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Footprints in the Snow
Footprints in the Snow
Footprints in the Snow
Ebook356 pages3 hours

Footprints in the Snow

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About this ebook

When caffeine-addicted reporter Garth Ross is assigned to co-author a biography of a big Hollywood movie producer, Mylo Jensen, he jumps at the chance. Thriving on his work, getting a charge out of interviewing people, Garth sniffs out the story; one which is supposed to be a ‘rags-to-riches’ tale of a movie mogul. Until, his reporter’s sixth sense kicks in.
During an interview with a family friend, Garth uncovers another angle for this book, and it isn’t about the producer’s success.

Jayce Lennox had thought his past was long behind him, until a nosy reporter gets into his business.

As Garth uncovers the truth behind the lies, he discovers an old secret that should have lain dormant.
But, what Garth suspects is the polar opposite from the facts he learns. And his wrong assumptions nearly destroy the man he was asked to promote.

Footprints in the snow...sometimes the trail leads to something totally unexpected.

Included in this novel is a debut short story; Seduction of a Straight Man, by up and coming new author, Keith Ory.

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateMar 6, 2018
Footprints in the Snow

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Book preview

    Footprints in the Snow - GA Hauser

    Chapter 1

    Oh, fuck yeah.


    Garth Ross rolled over on the bed, sweat coating his skin.


    Wow, is right. In the dimness, Garth reached to the nightstand for the tissues and used them to remove the condom. He balled it up and held it, intending on getting up to wash. He just couldn’t imagine standing right now.

    Ron rolled to his side and touched Garth’s chest, then he kissed his glistening skin.

    I need to go home. Garth checked the digital clock which glowed in the dark room. I have a hectic week.

    Ron hummed and licked Garth’s skin at his shoulder. No problem.

    One, two… On three, Garth sat up and placed his feet on the floor. I’m up. I’m functioning. He heard Ron chuckle and a hand nudged him from below, under his bottom.

    Getting off the bed, Garth staggered and made his way to the bathroom. He turned on the light and winced at the brightness. After dropping the tissue and spent condom into the trash basket, Garth looked in the mirror over the sink basin.

    It was the weekend and he needed a shave. Maybe even a haircut. His blue eyes were a little red from his exhaustion, and he would love to sleep here. But…

    He splashed his face and then washed up at the sink, relieving himself and using Ron’s brush on his hair. When he exited the bathroom, Ron was still in bed, his eyes closed.

    Garth dressed and checked his phone. He’d missed several text messages and voicemails. He leaned over the bed and kissed Ron’s cheek. Thanks. It was a nice night.

    Mm. Ron blindly reached to pat Garth’s arm, but Garth could tell Ron was about to fall asleep. He slipped his shoes on, picked up his jacket, and made sure the door to the Santa Monica one-bedroom apartment was locked behind him.

    He left the complex through a security door, and looked up at the winter sky. The moon showed its full face over the palm trees and the wind blew cold from the Pacific Ocean.

    Garth held his key in his palm and aimed it at his cherry red Alfa Romeo sports car, unlocking it remotely. He dropped down on the driver’s seat and started the car with a push of a button.

    Before he drove home, he read more of the text messages he’d missed. His managing editor had given him a new assignment and he was eager to start.

    Tomorrow he’d get the details and begin planning how he should proceed. He turned on his headlights and drove to his home. As he went, he didn’t think much about Ron.

    Ron was his go-to guy for sex. An unofficial friend-with-benefits. While each of them were single, they engaged in casual sex. They hadn’t planned on the arrangement but they were both happy with it.

    Garth wasn’t sure he wanted a committed partner at the moment, and as long as the sex was available with Ron…

    He drove the main streets home, seeing few people out this late on a chilly Sunday night.

    After the sex, exhaustion hitting, Garth relaxed while he drove, enjoying the streets of LA while they were nearly empty. The holidays were behind them and a new year had begun. He had just turned thirty-five last month, and had settled into a groove.

    He liked his life.

    He loved his job.

    Garth slowed for his driveway, a hidden egress between masonry posts, topped with plaster urns. They were gaudy reclaimed architecture from an old demolition of a theater.

    He continued to his garage, using the remote on his visor to open the door. Yawning, Garth rubbed his face and parked, then closed the garage door behind him. He climbed out of his car and disarmed the house security system, entering his home.

