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Night Warden
Night Warden
Night Warden
Ebook33 pages30 minutes

Night Warden

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About this ebook

Robert Morris had it all. A beautiful wife, a terrific job and future with endless promise. That is until his crime of embezzlement placed him behind bars at a minimum security prison. With just over four months left to serve, Robert just wants to keep to himself but the new prison Warden has other plans for Robert. She's a lesbian that is now stuck here at this all-male prison with no interest in men. She's frustrated and looking for a playmate. Will Robert be her ideal conquest? Is Robert willing to trade time off his sentence in exchange for fulfilling her sexual desires or does he even have a choice?

Night Warden is an erotic story. 8,325 words with gender transformation, anal sex and role reversal. Adults only!

PublisherMichael Night
Release dateApr 7, 2015
Night Warden

Michael Night

I'm a full-time father and husband who works in Marketing by day.I love hockey, reading, writing and maple syrup (of course)!My previously published works included sports articles before venturing into erotic fiction.Michael Night is a pseudonym.I would describe myself as relatively straight-laced normal guy so writing erotic fiction allows me the platform to expose my deeply rooted kinks and bring them to life. I enjoy writing them and hope you enjoy my stories too.Feel free to contact me at

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    Book preview

    Night Warden - Michael Night

    Night Warden

    By Michael Night

    Copyright 2015 Michael Night

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords License Statement

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Robert pressed his face against the bars. They felt cold against his cheek.

    Five months… he muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.

    He turned and looked at the calendar on the wall. It was the size of a postcard, yellowed from age and held to the wall by only a thumbtack. There were red exes stroked through the days he’d been here. A lot more white spaces than red he noticed sadly.

    Robert was an inmate at Eagles Crest Penitentiary or EC Pen as it was known by those who spent their time here.

    They called this a country club jail.

    Who were they to say this was a country club? Robert pondered.

    He had to admit, time behind bars wasn’t as bad as he originally feared it would although it was still no country club. Being incarcerated kept him from the freedom he once enjoyed.

    A freedom he longed to return to.

    EC Pen was the only jail of its’ kind, as it housed both maximum and minimum security inmates under the same roof.

    The more violent, longer serving criminals were stationed in the south wing under maximum security whereas the north wing held white collar criminals. Criminals like Robert who have been incarcerated as a result of financially motivated crimes.

    Still, it had taken him a long time to come to terms with the fact that he was actually a criminal, now serving his days in a four by seven cell.

    How did he end up here after things had started off so well? It all crumbled so quickly.

    First he marries the girl he’s been madly in love with since College. Soon after, he lands the job of his dreams as the head trader at one of the world’s leading trading firms. His future was set, or so he thought.

    That is, until he got greedy.

    He certainly had

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