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A Message for Mankind
A Message for Mankind
A Message for Mankind
Ebook224 pages2 hours

A Message for Mankind

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About this ebook

A Message for Mankind is a gift of love, guidance and hope for humanity in crisis. A bridge between traditional theology and new age philosophy, it echoes with ancient wisdom, while revealing a way forward.

It is offered to us by those who know us and love us, those who have been here before and who continue to exist beyond space and time. They are gently urging us to consciously choose a new direction.

Following the guidance found in A Message for Mankind, we can alter the trajectory of humanity and the planet we inhabit. By changing our minds about our relationships to one another and the world around us, we can change our present experience of life and fulfill our divine potential, both individually and collectively. By choosing to consciously evolve, we can transform our future to one of joyful cooperation: a future filled with peace and love.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 23, 2013
A Message for Mankind

Jeanette Gordon

Jeanette Gordon began to discover her intuitive abilities during her teenage years. Her deep desire to understand her experiences began a lifelong exploration of the metaphysical, healing and meditation. It took many years for her to acknowledge and accept her life’s work. A Message for Mankind is her ministry. Jeanette lives in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico with her husband and four cats. She operates a private Pilates studio, which she considers a healing modality and a service to others.

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    A Message for Mankind - Jeanette Gordon







    Copyright © 2013 Jeanette Gordon.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6993-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6994-9 (ebook)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/20/2013




    Giving Voice

    The First Sitting

    There is Always Choice

    The Gift of Individuation

    The Soul’s Flame

    You are pure Thought

    Exploring the Possibilities

    Like a Ripple in a Pond

    The Universal Flow

    The Agreement

    No Darkness or Shadow

    Thought Control, Your Own

    The Evolutionary Seed

    Thought Police Not Welcome

    Opening the Doors of Communication

    Your Purpose Here

    Who, If Not Us?

    Our Divine Potential

    The Energy of Change

    To Look Upon a Stranger…

    The Body of God

    A World of Beauty

    Removing the Veils

    God’s Will for Us

    An Opportunity for Healing


    The Journey Begins Here

    A World of Our Making

    To Help the Least of Us

    Stepping Away from the Precipice

    Pen to Paper

    Expressing Our Divinity

    The Key

    Upsetting the Apple Cart

    The Tools you have Chosen

    The Greatest Reward

    Training the God Nature

    Blossoming as the Rose

    Seek Love First

    Releasing Fear

    God’s Challenge

    Begin Now or Begin Later

    Choosing a New Direction

    Our Mission

    The Circle

    Making your Mark

    Express Yourself

    Live As If…

    An Expanded Vision

    You are your Destiny

    The Dance of Life

    Heaven is a State of Mind

    Infinity Must Remain Indefinable

    A Force that Knows No Boundaries

    Leaving a Legacy

    Accepting the Call

    The Flame of Truth

    The Path

    Manifesting the Wisdom Within

    A Petal at a Time

    A Conscious Participation

    Self -Transformation

    Determining The Nature of Evolution

    The Power of Prayer

    The Time of Changes

    Virtue as a Creative Force

    The Value that You Hold

    On the Ladder of Divine Consciousness

    The Brightness of Your Being

    A Pocket of Uniqueness

    The Hope for Recovery

    Give with Joy

    As Individuals of Divine Choice

    A Better Place, For Your Influence

    The Gift of Your Full Attention


    Birthing a New World

    About the Author

    A promise fulfilled



    As a young girl, in the midst of a fervent prayer for understanding I had what I can only call, an awesome experience. The room suddenly filled with a golden light and I knew that I was in the presence of God. But it was not so much something I saw. It was something I felt to the very core of my being. It literally took my breath away. Instantly, I knew all the answers to my questions, even those I was too young to formulate; a moment of perfect clarity. My mind and body filled with an indescribable sense of love. I felt a wave of peace and serenity wash over me. I then heard a separate voice, coming from my right, asking me to tell others about us. In my childish way, I said that I would, but that I first wanted to fall in love, get married and have a house of my own (I thought you had to become a nun to do God’s work).

    Years later, I happily accomplished the above. But I had also made other life choices that left me with deep emotional wounds and in much spiritual confusion. In order that I might never again find myself in such a position, I set out to gain consciousness. I decided that if a doorway had opened spontaneously all those years ago, I could open it again.

    Unaware of how things would unfold, the following is the result and the fulfillment of the promise I made to them. I would like to share it with a world that is now in much need of understanding. It is a message of love and hope.


