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Sovereignty Produced: The Human Condition
Sovereignty Produced: The Human Condition
Sovereignty Produced: The Human Condition
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Sovereignty Produced: The Human Condition

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What are the favorite, most-asked questions of all existing humans? Why am I here? and Why do I exist? I hope to shed light on these important questions throughout this work. Life is important and should never be dismissed as useless. There is a purpose for you as an individual. God does not make mistakes. He is perfect whether we understand His mysterious ways are not. The old adage applies: God works in mysterious ways. You need not struggle anymore for the answer to these questions. Look into Gods government and see your purpose. You are not an unplanned pregnancy in the eyes of God. He wrote you in His book and established the road of destiny for you to discover in life.

Through communion with Him, in the Bible and the Spirit, insights will fill your life. Revelations will repeatedly be given to direct you toward eternal life. Constant epiphanies will illuminate your thinking and heart. From glory to glory you will establish what life is all about. Through these happenings you will understand that God is the reason for life. Be encouraged and know you are chosen for a particular cause and effect.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 12, 2013
Sovereignty Produced: The Human Condition

Douglas W. Casses

Through accidents, sickness, and survival, the realization of God-knowledge was recognized. Being hit by a car and paralyzed enrolled me in the school of hard knocks very young. I started realizing the calling of God through His healing. In my library of a thousand books and Bibles you will find me. My ideas and endeavors are accumulated, compiled, and stored within these works. I was born in Beaumont, Texas, and raised, for the most part, on the gulf shores. There have been times of good and bad while arranging this work. I can only pray that God uses it to benefit your life.

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    Sovereignty Produced - Douglas W. Casses

    Copyright © 2013 Douglas W. Casses.

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    CHAPTER 1   The Introducing

    CHAPTER 2   God Is Awesome!

    CHAPTER 3   The Theology of God

    CHAPTER 4   What Are We?

    CHAPTER 5   Transformation Now

    CHAPTER 6   Discombobulated

    CHAPTER 7   Degrees of Sight

    CHAPTER 8   Vacuous

    CHAPTER 9   Witnesses of God’s Persona

    CHAPTER 10   The Reach of the Call

    CHAPTER 11   Introducing a Final Syllogism Enabling the Concluding of Understanding

    All Scripture quotations are from King James Version of the Bible unless otherwise noted. These quotes are marked KJV.

    Quotes marked NKJV are from the New King James Version of the Bible, copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Quotes from Bible marked CEV are from the Contemporary English Version, copyright 1995, the American Bible Society.

    Quotes marked GWT are from the God’s Word Translation, copyright 1995, God’s Word to the Nations Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Quotes marked ESV are from the English Standard Version, copyright 2001, Crossway. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Quotes marked NRSV are from the New Revised Standard Version, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Quotes marked AB are from the Amplified Bible, copyright 1965, 1987, the Zondervan Corporation Used by permission.

    Quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois. All rights reserved.

    Quotes marked RSV are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1972, Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Scripture taken from THE MESSAGE. Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group

    Scripture quotations marked The Voice are taken from the Holy Bible, The Voice Bible, copyright 2012, Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice translation copyright 2012, Ecclesia Bible Society. All rights reserved.

    All poems written by Douglas W. Casses


    The Introducing

    The Premise

    The introduction to any work is its premise. It is the introducing of what is being offered, and the whole work is bound by it. Some authors have given introductions to a work but came short of reaching their premises. I pray this to be an initiating of God’s sovereignty. I endeavor to deduce the power the enemy holds over our minds to cause us to be deceived. We are to be bound by understanding through the application of the Holy Spirit in our minds. No power will halt the miraculous understanding of truth in our beings in this world without relinquishing our volitional freedom. God is Sovereign and we have a choice to make.

    The Preeminent One

    Sovereignty producing is the binding obligation of angels, good and bad, Homo sapiens, and all other created things. God formed us from the dust of the ground and breathed into us the breath of life. He is the owner of all existing life. Even the animal kingdom is under the penalty of the fall. The earth suffers because of the transgression of mankind. All created groan for relief to come soon; it is the hope of all existing properties (Romans 8:22 KJV). There would be no creations, celestial or terrestrial, without the Creator, God. He did not become God but has always been God. It was not a promotion for a task completed. We have no record of the evolution of the eternal.

