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Kerry Desires #2: "Dress Me In Your Wife's Panties!"
Kerry Desires #2: "Dress Me In Your Wife's Panties!"
Kerry Desires #2: "Dress Me In Your Wife's Panties!"
Ebook37 pages32 minutes

Kerry Desires #2: "Dress Me In Your Wife's Panties!"

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Paul cannot resist meeting a man who wants to wear his wife's underwear for him.. When his secret admirer turns out to be the priest who wants to seduce his fat wife, Paul is happy to lend a hand. He has no interest in Margaret. But he is turned on by the idea of her having an affair with the man who is so willing to submit to him. This story is the second part of the "Kerry Desires" trilogy.

PublisherMike O'Connor
Release dateNov 14, 2017
Kerry Desires #2: "Dress Me In Your Wife's Panties!"

Mike O'Connor

Mike O’Connor is a powerful and engaging storyteller who performs at many events across the country. An important researcher into Cornish music and folklore, he has been awarded the OBE and made a bard of the Gorsedh of Kernow.

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    Kerry Desires #2 - Mike O'Connor

    Dress Me In Your Wife’s Panties!


    Mike O’Connor

    Copyright © 2017 by Mike O'Connor

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Paul was horny. Paul was always horny. It had been almost a fortnight since his threesome with Jason and Mick – AKA Jessica and Michelle. He couldn’t stop thinking about those two horny bitches and he was eager for a repeat performance. It could have happened this evening. He would be in bed with the pair of them right now, had he not received a message from some guy called Cumwhore.

    Dress me in your wife’s panties and fuck me.

    It was an offer Paul could not resist. These kind of sleazy, anonymous meets were always a turn-on. If it didn’t work out, he would still have time to take a drive and meet Jessica. Margaret would be going to one of her prayer meetings, after Saturday evening Mass. She wouldn’t be home before ten. Paul could leave the car in town, pop into the pub for a quick pint or three and arrive home smelling like he had been drinking all evening.

    Cumwhore’s choice of meeting place was closer to home than Paul would have liked. But, it was secluded and safe. If they parked facing the road, they would have nothing but trees behind them. Anybody approaching from the main road would be visible from a long distance away.

    He was ten minutes early, but the silver Avensis was already there. The car looked familiar. As Paul drew up beside it, the driver’s door opened and a man in a black leather jacket and faded blue jeans emerged. Their eyes met and Paul’s heart missed a beat.

    No fucking way! he muttered.

    It was too late to make his escape. The other man walked around to the passenger side of his car, opened the door and slid into the seat.

    Hi, Paul, he said.

    Father Ross, Paul replied. What do you think you’re playing at?

    The same thing you are. I’m surprised this spot isn’t more popular. Have you ever come here before?

    Paul stared at the priest. Father Ross was pushing sixty, carried a few extra pounds around his waistline and his head was practically bald,

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