two break up? Doris asked. I know it was rough. I could feel your pain when you moved in.

    Luckily Doris had picked the right night for the enlightenment. It was a Friday and neither worked the next day so the amount of sleep they got was totally irrelevant. Betsy cried during the revelations and she tried to make all the details about Thomas, Debbie and Susan exact and precise.

    Many of the dramatic events came out and then Betsy told Doris about the final blow. He made me join his party. It was supposed to be a celebration... a frickin' celebration with some of his business associates. The bastard had everything planned out, she whispered.

    I know... I know, Doris replied and embraced her friend. Men can be real bastards.

    Betsy's eyes were filled with tears and she sobbed during her explanation. I thought I loved him... thought he loved me. I would’ve done anything for him, she moaned. Then I found out what a devious, two-timing bastard he is.

    Doris hugged and caressed her crying friend. I know... I know.

    The party started and at first everything was okay. There was only Thomas, Ted, Mel, another couple of guys and us two... Susan and me, she whispered. That's when the bitch must have spiked my drink. Honest! I don't remember a thing after drinking whatever she gave me.

    Betsy sobbed out of control and Doris tried her best to comfort and show her love. It’s okay... I have you... you’re with me now, Doris said.

    I don't remember anything that happened after that. Thomas must have let them do anything they wanted to me... then I woke up in my own bed. Not a stitch of clothes on... marks all over my body, Betsy sobbed. And my body hurt. Hurt all over... even down there.

    Doris continued to hug and hold her, knowing that Betsy would feel better once her confession was out. Tell me what happened... what the bastards did.

    I could tell that I had sex. Like I said... my body hurt all over. Everything hurt... my pussy... my boobs... and oh my gawd, especially my ass, Betsy said with her voice breaking. I put my hand down there... I felt lots of stuff leaking from inside of me.

    Doris kissed her and tightened her embrace. Then she loosened her grip and leaned back a little to show her desire to hear more. Yes... yes.

    I looked at myself in the mirror. There were dark, red hickies all over my boobs. A big, red one... right beside my nipple. Gawd, you can't imagine how awful my breasts looked... covered with hickies, Betsy whispered. Then you should have seen what else they did.

    Doris could tell the story was getting more sadistic and upsetting so she tried harder to show Betsy compassion. It’s okay... I’m here for you, she whispered. I want to help.

    They used a felt pen to write on me. Someone... that creep, Mel, wrote, 'Fuck me here.' The bastard drew a big arrow pointing right at my pussy, Betsy moaned. When I turned around... I saw what he wrote on my back. 'Fuck my ass,' was on my back with an arrow pointing to the crack of my ass.

    The story was broken for some time, as the two women hugged and kissed. There was no completion or actual lovemaking, but merely tender caresses to show how much they loved each other.

    When Betsy continued, she had regained her composure. I found out exactly what they did to me. You see... everything was recorded. That bitch recorded the whole fucking thing... or she had that fucking creep do it, she said. You see... I found the movie and managed to see it all.

    The end was near so Betsy rushed to finish the story before she broke down again. When I told Thomas we were through, I shoved the movie in his face and left, she whispered. I thought that was the end of it... but it wasn't. That fucking bitch showed up at my apartment with a copy of the awful movie.

    After another short pause, Betsy continued. Susan showed up at my door and waved the movie in my face... and she wasn't alone. There was a big black man with her and he scared the hell out of me. He looked like one of those football players who plays for the Saints.

    Doris held her hands and encouraged Betsy to continue. Yes, go on.

    I didn't know what else to do. She threatened me... warned me that if I didn't cooperate she would show the incriminating movie to every school board member in the state, Betsy explained. She blackmailed me into having sex with him... and that's not all.

    Doris could tell Betsy was upset again and she encouraged her to get rid of it all. Tell me. You'll feel better once you tell someone. I love you... so tell me.

    That bitch... whore. She pulled my hair out... pulled so hard I'm sure she tried to scalp me. The black bastard was fucking me and then she ordered me to climax... cum all over his black prick, or else, Betsy cried. I've never seen such mean eyes. She stared at me and ordered me to do it... or she would show the movie to everyone.

    Oh geez, it must have been awful, Doris said.

    She said... she ordered me... said if I didn’t climax, she would put the movie on the internet for everyone to see, Betsy sobbed.

