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Fallen (The Siren Series #5): The Siren Series, #5
Fallen (The Siren Series #5): The Siren Series, #5
Fallen (The Siren Series #5): The Siren Series, #5
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Fallen (The Siren Series #5): The Siren Series, #5

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About this ebook

Join Ellie on another thrilling adventure in Fallen, the fifth installment of The Siren Series. As a deadly prophecy threatens her life, Ellie must once again flee from the protectors, led by Marcus's father.


With her trusted protector by her side, they seek refuge at Ellie's childhood home, hoping to find a way to stay connected to her father. But their respite is short-lived as they are thrown back into the darkness, facing an ancient evil that seeks to claim her. Can Ellie and her protector survive the dangers that lie ahead? Will she be able to handle the secrets that will be revealed?

Discover the answers in this heart-pounding paranormal romance that will leave you on the edge of your seat. If you enjoyed The Siren Series, you won't want to miss Fallen.

Release dateApr 22, 2016
Fallen (The Siren Series #5): The Siren Series, #5


L.A.Griffiths lives in the UK where he has written his first ever book in the upcoming Siren Series. Broken is his first debut novel into the dark side of the supernatural where anything can happen. He has been writing at a very young age, turning anything into a story to keep him entertained. When not writing, his time is taken up by his chaotic dog called T.

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    Book preview

    Fallen (The Siren Series #5) - L.A.Griffiths

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen


    (The Siren Series #5)




    Coming Soon

    Copyright 2024 L.A.Griffiths

    All Rights Reserved.

    This work of fiction has been written with UK spelling.

    Chapter One

    B ring her to me! Richard ordered. 

    A rebellion had spilled out within the council's walls, and I was in the thick of it, and I would have to fight my way through. Richard charged forth with his band of protectors at his back. Their swords clashed with one another, forcing the young defenders back on the offensive as the intruders pushed them back. 

    The battle raged on below, protectors clashing against protectors in a bid to protect all that they worked so hard for, while the other group was blinded by fear and wanted to get to me at any cost. Richard, the head of the protectors, heard the Seer's prophecy of death and destruction to all in the supernatural community since they thought that I would bring everything that they knew to an end. In a way, they were right. The prophecy was about me, and I didn’t doubt that for a second. But now, I had the head of the protectors cutting a path through his very own men to get at me.  

    Marcus jumped over the wooden banister and threw himself into battle. He rolled as he hit the floor, and with a swift motion of his sword, he blocked an incoming blow that would have killed one of his brothers. I watch as he ducks and deflects another of their strikes in an attempt to avoid bloodshed.  

    We need to do something, I said to Sophia while my eyes remained on Marcus. 

    Sophia’s eyes watched Rhea. She had just came back into her life after faking her death and telling no one except me about it. Sophia had said to me that she was hurt because I hadn’t told her about Rhea faking her death. 

    Sophia! I yelled, pulling her out of her daze.  

    She shook her platinum blonde hair and said, No, you need to stay here.  

    Down below, in the main entrance, were sounds of crackling stone and flashes of light as the room illuminated from her hands as Rhea fought off the oncoming tide of protectors. One by one, she knocked them down, not to kill but to wound. I felt helpless, and I didn’t want to sit back and watch as they fought for my survival. I just wanted to run down the stairs and join them, but I was stuck. 

    Ellie, stay here! ordered Sophia. 

    I yelled at her to stop, but she threw herself over the balcony and placed a barrier on the floor to cushion her fall. Sophia ran up to Rhea and threw her barriers out, defending the bulk of protectors, hoping to turn the tide of battle.

    Don’t waste your time with the protectors,' just go for the Siren! Richard ordered. 

    Fear rippled throughout my body. I took a step back as a large group of men headed for the stairs, all eager to get a chance to capture me. Quickly, Rhea caught them in time and pushed them back as a dark wave threw them from the stairs, crashing down to the marble floor. 

    Marcus, get Ellie out of here! she cried. 

    Marcus threw himself up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. But behind him, Richard was right on his heels. His face was carved into a mask of anger and rage. 

    We need to get you out of here! Marcus said. 

