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The Tree of Life & Origin of Species
The Tree of Life & Origin of Species
The Tree of Life & Origin of Species
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The Tree of Life & Origin of Species

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More a reference tool than a bedside read, this is nonetheless a very readable work. Heywood examines the existing explanations of the origin of the universe against a backdrop of the first chapters of the Bible— the creation accounts of Genesis— and skillfully shows the scientific facts underlying what many in scientific and educati

Release dateSep 25, 2019
The Tree of Life & Origin of Species

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    The Tree of Life & Origin of Species - Heywood Philip

    The Tree of Life




    Philip Bruce Heywood

    Copyright ©2019 Philip Bruce Heywood. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the permission, in writing, of the publisher.

    Table of Contents

    About the Author


    I. Fast Track to the End of the Controversy

    Brief Synopsis

    Where Does the Higgs Boson Enter?

    The Infinite Power

    Genesis 1

    Returning to Chapter One:

    How was this accomplished?

    II. Believe in Him

    In the Beginning, God…

    The Beginning is the Ending, and the Ending is the Beginning, and God is Both

    Light is Both Matter and Energy at the Same Time

    Here Lie Grounds for Hope upon Hope

    Gravity is Even Closer

    III. Understanding the Time Frame

    The Events in Sequence

    The Existence of Space


    Reassuring Mankind

    Spontaneous Generation of Life

    IV. In Technical Detail, How Was It Done?


    Signals by Nature

    An Original Evolutionary Concept

    The Third Day

    Planetary Systems

    What Effect Does an Igniting Star Have Upon the Space About It?

    V. We Have Yet to Encounter True Desperation

    Space Giants and Intelligent Ice-Blocks?

    Tidal Layering and the Moon

    The Gyroscopic Effect


    Whence These Full and Rushing Streams?

    The Parting of Light

    The Introduction of the Sun

    Designing a Planetary System

    What is the moon’s place of origin?

    Geologic Record of Earth, compared to the history of Venus

    The Arrival of the Moon

    VI. Bring Out the Moon Rocks

    Important Facts

    The Stones Cry Out!

    Oxygen Isotopes

    What Are the Implications for the Impact Theory?

    Are There Any Existing Models Comparable with Introduction?

    A Planetary Family

    VII. The Origin of Species

    The species definition.

    Species Origin

    How did new species arise?

    What clues have we been given?

    How Did Life Itself Begin?


    Man’s Physical Makeup

    The Seventh Day Rest

    VIII. The Great I Am

    The Tree of Life!


    Information Technology

    The Direction of Recent Research

    The River in Eden

    IX. One of the Mysteries of Existence

    The Help Meet



    Trusting and Obeying

    Free Will

    X. The Serpent






    Microbiological Matters

    An Act of Mercy

    XI. Male-Female Relationships

    The Legacy

    Calling Upon God

    On Descending from Animals

    First Head

    Second Head

    Third Head

    Fourth Head

    Climate Research

    A Historical Timeframe

    The Falling Away in Longevity

    XII. The Great Flood

    What Happened?

    Comets Revisited

    Waters Everywhere

    Source of Water

    Cloud Phenomena

    Covenant Faithfulness

    XIII. Questions of Climate, Sea Level, and the Future

    Sunshine from the Danish Met. Inst. - Abstract

    Anyone awake?

    The Science

    The Scientific Method, Applied

    Attempt to Draw the Outline, Climate Moderation

    Parting Thoughts

    What does the future hold?

    About the Author 

    Philip Bruce Heywood B. Sc (hons), an Australian geologist, set out to teach Origins, and finds himself announcing a range of developments - including the end of the controversy! Science and education are within his fields of interest.


    Every scientific controversy has finally been laid to rest through application of fact and observation. Sometimes the controversy itself, to the modern mind, has been bizarre. The concepts of dust transmutation into lice and beef transmutation into maggots were put to bed by the microscope. Faraday, the experimenter, at one time was mired in controversy because political radicals were asserting that life equals electricity - electricity therefore explains God, government, law! Once it was experimentally proven that frogs could not power electric circuits and corpses could not be resurrected through electric shock, radicalism surrendered electricity to electricians!

    After two or more centuries of concentrated research and debate, the origin of species can now be put to bed - not because of debate, but because science has advanced. The origins hens are finally coming home to roost, after almost two centuries of audible cackle. Lice do not transmute from dust; electricity does not vivify the dead; and Grandfather was not a chimpanzee. Grandfather was a human—one hundred percent.

    Keep in mind, though, when reading this, that wheat is wheat, rye is rye, and triticale is triticale, yet triticale is a recent breeding outcome of wheat and rye. While reading this, what appear to be new species of simple, single-celled organisms will seemingly come into existence and no one will know exactly where to place them. Snakes are generally acknowledged to be reptiles somehow bereft of their legs, and viruses are morphing every minute yet have no life of their own. Darwinism has a point. The confusion has a reason.

