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Return Trip
Return Trip
Return Trip
Ebook319 pages4 hours

Return Trip

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About this ebook

After the unexpected time they spent on Eros, Dillon and Cameron returned to their lives in Boston, but their time with Matthew, Chelsea, and the other people on that island left its mark on them. Cameron can't seem to forget Matthew and when she finds out he has been thinking of her too, is it a fun trip down memory lane or a dangerous path? Chelsea and Dillon find themselves connected again and when Dillon asks Chelsea to help him plan a return trip to Eros, we find that things can be complicated in real life. Does the attitude and freedom of Eros help them escape? Or is it just setting them up for even more trouble when it's time to return home again?

Release dateJun 9, 2016
Return Trip

Cassidy Edwards

I'm a mother of two children, a wife, and a physician. I've been journaling and writing my whole life but started Honeymoon Trip after a close friend suggested that it might be something worth sharing. I enjoy reading romance and erotic literature from many different authors (you can see some of them on my Facebook page), catching up on my DVR list, and spending time with family.

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    Return Trip - Cassidy Edwards



    Cameron had no idea what she was thinking. She wasn’t planning on really meeting with Matthew and this crazy idea of New Haven, was she? She was married. She had children. She had a job. She had a life. Everything had been fine before they washed up ashore on Eros five months ago, so why was she having these thoughts?

    Matthew had happened, her mind told her. There was something about him she couldn’t explain. It wasn’t just the physical attraction because there were many other men she’d met at work or who she and Dillon were friends with that were attractive. It wasn’t the same. There wasn’t this inexplicable force that felt like electricity, magnetism, or fire when they were together. Even though it’d only been five days in Eros, she felt like somehow she had known Matthew in a previous life or that he’d meant someone to her in another life.

    Shaking her head, Cameron slipped her other arm into her white coat and pulled her stethoscope into her right hip white coat pocket. She went down the hallway, stopping to rub her hands with alcohol sanitizer before knocking on a closed door. She waited ten seconds to hear a hoarse, Come in.

    Good afternoon, Manuel she said to him in Spanish.

    A thin man, weighing approximately one hundred ten pounds but being over six feet tall lay in the bed. He smiled at her before answering her in Spanish. Buenas tardes, doctora.

    How are you feeling today?

    Tired. I don’t think I can round with you today.

    Well, I’ll be sure to consult with you if I have any difficult cases today.

    Manuel was a retired geriatrician. He’d been her patient for years and was now on the inpatient hospice floor for end-stage stage IV metastatic prostate cancer. He couldn’t walk anymore and he was on seizure medications that made him drowsy, but he was still very sharp and hated it when people thought that his physical condition matched his mental acumen.

    You better, he responded. Coughing, he motioned for her to help him sit up. Cameron readjusted his pillow before pushing the button to adjust his electric hospital bed. When he nodded it was far enough, he took her hand in his. What’s wrong, cariña?

    Nothing’s wrong. Why do you ask?

    Something’s bothering you. I can tell. It’s written in your eyes.

    It’s nothing, Cameron said, trying to avoid the question.

    You might be lying to yourself right now, mija, but you’re not fooling me. When you’re ready to talk about it, you can come to me. I’ll be ready for you. Just don’t wait too long if you need my advice. We don’t know how much longer I’ll have. He squeezed her hand slightly before he let go.

    Manuel was otherwise stable so after making sure that he had what he needed within reach, she went down the hall to round on her other patients. Work took her mind off of Matthew until she reached for her phone and re-read the string of texts they’d exchanged. Cameron pulled up her calendar and saw that she had nothing important scheduled in two weeks. She could take a day or two and meet Matthew. She wasn’t sure she wanted to but at the same time she wasn’t sure that she would feel closure without knowing what the hell this was between them. Why did an email from him get her so hot and bothered? Why was she still thinking about him? Of the way he kissed and the way he so skillfully touched her?

    Cam: June 9th or 10th. Those dates work?

    She was halfway done charting when she got a reply.

    Matt: June 9th. Can’t wait to see you.

