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The New School Graduation Class
The New School Graduation Class
The New School Graduation Class
Ebook195 pages3 hours

The New School Graduation Class

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About this ebook

This story is about a new school designed to prepare students that need special customized assistance to become fully functional adults. The entire story is told from the point of view of a student, but, relays information about the entire student body. This is a special summer graduation class for students that are not quite ready for the real world.

Release dateFeb 25, 2018
The New School Graduation Class

Romulius Exavier

The Author is new to both the genre and the act of writing fictional stories. The author has five years of reading similar stories by other more experienced authors. Hope you enjoy the story and decide to read the next one. If you would like to comment on the story you can reach the author at

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    Book preview

    The New School Graduation Class - Romulius Exavier

    The New School Graduation Class

    Romulius Exavier

    Published by Romulius Exavier at Smashwords

    Copyright 2018 Romulius Exavier

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: First Day

    Chapter 2: Second Day

    Chapter 3: Third Day

    Chapter 4: Fourth Day

    Chapter 5: Fifth Day

    Chapter 6: Sixth Day

    Chapter 7: Week One

    Chapter 8: First Graduation Day

    Chapter 9: Ninth Day

    Chapter 10: Tenth Day

    Chapter 11: Eleventh Day

    Chapter 12: Twelfth Day

    Chapter 13: Thirteenth Day

    Chapter 14: Second Graduation Day

    Chapter 15: Fifteenth Day

    Chapter 16: Sixteenth Day

    Chapter 17: Seventeenth Day

    Chapter 18: Eighteenth Day

    Chapter 19: Third Graduation Day

    Chapter 20: Twentieth Day

    Chapter 21: Week Three

    Chapter 22: Twenty-Second Day

    Chapter 23: Twenty-Third Day

    Chapter 24: Twenty-Fourth Day

    Chapter 25: Twenty-Fifth Day

    Chapter 26: Twenty-Sixth Day

    Chapter 27: Saturday the Twenty-Seventh Day

    About The Author:

    Chapter 1: First Day

    The dreaded first day of school. The bus will arrive to pick me up soon. I am generally the first one picked up and the last one dropped off. I started misbehaving when I was six, and discovered that you got rewarded for it with spankings. I always enjoyed a good spanking because it reminds me of my dead father. The last memory I have of him was a spanking that left me unable to sit comfortably for a week. As a result of this every spanking I receive reminds me of Daddy. I have other memories of him but nothing can bring him back to life like a spanking. After all, you are looking down at the floor and cannot see the spanker's face. So I can fantasize that it is my daddy.

    At the end of every grading period, since I began to misbehave, I receive a wonderful spanking. The dean and Uncle David have become very creative with methods of trying to humiliate me or shame me into not desiring a spanking. They don't understand the significance for me. I am terrified that this year I will graduate and daddy may die a second death when I cannot get my needed spankings. I wonder if the dean can help me to find a company where the boss punishes his employees for mistakes by spanking. I should ask him for a reference.

    Well, the empty bus is here. I boarded and walk halfway back choosing the seat to my right. The bus filled up as we made all of the stops. After most of the stops the girl next to me began to laugh and cry. It was very annoying and I punched her with a glancing blow. I did not intend to miss the way I did. She was ignoring me and doing stuff on her cell phone. We are not permitted to bring cell phones and she should have known that. Her cell phone will be confiscated when we arrived at the school. Well, On the first day I will be in for a spanking at least. Uncle Dave helps the dean to devise the punishments. He spanks me at home without knowing why I want it either. If they ever discovered they would probably stop and send me back to that foolish woman who thinks you should just accept that your loved one has died, forget them, and move on. She's been divorced three times so I guess that solution is the one that works best for her.

    In the middle of the night the bus stops at a gas station that allows the bus to fill up and we get a bathroom break. This was the most ridiculous system I have ever seen. The fixtures in this bathroom must be from before the middle of the last century. The fixtures are museum quality just kept in daily use. Someone takes the time to clean them up well though. I forgot and wore jeans so I ran over to the line and got in it fortunately near the front. The line is moving faster than I am use to. I got in the bathroom and out quickly. Now to get on the bus. Most of the other female seniors remembered to wear a skirt or dress so they could take the shortcut. I forget to do so half the time. Once the bus is has all the students we lean our heads together and nap until the arrival at the school with the morning sun.

