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Life- Chapbook
Life- Chapbook
Life- Chapbook
Ebook55 pages31 minutes

Life- Chapbook

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About this ebook

Stephanie uses observation and perspective to create poetry and prose from varying viewpoints of life.

Release dateOct 22, 2018
Life- Chapbook

Stephanie Daich

My name is Stephanie Daich, and I am eclectic, at best. There are so many things out in this world calling for, beckoning me to come and dazzle it with a bit of my attention. As I add a new hobby or interest to my composition, I end up putting my current fascinations in rivalry with each other. It is horrible, really, for I can hear all my current loves and past loves summoning me back. Their coaxing frustrates me, and confuses me, for where do I spend my extra time, which one of my talents do I focus on for the few minutes I might have available? To find a few minutes is becoming increasingly difficult. As I am sure all of you know, the demands of life get in the way. I push forward every day, checking off my to do list in hopes of securing an hour or two where I can develop myself and pay proper homage to the vast pursuits that are so dear to me. My newest time absorption links back to one of my oldest passions: Writing. I am a writer, and I can’t run away from that idea. I can’t boggle myself down so much in other things, that the drive to write goes away. Writing, as an entity, hasn't been very patient with me, always lurking in the background, ever reminding me it’s still there. Its presence in my life really has been painful at times. For instances, when I went to nursing school, Writing became jealous. It saw how all of my time was being dedicated to learning and family. Writing screamed at me, it threatened me, and it destroyed my sense of peace. It stocked me and made sure I realized it had never left. It screamed at me from the sidelines until I could no longer ignore it. There were a few times I turned my back from my academic demands, just to give a little attention to Writing, I had to, for that was the only way to calm it. Writing favored me dearly for remembering it, for I was able to develop some magnificent pieces during those times. As I child, I felt one of the greatest things I owned was my imagination. I didn’t need much in terms of toys to have a great time. I just needed my mind. If there wasn’t anything around to play with, I made things up. My childhood wasn’t packed with nonstop action or never ending competitions, it was en-laced with adventures and dreams only my imagination could fulfill. I would like to think as time has gone forward and left my sweet childhood innocence behind, I at least have brought my imagination with me. As to date, I have completed 6 novels, and I am working on two series. Here are some of my other interests, all of which are competition for Writing: Playing with family, cooking, nursing, learning, skating, running, walking, drawing, painting, playing trumpet, guitar, piano, jumping, biking, hiking, camping, fishing, swimming, listening to music, meditating, and so much more! Life is awesome, for there is never a lack of things to explore! I am a writer, and I love it!

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