    Cameron already felt her mind’s wheels turning. That was two weeks away but she already felt herself anticipating seeing him again. She made a mental note that she’d have to make sure things at work were lined up so she could be off for two days. And what would she tell Dillon?


    June 9th. He was going to see Cameron again in two weeks. He pulled up his calendar and entered New Haven for the day. He wouldn’t have any problem telling Chelsea that he would have to be out of town for a meeting. He was away on business regularly, so Chelsea wouldn’t think twice about it.

    Matthew thought for a minute about the fact that he was so excited about this. He knew that their marriage counselor would have thought it was a red flag that he was anticipating spending some time with Cameron. He’d been unable to stop thinking about her. After Chelsea had announced that she was pregnant, he’d taken a step back. He’d tried to mentally focus on letting go of all thoughts of Cameron. That’d lasted a very short while and it was enough for him to start remembering all the details about her that drove him crazy: the way she moaned when he touched her, the way even just the smell of her hair could give him a raging hard on, the way she responded to every kiss and stroke bring her closer to ecstasy.

    The last straw had been the text she sent. She actually wanted to meet. Maybe this wasn’t just one-sided. Maybe she’d been thinking about him and affected by him after all these months. He had to see what this was… so he could move on. At least that’s what he reasoned with himself.



    Dillon groaned in frustration, rubbing his temples in his fingertips. It was nearing the end of the month and that meant another cycle of budgets, expenses, and accounts needing reconciliation and closing. He both enjoyed and hated this time. It made him feel the most needed but also made him feel like a workhorse.

    A text on his phone caught his attention. Cameron. He decided he’d check it later on his way into his afternoon meeting with the rest of the team to update their boss on the progress. He finished drinking his third cup of coffee for the day, and then popped a Lifesavers mint before collecting his folders and legal pad. He had just unlocked his iPhone when his text message screen popped to Cameron’s text.

    Cameron: Will be going to New Haven for a meeting with Yale Palliative Care in a couple weeks. Down one day, back the next. Just letting you know. I put the days in your calendar.

    Dillon checked his calendar. It was indeed there. He typed a quick reply, settling into his chair.

    Dillon: Thanks. I see it on the calendar. Hope you’re having a good day. Love you.

    Before he knew it, he got a response.

    Cameron: Missing you… and the way you make me feel. Hope you’re ready to get lucky tonight, Mr. Samson.

    Dillon smiled to himself. He was happy that Cameron knew just the right amount of dirty he wanted in his text messages. She’d broached the subject right after they’d returned from Eros.

    Five Months Ago

    I don’t see what the big deal is, Cameron said, sighing in frustration. You talk dirty to me when we’re having sex all the time.

    It’s not the same, Cam. We’re having sex and I’m talking about the way you feel and the way I feel. In the moment. Texting about it is NOT the same thing. How can you not see that?!

    I miss you during the day, Dillon. And, surprise, sometimes I’m horny for you during the day. I would love to be able to tell you that or share what I’m thinking about as I’m feeling horny for you. I think it would add to the anticipation and the delayed gratification as I wait until the end of our day so we can do something about it.

    Dillon groaned under his breath. I’m not like that, Cam. I don’t want to talk about it unless we’re having it.

    Can we just try it? Please? she asked. We can do it right now for practice.

    Dillon figured he owed it her to try. He fished out his iPhone from his pocket and she did the same.

    Cameron: You ready?

    Dillon: I guess.

    Cameron: Sorry that we fought about it.

    Dillon: Me too.

    Cameron: But the make-up sex will be worth it.

    Dillon: Oh yeah?

    Cameron: Yep. I’ll put on that sexy pale green baby doll and G-string you like. I’ll strip you down to your boxer briefs and straddle you.

    Cameron: I’ll pull that lower lip into my teeth lightly as I kiss you and grind on you. Would that be a good start?

    Dillon: Yes. That’d be hot.

    Cameron: And I’ll take my hands and run them down your arms and pull your hands to my breasts. I want to feel the way you pinch them and roll them between your fingers. So that they’re hard and perky for you, baby.

