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Fierce Attraction
Fierce Attraction
Fierce Attraction
Ebook113 pages2 hours

Fierce Attraction

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Becoming a self-defense instructor is part of Rayne Montgomery's new life. Leaving her old life behind and vowing to never again be a victim, she just wants to hit the clubs with her outgoing bold friend, Violet. But when sexy as sin attorney, Brian Reynolds, gets under her skin she finds herself with an itch that's in need of scratching. Not wanting anything permanent in her new life she decides that maybe casual sex is the way to go. Will casual mind melting sex be enough, or will she need to revaluate her new life by opening a new chapter? Either way the attraction between them is so fierce they can't seem to get enough. But then will she have the choice of claiming either for herself when the past she left far behind seems to be crashing into her new life?

PublisherE.B. Michaels
Release dateJul 12, 2015
Fierce Attraction

E.B. Michaels

"When I wake up in the morning all I can think about is writing something; anything. Even if I have to scribble it down on a napkin, I feel like I have to get it out, or burst." - E.B. Michaels Bringing steamy and hot romances to eBook E.B. Michaels is a new romance and erotica author. Her first eBook "Fierce Attraction" can be purchased now and she's currently working on a new book that she says " more erotic than the first and will melt the readers in their seats." When she isn't writing she can be found spending all her extra time with her daughter.

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    Fierce Attraction - E.B. Michaels

    Fierce Attraction

    E.B. Michaels

    To my daughter, who gives me a reason each day to keep going. You’re the most precious surprise a mother could experience.

    Tracey, you are the best proofreader a writer could have. You are a saint for listening to my ramblings, breakdowns, and ideas. Thank you.

    Another thank you to a very close friend of mine. As promised I will only mention you as, Sina the Diva. Thank you for your inspiration, insight and late night texts. You've seen this shape from page one to the end.

    Copyright © 2015 E.B. Michaels

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

    may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

    without the express written permission of the publisher

    except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    United States of America

    First Edition, 2015

    Chapter One

    It wouldn't kill you to give him a try. I mean it's just one night, Violet tried to coax me into it. Dating has been off my list for a while now, and I have no intentions of jumping back in feet first, but Violet doesn't see it that way.

    You’re my closest friend and I appreciate what you do for me, but I'm not going. I don't need a man to feel validated, I tell her getting up from the lime green couch she has in her multicolored living room. She has always been a bold person and loves to express herself through colors. It's one of the things that sets her apart from others. Well, that and the irony of her name, Violet. It's not only her name, but also the color of her hair. In my opinion, she's amazing by being confident enough to embrace bold hair color choices. For all us both know she could have blue hair tomorrow. Every day with her is like a surprise party; I never know what I'm going to get.

    No you're right, you don't need a man to feel validated, but every woman needs a man to meet her needs, she tried to reason with me not moving from her seat on the couch. With her hair color and interior design choices it's only natural to assume what she wears. Her wardrobe is as extreme as everything else in her life. Today she has chosen leather pants with a bright pink halter top. Then if that wasn't enough, she has topped it all off with a pair of bright pink stilettos to match her top. I would kill myself walking in those stilts, but not Violet, she's just as graceful in heels as she is in sneakers.

    Well, if I need help with keeping my needs in check, I'll let you know; then you’re welcome to work your magic to find me a booty call. For now, I'm going to stick to running through my life solo. It's more simple and I like it that way, by saying this I'm putting her back in her place when it comes to my love life. I've tried over and over to keep her separate from that part of my private life, but yet it seems she doesn’t grasp the hint.

    With my point made, I decided I should take Violets silence as though she is thinking a rebuttal, and make my escape. Grabbing my gym bag off the floor, I sling it over my shoulder and made my way to the door. Saying goodbye to Violet from the door, in moments like these, are easiest. I know she will come up with something soon. By telling her I'm leaving as I go out the door she has no choice, but to accept my decision. She hasn't moved and doesn't even look at me when I slip out.

    Alright. See you tomorrow Rayne, she says raising up her hand in a half wave, and I can already see the wheels turning in her head. Taking that as my way out, I turn the knob, and slip out the door. Shutting it back behind me I face the hallway in my escape.

