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Where to from Here
Where to from Here
Where to from Here
Ebook311 pages5 hours

Where to from Here

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An inspirational book about humanity based on fact around archeology, science, medical industry, occults, religion and nature. A wake-up call. I embarked on a journey to find a solution to this insane and chaotic world we find ourselves part of. This compelling read will alter your perceptions. A journey, in an attempt to confront your past so you can believe in your future and your uniquely human ability to determine your destiny!
With the world in the state that it is in, can you afford not to read this?
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJul 13, 2011
Where to from Here

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    Where to from Here - Andre M. Slade

    Copyright © 2011 by Andre M. Slade.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011906593

    ISBN:                 Hardcover                         978-1-4628-6844-5

                               Softcover                          978-1-4628-6843-8

                               Ebook                              978-1-4628-6845-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Chapter One

    The Age of now

    Chapter Two

    The Scientific Angle

    Chapter Three

    Archaeology Stuff You Never Get to Hear

    Chapter Four

    Beliefs and Perceptions

    Chapter Five

    Stuff That Baffle Us

    Chapter Six


    Chapter Seven

    The Medical Industry

    Chapter Eight

    Nature and Homo Sapiens

    Chapter Nine

    The Indigo Age (Where to from Here)

    This book I dedicate to the children!


    It would seem I fit the profile of an Indigo Adult, a pseudoscientific label given to children who are claimed to possess special, unusual, and/or supernatural traits or abilities and possibly the reason why I wrote this clear uncluttered perspective as a gesture of kindness, love, and hope to humanity. This world I have the privilege of being a part temporary of. Feel free to challenge any of the fact, but allow me the privilege of some of my perceptions, however bizarre they may seem to you at this stage!

    Since my spontaneous research started in 1999 (1), I have been on the most amazing journey. At present, I am confronted on a daily basis, when people find out about this subject I am very passionate about. I have come to realize that these subjects are of great interest to most people I meet. I am not always sure as to the motivation for the interest I receive from some, and I am sure I have been frowned upon many times. I do, however, know in my heart that the world is in desperate need of change, as it has no goal at present. The earth’s energy fields are busy changing, whether you like it or not, and it is time to get tuned in on its frequency! This simple concept cannot be overlooked any longer and should be understood and developed.

    One message, I can only hope you get it! Could it be the missing link that is being ignored because of indoctrination, traditions, and mindsets, or simply just overlooked because you cannot grasp a different system other than what you are used to? If you are deeply religious, this should not change your receptivity. It may, however, challenge it and your perception or quite simply waste your time! It could also be the catalyst you have been waiting for. It is my opinion that belief systems have withheld information from us for a long time now! Could it be possible that all the sects could amalgamate and become one with a different common mindset, a peace army? At the very least, it would rule out religious wars. Or could it possibly spark the beginning of the next or final step in human evolution? Peace on earth! If you ever thought that Homo sapiens is our final stage of development, surely you have to rethink that, oh, and that we are the only creatures in the universe, come on!

    Most of what you are taught through your lives are mere postulates and are hardly ever questioned or challenged. Are we scared we will go to hell, be considered radical, or skeptical of what confusing contrast we may find on the flip side of the coin? That would however be a bit more balanced, I would have a tendency to think. In any case, what is normal? The only thing we know for sure is that we were created in the ‘Image of God’ because we are told that clearly.

    From a very young age, I was asking ‘awkward’ questions. I am a newly discovered Indigo, and the life I have lived was a confusing but amazing one to say the least! I am glad there is finally a name for the ‘condition’ I suffer from. My mum was a run-of-the-mill housewife, and she was doing Bible study in most of her spare time. I never really understood what she was up to, but she was very passionate about it. Our house was mostly a peaceful place, and we practiced religion in a way that would be considered half-hearted by some at the best of times. We went to church whenever the folks felt like it, and I was never forced to go to Sunday school, so I went only a few times. I did, however, learn to respect religion and live a life that I would consider in line with biblical teachings. I attended various religious institutions on invitation, and it ended when I had to start clapping hands and dancing. I was not comfortable with that. It did however start my journey!

    Well, having an inquisitive mind and being the daredevil that I am, has led me on a life of adventure and learning. I have strong electronic and mechanical engineering background, and I have a very wide general knowledge with a passion for gadgets and nature. I have only ever read two novels and never will again! I heard once that every man has to have a family, build a house, and write a book. The family thing I always thought I was quite good at, however much it was interrupted! The two houses I built in my life turned out okay; I can only hope that this is a mind-altering read. I would like to add a couple more items to that list though. Every man has to own a sports car and take at least one life-altering risk. This could be one of mine!