    Because there is a sovereign, we are all under the invisible kingdom. This kingdom is guided through volition by and because of its declarations to the created. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20 KJV). There is no withdrawing from this God, for we are His work. We are a part of Him and His kingdom by obligation. He formed us from the earth He created. He breathed into us His breath. This induced in us spirit and life with all its trappings. This infused in us His character and His image. Genesis 1 is the description of the actual forming of our existence.

    He is the reason for all existing properties. This understanding includes plants, animals, the solar system, and all materials. We did not mutate from amoebae. Natural selection did not cause us to evolve into what we consist of today. There was not a cosmic egg that exploded and caused the universe as we know it. There was not a cosmological big bang that accidentally formed everything in unison. I imagine there was a big, catastrophic explosion as the Creator spoke the universe into existence! Nevertheless, as is the case with our constitution of veins and arteries, it was planned beforehand and effected in an orderly fashion. He thought, He spoke, and things took form.

    It has been suggested that the universe was created by a single particle accidentally exploding. The cosmological constant and other theories concerning the shifting and stability of the universe are constantly received or denied. It is as all assumed thoughts and studies that are not accurate except by personal acceptance. Here we once again find the various thinkers proclaiming various opinions.

    Some suggest that the universe is ever evolving as all life is. Isaac Newton’s laws of motion come into play here; they are the understanding that any force upon an object causes that object to move. Newton described our universe as a giant clock; that description is fitting today, as we see that clock still running.

    An all-powerful God created the earth and its protectors, the water, sun, moon, etc.

    Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? (Isaiah 40:12 KJV)

    Therefore, we understand that Einstein’s and Newton’s conceptions of earth give certain truths. Our extractions are needed that we may deduce great illuminations, clarifications, and possibilities. Unlimited deductions are available through research.


    Earth was created by the sovereign God for the progression of humanity, his masterpiece. There are three major players in this unfolding pageantry that will be completed at the end of the age, the ending being only the end of time as we know it; it will transfer humanity from this existence to an eternal existence. The three players referred to are God, humanity, and good and bad angels, the dominant evil angelic promoter being Satan, formerly known as Lucifer.

    These three appeared in the beginning and will continue until the end of this divinely ordered time. This pageantry of the ages, known as existence, was filled with ideologies. There would be no end to the explanations concerning every religious or nonreligious field. However, it will be discovered that in most part the religious and nonreligious coexist. Let them both grow together until the harvest (Matthew 13:30 RSV). The Internet has opened to us this truth in its fullness and has allowed endless studies of various opinions to be explored.

    I endeavor here to explain the power displayed on this earth for the human race to partake in by its Creator and the proof that it is individually controlled according to activation; every human is responsible for activating the available powers that be. And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe (Mark 16:17 AB). The energetic activation is believing! There is no knowledge capable of holding us captive. What is believed must be decided.

    Several arguments against the understanding of humanity’s free thought and free will exist. This in itself is proof we are able to decide for ourselves what to believe and how to believe it. The religious and nonreligious constantly change opinions and alter the entire understandings of humanity; this is apparently the determining factor throughout the Scriptures. Nothing was ever forced on any individual from on high without a conscious decision being involved. We are what we decide to become after infancy. The information we gather through our adult authorities—Dad, Mom, uncles, aunts—is what our lives later consist of. It is not forced, nor can be, but freely accepted. Our upbringing influences us but is not the determining factor in our own volitional choosing. We build instinct through learned knowledge.

    Eternal Escape

    We decide through our will

    To obtain the eternal seal

    Being engraved upon the hand

    We are placed within the clan

    The predestined church of Christ

    He alone could pay the price

    Personal Hygiene

    Our practices determine our mental and spiritual health. This individual control taught through everyday life and Scripture is a human task. Laws set in motion at the beginning of creation by the Creator were established and await fulfillment. Our involvement in this plan is activated when we comply with it. We choose our dwelling by accepting or denying God’s temporary government in this world. He that believeth not is condemned already (John 3:18 KJV).