    Dillon felt himself getting hard at Cameron’s words. She described everything so easily and it was so easy to picture everything she was texting. He looked up and she was texting, her lower lip caught between her teeth. She looked so hot, her cheeks a light pink.

    Dillon: You’re turned on. I can tell.

    Cameron: I am. I’m always turned on for you. I can’t get enough…

    She stopped texting and met his eyes. What do you think? she asked.

    I’m all for it now or if we’re both in the same place, Dillon answered truthfully, but I just can’t see myself doing this at work. I have to work when I’m at work, babe, and I don’t think I can just sit there texting you trying to control a hard on.

    Cameron nodded her head, silently taking in his response. Dillon felt a little bad, but he hoped she’d understand. He stood up, took her hand and said, Let’s go get you into that pale green thing I can’t stop thinking about now.



    Present Day

    Cameron finished up her charts, willing herself not to re-read the text messages or emails from Matthew. It was bad enough they’d set up a date to meet in a city between where they were, but it was even worse that they were planning to give in to their physical attraction. Cameron didn’t know why she couldn’t get Matthew out of her head.

    She stopped typing in Manuel’s chart, going through the reasons in her head why this was a horrible idea. First, she was married. She’d made vows to love and cherish Dillon. She’d made promises not to give herself to another and that they were in this forever. She was sure God wouldn’t forgive her for not only coveting another woman’s husband but actually committing adultery. Eros had been one thing because everyone had agreed, but this was a different time and different place. This was real life. This wasn’t some experiment that Dillon had asked for to get it out of his system. There were the kids as another reason. She didn’t want either of her kids to be affected by an affair, a divorce, or from having to go through similar situations if they were grown and married. Cheating was absolutely wrong. Meeting up with Matthew was surely wrong.

    But it felt so right to her as well. Surely something that amazing and that made her feel so giddy couldn’t be bad. Could it?

    Cameron turned her attention back to Manuel’s chart, where she realized she’d just been typing what she was thinking. Luckily, she went back and edited the text, deleting any mention of Matthew or Dillon and correctly stating the plan of care. Cameron couldn’t believe that her fingers had just blindly followed her subconscious in that manner.

    She’d texted Dillon to let him know she’d added the dates into the calendar. She picked up the phone when she heard it ring, her caller ID showing her sister Catherine’s name.

    Hey! she answered.

    Hey Cam. How was your day?

    Fine. How was yours? Cameron asked.

    I need advice. I was supposed to have dinner with Stephen tonight but he called and said that he was too tired. Should I take that at face value or should I be worried?

    Cameron thought for a few seconds before replying. Just give him the benefit of the doubt. He’s never done anything like this before, right?

    Nope, Catherine answered. Cameron could hear the worry behind her little sister’s voice.

    Have you offered to bring take out to him?

    No, do you think that’s worth a shot?

    Yeah, I would. If you want to see him and he’s too tired to go out, why not? she said. She silently berated herself for not sharing what had happened on Eros with her sister. She normally shared everything with Catherine, but for some reason, Cameron just knew that Catherine wouldn’t be able to understand a place like Eros. Or what she and Dillon had participated in while there.

    Cameron’s thoughts drifted back to Matthew. Of the way his abs had felt under her fingertips in the warm bath water. She closed her eyes, remembering the way that his fingers had brushed her hair to one side, then kissing and biting softly on her neck the way he knew she liked without even having to ask. She thought of the way he’d softly caressed her breasts and her nipples in the water as his erection had hardened even further against her back where she was pulled up against him. Suddenly, Cameron remembered she was at work and she felt wetness and a throbbing between her thighs that she didn’t like feeling. Instead of texting Matthew, who she really wanted to text, she texted Dillon instead.

    Turning back to the chart she had to finish, Cameron finished writing the notes and a few orders she’d needed to enter into the system. She shut off her computer and flipped the desk lamp switch to off. Gathering up her stuff, Cameron couldn’t help but wonder if she was crazy. Crazy for contemplating another go-around with Matthew Simms.