    The scientific evidence shows clearly that early … genetic relationships among bacteria cannot be accurately represented by a single tree. The proper relationship is a net, network, or a web. Again, this is not controversial among those scientists who are aware of the data. The facts and the conclusion have been around for over a decade. There is no ‘tree of life’ representing the early evolution of life on Earth.¹

    In claiming there is no ‘tree of life’ representing the early evolution of life on Earth, modern biologists are implying that descent from a common ancestor does not agree with observation. The old tree of life with its simplistic trunk growing out of the first living cell in the primordial soup, is in the process of reconstruction. The diagram below visualizes modern thinking.


    Source: W. Ford Doolittle, ‘Uprooting the tree of life.’ Scientific American, 282(2):90-5, modified, 2000

    The newer tree of life suggested by modern biologists for earliest, simplest life is a complex, multiple-stemmed vine with aerial roots and many lengthy cross-branches. Life, indeed, flowed along various stems, but the branches also represent something not forward in Darwin’s writings - information technology.

    The source of information and of life is unknown to science. The roots are hidden, once we get down to ground level.

    The equation of species with units of information married with life is not new. Darwin’s superior and advisor, Sir Richard Owen, highlighted pre-programming and information-driven transformers before Darwin had published his theory! Owen’s notion, presented to the leading scientists of England, was titled The Law of Progression from the General to the Particular. Owen long pre-dated DNA and the prospect of superior or quantum information technology, so could not provide specifics. Today, the specifics are beginning to come into distant view.

    I. Fast Track to the End of the Controversy 

    A quotation from an Internet forum:

    "A gentleman has written that Genesis says the firmament is a dome that keeps water out, that the Bible says that the Earth pre-dated the remainder of the universe…plus ten other misconceptions. Not to detain you - because the topic is so personally powerless, it puts some people to sleep. It was given to me to settle some questions about the way things are set up here - including hints about climate - but getting to Heaven is not an academic proposition.

    I shall attempt briefly to explain it. I hope it isn’t as impossible as trying to communicate with Answers in Genesis & co. The word, ‘firmament’, for example, literally means an expanse, or expansion. The materials of which the Earth was formed all came into existence at the time of creation, long before Earth coalesced - as Genesis implies. The word ‘day’, in context, cannot possibly mean twenty-four hours. The Bible is full of statements that Earth is old, not young. Answers in Genesis & co. have been repeatedly advised of the harmony of God’s word and Man’s discovery— including the fact that the Bible demands a staged revelation over time. Species are information outcomes and the Bible says in black and white that they pre-existed. Information is timeless — a basic principle of thermodynamics. Quantum information, now a theoretical possibility, appears likely to answer questions. DNA, and therefore species, has to do with quantum information. Darwin wrote a thesis about the origin of species a century out of date relying on the absurd proposition that species incrementally grade into each other. You know that species do not grade into each other; if so, they would not be species. Buy truth, sell it not. You are welcome to criticize my publications, which end the origins controversy." P.B.H.

    Brief Synopsis

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. — The initiation of space-time.

    And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. - Initially, everything was invisible or perhaps opaque, and lacked any structure — it was ‘waters’.

    And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. - Light, or the potential for light, was created along with space-time; it merely awaited the divine signal.

    And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. — Light and darkness presumably were originally homogenous; at this point in time, they were divided or clinically separated. Both darkness and light are created phenomena.

    And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. — Time is already ticking over.

    And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. — The brand new universe is expanding, and gravitational segregation has begun.

    Where Does the Higgs Boson Enter?

    In the beginning, space-time was created. The universe, at its outset, perhaps smaller than a pinhead! Words fail. Without form .. void … darkness … the deep… . Formidable! What latent potential is this! No object could have been travelling below light speed. No object existed! According to the known laws of physics, nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light. And this indescribable void initially had no light. Darkness …. upon the face of the deep….

    We know how light began to shine, but how did the universe obtain its mass?

    Higgs’ formulation places speeding, formative, future particles of the earliest universe in a sea of bosons, which triggered mass. Not that it was as if the bosons had any mass to give; these Higgs bosons are real enough if you can catch them with a very fast camera shutter (so to speak) but whether they are really there in our time-governed world is perhaps debatable. Notably, no sooner are they detected, they turn into light photons or some other energy packet.

    Another way of visualizing the early universe scenario is perhaps as follows.

    The Higgs boson is perhaps most easily thought of simply as time-space interacting with an organizational capacity, which thus manifests as a subatomic particle. Time and the speed of light are intimately involved. Light, of course, is timeless. Below the speed of light, we have our time. Above the speed of light, time theoretically goes backward. So, time and light are involved in giving objects mass; and because mass is mysteriously attracted to mass, we have gravity.

