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Bonds of Fate 1: The Hunter
Bonds of Fate 1: The Hunter
Bonds of Fate 1: The Hunter
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Bonds of Fate 1: The Hunter

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Within the heart of the English countryside, lurks a dark presence that threatens the safety of humanity. Happy to take up the challenge, the Hunter Arron Brooks is determined to eliminate the threat and bring peace to the town. Upon meeting the monster however, Arron finds his challenge is not in defeating him but rather judging the true character of the vampire that he had intended to hunt.

Taking a risk and following his heart, Arron soon finds himself enchanted by the vampire’s world and begins to fall in love with the man he had once deemed as a monster. However, the threat on the town still lingered and sooner or later would need to be addressed.

PublisherAngela Blake
Release dateFeb 16, 2019
Bonds of Fate 1: The Hunter

Angela Blake

Angela Blake grew up in a small town in Cheshire, England. Having had a keen interest in fiction from a young age, she had always appreciated the fantasy genre. Developing her skills over several decades writing fiction over a variety of genres, she has settled on a style that explores a wide variety of fantasy creatures.

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    Bonds of Fate 1 - Angela Blake

    Bonds of Fate 1: The Hunter

    Copyright 2019 Angela Blake

    Published by Angela Blake at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    The young man on the train put away his phone, knowing that reading the news article one more time would not reveal anything to him that he didn’t already know. He couldn’t say for sure that the man he was looking for was in the small Yorkshire town where he was headed but was sure that at very least that the town wasn’t as quaint as it might first appear. Deep in thought he watched the English countryside going by, pleased when the train finally stopped at his desired station as he had begun to grow restless.

    Even at this small station, the morning commute had turned the platform hectic and the young man hurried to get out of the crowds as fast as possible. He was a city boy and had always known public transportation to be busy, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed the sensation of being crowded in. Besides, it wasn’t long before he needed to be at the school and he had not yet checked into the hotel that had been arranged on his behalf.

    Arron! A female voice called out from behind him, surprised the young man turned around and quickly noticed the flustered young woman running to catch up with him. He was surprised to find that he recognised her, having had no idea she lived in this town.

    Suzie?! He greeted her, returning her excited hug, though he had never thought that they were close enough to share such intimacy. She had been a girl in his class at school and it had been almost a decade since they had last spoken to each other. You haven’t changed at all.

    But you have! Suzie said, stepping back and taking in the changes that had happened to the boy she had once known. You were always the shortest boy in class but I don’t think that’s true anymore. You’re not tall but you’ve had a growth spurt for sure.

    You’re saying I’ve become perfectly average? Arron teased, once again surprised by the woman who was now taking his small suitcase off him. What are you doing?

    I’ll give you a lift to the school, I work there on reception and just happened to notice the name of the careers adviser coming in today. I came to pick you up but I guess I probably should have told you! Running out of the station like that? It was lucky I spotted you just in time.

    I need to check into the hotel first, Arron warned her, And really, I’m not entirely comfortable allowing you to take my case.

    You think I’m going to steal it? Suzie asked, hurrying towards her small car without a care in the world. It wasn’t what Arron had meant at all but he supposed it would come across rather chauvinistic to admit he didn’t like the idea of a woman carrying his things.

    That’s not what I meant, He protested, realising as he said it Suzie already knew exactly what had been implying. Changing the topic, he gave her the name of the hotel and got into her car, rather pleased that she had made the effort to meet him. How is life here in the country? I bet it was a shock moving from the city into such a rural town.

    It feels safe, Suzie answered after a moment’s hesitation. Safe, Arron thought as her long hair shifted away from her neck revealing the tell-tale twin puncture wounds. The rumours were true then, one of the monsters did live here and had been feeding from such an innocent woman. It made his blood boil, though again he knew to remain quiet on the subject. If Suzie knew what the creature was, she had been a willing victim and if not, it was better for her to not know what had been done to her. I was always scared in the city, every day there was a story in the news of rape or murder…. I’m sorry, I should have remembered what happened. Forgive me for bringing up the memories?

    I couldn’t be mad at you, Arron reassured her, though the memories of death and bloodshed were still fresh in his mind, all these years later. There’s no need to guard your tongue around me.

    Then if I’m to be bold, can I make a confession? Suzie asked, smiling as Arron reassured her that he was happy for her to do so. When we were still kids, I had such a crush on you, it’s embarrassing to admit even now.

    You did? Arron asked, they had barely even spoken in high school, perhaps she had been shy around him? He’d been clueless to any affection she may have felt towards him, or any of the girls if he was to be honest with himself. It suddenly dawned on him the reason why she had come to pick him up, on the off chance that he was the same guy she had once known.

    I know I never had a chance. You were also so popular, everyone loved you and I was nothing special at all, Suzie said, her tone hinting at sadness. I always thought you might end up with Chloe, though you never did.

    She never had a chance with me, Arron admitted, his tone perfectly factual and without any indication of his true feelings towards their former classmate. Unfortunately, neither did you. Though you were sweet and kind. I’m sure we had a lot in common.

    It’s as I thought,

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