    We turned around and hurried back through the dark filled corridors, but Richard had reached the top of the stairs and was blocking our path. Sweat flowed down his brow as he held up his blade. 

    Don’t do this! Marcus yelled. 

    Do you think I want to do this!? he replied. 

    Marcus slowly stepped in front of Ellie. There is a real threat out there, and we should be united against it, not fighting with each other. 

    I will not listen to these lies any longer! She is the danger the seer warned us about! he yelled. Now give me the siren! 

    There was something wrong with Richard. His eyes were hollow and full of rage, he looked as if he would explode into tiny pieces. 

    Please, listen. said Marcus. 

    No. No more! Richard threw himself at his son. His sword was inches away from his throat. Marcus brought his blade up just in time for him to block his father’s strike. Their swords clashed with each other's, causing them to sing each time they met. Both father and son blocked each other’s blows, but Richard was faster and stronger than his younger son. The father attacked his son again and again, until Marcus fell to his knees in defeat. He raised his sword high into the air, ready for the killing blow to split him in two. I stood rooted to the ground as the sword slowly made its way down towards Marcus body. It was like I was watching his demise in slow motion. I stood my ground and was about to scream, but within Marcus’s hands, his sword began to glow with a golden aura. Marcus quickly deflected the strike with new-found strength and slowly got to his feet. With what strength he had left, Marcus pushed his father away and prepared himself for another clash. 

    I’m giving you one last chance, Marcus. Richard said. 

    I’m not moving. he replied. 

    Son or no son, I will kill you! 

    Richard ran at his son with his sword, ready to take down his own flesh and blood. There was a deep hatred within Marcus's father, and I could see it, but where was it coming from? Richard again struck his sword against his son’s. Marcus blocked and ducked the strikes but was caught off guard with a follow up kick straight to the chest, knocking him to the floor. Richard stared straight at me with radiant resentment burning within his eyes. He threw himself at me with his sword, ready to cut me down. With Marcus down, Richard darts towards me while brandishing his blade within his right hand. I had to do something to stop him, or it would be over and everything we worked so hard for would be gone. I quickly snatched his hand to influence him. I gripped on tight to his wrist and focused on him, but nothing happened, it wasn’t working. Richard threw me against the wall, ready to impale me with his sword. 

    Marcus tackled his father, and they both hit the floor with a thud. Quickly, I scrambled away from the two fighting men. Marcus knelled over his father and started to strike him in the face over and over again. I watched as a blur of fists hit Richard’s skull while blood splattered onto Marcus’s already bruising knuckles. There was now a full-blown rage within Marcus, and he showed no sign of stopping. The sounds of flesh and bone breaking made me feel sick. 

    Marcus, stop! I yelled. 

    He didn’t care what I had to say. The red mist had taken over. I hurried over to him and grabbed his raised fist. His anger flooded through me, and I had to resist the dark feeling that was building within. I tightened my grip on his wrist and forced him to stop what he was doing. I pulled him away from his beaten father and stared at the bloody scene before us. Richard lay unconscious as fresh blood trickled down his swollen face. His face was slick with red, and I could not tear my eyes away from the bloody mess that Marcus had created. 

    Marcus? I whispered. 

    He quickly turned his back to me to avoid my gaze. I couldn’t think of anything to say, I was lost on how to comfort him.

    Come on. We need to leave. I said. 

    Marcus didn’t reply. He trailed along behind me as I tried to find a way out of this mess. He followed behind me as we entered the nearest room. I quickly shut the door and paced back and forth while Marcus remained silent, his back leaning on the wall. 

    Marcus, I need you to focus. I said. 

    He wasn’t talking. He just stared down at his bloody knuckles with wide eyes. I wanted to pull him out of it. We didn’t have time for this, but I would be there for him. Outside, more screams and shouts echoed through the building. 

    Marcus!? I ordered. 

    His head slowly lifted up from his bloody hands. 

    His face was drained of colour and had a puzzled look in his eyes. What did I do? he whispered. 

    Marcus, I need you. I replied. 

    What did I do? he repeated. 