    Turning on lights as he went, Garth hung up his jacket, and walked through his house to his bedroom. He took off his shoes and stripped for the shower.

    Before he showered, he filled the basin and spread shaving gel on his chin. While he shaved, falling into the rote behavior he did nightly, Garth thought about the research he was going to begin tomorrow. He was collaborating on a book about a major celebrity; producer/director Mylo Jensen. What he knew about the man he could write on the head of a pin.

    But, the media being what it was, hype was king.

    After shaving, Garth didn’t bother to rinse his face, instead, he stepped into the shower. He scrubbed up, washing his hair and as he did, his thoughts became more active.

    It was a product of his work; thinking, planning, perfecting interview techniques.

    Garth shut the taps and rubbed a towel over his head. No doubt he could leave the work on the new assignment for tomorrow, but…

    The wheels were already turning.

    He finished washing up, put on clean briefs, sweats and a T-shirt, and sat with his back against his headboard with his laptop. It was only eleven o’clock, and he was already working on tomorrow’s schedule in his head.

    He booted up the computer and held his phone as a resource. When he could, he began searching for information regarding Mylo Jensen.

    Wowza. He shook his head as the ‘results for his search’ numbered in the hundreds of thousands.

    If he dove into this man’s background now, he’d never fall asleep.

    But, he was eager to begin.

    Knowing the crux of the story was supposed to be Mylo’s rise from obscurity to becoming famous, Garth never narrowed his vision to one theme.

    Before he shut down the computer, he added a few facts to an outline; Mylo’s credited work history, his public persona, and his family ties.

    Once he had basic details, he saved his work and shut down the laptop. The next time he looked at the clock it read one-fifteen a.m.

    Garth set his digital alarm clock to wake him up for work, and then took a last pit-stop before trying to sleep.

    He shut off the lights, shed the sweats and shirt, curled on his side in bed and stared into the darkness of his room; his window coverings and his artwork. A dog barked in the distance as he settled down for slumber.

    After a long, low sigh, and he closed his eyes, finally drifting off.


    Monday morning, Garth parked in a multi-story parking garage in downtown LA. A cup of store-bought coffee in his hand, he shouldered his leather bag and used the elevator to ride to the floor of his publishing house.

    Sipping his sweet grande-mocha, Garth left the elevator and headed inside the offices, making his way directly to one in particular.

    Standing outside it, he rapped the doorframe with his knuckles, hearing his managing editor, Tyne Conrad, who waved him in while she spoke on the phone.

    After putting his coffee on her desk, he unraveled his scarf and unzipped his jacket. Garth set his bag by the chair in front of her desk and took a seat, drinking the rest of his coffee as he stared at her.

    Tyne said into the phone, …you’re off schedule. We have the editing scheduled for tomorrow. You’d better get the galleys in by then.

    Once he finished his drink, Garth sunk in the chair and cleaned under his nails as he waited.

    Fine. Bye. Tyne hung up the phone. She tapped keys on her computer. Right. I’ve got a team assembled for this story.

    Garth sat up higher in the chair, paying attention.

    A list of contacts is ready. I sent them to you. She continued typing on the keyboard.

    What angle are we aiming for? Garth took a pad out of his pocket.

    So far, rags to riches. But sources tell me that’s not all that’s here. She looked up from her typing. Tyne was in her fifties and had been a reporter for decades, bouncing around from news periodicals to television and now publishing. She was heavy-set and had short gray hair, and knew her work better than anyone he had met yet.

    Okay. Garth nodded.

    Tyne took a break from typing on the computer and asked, So? How was your weekend?

    Too short. He chuckled.

    I hear ya.

    Let me get going on this. He stood from the chair, holding up his empty cup to her.

    Have fun. She took it and tossed it out for him.

    Thanks. He grabbed his things, shouldered his bag, and left the office. In his own cubicle space, Garth set his bag on the chair and took off his jacket and scarf. He draped it over his seat and rubbed his hands together since it was chilly in the office. He headed to the employee break room and poured himself a cup of perked coffee.

    A coworker, Wade, entered the room. Garth.

    Hi, Wade. Once he added sugar and milk, he sipped the potent coffee from the cardboard cup.

    I have a list of potential contacts for you.


