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Martin and the Pigeon... Continue Their Adventures
Martin and the Pigeon... Continue Their Adventures
Martin and the Pigeon... Continue Their Adventures
Ebook84 pages30 minutes

Martin and the Pigeon... Continue Their Adventures

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About this ebook

Martin and the Pigeon... Continue Their Adventures is the second instalment of Martin’s adventures; a young boy who loves going and feeding the pigeons. Martin’s mother becomes a little concerned at her son’s close bond with Peter the pigeon, whom only Martin can communicate with. She soon finds that his love for going and feeding the pigeons is more telling of his kind and loving nature.

Release dateAug 31, 2018
Martin and the Pigeon... Continue Their Adventures

Joseph McIver

The author has varied qualities and studied in various subjects, including gaining a gym instructor qualification, and studying Administration at college, but has always, apparently had a knack for writing, which has led to a short booklet of poetry, a book titled ‘A brief history of the world in verse', kept at the Michell library in Glasgow and an idea that he thought may have an interest for children which led to this book. He has also won various draughts (checker) tournaments in his early teens, whilst having the ability to memorize games as well as playing 3 games blindfolded at the same time during this period. He was part of a winning team in a youth tournament for Scotland against England, under the excellent personal tuition of James Rankin who was a master of the game, and played in some form against people from America on an ongoing basis in the '70s.

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    Martin and the Pigeon... Continue Their Adventures - Joseph McIver

    About the Author

    The author has varied qualities and studied in various subjects, including gaining a gym instructor qualification, and studying Administration at college, but has always, apparently had a knack for writing, which has led to a short booklet of poetry, a book titled ‘A brief history of the world in verse', kept at the Michell library in Glasgow and an idea that he thought may have an interest for children which led to this book.

    He has also won various draughts (checker) tournaments in his early teens, whilst having the ability to memorize games as well as playing 3 games blindfolded at the same time during this period. He was part of a winning team in a youth tournament for Scotland against England, under the excellent personal tuition of James Rankin who was a master of the game, and played in some form against people from America on an ongoing basis in the ‘70s.

    He was also recognised for his juggling (keepy up) skills in his 20s by a man who watched him from his window, whose son managed ‘Steadfast’, a Glasgow west football team, training at Colquhoun park in Bearsden in the 1990s. Worried about rejection during his trial however, even though he was complemented during play, he told the manager to reserve his judgement as he realised his favourite professional team played on the same days. The author will be eternally grateful though, for the huge compliment of the admiring man across the back on Dumbarton Road, Partick, who, on the only occasion in his life, told him his ability may be good enough for an official team. Football being the author’s number one love since childhood.

    Joseph McIver

    Martin and the Pigeon… Continue Their Adventures

    Copyright © Joseph McIver (2018)

    The right of Joseph McIver to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

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