    I quickly make my way to the elevator. Pushing the down button, I see the numbers above the doors, this lets me know I'm going to have to wait since it's on the top floor. Fidgeting, something I can't help while waiting for the elevator. I just want the doors to fling open, this way I can be out of here, before Violet comes out to realize she can corner me again. There is only so much I can take from my bestie before I give in to her whims, and right now is one of those times.

    My prayers couldn't be answered fast enough when the elevator makes a noise and then the doors to my freedom open. Inside the elevator are two men in suits. I've never been the type to be attracted to businessmen, since they always look like they are in a hurry, and I hate to rush. Trying to ignore them I step in the elevator. In an attempt to make room from me; they end up standing on either side of me. Great, now I'm in between two businessmen, it almost seems like a beginning of a bad joke.

    What floor? the man standing on my right wearing a blue suit asks.

    The lobby, I answer him back. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the man in the gray suit on my left, giving me the once over. This is when you look someone over, from head to toe once, then try to act like you didn't do it by looking forward again. I'm used to it and caught him at the beginning of it. Instead of being irritated with him, like I would normally be by a man looking me over like that, I become highly aware of what I'm wearing.

    These men have me sandwiched in an elevator while their wearing their best business attire, and I'm wearing my gym clothes. Black Yoga pants, black tank top, high ponytail, and gym bag. I don't fit in with these guys and stick I out like a sore thumb. The only upside to the situation is I haven't made it to do my workout this morning, and I'm not soaked in sweat. I started out my elevator ride with the men in suits on the twentieth floor, and since I'm in the slowest elevator in the city, it's only made it to the tenth. After riding those ten floors in silence it was finally broken by the man in the blue suit, the one who had asked what floor I wanted.

    Do you do Yoga? he asked curiously. It almost took me a minute to figure out which one had asked me, in my mind I had grouped them together, but now I was having to separate them as two separate people. I turned my head to the left and found the man in the blue suit had moved a step forward, so that he was more to my right front than to my side now. He was watching me curiously, and I was sizing him up.

    A woman can find out what she wants to know about a man in the first thirty seconds of looking at him. In that time, a woman has already decided if he is a threat, a possible date, or just plain annoying. In my mere thirty seconds I had to size Mr. Blue Suit up, I decided he was the latter, plain annoying. Even annoying people must have their questions answered. I'm not completely rude, although, Violet would have else to say about that I'm sure.

    Not Yoga. I teach self-defense at Handle, a gym down the street, I answered Mr. Blue Suit, and then turned my attention back to the elevator doors. The sixth floor just rolled by and the lobby would be soon.

    Self-defense? That's very impressive, he replied. The word, impressive, made me turn my attention back to him. I'm not conceited, nor am I self-involved, but it's not every day a suit tells me that I'm impressive. Normally, the response I receive from a suit on the matter of my profession is that it's risky, sexy, or strange. Never, not once, has a suit told me my job is impressive. I apparently don't have to fish for compliments with this one; I decide to hear what he was too say.

    Really? You think it's impressive? I ask again, trying to sound like I don't believe him, even though I can read people pretty well. For instance, I know this one wears a lot of his answers in his facial expressions. By the expression he was wearing, when he mentioned my profession being impressive, I know that he is really telling the truth. That don't mean I won't want to hear it anyways.

    Yes, its impressive for a woman of your stature, he said smiling, unknowing that he just stepped in a hornets nest on that comment.

    My stature? Just because I'm short doesn't mean I can't kick ass, I tell him with my hands on my hips and stepping forward a step. At this point I have to tilt my head up to lock him directly in his eyes. Yes, it's true, I am short. I only stand flat footed at five foot four, but I pack a mean punch. This dingle berry on the other hand is close to a neck breaking six foot three, so he doesn't have to endure short jokes. His comment ran completely through me because of the fact I hate when people assume short people can't defend themselves.

    I'm sure you can kick... ass, he said drawing out a breath between the words kick and ass letting me know he didn't think highly of cursing in general, or in front of women.

    You bet I can, just as the words left my mouth the door to the elevator opened. I

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