    We woke up to the blinding light coming in through the windows as we arrived at the school. The bus driver brought the bus to a stop and stood up. She takes out the clipboard with the names of each group listed in order. She calls the senior class of which all eighteen year old students are a member and we entered the school to get our uniforms.

    This is no minor accomplishment as there are sixty seniors, of which, thirty are in the Girl's uniform room. The room was designed to hold no more than eight students at a time. The other half are male and in their room that is just as small. I have a strategy this year for getting my uniform parts. I got the bag with my name on it and put all the clothes I am wearing inside it first. After putting it away I started at the end of the line and got the ugly shoes and the lacy stockings. I slipped those on while the others were getting the corsets and garter belts.

    Nine girls had gotten everything in their uniforms but were dressed in their home clothes. While they were getting their bags and changing into their uniforms I got the corset, garter belt, skirt, thong in black our color this year. Then I got the white shirt, and stupid red tie. It was to dainty to qualify as a real tie, and had a secondary use as a wrist restraint. I stood and put on the corset and garter belt, then attached the stockings from earlier, than the thong, the white shirt, the skirt, and finally the tie. I finished second this year. My best finish in the race to put on the uniform.

    I met the other Group ten seniors in the bunk room to set up the sleeping arrangements. I am five foot eleven and seven-eighths, Ass length brown hair, bluish gray eyes, 32 B breasts. Daniel was a tall man of six-foot two inches, Brown hair and eyes, and an athletic build. John was a tall man of six-foot five inches, Brown hair and eyes, and a muscular build. As it turned out Daniel would sleep on top of me, John would be sleeping to my right. That was not an ideal sleeping arrangement as I sometimes had a very sore bottom and needed attention from one of the men to alleviate it.

    I have been here longer than all of the graduating seniors this year. Kevin was an imposing 6 foot eleven inches tall, Blond hair, hazel eyes, and a muscular build. Martha was a tall woman of five foot nine and a third inches, Brown hair and eyes, 40 B breasts, and a stocky build. Amy was an average woman of five feet eight and thirteen-sixteenths inches, black hair and eyes, 38 C breasts, and an athletic build. John and Kevin came the year after me, two years after that Amy came, two years after that Martha came, and now Daniel was new. That gave us three of each gender. Perfectly matched for what we planned for this year. We would be leaving anyway so we planned to exit with an extraordinary flair. We were planning to have as much sex as we could. This was difficult as the place was monitored by close circuit TV. Everything you do is recorded except in a few blind spots.

    Twelve years of trying to trick the camera's and I knew just where the blind spots were. Accessing the areas where the blind spots existed was difficult. The dean's office was a blind spot. The classrooms were blind spots after dinner. The laundry room had a closet in it that was a blind spot. The laundry door is locked and you can only get in with a key from a teacher or faculty member. The classrooms were controlled by the Teachers and required a key. The camera's in the classrooms turn off after class time. Getting into the dean's office when he was not in required you to take a shot during a uniform inspection for another class. The penalty for getting caught was to be expelled from school.

    I desired various kinds of sexual encounters. Starting with the basic ones, I wanted to suck Kevin, John, and Daniel, and eat both Martha and Amy. Then I wanted to try missionary with all the men, and Anal with all the men. Doggy position with the men, and the girls with a strap-on. I wanted to have sex in the boy's bathroom next to the dean's office. I wanted to have sex in my bunk. I wanted the boy's to strip me naked and tie my hands behind my back and do whatever they desired to my body. I wanted to be tied to the bunk naked and left there until the dean came looking for me at breakfast time. I wanted to have sex with the dean and all my teachers since day one here. I wanted to be publicly spanked by the dean and Mr. Jones. I wanted to ride home on the bus in a middle seat while completely naked. I wanted the last male senior to leave the bus before me to fuck me on the bus. There were only seniors left so it would be fine. When you record it all it seems like a lot.

