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Dala Horse Inn
Dala Horse Inn
Dala Horse Inn
Ebook64 pages33 minutes

Dala Horse Inn

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Six months after she inherits the Dala Horse Inn, Tilde’s family has arrived to celebrate Christmas and critique Tilde’s every move. When her grandma walks in on Tilde while with Emma, her friend with benefits, Tilde suddenly has a fake girlfriend for the holidays. Fueled by stress, glögg, and Emma’s help, Tilde is determined to make Christmas a success.  As the big day approaches, she isn’t sure if being interrupted by Grandma was another hurdle to surpass or the best thing that’s ever happened to her.

Release dateDec 4, 2017
Dala Horse Inn

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    Dala Horse Inn - Ellen Jenkins

    A NineStar Press Publication

    Published by NineStar Press

    P.O. Box 91792,

    Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87199 USA.

    Dala Horse Inn

    Copyright © 2017 by Ellen Jenkins

    Cover Art by Natasha Snow Copyright © 2017

    Edited by: Jason Bradley

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact NineStar Press at the physical or web addresses above or at

    ISBN: 978-1-947904-51-4

    Printed in the USA

    First Edition

    December, 2017

    Warning: This book contains sexual content, which may only be suitable for mature readers.

    Dala Horse Inn

    Ellen Jenkins

    Table of Contents

    Dala Horse Inn

    About the Author

    TILDE STOOD AT the sink in her empty kitchen, scrubbing dishes on autopilot while she watched the snowstorm outside. The light from inside cast an orange glow on the swirling snow. It was entrancing to watch, and she was too exhausted to stay focused on the dishes. The sooner they were done, the sooner she could sleep, but the water in the sink was already turning cold. She forced herself to look away from the snow for a moment to give the brittle old plate in her hand a last rinse, the water washing away the soap to reveal a farm scene painted in blue on the porcelain. Tilde set the plate in the drying rack carefully, so that it didn’t bump too harshly against the rest of the plates already drying there, and reached into the water to pull the plug.

    The sink drained slowly. She needed to take another look at the pipes once her family left and things settled down. There wouldn’t be any guests for the week after New Year’s, and she would be able to fix up the Dala Horse Inn in peace.

    Tilde dried off her hands on the towel hanging from the front of the oven and yawned, jaw popping, blinking out at the swirling snow. In the distance, light moved, illuminating more of the storm. Tilde leaned forward over the sink and tried to see the source of the light. It might be one of the neighbor’s boys on a snowmobile, but that would be reckless bordering on stupid in this weather.

    It wandered out of view from the window above the sink, disappearing again into the storm. Tilde walked to another window and jumped in surprise when the light reappeared much closer, driving down the road to the inn.

    Tilde hurried to the kitchen’s outside door and crammed her bare feet into the spare pair of snowshoes she kept there for emergencies. Her coat was hanging on the rack by the door, still a little cold from the last time she’d been outside, and she pulled it on over her apron before pushing out into the night.

    It was bitterly cold outside the safety of the inn. Tilde shoved her hands deep into her pockets and hurried through the deep, fluffy snow toward the parking lot. Tilde swore as some spilled into her shoes, melting against her bare skin.

    The car pulled into the last free parking spot. Tilde hurried over, struggling against the falling snow. The closer she got, the more familiar the car was. All the family members had already arrived, though, so it couldn’t be anyone who was supposed to be here.

    The silence when the engine turned off was overwhelming, the snow swallowing all ambient noise.

    I’m terribly sorry, but the inn is full, Tilde called.

    The door to the car was pushed open, sticking a little in the cold, and a tall familiar figure climbed out. It was dark out in the snow, but Tilde would recognize Emma anywhere.

    What the hell are you doing here? Tilde demanded and blushed crimson. Emma always made her nervous, and Tilde ended up saying the rudest things. She tried to be nicer, but Emma seemed to delight in her rudeness, and Tilde had no idea what the rules were with friends with benefits. Emma was the first one she’d ever had. Before she could apologize, though, Emma was speaking.

    Tilde! I’m so glad you’re awake. I thought for sure you’d be asleep at this hour. Any chance I could stay for the night until the storm passes?

    The inn is full, Tilde repeated. It was a family holiday reunion. Every guest room had a relative in

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