    The Infinite Power 

    Science itself having proved a first or ultimate source of energy, it is not unreasonable to suggest that this Infinity has made itself or himself known to those same things that, according to the laws of science, he must have produced or given rise to. The Scriptures claim themselves to be a communication from this infinite, originating power, which - for want of a more suitable term - we shall call God. They claim to be, as written in the original tongues, without any fault, blemish, or contradiction whatsoever, of a degree of accuracy so great that there is no full-stop or comma out of place. In a word, they claim to be perfect. Could this be possible? From a human viewpoint, it could not. But it could be possible from the view of an infinite power, capable of anything. One claim made by the Scriptures is that this infinite power (God) is able to make those same words of Scripture understandable to whomsoever he wishes; and he undertakes that he will make them clear to any who are of a humble, sincere, and genuinely searching attitude.

    The Bible is written to be understood by all men, (excluding, of necessity, those who through pride imagine themselves a higher authority than it). To this end it is not bound up in technical phrases and weighty formulae, but in the terms and language of the common man. Indeed, so careful is it not to place a stumbling-block that it does not ask of the reader even simple mathematical abilities - such as those of elementary addition - but performs the task itself (example, Gen. 5:18-20). Yet for those who, although not always intelligent by this world’s standards, have understanding as God accounts understanding, there are levels of biblical truth - level upon level, without ending - so profound and deep that no man can compass them. As the Scripture has it (1 Cor. 13:12): Now we see through a glass, darkly.

    A basic tenet of the interpretation of Scripture is - as the reformers found to their delight - Scripture interprets Scripture. Scripture contains, within itself, the key to its own interpretation: where one part seems dark, turn to another, and it will shed light on the first, but only if the Author interprets.

    Genesis 1

    Genesis 1:1 In the beginning…

    In the beginning of what? Not in the beginning of God, for God has no beginning or ending: I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come (Rev. 1:8). God is: He does not begin or end: he is outside and above time. The beginning referred to is the beginning of the heaven and the earth.

    Genesis 1:1 God created the heaven and the earth.

    Not the heaven and earth as they now appear, but a chaotic, disorderly, formless mass - called in v. 2 the deep and the waters. This signifies that the earth was not then segregated from the material of which the stars and other bodies of the heavens were formed, but all were combined in a disorderly mixture so as to be without form and void (v. 2).

    Void implies emptiness, without anything of apparent value, order, or symmetry.

    Genesis 1:2 And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    Or, …the Spirit of God brooded over the face of the waters: by brooding over or moving upon is meant a continuous action, comparable to brooding; to the end that order and life may come forth.

    An analogy may be drawn to the parent bird, continuously covering over the seemingly lifeless egg, while gradually the unstructured matter in the egg changes and converts, under the warming, energizing influence of the bird, into ordered, visible new life - perfect in every detail.

    Genesis 1:3 And God said.

    In the first three verses of the Bible, the nature of God is revealed. God is as it were a society within himself: perfectly one, yet embodying three persons, each of whom is totally God. Thus, God the Father - the Source, the Godhead, ruler of the universe; having all and more than all the attributes of a perfect father, - The Spirit: God, everywhere in time and space, constantly in action. The Hebrew word interpreted Spirit is also interpreted elsewhere as Wind. So that God is like the wind - invisible, which can be felt but not seen. The Word: God is, as it were, a communication. In v.3 God says, Let there be light. The Word communicates the super-natural command into natural (physical) existence. Light appears. The Word gives tangible, physical reality to all created things. The ultimate foundation of all matter! Thus in John 1: In the beginning was the Word (Greek Logos. Distinguish from word in its more common meaning, termed in Greek, rhema), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

    Now the Source, the Godhead, God, speaks. Straightway, God the wind, the Spirit, is brooding over creation. Simultaneously in time and action, God, the Word, interprets, communicates the command into its fulfilment. God is commanding. God the Word is communicating. God the Spirit is moving over the face of the waters. Now for action!

    Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    God speaks a word, and immediately light exists. Observe that this light did not shine from our sun or stars as we know them, for they were not yet formed. The Scriptures say of Christ, the Word: In Him was life; and the life was the light of men (John 1:4). This light shone in the darkness. The nature of light is such that wherever it is, there cannot be complete darkness. Just as some substances - such as milk and water - can be mixed, there are others which cannot. As v. 4 indicates, light is divided… from darkness.

    Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.

    Day in this instance being where there is light, and Night where there is none; not Day in the sense of an era or period of time.