    Doris couldn't tolerate to listen anymore. It would have been too ominous to hear that her best friend had succumbed to blackmail and experienced an unwanted orgasm with a stranger. Then Doris wondered what she would have done in the same circumstances. She shivered realizing that she, too, would have surrendered her soul to the devil.

    When Doris asked her if she still had the video, Betsy had to admit that she had it hidden in her room. Betsy thought her friend was going to watch it, but she was utterly surprised when Doris destroyed the evidence.

    A new day... forget the past, Doris stated and the two quickly embraced. Let’s make it a new day.

    They were near the bed and the rest was easy. Betsy’s heart melted and suddenly new horizons appeared. When hands cupped her boobs, she welcomed the loving caresses.

    Doris concentrated on the illustrious nipples and quickly had them rock-hard. Love, your body... your breasts... your nipples are gorgeous, she whispered and rolled the buds around and around. They’re big and so hard.

    Betsy's couldn't remember feeling more passion or love towards anyone. She closed her eyes and simply let it happen. Both nipples were throbbing like crazy and then a trail of fire was etched across her heaving chest and down her stomach.

    Doris merely brushed her fingers on the insides of the velvety thighs and the legs spread. She promptly planted a heated kiss and thrust her tongue between the quivering lips and into the open mouth. Her fingernails carved up the inside of one thigh and hit the vast wetness.

    Oh gawd... oh gawd... oooooohhhhh, Betsy moaned, as her pussy-lips were pried apart to leave her soul exposed.

    Baby, oh baby... ooohhh baby, Doris whispered, as she broke the intense kiss. I love you.

    Suddenly her twitching clitoris was pinched by the skilled fingers and Betsy thought her head had exploded. Yes... yes... yeeeeeessss!

    Doris yanked the pulsating clitty out of the wetness and twirled it around, as fast as she could. Oh baby, forget the past... forget the bitch... forget Thomas, she said and refused to slow down or let go of the swirling clit. I’m here for you.

    Betsy dearly wanted to prolong the most wonderful sensations, but that was impossible. Her hips jerked and then thrust madly upwards at the tormenting fingers. Yes, dear lord, yes, she pleaded, as spasms shot through her belly.

    When the hips went out of control, Doris was filled the utter satisfaction. Yes love, yes... my love.

    Suddenly nothing else mattered. Aaaahhhh, aaaahhhh, Betsy moaned, as the spasms turned into a steady stream of convulsions.

    The orgasm was swift and more satisfying than Betsy ever imagined. She needed to use the washroom after the climax and kissed Doris on the cheek when she departed. Although she was gone for a scant minute or two, Doris fell asleep.

    Betsy returned and looked at the sleeping beauty with her naked body only partially covered by a sheet. She wondered if she should wake Doris and suddenly the biggest wave of desire hit her. Although she had been with other women, even touched and caressed them, but she never felt comfortable performing cunnilingus on a woman.

    She climbed back into bed with Doris and it seemed natural to fondle the naked body. About ten minutes later, she stopped and asked Doris if she was doing it right?

    Doris merely smiled and whispered at her. Go with the response you get.

    So that was a memory Betsy would cherish forever. It was the first time she went down on the woman of her dreams.

    ***Playacting... or not?

    The relationship blossomed and gave immense satisfaction to both women. Then an event happened that had significant implications. At the time, Betsy thought she was being smart and doing something pleasurable to her dearest friend.

    It happened in the middle of the night. She had gotten home late from doing student interviews at the college and immediately got ready for bed. Just as Betsy was about to jump into bed, she felt thirsty. When she walked past the open door to Doris' bedroom, she noticed her sleeping soundly.

    They did sleep together on many occasions, but not on nights when one went to bed before the other because of work commitments. On this particular night, Betsy went to the kitchen for a drink of water and things eventually turned into a most memorable experience.

    Betsy was quenching her thirst when she noticed a strange box sitting on the kitchen counter. She nonchalantly walked over and peeked in the mystery box, gasping out loud at the contents. Slowly and almost too afraid to do it, Betsy reached in the box and pulled out an ominous looking strap-on dildo.

    Then Betsy remembered how she and Doris had been downtown the other day. They visited a sex-shop and found a big, black dildo on display, but the store didn’t have one in stock. She reasoned this was the strap-on they ordered and it came in the mail.