    The following pages are transcripts of sessions recorded over the period of several years. They were transcribed exactly the way they were received, with only minor editing. Except for a very crucial question about the nature of evil. I asked that the answer be expounded upon. I include what I believe to be in keeping with the original intent of both the query and the response. The new entry is dated. It has been explained to me that these sessions are the bare bones of our work together and that it will be fleshed out over time. The date at the bottom of the page is the date of the sitting.

    Please be tolerant of the use of the historical Him or He as the pronoun for God. The term God, as referenced here, includes Father, Mother, Spirit, All that is. Capitalization is used where a greater concept is envisioned.

    I believe its simplicity is in order that no one is excluded from understanding the message. There also appears to be an added benefit to reading the transcripts aloud, as they have a rhythmic quality that helps put one in a relaxed and receptive state of mind.

    I found that reading and contemplating upon what I’d read for a day or two, often led to a surprising realization, an aha moment, if you will. As my mind opened, I discovered that these writings are not just metaphorical but, in fact, are often quite literal in their implications.


    The First Sitting

    We are here with you. We are all here.

    We are One.

    We are all One, as we all come from One.

    We are all from One Source.

    We all come from One Whole.

    When we came here, we came here to love.

    We can only return through love.

    We will all be One, in love, once again.

    We are all here to learn:

    It is love that makes us Whole.

    It is love that makes us One Whole.

    We must work towards One Whole World.

    We must stop the hatred that is enveloping us.

    Only then, will we see that we are truly of One Source.

    We must always love one another.

    No matter where they are from, or where they are going…

    Do not judge them.

    For we all have our own way to go.

    We all will return to the Source our own way.

    But it will always be God’s Way.

    It is your choice when to go His Way.

    We will all go His Way one day.

    There is no other way to become One,

    One with Him again.

    We must all work towards love,

    In all we do and say and think.

    For these things all have energy,

    And what you put out affects the world.

    We are here with you to help you see the way.

    Give us your trust and let us guide you back to the Light.

    For we love you and wish to be Whole once more.

    Open your hearts and minds to the Light of God.

    It is here now,

    For your asking…it can be yours.

    We will be with you again one day soon.

    We will leave you now….

    April 26, 1993

    Copyright 1998

    There is Always Choice

    We are here with you. We are all here.

    We will all be One, we will all be Whole.

    Let us work towards One Whole World.

    We need all of you to make it so.

    We need each and every one to make us Whole again.

    We will show you how.

    We will show you when.

    We will now begin.

    It is time to start.

    We must begin to grow.

    We have evolved long enough to know,

    It is now or never.

    It has now begun.

    You may choose your way.

    There is always choice.

    One day you will know:

    There is only love.

    Nothing else exists but love.

    Everything else is false, merely an illusion.

    You can choose to live it,

    Or you can choose to move on.

    We ask you to take our hands

    And walk with us into the Light of God.

    When you decide to come to Him,

    All the veils will drop

    And you will see the world for what it truly is: nothing more than what you make of it.

    You can choose to make this a world of love or destroy yourselves.

    It is now the time to choose your way.

    We will all be One again, one day soon.

    We will leave you now…Amen.

    May 6, 1993

    Copyright 1998

    The Gift of Individuation

    We have come to make you Whole again.

    We will be here to help you back to God, who made us all.

    We would like to help you discover who you are.

    You are truly more than you know.

    The body that you are in is just a small part of you.

    You extend far beyond those boundaries.

    You are actually Whole.

    It is merely the physical body that separates you from one another.

    We are here to help you remove that barrier from your thought processes.

    For it is all an illusion that you created for yourself, as a means of experiencing yourself as an individual.

    It is a gift that God has given you: to experience your own thought processes without the interference of others.

    It is there for you to choose your way.

    You will continue to remove those barriers as you begin to perceive that we are all truly One.

    And all things function best when we are all of One Mind.

    Can we answer any question that might help you to understand the process of becoming One with God once more?

    Have you no questions?

    I would like to know, if there has always been evil in the world, why is it now so important to choose your way?

    Man has always had a choice.

    There have always been those who chose God’s way, as well as those who chose their own way, which is the way of the individual ego.

    You were all given that choice when you chose to come here.

    It was a learning experience for you, to develop the goodness that is God.

    There were those of you who chose their own way and it has produced much sadness amongst you.

    It is getting to the point where there are enough of you to make a difference in which way you all choose to go.

    The energy that you put out is great.

    If there are more of you choosing the Way of God, it will push the balance back towards the Light and Love from which you came.

    If you choose to go the way of the ego, which is all that evil is, you will push

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