    Genesis 1:5 And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    When did the first day begin? There was no sun to rise, no formed world for it to rise over. Perhaps it began when light was created, and this was what caused the first morning to break; if so, what caused it to end? Who can say when God’s day begins, or when it ends? For God himself is timeless, the Beginning and the Ending. And, although He creates light - the physical light that we know - yet He claims himself to be of a far higher form of light and power than this light: as the Scriptures have it (1 John 1:15): God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. And the testimony of St Paul (Acts 26:13): "I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun". Therefore God, being the source of all light, and of time, does not need a sun to rise to give Him light by which to work.

    Perhaps that is why the days of creation consist of an evening and a morning; for in a real sense where God is there can be no such thing as night. But further, the days of creation must be days in the sight of God, not days as men account them; for it was not until the fourth day that the sun was made - at least in its present form - and it is the rotation of the earth on its axis and about the sun that gives the days and seasons.

    And what, one may enquire, is a day in the sight of God? Who will define it? Turn to the Scriptures again - 2 Peter 3:8, But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. And to this add Heb. 13:8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. To the eternal Infinity, tomorrow is the same as three weeks ago, and a million years from now is just the same as tomorrow. The Pharisees were asking Jesus how he could have been alive in the times of Abraham.

    Jesus said (John 8:58), Verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM. This serves to show the timelessness of eternity; nevertheless He who inhabits eternity chooses to identify with mankind, which counts time in 24-hour days.

    And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: Firmament or, as the Hebrew word implies, expansion. God makes an expansion within the waters (unstable, unformed) for light to play - Space. — The expansion everywhere within the newly created universe continues, but a specialist expansion - ‘the firmament’ - is now introduced. ‘The firmament’ is the expanse we see by standing on the ground and looking up. Initially, of course, there was no ground - only ‘waters’ - instability.

    And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear:

    Initially, the earth’s surface was completely covered by water, this being the natural state of distribution of water and earth (the lighter floating on top of the heavier). God speaks and dry land appears; the very existence of dry land runs against the everyday laws of energy.

    We may make two other observations here: first, the geologic record indicates a much greater proportion of the earth’s surface covered by seas at various times past than is now the case - which is in no way contradictory to this account. Secondly, the great flood was a catastrophe in which the waters again covered the land (at least, the land as known to Man at the time) even above the tops of the mountains. Job 38:8, Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?

    And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. — Plant-grade, or, simple life, is essentially as old as Earth and the possibility of it existing before Earth is not ruled out. All plants of every kind (this includes bacteria) were brought into existence at that time - simultaneous with Earth. How could trees have been growing on the early, desolate Earth? They were not! Genesis advises that although all plant life existed, some, if not, all, was initially not tangible or visible.

    A barren earth, void of life, dull and unproductive; nothing grows among the hard, monotonous rocks, nor distils the impure waters, nor sweetens the unrefined air. But now, the earth is bringing forth plants - living, functioning, silent, mysterious: materializing from sterile matter!

    To which two objections immediately are raised: The sun being not yet made, from whence came the light which is necessary to plant life? And secondly, the geologic evidence indicating that some types of plants - such as the flowering trees and grasses - did not arise until after the early fishes, birds, and land animals were already in the earth, surely this is not a scientific, factual account?

    In answer to the first: Jesus Christ was the light of the world then, as he is now. Light does not ultimately originate in the sun, but in God, the Father of lights (James 1:17). Howbeit, the text does not rule out physical light sources, or some form of light coming from the heavens prior to Day Four; it only deposes that the heavenly bodies with their attendant times and seasons were not made - i.e. constituted in their present recognizable form - until then. Prior to Day Four and, indeed, subsequent to the beginning of light, light sources existed - suggesting there may be sources of light in Space older than the earth. The word translated made is employed in reference to the sun, moon, and stars of Day Four, not the stronger word create [from nothing]. These bodies could have already existed. But until Day Four there were none of our familiar sunlit days, moonlit nights, or traditional times and seasons.

    In answer to the second: consider Gen. 2:4-5: These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens (Observe that the word day is used here in a new sense); and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. It may be deduced, then, that God made every plant of the field before it grew in the earth. Which further testifies that the earth of itself cannot bring forth life, but all life comes from God, and that God is well able to create all plants - or whatsoever life-forms he wishes - causing the earth to bring them forth, before they are actually to be found in the earth.

    Returning to Chapter One: 

    And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:… The word ‘signs’ means storage and distribution of information or intelligence. Plant and animal species are information or intelligence outcomes, which have been vivified (given life).

    An entire division of life can be created, as living species, by placing a living cell on Earth, creating the necessary information, storing the information, and arranging for the information to automatically signal into the living cell. Cells, and, thus species, can be transformed by impartation of new information or intelligence.

    At this point, the regular succession of seasons, days, and years - which apportion time as the human experiences it - begin. Let them be for… seasons, and for days, and for years. Is God, in

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