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Parenting in a New Age
Parenting in a New Age
Parenting in a New Age
Ebook136 pages2 hours

Parenting in a New Age

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Parenting in a New Age will help you understand your higher purpose !!!

You have the power to make a difference

Whether you are a parent, teacher, care giver or work with children on a regular basis, you will know we are experiencing a kind of evolution. Parenting is a journey and much happens on this journey. With the challenges we are experiencing, this book will adequately equip you for this journey.

A new epoch of children are populating this planet with an invigorating renewed energy but the masses remain oblivious to this transition. The time has come for us to find ourselves and evolve to our true purpose through conscious parenting. We are the parents who will be responsible for the shaping of a new era.

This book will equip you with an insightful awareness into these key critical areas of parenting in a new era :-

Understanding the children of a new era, Discovering conscious parenting, Shifting to positive paradigms, Creating balance, Finding the gift of being a family, Becoming a life coach to your children,

Change is imperative for our evolution and change is sure to come about through accepting our responsibility of conscious parenting.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 23, 2011
Parenting in a New Age

Mahendri Valaitham

Mahendri Valaitham has a degree in education with many years of experience in the field as a teacher, lecturer, and education manager. She has worked on many children’s, women’s, and youth projects promoting empowerment and the science of new living.

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    Parenting in a New Age - Mahendri Valaitham

    Copyright © 2011 by Mahendri Valaitham.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-4108-2 (sc)

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14


    To my divine children: Yhovaan and Taoni,

    To the divine blessing of the new age children


    There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.

    Nelson Mandela


    There is higher order to life and our connection to this divine wisdom is the truth that we seek to discover. We seem to have forgotten why we chose to come to this material, ego-driven plane. There is much to learn and master here and I have learnt about my divine contract through the energy of my amazing children and all the wonderful children who I ever taught. The energy of children has always been so special and pure but now more than ever with the arrival of a new era of children, it is an incredibly amazing time to be here. A new epoch of children are populating this planet with an invigorating renewed energy but the masses still remain oblivious to this transition. Everything around us is changing, it is time to step forward and take on our role in this higher order of intelligence.

    Sadly the education system and the mindsets of people are not equipped to deal with the new age of children. It is imperative that people and parents, most especially, start to understand the arising new consciousness on Earth. We are part of the new energy on this planet and we are blessed to be here at this time, for it is a time of incredible learning and advancement in our evolution system. Parents, have a huge role to play in taking their children forward to a new era of emerging consciousness. We are the parents who will be responsible for the shaping a new era. This book is about awakening to our vital role in parenting a new breed of children, let us bring love and integrity back into living and illuminate this special planet with peace and joy.

    Be the divine spark that God created.



    To my husband Silesh who perfectly aligns my balance. Thank you for your incredible support and guidance,

    To my parents, my late Dad and my Mum, for teaching me to feel my way through the world with heart and embrace all in my journey with compassion. You have taught me great lessons of humility and integrity.

    & to the wonderful euphoria created by the amazing avatars of present and past who teach of love and peace in the new age.


    At the outset, I would like to place on record that I am a parent of two lovely children, Yhovaan(11) and Taoni(9). I have all the same challenges that regular parents encounter! What is interesting is that if I didn’t experience this new field of energy that my children present I would have been oblivious to what is happening on our planet, right now! I spent many years dedicated to the profession of education as a: teacher, lecturer, national examiner, education manager. In simple words I had a lot of exposure to kids, learners, the learning and teaching system. So it was fair for me to think that if I had a such a passion in this field and loved kids so much, parenting would be cut out just for me! Oops, misconception. Parenting is a journey and much happens on a journey. With all that we are experiencing as challenges in parenting, surely we should be adequately equipped for the journey.

    I would refer to the concept of New age several times in the text, so let’s just discuss what it is referring to. New Age refers to the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, astrology describes each age as lasting approximately 2150 years and many see this transition as: the new age, where humanity will undergo a shift in consciousness. Under the influence of Pisces people gave up their life path decisions to institutions such as families, religions and society. In the Age of Aquarius you once more honour yourself as being divinely connected to the oneness of all life forms in the universe. You learn to trust and accept the universe with an open heart and people tend to be largely non-denominational in the new age as the need for spirituality becomes greater. Look around you and observe that the energy on this planet is rapidly changing, so are you. We hear people talking about this age of somewhat ‘different children’, if you are a parent right now: the synchronicity of your growth has most probably been planned. Here we are in the ‘so-called’: New Age, facing one of our toughest of all assignments: Parenting.

    Parenting by all means has always been a challenge but what makes it such an enormous challenge, now? Is it the type of children being born, is it the transition in the mass consciousness, is it the remodelling of the family? Just brace yourself, for part of it could be our old world attitude of competitiveness, antiquated parenting skills, old mind sets, and the exhaustive energy put into it. The time of gender, racial and societal imbalance no longer serves a purpose on our path to ascension or growth, so it is for the greater good of all that energies are balanced. The best part of all this is that our children are no longer of old world energy as well; they are coming in from all over this universe to bring in new light and energy to this planet. Times have changed and people are no longer satisfied with age old thoughts of restricting and confining religions, class and societal sanctions. People are being driven by a thirst to dig deeper within the layers of themselves. The time has come for us to find ourselves and evolve to our true purpose and the perfect way for us to grow and learn our challenges is through new parenting skills. Right now, on Planet Earth, the energy is much more evolved as the souls who are incarnating are older souls and spiritual beings of light who are highly evolved.

    We are all facing these challenges and feel that outdated parenting skills don’t work with new age children. They seem to be light years ahead of your parenting skills and reasoning such: Because I told you so!, will simply cause a revolution!! You are not alone in thinking: I need help! Don’t ever be misled to believing that because you are an adult you always know what is right. Now, more than ever we need to accept that we can learn new parenting skills and we can grow together with our amazing children. The idea that parenting ‘steals your time’ is a self serving attitude for one who committed to parenting. I would suggest that you read this book with an open attitude to all the new concepts introduced as through sharing in our experiences we can grow and become wiser to ways beyond our understanding alone.

    Let us join hands to create a network of support to parenting in the new age. See this as a refreshing, newer energy that can’t wait to be discovered and once discovered you will start to love the journey.

    Chapter 1

    Children of a New Era

    Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for she was born in another time.

    —Rabindranath Tagore

    The energy of the planet is changing and everything around us is changing. Don’t fool yourself into believing that all this talk about changing energy and a new age child is some kind of psychic hogwash for the alternate crowds! We are experiencing a huge shift in consciousness and the new children with poignant personalities and developed intuition are awakening us to a sobering reality. This reality is that the frequency on this planet is not the same anymore and change comes when change is needed. My first experience of these advanced beings was with my son when he was still in his diapers and just learning to speak constructively. It was the day of the September 11 attacks and he came racing after me: Mummy, mummy, there’s breaking news on CNN I off course rushed to watch

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