    I was loosing my connection to daddy this year and that was a huge loss. I returned to the dorm having done everything I needed to until breakfast time. The last of the seniors drifted in saying hello and getting in their bunks. We arrived about fifteen minutes before the breakfast bell rang. We always sat right immediately below the dean and his secretary. This gave us prior knowledge about who was going to the office after dinner, and what would happen to them. The secretary would get a note on each student and the offense they committed. She needed that information to enter it in the punishment book. She would send the request for the student to present themselves at the office after dinner. That was spanking, whipping, and paddling time. You could receive any of the three. The dean has the sole discretion on which form the punishment would take.

    Breakfast was boring we cannot plan anything as we are an arm's length from the dean and teachers. The punishments were not discussed. I know that my punching the girl on the bus would be punished. Uncle David and the dean must have concocted a really big event. If the punishment exceeds one note the dean just says see me about and the person's name. There were two notes however, they both cannot be too long. It was rare to have two first day events, and I wondered who else screwed up. When breakfast was over the bell sounded for class. We took our trays to the automatic washing station, and headed over to Mr. Jones classroom.

    They never had all the eighteen year old seniors come to class together in the summer. The usual process of having the older students help the younger ones would not be happening this year. The students were divided up into tables of six based on how well they met the qualifications for graduation last year. There were ten tables. Our group sat at table five which was in the center of the room. Just about halfway through the table four lesson a note came to Mr. Jones from the office.

    Mr Jones said, Karen, come up here please. The office has sent you a task to perform for the class. Mr. Jones whispered for me to read the note out loud exactly as written and handed me the note. I read the information to see what I would explain to the class. To my utter dismay it was a speech about the incident on the bus and my need to go and discuss the punishment with the dean. It indicated that I would be spending most of the day with the meetings. I was instantly afraid of the nature of my punishment. I tried to read it correctly, but, my mind kept wandering over past punishments. I had to try at least three times to read the material without mistake. Mr Jones made me start over every time I made the slightest mistake.

    Eventually, I had to force myself to shut out the internal dialog so that I could focused on the words and finish. I stated, My fellow graduating students, I have been a very naughty girl by punching another student on the bus. I will have to miss the rest of class and all of the dinner hour to learn the punishment I am facing. The five students who have assisted with my punishments in the past are asked to have the dinners for the dean, his secretary, and the six of us held until the dean, his secretary and I have arrived. Your responsibilities will be explained during this second meeting. The remaining senior class members will have to wait until a future time to find out the precise details later tonight. Mr. Jones will you please write up a punishment pass to the office for me. Mr. Jones handed me a hall pass with the words Naughty girl. on one side and Punishment pass to office only. on the other side.

    I was completely embarrassed and for the first time concerned about the details. Kevin, speaking for the five other students that aid in my punishments, said, Okay, Karen. We will await the punishment committee and your arrival after the normal dinner. We will tell the servers that the dean has requested our dinners should be delayed until everyone arrives. Then we will listen attentively to the instructions for your punishment from the dean. I hope that you enjoy your punishment, and that we are able to aid in keeping your fantasy alive. The other four students nodded along. I smiled and replied, I know you all understand the entire need for punishments and have kept my secret the whole time. Please do not refrain from giving me all the punishments that the dean and my uncle have come up with. The punishment part is necessary, but, the misbehaving is excruciatingly fun part. Mr. Jones pointed at the door. I departed for the office unsure about what to expect.

    I came into Miss Armstrong's office and said, Thank you for the summons. What should I expect for my punishment? Miss Armstrong answered, Sit in your chair, be quiet, and wait until the dean has asked for you. I stepped back. Why was Miss Armstrong so upset about the punishment today? How deep was is the shit I am standing in. I went over and sat in the chair with my name on it. I earned the inscribing of my name in the front of the chair on a gold plate by being punished the most of any student that ever attended the school. Miss Armstrong called back on the intercom to inform the dean that I was here. The dean did not respond right away. After about ten minutes he called Miss Armstrong and said I'll be right out. This was all different, and exciting. My mind could not help speculating on what was to come. The dean came out into the front office and looked directly at me. I must have registered my fear on my face judging from his reaction.

    I sat there in my uniform with my long brown hair that just brushed the seat surface, My fingers and toes with a clear glossy nail polish, my lips the color of iron rich blood, the eye shadow a dark black color near the eyelash edge, with my eyelids painted an ice gray color that was gradually blended into my natural bronzed skin tone. For the first time

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