    If you are a factual person, well, indulge! If it is entertainment you seek, I sure hope I have achieved that too, but don’t think you are gonna get off lightly! To the rest of you, enlightenment!

    Chapter One

    The Age of now

    We are at the top of the food chain and we consider ourselves intelligent beings, why then are we destroying ourselves and the mother earth at the same time? We are truly amazing creatures, we just don’t realize how much so! When Miss Universe contestants or anyone else for that matter says they would like world peace, do they have any idea what they are asking for? The possibility of that amazing thought however is grim at this stage to say the least. What is this arrogance we have towards others who seem to be a bit different? And why are things that do not initially make sense getting shunned and forgotten? Why do opinions other than what fits into our perception get ignored?

    Societies are built on aggression and obsession. Most people are in a crisis of consciousness, and need to change ways so radically from what they are at present. So few read to enlighten themselves because of television and lack of encouragement. The rest who read, stick to novels, someone else’s fantasy world. There is a strong yet ignorant following of ancient traditions, scriptures, and dictators, yet we live in the most amazing age of information! There is a wealth at our fingertips, yet we know so little about things that matter and have become known to man-kind! This is an age of domination, and we are oblivious to it. Satan’s ways are being forced down our throats and we just swallow! All we seem to do is survive from day to day, never looking ahead, sadly though we should be planning three generations ahead! There seems to be no direction, no wisdom in our leadership, and the journey is blind! Whatever happened to setting goals, let alone setting them far ahead? The solution is one collective thought but based on what?

    A monetary system that has enslaved us, capitalism that fuels most, religions that keep us in exile, and traditions that dictate our mindsets, have shaped the human race into whom and what we are today. Could you just imagine if we had a different system of living life? The rich are getting richer, and the strange thing is they are not becoming fewer, contrary to popular belief. The poor are getting poorer and multiplying at an alarming rate. Crime is a factor that is out of proportion by any man’s standards, and the prevalent aggression is influencing your very being. We are living in fear, in home-made jails, paying huge premiums to be alive. What is this constant feud that is taking place in the world today?

    We all seem to be at war with our fellow man! Why do we have to follow leaders who are power greedy, mind you, so are most! We are losing sight about humanity and we are losing touch with mother earth, the very place that bore us! Are we just going with the flow because it is easier, because its all about convenience today, well, I tell you, dead fish go with the flow! Where it ends or starts for that matter is entirely up to each and every one of us.

    The fact that the human race is so driven by earthly possessions and status is setting trends and examples that are in some instances hard to come by. People get lost chasing them. It’s not that I am saying that it is all bad, but it is certainly not a competition or a human race. We are all equal! Apathy is rife, and it is not wealth and power that enslave, but the clinging to it. We are brain washed and programmed by most of what goes on in the media and advertising world, and there is a false perception of what life should be all about! Think about your perception of what a beautiful woman should look like, so every person who is normal is already at a disadvantage. These days not even photographs tell the truth anymore, they are illusions as is most of life these days. Beauty and possessions take preference above personality and freedom from bondage. Those who are insecure about themselves are now trying to become someone else with the help of plastic surgery. After all, that is what society dictates. Mine is bigger than yours! I think we have missed the point and are living in total disillusion, a lie created by capitalism.

    The medical fraternity is also not helping. Above and beyond the fact that we are getting ripped off by this industry, it is thriving on our ignorance. Doctors are becoming such for the wrong reasons and on top of that, they are just as brain washed and disillusioned as we are. Why is it the dream of many parents to see their child a success by becoming a doctor or lawyer? Sure it is a nice thought, but the more Doctors there are, the more the world would take strain with overpopulation and disillusionment, but I will get to that later. What is this amazing fear of death? Could it be that this fear is driven by heaven and hell?

    This reminds me of the loving husband who told the doctors to switch off the machines because his wife had been in a coma after a car crash for a couple of years then. Well, her family was shocked at his decision and protested. It ended up in court and dragged on for many years, eventually, she died. She was kept breathing by technology, that’s no life! What is it with us? The day we are born, we start dying; get used to the fact and make your peace! What was her soul doing just sitting there for fifteen years stagnating? That seemed so unfair yet that was the journey for that soul and had to be completed!