    We do not know what the government of God will be after this life, but we know there will be no end of His government and peace (Isaiah 9:7 KJV). We live in a temporary dwelling now but await our eternal existence. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53 KJV). Yes, we understand somewhat that there will be no more crying, death, or pain and that the former things we know will no longer be. Revelation instructs us somewhat on the afterlife, but we are mortal and cannot fully comprehend the things that await us hereafter. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known (1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV).

    Let us open our minds to the basic understanding of free thought. We become so enclosed in ourselves and refuse to allow any stimuli outside our own thoughts. We gather our belief systems from the world we determine not to get any other information from. We get what we consider to be truth and close our minds to other influences. Not even the Creator can penetrate some of these minds. Even the understanding they possess, which they themselves have little knowledge of, holds no truths but only fictitious imagery. The old wives’ fable You can’t teach an old dog new tricks applies here.

    My treatise will be on the subject of us being able to close or open our minds freely. We should study the Word of God, settle it in our minds, and through various studies open its world to our thoughts (Hebrews 6:1–3 KJV). We must reach the place where we can eat solid food; milk alone is for infants. We must ingest both in the apprehension of the kingdom of God.


    We are not sure of the salvation of any other created being. Even our plant life here on earth has within it death and life. The animal kingdom is full of life. Our sky is full of lights and darkness that suggest life. The rivers, seas, and streams bring and sustain life. Humanity was given dominion over all other created beings by the Creator. This understanding will be clearly seen when the fruit is eaten at the beginning of human existence, in the Garden of Eden. The realization of who and what we are came into focus. Humanity graduated above all other creation on earth. We became as gods knowing good and evil. We will define, describe, and outline this freedom God has given to all humanity; it is not a curse but a grand blessing.

    We sometimes doubt the blessings given to humanity because of hardship. It is wonderful to be human with all the emotions involved; hate, love, joy, bitterness, emptiness, and happiness are emotions that lead us toward humanity. We are free because of this, unlike other celestial and terrestrial beings. Our choices will have ramifications. This does not mean we are not free, a conclusion drawn by some thinkers; we are given exactly what we want even in the end. Our lives paint the picture of our hidden desires.

    There has never been a hindrance from on high concerning free thought. Certain people were chosen to bring understanding of God through teaching in word and deed. Daniel in the lions’ den taught us invaluable lessons. The hot furnace that engulfed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego taught us the power of deliverance. Paul simply quoting something from the Old Testament gave us revelation. This did not indicate the doctrine found in the T.U.L.I.P. called unconditional election, a Calvinistic doctrine, was valid; this would not be the workings of a loving God. We may ask if this understanding is justified because He gives us what we deserve. He is not guilty of anything but upholding His justice and laws instituted, we insist that this is true, but we will discover through life that God rewards every human according to his or her actions; the rewards are not predetermined nor settled.

    The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. (Ezekiel 18:20 KJV)

    The Decision

    If God decided before He created the world that we were to be a certain way but sent us to torment because of it, would this be fair treatment? He is fair in His dealings with us. He is just and the justifier of all who believe (Romans 3:26 KJV). This is a part of the righteousness of God and the act of believing. We are to decide to allow Him to overwhelm us in our decisions by walking toward Him. These individuals were chosen to establish the celestial government on earth; that is not proof of individual predestination planned before birth, decided by God alone, and bound by no choice whatsoever. It was not to show that God would continue to have some chosen for a purpose, good or bad, and the rest were outcasts and vagabonds; it was simply a lesson given for instruction to lead us toward the celestial city of God.

    In the beginning was God. We do not trace the beginnings of God but simply understand He is a reality. The genesis of God is unknowable. We acknowledge several teachings about this but deny we can calculate it by probing His beginnings. We do not understand where He was before He created this world. Our time began when He created it. There have been many calculations declaring the beginning of time. When did it start? Where did God come from? Time started at the beginning of the human life in Homo sapiens understanding. The Scriptures teach us God existed, and that is what we know. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God (Psalm 90:2 KJV).

    We feel it futile to reach any other conclusion in this matter except when concerning humanity. This study of the genesis of God has led many to falsity. Because of limited knowledge of life before creation, we assume whatever we decide to be factual. There is no limit to what we can form as truth and allow it to become pedagogically instituted. Our concern in life should be that God created us and desired for us all to inherit eternal life

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