    Chelsea was exhausted. Exhausted wasn’t the word for it. It was just the tip of the iceberg in her exhaustion. Even though Susannah was at school for a few hours every day, she still felt like she had so much to do. The twins hardly ever let her have a break with their constant movement and she still had four months to go until they were actually here, although she seriously wondered how she was going to juggle everything AND show properties. Luckily she and Matthew had an amazing nanny. Taylor was a dream. She was a newlywed and had no children of her own and her husband worked on an offshore oil rig. She was very flexible with her time and she often babysat for them in addition to being a nanny.

    Chelsea’s thoughts were interrupted by the Susannah’s wails. Chelsea started to head out of the bathroom where she was putting on her make-up to go on errands, but Taylor shooed her back into the bathroom saying, I’ve got it, you get going.

    Chelsea turned back to the mirror. She finished sweeping a little bit of blush to her cheeks, then applying a layer of lip gloss. She had some bags under her eyes, covered slightly with concealer. There were some crows’ feet at the corner of her eyes, but with her hair done and her make-up on, she felt like she looked more presentable. She hoped that as they passed into the second trimester she’d feel less exhausted and get some of the energy back she was missing. Chelsea thought about how Matthew helped out as much as he could without any complaints or arguments, but he was traveling some for work now and sometimes he wasn’t there to help out.

    Just then, her phone beeped. Glancing down, she saw a text message from Matthew.

    Matthew: Hey gorgeous. You about to head out?

    Chelsea: Yes. Need something?

    Matthew: I thought I’d have time to pick up my dry cleaning this afternoon before they closed, but I just got pulled into a last-minute meeting. Do you mind?

    Chelsea: Nope, not at all. I’m getting my hair trimmed and the salon is right down the street from the dry cleaner’s. I’ll pick it up for you.

    Matthew: Thanks, gorgeous. See you later.

    Chelsea finished buttoning up the shirtdress she had picked out to wear, smoothing the hem of the skirt down her thighs. As she came down the stairs to head out the front door, Taylor waved goodbye. Susannah was sitting at her toddler table, drawing happily. Taylor gave her a thumbs up sign and mouthed, Have fun.

    Chelsea drove the short twenty-minutes to the dry cleaners’, picking up Matthew’s items. She then parked in the parking lot of the salon, entering and taking a seat in the waiting room. When Randall came to collect her for a shampoo, she smiled and felt herself instantly relax as he massaged her scalp with the minty suds.

    Girl, have I got a story for you, Randall told her.

    Chelsea loved Randall’s stories. He was the most out-of-the-closet gay man she’d ever had the pleasure of knowing and Randall liked to play the field. His stories were legendary. Please, she indicated to Randall, hoping he’d continue.

    I met this guy at the bar this weekend. Complete hottie, right? He and I did shots, danced, and talked all night. At the end of the night, I invite him to my place and we go home and do the horizontal tango for hours. It was amazing. He had a mouth like a Hoover and a dick like a summer sausage.

    Chelsea giggled softly. So? What’s the problem?

    Turns out that he works as a cashier at my neighborhood grocery store. I can’t go there now. Now I’ll have to drive out of my way to the next store so I don’t have to see him again and hear about how we should do it again. Argh! Randall groaned in frustration.

    Chelsea laughed, patting him on the shoulder. If you weren’t such a man whore, you’d be fine.

    Oh shush, darling. We can’t all go home to your husband. Now there’s a man I’d quit playing the field for.

    Chelsea laughed to herself, but she couldn’t help thinking that she was lucky. She and Matthew both were.

    Three Hours Later

    When Chelsea pulled into their driveway, she felt like she’d been gone all day. She couldn’t believe how it felt to leave the house and do some adult things when you’d been cooped inside with the kids for a few days. Her hair was a few inches shorter and she’d had them blow dry her hair in soft waves that fell down her back. Aside from her hair appointment and picking up Matthew’s dry cleaning, she’d made a few purchases from her favorite local boutique, picked up some new educational toys for Susannah and some items she’d had on reserve from their baby registry for the twins’ nursery. She was unpacking everything into the house when she heard Taylor reading to Susannah. The sound melted her heart.