    Overpopulation is the primary cause of all our problems. Governments who promote population growth by giving grants according to the amount of children women have, yet three thousand four hundred children die per day. What if the grant system was revised and we now get a grant for having the snip (Vasectomy)? Kind of like a good-boy grant. That would have a profound impact on overpopulation to start with. The world is out of balance, and we are oblivious to it. At the moment, babies are made to get more grant money. This problem is also more significant in areas where the education level is at its most primitive. The snip may even make you take better care of what you have because you can’t just make more.

    According to traditions, there is an uncanny drive, a mindset of procreating, and in some cases, the more the merrier. It is humanity, and any other way is taboo yet at the end of it all, a blind eye is turned to all the suffering of so many, especially the children who had no say in the matter. The mere suggestion of birth limitations would qualify someone as inhumane, yet in the same breath they say we have to help the poor or ‘ag’ shame, look at that poor child next to the road begging. Nigeria has now realized that they have a problem with overpopulation and they have kindly asked the people to stop having kids for a while. They grew from forty five million in 1960 to one hundred and fifty eight million in 2010! If you have any idea what conditions these people live in you will understand what I am saying. I can only describe it as being unfit for any self-respecting human being, it is truly horrendous. If compared to a country like California that is slightly smaller with a population of thirty seven million, there is no comparison. Did you know that in 1804 the world’s population was only one Billion and 12 generations later we are exceeding seven Billion?

    Why is it these days that we treat symptoms and not the root of the problem? Symptoms are very shallow. Incidentally, a mind set that applies to life as we know it today. Could that be a flaw in humanity perhaps? Could that be one angle, a starting point towards solving the problem we are faced with today? Maybe there is something you never learnt or lost because of some never—ending programming or even the influence of religions.

    In nature, there is no overpopulation of animals unless we have had something to do with it. Snakes are killed indiscriminately because the Bible said so. We obey that but when we are told that there is evil we do not give that a second thought. When we have too many rats, we look at the government to do something. It is all in education, and at this stage, it is coming from lame TV programs and incompetent teachers. What a waste of time soapies are, but they are so popular, they form the moral standards of the next generation. I see it often, and I always wonder why that medium is not better applied and teachers are chosen for their wisdom and given more freedom and support. Nature or earth studies should be a subject at schools with budgets that support it!

    The natural cycle of life has been disrupted. Animals are culled in game reserves to keep the population pure and in good condition and that is fact. What makes Homo sapiens so different? After all, we are still part of this planet’s animal kingdom? Because we got given a unique DNA footprint that allows us speech and we are after all created in the image of God. I am sure He did not plan what is happening at present. I was brain washed into believing that a single God created it all with miracles? If so, I think that He has lost control, or we have lost contact. Maybe there are just too many of us. Imagine keeping count of seven billion souls and trying to see who’s done what today so He could punish the little shits. Or is sin perhaps something we are doing to ourselves?

    Look at us cloning our favorite pets and who knows soon will be ourselves. It is also becoming more and more possible to reintroduce certain prehistoric and extinct animals and it has now also gotten to the point where Human DNA is mixed with animals creating beasts. Man is becoming the creator! This is a good thing only in that it proves a valuable mythical point, but I will leave that for later as well!

    Capitalism! On this planet, 1 percent of its population owns 40 percent of the wealth. Take the oil industry for instance; a large portion of the world’s wealth lies here. Why? To start with is the short-sightedness of large companies to kill ideas of possible solutions to the fuel crisis the world is faced with. It is all about control and wealth. Yet our world is facing a problem with all the damage that is being done by CO2 emissions to the ozone layer and the oceans. Or is that also just another load of bullshit you are being fed on top of all the rest? The reason I say that is because a recent volcanic eruptions emitted more CO2 than cars since their existence, it makes trees grow and a reason that this planet became favorable towards life.

    The way I see the issue is that the world needs a rectum as well, and there has to be a place where all the shit can get out. We are sodomising it a bit though I am sure, and it has to slow down now.

    The petroleum industries are blocking growth. The F1 Racing industry is freaking huge, and one can argue that it leads to future developments with the motor industry. I think that it is only steered that way to keep oil producers in business. I know of a couple of cases where new inventions that excluded fossil fuel were bought and stopped. Imagine if there was an international race for vehicles that use no fossil fuel. And if it was started forty years ago, where would it have been by now compared to F1? Priorities, priorities! Here is a thought! ‘What if the ozone problem is bullshit and just a cover-up for the fact that the oil companies are sucking the earth’s fuel away, barrel by barrel?’ We are burning it and it is our earth and we are paying a high price for it. They are getting it for free! What happens when it is finished? Maybe partly causing all the changes we are having lately.