    I’ll email it to you. Wade poured hot water over a teabag in his cup.

    Dude, tea?

    What about it? Wade asked.

    I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t drink coffee in the morning.

    You’re a dork. He dunked the teabag.

    I know. Garth returned to his desk and set his coffee aside, then booted up his computer. He sipped the hot brew, warming his hands as his computer loaded.

    Through reading the preliminary information about contacts, Garth worked on getting interviews with anyone who potentially had information regarding Mylo Jensen.

    By two that afternoon, Garth pulled his car into a coffee shop’s parking lot at Beverly Glen Circle. He shut down the motor, made sure he had his tape-recorder with him, and checked the time.

    As he gathered information about Mylo Jensen, Garth wanted to get a feel for the man first. And that meant exploring individuals who had connections to the celebrity. This one intrigued him the most. This man was not a peer of Mylo Jensen, he was a friend of Mylo’s son, but his name kept coming up when Garth asked about the man.

    Garth climbed out of his car and looked around the parking lot, wondering if his contact would show up. Just because someone agreed to be interviewed didn’t mean they would follow through.

    Garth opened the door to the coffee shop and was hit with the familiar bad acoustics of loud conversations and hissing espresso machines. A drive-up window had a line of cars wrapping around the brick building. Everyone wanted it. Everyone needed it…coffee.

    Since he didn’t see anyone he recognized, Garth stood in line to get himself a hot drink.

    His phone hummed. A text was sent, ‘Five minutes out.’

    I’m here already. What can I buy you?’ Garth moved up in line, near the cooler section.

    Tall latte.’

    got it.’ He was given the barista’s attention. Uh. How about one tall latte and one grande mocha no whip? He took a twenty out of his wallet.

    Your name?

    Garth. He handed her the cash and she gave him change. Before he stood in the second line, Garth noticed an available table in the far corner of the room, near the window. He tried not to sprint towards it. He draped his jacket and scarf over a chair, brushed crumbs off the table’s surface, and heard his name being called.

    Once he had both drinks in hand, he set them on the table.

    Are you Garth?

    At the deep masculine voice, Garth glanced up from the coffee cups. Yes. He held out his hand. Thanks for coming.

    What do I owe you for the coffee? Jayce Lennox unbuttoned his suit jacket and straightened his necktie.

    Garth waved off the suggestion and sat down.

    Jayce joined him and they took a moment to assess each other.

    Leaving Jayce alone for a moment so he didn’t hit him with questions the second he showed up, Garth opened the lid on his mocha and blew on the hot coffee.


    Jayce scooted the chair closer to the table and had a look around their immediate area. Their table was off to the side, where the noise level wasn’t quite as miserable. Since he had no idea what this conversation was going to be about, Jayce didn’t invite this investigator into his home.

    The contact came out of the blue. Yes, Mylo had been in the news recently, but Jayce didn’t think it had anything to do with him. He thought it was bizarre he was asked for an interview.

    He tugged at the cuffs of his cotton-long-sleeve dress shirt and took the lid off of his latte. As the two of them settled down, Jayce inspected Garth’s appearance. He estimated Garth to be in his mid-thirties. The man was trim, about average in height, and pleasantly handsome with blue eyes and thick brown hair.

    Jayce noticed Garth wore a wristwatch, but no other jewelry.

    Once he had sipped the coffee, Jayce relaxed on the metal chair, staring at Garth.

    Garth rubbed his fingers together as if either his hands were cold or he was eager to begin. The handsome man smiled. Can I record you?

    In here? Jayce was referring to the ambient noise level.


    He shrugged, holding his cup in his hand on the table.

    Garth produced a small tape-recorder with a mic, which he pointed directly at Jayce. For some reason, it made Jayce chuckle from nerves.


    Garth smiled when he heard a laugh from the man. The sight of a microphone intimidated people. He knew that. He scooted closer on the chair, pointed the mic at Jayce, and then stared at him for a moment.

    As Garth relaxed in his seat, he was able to inspect Jayce more closely. He knew the guy was forty-five since he had graduated high-school and college the same years as Mylo’s son, Tay, had. Which was one of the reasons for the interview, the other reason was that by all accounts, Jayce knew Mylo personally for decades. He wasn’t Mylo’s contemporary or colleague, which is why Garth thought Jayce may be more insightful.