    Marcus continued to stare widely at his hand, and right now, he was lost to me. I did think of going back out there and joining the fight, but I thought against it since Marcus was not himself, and I could not put him in that situation. I scanned the shelves to see what potions I could use. I grabbed one of the teleport orbs and tried to decide on a location, but I didn’t have a plan. The thought did occur to me of going back to Marcus’s home, but that was not going to happen since I didn’t think I would be welcomed back. I clutched the orb in my hands, trying to figure out where to go, when the building started to shake and tremble beneath my feet. The sphere escaped my grasp and fell to the floor, shattering. It creates an escape route for us to fall into. My stomach knotted and twisted as we were dragged through the portal and fell through the blinding white light, falling through nothing but air.  

    Marcus and I fell to the ground, and I quickly rose to my feet. I looked at the building that stood in front of us. The simple house loomed over us, welcoming me back. My childhood home. 

    Chapter Two

    Marcus and I stood looking up at my childhood home, which I shared with my father. The deeply suppressed feelings of guilt bubbled to the surface. This was a mistake, and I shouldn’t be here. But was this a good thing? Could I just enter and pretend like nothing ever happened? I peered around the wall to see my dad’s car sitting in the driveway; he was home. Every instinct in my entire body told me to run into that house with open arms. I slowly crept away from the wall, but behind me, Marcus’s voice called me back. 

    What’re you doing? he asked. 

    I’m going to see my father. I replied. 

    Are you crazy?! he whispered harshly. 

    I need to see him, Marcus.  

    I know you miss him, but this is a terrible idea. We need to leave.  

    He was right; we needed to leave, but deep inside, I wanted to see my father. I threw myself around the corner and headed straight for my door. Behind me, I could hear Marcus calling me back, but I was committed to this, and there was no going back. I crossed through Rhea’s protective barrier, feeling its cold wave wash over me. I stood in front of the door, willing myself to enter, but in my mind, I asked many times if this was the right thing to do. 

    Ellie, you don’t have to do this. We can walk away right now. Marcus said. 

    If I didn’t go through with this, would I end up regretting it in the end? I would always ask myself what would happen if I didn’t go inside. I took hold of the handle and opened my front door.  

    Dad, Dad! I yelled as I rushed into the house. 

    An underweight man stumbled out of the kitchen, spilling droplets of his hot cup of tea. He stared at me, shocked and bewildered. 

    Ellie? he whispered. 

    I slowly made my way over to him and said, I’m home, Dad. I said with tears welling up in my eyes. 

    He placed his mug down and threw his arms around me in a tight embrace. Are you here, Ellie? he asks. 

    Yes, I’m here, I replied as I hugged him tightly. 

    You’ve been gone for months. he said. 

    I know, I know. I replied. 

    I’m so happy that you’re back. 

    I’m so sorry for leaving you. I replied. 

    He pushed me away and looked straight at me with red, glassy eyes. Where have you been?  

    I’ve...uh. I didn’t know what to say to him. 

    My father’s eyes drifted away from me and towards something that was behind me. 

    Ellie, who’s that? he asked. 

    He must have been talking about Marcus. I turned to him, and he was standing in the doorway.  

    Dad, I’d like you to meet Marcus, I said as I made my way over to him. 

    Marcus slowly walked over and shook my father’s hand. 

    He has been with me since I got... lost. I said. 

    Thank you for protecting my baby girl. he said. 

    I looked down at their hands to see Marcus’s hand coated with dried blood. Marcus, there is a bathroom upstairs. Top of the stairs and to the left.  

    Marcus slowly shuffled off upstairs while my dad took me by the hands and sat me down on the sofa.  

    Ellie, did he kidnap you? he whispered. 

    What?! No, I replied. Marcus has been there for me.  

    Are you sure? he asked. 

    Yes, Dad, he didn’t abduct me.  

    So are you going to tell me where you were? he asks. 

    I took a deep breath. I don’t know if I should, but I’m home now. 

    Ellie, I need more than that. You need to tell me. 

    I just don’t want to talk about it. I said. 

    Were you hurt? Did anyone harm you? he asked. 

    I didn’t want to tell my dad what had happened during my time away, but the pain was still fresh in my mind. 

    No. I lied. 

    You know I’m here for you, don’t you?

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