    She went to get the last of the items from the trunk of her car, but when she went out, she saw Matthew already home and scooping up the last of the items. She bent up on her tiptoes to kiss him. He kissed her back, taking his free hand and pulling her by the nape of her neck closer to him. As he pulled away, he ran his fingertips through her hair and whistled.

    Looking hot, wife, he said, his eyebrows lifting in a smirk. What made me the luckiest man on the planet?

    Thanks, husband. Thought you were going to be late today, she said.

    Nope, not late. Just not early enough to get to the dry cleaner’s before they close. I wish they stayed open later. He intertwined his fingers in hers as they made their way up the steps back into the house. He didn’t let go of her hand as he pulled her into the laundry room where they kept extra diapers and baby supplies.

    To her surprise, he threw everything on the floor, and then pushed her against the door as it closed. She started to ask, What the… but was silenced by his mouth sealed against hers. He kissed her ravenously like he’d been starving for her all day. Her lips felt bruised and she could feel the scruff on his face rub against her skin. When he started to rub it against her neck, she felt all resistance leave her body. Chelsea wasn’t thinking about Susannah in the house, the nanny, or anything else — the only thing she could concentrate on was how delicious it felt to have Matthew’s lips and tongue on her.

    He nipped at her neck and she felt her panties wet. He ran one hand up the outer part of her thigh, using it to pull her leg up around his hip. He rocked into her and she could feel his erection against her groin. She couldn’t help but adjust her pelvis’ angle and push her own aching core against him. Matthew growled into her neck, sucking and kissing. His hands left her thighs, settling on her small baby bump, and then he stepped away from her.

    Chelsea panted, feeling the absence of his hard body. She was about to say something when the dilated lust in his eyes stopped her mid-word. He knelt down, pulling her panties down her legs and helping her remove them without taking her heels off. He undid his belt buckle, unbuttoning and unzipping himself. He pulled his boxer briefs and pants down to his ankles but didn’t bother to take them off. Suddenly, Matthew’s hands were back on her hips and he pulled her up to straddle him. His rock-hard dick rubbed against her inner thigh as he lined them back up together.

    We… have… to… be… quiet, Chelsea managed to say between his ravenous kisses. Matthew shook his head no but carried her over to the dryer, turning it on so that the laundry in it tumbled and the hum of the dryer drowned out her moans. Just when Chelsea though that he was going to push his head into her, he set her down on the edge of the dryer. He pulled her legs far apart and to the edge of the surface, then sucked on his two fingers before thrusting them deep inside her, hard and fast.

    The sting lasted only a few moments before Chelsea felt herself clench down around his fingers. He thrust skillfully, curving them slightly to hit her G spot. Chelsea threw her head back and tried to bite down on her lips to stifle the scream that was aching to leave her mouth. She was staring at the edge of the cliff of her orgasm and waiting for it when she felt Matthew’s lips suck on the tight coil of her clitoris, and she flew over the edge. She bucked her hips against his lips and fingers and he held her in place against the edge of the dryer. When he felt her come down, Chelsea almost wanted to crawl to the floor and lie down, but he didn’t give her a break. He wrapped her legs around him, walking them both against the door again. With a tilt of his pelvis and a manly grunt, he sheathed himself in her, easing in smoothly with her recent orgasm lubricating the way.

    As delicious as her first orgasm had been, feeling Matthew’s dick stretch her walls and hit her inside deeply, Chelsea couldn’t help but bite down on his shoulder to muffle the screams and moans. One of his hands braced against the door for leverage while the other tightened around a handful of her hair. Matthew pounded relentlessly inside her, his eyes half-closed in pleasure. Chelsea held back, hoping that she could orgasm at the same time he did, and when he whispered, Now, she let go. She clenched around him, milking every last drop of his pleasure and feeling the warm burst of his orgasm inside her.

    Sated, Matthew helped her stand on her own feet, then used her discarded panties to wipe up the evidence of

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