    Betsy laughed, as she couldn’t remember whether it was her or Doris who dared the other to buy the colorful dildo. The purchase seemed funny at the time, but oddly enough it seemed tempting now that it was sitting right in front of her.

    Suddenly a flash of inspiration hit. Betsy’s hands shook so bad it was hard to strap the overly lengthy dildo onto her hips. Her fantasy at the time was innocent and extremely vivid, as she slinked into Doris’ bedroom.

    Betsy decided to play the part of a, ‘Break-in villain.’ Doris was lying on her side and Betsy swiftly slipped under the blankets. She rubbed up against the back of the sleeping woman and before Doris could move, Betsy grabbed a big handful of hair.

    Betsy yanked backwards and arched Doris’ back, as she spoke into an ear. I'm going to rape you. Fuck your little, white cunt, Betsy whispered and tightened her fingers in the tangled hair.

    Doris was groggy and too shocked to resist. Huuuuggggg, whaaaaa, she moaned.

    Betsy licked and kissed the side of Doris' face. Feel my big... black... cock? It's going to rip your white cunt apart, she whispered. Spread your legs! Show me what a slut you are.

    Whaaa, pleeeeee... baaaaa, but, Doris mumbled.

    Betsy pulled the head backwards harder and wouldn’t let Doris see who was behind her. Even though it was just a game, she wanted everything to be realistic. It would not be until much later when she would find out that her actions exposed a demon that Doris had carried inside for years.

    At the time, Betsy was hornier than ever. She acted rougher than intended and yanked on Doris’ hair, giving every indication she was deadly serious. I said spread'em... spread your legs, slut! she ordered and jabbed the head of the dildo at the closed thighs.

    Doris let out whimpers and acted the part of a victim. She lifted her leg and let the rapist have their way. She felt the bulbous head push into her wetness and prayed her juices would lubricate the penis so it wouldn't hurt. Suddenly the rapist rammed the big cock-head against her vulnerable pussy.

    Even though Doris knew it was only make believe, as her senses were now wide awake, her heartbeat raced out of control. No, no... no, she begged, knowing that was the desired response.

    Raise your leg higher... higher slut!

    No... dear God, no. You're hurting me.

    Shut your mouth. Feel it? Can you feel my cock?

    Oh God... please don't. Don't put it inside... please, no.

    There! It's in, baby. Inside your slutty cunt.

    No... no... no. Please don't... you’re hurting me.

    Cry baby... go ahead, cry.

    So she did. Doris cried, but it would be hours later before Betsy realized the implications of her actions. The sobbing woman was rolled onto her belly and the oversized dildo was plenty long enough to remain embedded.

    Betsy pushed Doris’ long, slender legs apart and made sure they were splayed to the widest reaches. Then she arched her back and fucked Doris like a true rapist, but being careful not to physically hurt her dear friend. Knowing the rape charade wouldn’t be complete without an orgasm, Betsy took full control.

    The bed bounced and one woman lay on top of the other. Betsy reached her arm around and under Doris’ hips and found the key to success. Her fingers closed on the throbbing clitoris and pinched the tiny jewel until she heard a dire moan. Then she squeezed a little harder and twisted the clit around and around.

    Betsy couldn’t move or pump the giant dildo, but there was no need for further stimulation. Her skilled fingers robbed the last shred of decency and Doris’ orgasm flowed freely from her inner sanctuary.

    Playing the part of the beaten victim was easy. Doris felt like one and the memories of a time in her past came rushing back to her. When the final tremors of the orgasm finally subsided, both women fell asleep. The erotic encounter was exhausting and neither woman woke up until the sun was high in the sky.

    Although they each called it love, their emotions were more like a sisterly affection where they considered the other a soul mate rather than an actual life partner. Betsy felt she could confide in Doris and vice versa.

    They each felt the appreciation for having someone who was always there when they needed compassion or comfort. Each woman still held out that hope for finding the perfect husband and Betsy and Doris saw nothing wrong with having an intimate relationship.

    ***A demon in the morning

    Betsy’s life was about to take a frightening twist. In the morning, Doris was the first to wake. She whispered for Betsy to turn over, as she wanted to snuggle. On her side and being snuggled by a lover from behind was Betsy's most cherished position.

    They cuddled for a few minutes and then Doris took command. She innocently rolled Betsy onto her stomach so that she could sit on the small of her back. Doris grabbed Betsy's left arm and pulled it behind and pushed it up her back,

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