    I could also look at it from the main point I am trying to make. If there were less people in the world, there certainly would be less CO2. But sadly, it is too late already; by the time that there is a reduction in the world’s population, so much damage will have been done that it cannot be reversed. We should be praying to mother earth and not God because it’s out of His hands. If He is to fix this problem, there would be a mass destruction to the planet, wiping most of us out. Sad thing is that the money powers of the world are making the so called poor multiply, increasing their workforce. I fail to see what they are going to do with all of it though? It is so ignorant and dumb but they keep on just creating more and more money, and it just goes one way again! Germany has a negative population growth, but it would seem like the Government is worried about it. Why? Would there come a time when there is more money available than what is being spent? If the world’s population stops growing inflation goes away.

    Do you know that the least questioned subject in the world is the monetary system? Very few people know something about it if anything? For example, did you know that there is not even enough money to go around? If everyone should withdraw what they have available right now from their bank accounts and disregard their debt, not even four percent of all people will have money in their hands; what about the rest of us? Mind you, if all the money was withdrawn it would create such havoc and maybe one way to create the crash of the monetary system. That is our power over the system. All the money we own are only figures in the computer. Did you also know that for every $10 printed there is $90 worth of debt attached to it? Have you had a close look at your money lately? Nowhere does it state that it is redeemable for whatever reason it was created/printed, like say maybe gold reserves. Did you know that the Federal Bank of America created 16 Trillion Dollars between 2004 and 2010 to finance Wall Street? It is all false and an illusion, open your eyes!

    Majority rules? Not logical, not true. We live in a world where democracy is considered the best way to go about it, and I have my respect for democracy. The only problem is that in my country the majority of people are poor and uneducated. Reasons for this are debatable, and I have compassion for it, but fact of the matter is that as a third world country we are striving to get in line with first world countries. Be it as it may, we are here and we have to make it work and to do that, we have to stand together as a global nation and choose our leaders for their wisdom, not for their social standing. The best man for the job, no strings attached. Why are we struggling with that simple concept so much? How do we make fools our kings, it’s not a popularity contest? A government is there because we put them there, and they must never loose track of that. Instead they are stealing from all of us, and until this day, I have not seen any of them being made a proper example of. It is a joke that has to stop, and it is up to each and every one of you to make that effort, that is democracy. More than half of your Government is psychopathic and I would like to be proven wrong on that! Could it perhaps be a solution to allow votes according to the level of your education? For example if we have graduated from high school, we get one vote, and if we have a degree, we get two.

    American democracy is also just an extension of the illusion and the money powers of the world or the so called Illuminati/Berger group controls it, in fact they control it all, including you. True democracy is dead. Kind of reminds me of the Israelites in exile but Moses is missing! What is the goal? World domination? To own it all? The ultimate power? Gods of wealth? And then? Do you not already own it? Sad thing though, every one of you have the power to change it, but not the inkling. We are kept ignorant in a comfort zone that is slowly slipping and we just readjust our standards and hope that God will guide us to freedom! Survival is a bitch.

    Apparently, the problem here started with apartheid, or did it? Well that is the perception that has been created. For what purpose though? The rest of Africa did not have it and look where they are! It sounds like a cover-up for the ignorance Africa will always face. What if white man was never created, can you imagine how primitive the planet would still have been? I am sure a happier place though, with a lot of balance. It would have stayed the same as what it was. What is this superiority that white Homo sapiens seem to have and what lead them to influence the world the way they have? Why are they the original inventors and trend setters? Why are there so many spending so much finding ways of cheating that system? Why does the law protect criminals? No one owes anyone anything yet there seems to be a greed for glory, without the need for the responsibility. After all, there should be mutual respect or is that the missing component?

    Could it be that we had the Religion and they did not? Or does the problem lie somewhere else perhaps? Maybe they would not have gone down the same road of destruction as the pale faces have. We have led them on this path forcing our culture down their throats. Are they perhaps the lost nation of Canaan? Face facts though, Africa is a mess, and it is believed by many scientists that humanity originated from here! What happened? Where did it all change? What made it change? Was it perhaps that the ones born with more intelligence moved away because they wanted to advance? Eventually, Africa grew with less and now it is a mess. We did, however, eventually return to introduce capitalism, but that is another story. They claim to have been here before you, and now you have land claims. If you look at the history though, you will see that you have as much right here as the rest of the nation and in fact there once was harmony. African history has proven itself and the way it would seem now is that this place will become a part of those statistics. It’s going down the tubes again because of glory. The intellect of the country are left out and leaving Africa again, possibly for the second time. Africa cannot afford to loose

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