    Well? Jayce kept laughing, opening his fingers palms-up to enhance the gesture.

    Yes. Garth sat up higher in the chair. When did you first meet Mylo?

    I was fourteen. His son Tay and I were best friends in high-school. Jayce sipped the latte and then held it on the table. Is this about Mylo’s film career?


    So, you’re writing a bio about him?

    Yes. Garth had outlined his intent but that didn’t mean people were comfortable with discussing it.


    Why? Garth inspected the coarse beard growth on Jayce’s jaw, which had been shaven. Jayce had full salmon pink lips.

    Yes. Why? Why now? He’s been working in film for decades.

    Garth tried to stop staring at Jayce’s features since it was distracting him. The man was nicely built and tall. Well, he’s been in the news recently. We follow the headlines. Right now, Mylo Jensen’s the hot topic. He’s been approached to create a documentary about his rise to fame.

    Just for a second, Garth noticed something dark pass over Jayce’s expression. But, it vanished quickly.

    Okay. Jayce shrugged. I’m not sure what I can tell you, but, what do you want to know?

    Hoping for Jayce to feel comfortable with him, Garth tried to ease him into it. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself? He drank from his cup. What is it you do?

    I’m a real estate developer.

    Garth nodded, trying to get Jayce to open up, but it wasn’t easy. Jayce didn’t follow through and stopped talking.

    Um…married? Kids? Garth asked.

    Divorced, one daughter.

    So, uh, you grew up in Los Angeles?

    I did. I traveled abroad pretty extensively on my college breaks.

    And you were with Mylo’s son on those breaks, correct? Garth slowly drew a pad and pen from his pocket, setting the small notepad on the table.

    Yes. Tay and I were close all through high-school and college.

    How close?


    Jayce raised an eyebrow at the line of questioning. When he was told this was going to be about Mylo Jensen, he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with discussing him, nor why he was even asked about him.

    But, against his better judgment he agreed. He’d looked up Garth Ross’ work on the computer and when he read the famous people he had collaborated with on books, he knew Garth was legit.

    That didn’t mean Jayce was ready to spill his guts out to a reporter.

    We were best friends. Jayce glanced into the noisy room. Caffeine addicts waited for coffee, the line stretching nearly to the door, and every table was occupied with someone either on their phone texting or typing on a laptop computer.

    Okay. Garth tapped a pen on a small notepad as if he were nervous. So, did you spend time with them? With Mylo? Go on family vacations?

    Yes. Tay’s family had a pool, so we hung out at it together. He also had friends over frequently. He noticed Garth scribble notes but couldn’t even imagine reading his handwriting upside down.

    A pool.

    Yes. A pool. Jayce laughed again but he was trying not to be annoyed. What his friendship with Tay had to do with Mylo was beyond him.


    Garth had interviewed enough people to sense a barrier. Why one had gone up so quickly was curious. He tried to keep on track with his line of questions. When was the last time you saw either Mylo or Tay?

    Wow. Jayce rubbed his forehead. Not for a while. After Tay moved to Seattle in the nineties we kept in touch for about a year. I had no contact with Mylo at all, not after Tay left LA.

    What’s your overall impression of Mylo? Garth asked, trying not to let the level of noise distract him. The café was packed with people and so loud, he was trying not to scream over the small table.

    Jayce shrugged, as if either indifferent or unwilling to answer. He tipped up the coffee cup and finished the contents.

    Do you think his life is remarkable? Garth leaned closer to be heard.

    I guess. Yes. I know he was the son of poor immigrants. His father worked in retail shops, his mother was a seamstress.

    Garth nodded, since he had already read some history of the man.

    They encouraged Mylo to get into film, since it was his passion. Jayce moved the empty paper cup aside, stuffing the plastic lid into it.

    Did his son, Tay, have any interest in his father’s career?

    No. Ironically, Tay didn’t want to be in film. He and I studied engineering and architecture in college.

    Garth jotted it down, but thought he knew that from his notes. So, you and Tay never hung out on the set of any of his productions?

    I didn’t say that.

    Garth looked up, staring into Jayce’s green eyes. He kept quiet, hoping Jayce would elaborate.


    Jayce gazed into Garth’s blue eyes. Memories of the time he had spent with Tay and as a result, with Mylo, began to wash over him. They were memories he hadn’t recalled in years.

