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Hump in the Night: Five Hot Stories of Paranormal Activities
Hump in the Night: Five Hot Stories of Paranormal Activities
Hump in the Night: Five Hot Stories of Paranormal Activities
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Hump in the Night: Five Hot Stories of Paranormal Activities

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House of Erotica brings you five gay erotic stories from the creative mind of Nephylim.

Aster is a vampires looking for someone. When he finds Kia his plan is to fuck him and drain him, but Kia has other ideas. Recognising Aster as the man he’s been waiting for, he turns the tide and seduces him, shocking him with secrets from the past. Together, they enter into an encounter that blows their minds and changes their lives forever.

Lucien is a werewolf. He’s always known he’s different. Definitely not an Alpha like his father. More akin to the bitches than the muscular Beta’s or lithe hunters he finds himself drawn to. When the enigmatic lone wolf arrives, with his pure white hair and ice blue eyes, Lucien is lost at first glance. After a burning hot dream he finally submits to the dominant male destined to be his mate for life.

Dema and Meri’el are an unlikely coupling. In the final war against good and evil they find themselves on opposing sides. Dema the demon and Meri’el the son of the King of Angels. Drugging each other with their bodies they unleash the primal fury of their true natures and rock the foundations of the earth and the heavens.

Grey doesn’t believe in curses. When he uncovers a cavern deep under the mountain feared by the villagers as a faery tomb, he scoffs at the superstition, until he meets a stranger who lures him into the wood. A steamy encounter in a forest glade has him wondering if being cursed is such a bad thing after all.

Shay is mourning the death of his soul mate, tormented by the fact he’d never told him how much he loved him. A knife in the back in a dark alley steals his chance to finally prove his commitment, until ghostly whisper in the same alley leads to a night of passion and the second chance both men crave, to finally find peace.
Release dateApr 27, 2012
Hump in the Night: Five Hot Stories of Paranormal Activities

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    Book preview

    Hump in the Night - Nephylim


    Dance With Me

    The man in black is prowling. He is intently watching the dance floor, searching, his eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. He is clearly a predator, stalking like a big, black cat, and everyone, seeming to sense it, unconsciously shrinks away. Not that they’re not watching. There are eyes on him wherever he goes, eyes that are hungry and follow him until they can see him no more.

    The boy is dancing. His eyes are closed and his arms raised, his slender body undulating to the music. He, too, draws the eyes of everyone around him.

    This isn’t the kind of club where people dance only in couples or groups. Sometimes a couple will link up or cling together, usually very closely, usually doing more than dancing. Sometimes the boy spins into someone’s arms but he doesn’t stay there long. He opens his eyes, synchronises his body with theirs for a few minutes, surrenders a kiss and then moves on.

    The man in black stops and stares. He’s found him. Although he’d come to the club tonight, specifically to find him, part of him hadn’t believed he ever would. But there’s no mistake. He’s the one.

    Excited now, more than he had been for many years, he watches the boy dance, moving around the dance-floor; impervious to the stares, unaware of anyone else but the boy, who seems to him to be dancing under a spotlight. He’s stunning, even more beautiful than he’d imagined, and Aster has imagined him plenty.

    Slipping into the seething mass of bodies on the floor, like a shark sinking into the water of the deep sea, he swims until he finds himself face to face with the object of his obsession. For a moment he is frozen, unable to breathe, or to act. The boy spins into his arms and his hands settle on the slender hip. Still, he is frozen, lost in the perfume of lemons and the cloud of golden hair, that eventually settles around the boy’s shoulders as he stills, realising that something is a little off.

    The boy opens his eyes and Aster gasps out loud. The intensity of colour in the emerald green eyes gives colour to the milk pale skin and yellow gold hair. They blink, a look of shock widening them. Aster smiles. So, he feels it too. Of course he doesn’t know what it is, this sense of recognition, the overwhelming sense of finally being home.

    Taking the boy by the hand, Aster leads him off the dance floor and out of the club. By the time they reach the exit, the boy is beginning to resist, as shock is replaced by uncertainty.

    Wait. Who are you? Where are we going? What are we doing?

    There isn’t time to get him to the car, to take him somewhere completely private, so Aster drags him into the alley that runs along the side of the club. He resists.

    Let go of me. What the hell...?

    He almost breaks free. He’s strong, this one. Of course he is.

    Contrary to popular belief, vampires don’t control their victims with hypnotism. They control them with a particular enzyme, excreted through their fangs and fingers. The enzyme can induce effects from euphoria to unconsciousness, as well as intense sexual attraction. Given that they can become intoxicated by the release of enzymes released during orgasm, vampires like to use the latter effect a lot.

    That is not what he’s introducing into the boy’s body at this moment, though, he’s blurring his consciousness to the extent that he can still walk but suddenly becomes confused and disoriented and has no idea where he’s going or who he’s going with. In this state, Aster finds him irresistible.

    As soon as they are far enough into the alley, with the boy tripping over dustbins and disturbing cats and rats, Aster slams him against the wall and stares into his drugged eyes. He’s fighting. Aster is delighted. The boy is afraid but, instead of cowering, he fights, his eyes already clearing and catching fire.

    You are glorious, Aster murmurs, as he buries his hand in the golden tresses, running his hand down the side of the thin cotton shirt that is sticking to the boy’s body in places where the sweat he has raised from dancing is cooling and making him shiver.

    Leave me alone, the boy mumbles, and struggles feebly. Aster grins at him. The boy’s eyes widen in fear as he sees the red light kindle deep within Aster’s dilated pupils. What... what are you? he gasps, fighting more strongly. Aster allows him to.

    When Aster’s hand touched his dick he jumps and goes still. Aster can feel his heart pounding, smell the blood being forced through his veins, just under the surface, so close.

    He is a few inches taller than the boy and he has to bend his head to kiss him. At first the boy struggles but, when their lips meet, he suddenly goes still and opens his mouth. Aster is surprised, because he hasn’t used any chemical coercion yet. He’s even more surprised when the boy arches his back and rubs his dick against his hand. Surprised but not unhappy.

    The boy’s hands come up and bunch in Aster’s hair, on either side of his face, pulling his head down. He growls and takes control of the kiss, penetrating deeply while he thrusts with his hips.

    Taken aback, Aster tries to pull away but he’s held tightly and the boy won’t let go, so he brushes the base of his throat with the hand that isn’t massaging his cock, and releases enough of the enzyme to relax him so that Aster can pull back and stare at him. He isn’t used to people becoming so aroused so fast without assistance, especially when they’ve seen the fire in his eyes.

    The boy smiles serenely, as he searches the wide green eyes that glitter in the moonlight. He lets his fangs descend and the boy’s smile widens. Aster is confused. The boy is excited. They are both on the threshold of something big.

    Take me, the boy whispers, and Aster’s eyes widen, his mouth beginning to water. The boy smells so good and he wants to taste him so badly. Maybe it wasn’t the time to taste his blood, because he has a feeling he

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