    And? Garth finally prompted him, since the silence between them became protracted.

    Jayce sat up straighter in the chair. He ran his hand over his hair and glanced behind him into the noisy room. He’d let us hang out. I have to admit, I did enjoy being around the set. But, not enough to make it a career. I’m not celebrity mad or anything.

    What was your contact with Mylo like?

    Jayce’s mind went blank at the question. He bit his lower lip and then stood, tossing out the trash, not wanting this conversation.


    What the fuck?

    Garth studied Jayce’s body language with suspicion. As he waited to see if Jayce was going to leave, Garth moved the tape-recorder closer to himself.

    Jayce checked his phone, rubbed his face and eyes, and exhaled so deeply, Garth saw his chest move.

    Jayce? he said in the din.

    I…uh… Jayce buttoned his suit jacket.

    Garth finished the cooled coffee, stood quickly, and put his jacket and scarf on. He stuffed the tape-recorder and mic into his pocket and threw away the cup.

    He met Jayce at the door to the café, and the winter light was already waning at three.

    Jayce tucked his necktie into his jacket in the breeze, and while he did, Garth inspected him more closely. Jayce had to be six-feet tall, and wore his expensive clothing well, like a model.

    I can’t think in there. Jayce gestured to the loud café as he adjusted his suit jacket collar.

    I get it. I just didn’t know how comfortable you would have been if I came to your place. Garth wanted to interview Jayce at his home. He had a feeling something was here. Call it a reporter’s sixth sense.

    Jayce kept checking the time on his gold watch and looking up at the sky.

    They may have taken a half hour but Garth had nothing he could use…yet.

    I should go. Jayce pointed behind him.

    I’ll walk you to your car. Garth needed more information from this man, and wasn’t about to give up.

    Jayce stood beside a burnt orange colored Lamborghini.

    Oh, fuck yeah. Garth grew excited when he realized it. He had a look at the car and shook his head. Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah.

    Jayce laughed and unlocked it. A car aficionado?

    I am. Garth gestured to his car in the lot. Mine’s the Alfa.

    Jayce straightened up and looked for it. The red? What year is it, a 2015?

    Yes! Garth smiled broadly.

    Jayce walked over to it and had a look.

    Garth used his key fob to unlock the doors. Two-hundred-and thirty-seven horses.


    Garth knew with common ground, he’d get closer to the truth. You in any clubs?

    Yes. I go to the Euro-shows when they have them.

    Huh. Garth stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket. I’d enjoy that.

    I can let you know when the next one is.

    Cool. Garth wasn’t ready to end their interview. So, uh. Are we really done? Or can I come by?

    Come by? Jayce’s expression became serious. He exhaled and shifted his dress shoes on the tarmac. I don’t know what you think I can tell you about Mylo. Maybe you need to interview his contemporaries. I was just his son’s friend.

    Garth closed the gap between them and leaned on his car as they spoke. I don’t know either. But, maybe you have photos of him with Tay? Or maybe something may come to you during our discussions.

    Jayce checked his watch once more. Fine. I might have time tomorrow after a meeting.

    I can meet you anywhere. Name it.

    Fuck it. Just come to my house. Anyone who owns an Alfa can’t be all bad.

    Garth laughed. I like to think so. What time?

    After a long moment of concentration, Jayce said, Just stop by at six.

    Okay. Garth extended his hand. Nice to meet you.

    And you.

    He watched Jayce return to his car and waited for him to start it and drive off, loving the look of the sleek automobile.

    Garth sighed tiredly and checked his phone. He had another person he could interview today if they allowed it. He sent them a text and then sat down behind the wheel of his car and hoped for the best.

    Chapter 2

    Jayce parked his car in a four-car garage alongside two other sports cars and one pickup truck. He sat in the car for a moment listening to music and then exhaled deeply and climbed out. Spinning his key around his finger, Jayce entered his split-level five-bedroom home, turning on lights as he went. He hung his key up on a hook and removed his jacket and tie.

    When he was contacted by someone associated with a big publishing house, he imagined answering some online form with questions pertaining to what he remembered about Mylo Jensen from having been associated with his son for decades.

    He should have anticipated the churning up of memories that came with it.

    What he had

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