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Losing Control
Losing Control
Losing Control
Ebook32 pages24 minutes

Losing Control

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About this ebook

Francesca is having a rough day at work, and it only seems to get worse when a cocky, grinning jerk starts ogling her as she tries to do her job. When she unexpectedly sees a whole lot more of his gorgeous physique than she intended to, she's suddenly faced with a dilemma. Should she remain detached and professional as she has always done, or is she willing to throw caution to the wind and act on a steamy impulse?

She has always prided herself on staying firmly in control, but Francesca is about to learn the joy of letting go and losing the most pulse-pounding, thrilling way possible.

Story length: 7,900 words (Novelette)

* Content Warning: This story contains mature subject matter and explicit language and is recommended for adult readers.


As Francesca prepared to call the next patient, she again noticed the man in the waiting room who had been staring intently at her for some time. She’d tried ignoring him, but his eyes kept following her every time she came up to call another patient. That was just what she needed to make her crappy day complete, some jerk ogling her as she tried to do her job.

As far as ogling jerks went, he was definitely good looking. Olive skin, eyes so dark they were almost black, full lips, proud nose, strong jaw. Probably his best feature was his hair; thick and dark, slightly wavy and so glossy that the fluorescent lighting seemed to bounce off of those gorgeous locks and dazzle her eyes.

Mentally shaking herself, Francesca realized that she was staring at him, and he was staring right back at her with a devious little grin. What was wrong with her? She needed to get her mind back on her work. She looked down at the chart she held and called out the patient's name into the crowded waiting room.

And wouldn’t you know it, the ogling jerk stood up and came forward. It couldn’t have been one of the nice, elderly gentlemen scattered about the room. It couldn’t have been one of the two younger boys waiting beside their mothers. No, it had to be the ogling jerk. She shouldn’t be surprised, considering the way her day was going.

As he walked across the waiting room toward her, Francesca’s attention was hijacked by his physique. Broad shoulders, a flat, hard stomach and a narrow waist were highlighted beautifully by the tight black t-shirt he wore. Faded, well-worn jeans rode low on his hips and covered the long, long distance down to his ankles, draping slightly over the tops of a pair of black boots.

As her eyes roved over his body, Francesca felt a disturbing response firing within her own body. Her heart sped up, a warm flush traveled up her neck and face, she started sweating, and drool pooled in her mouth. Really Francesca, who’s the ogling jerk now?  She needed to get herself under control, and fast.

PublisherAralynn Dere
Release dateOct 31, 2014
Losing Control

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    Book preview

    Losing Control - Aralynn Dere

    Table of Contents

    Losing Control

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    A Note from the Author:

    Sign up for Aralynn Dere's Mailing List

    Also By Aralynn Dere

    Losing Control

    A BBW Erotic Romance

    Copyright © 2014 Aralynn Dere All Rights Reserved

    No part of this work may be shared, duplicated, distributed or transmitted in any form without written permission from the author. Brief quotations are allowed, provided full credit and a live link to the book or author's page are included.

    Chapter 1

    Francesca was in no mood to be at work. The doctors were running late which created a packed waiting room of grumpy patients. Mrs. McCarthy, the head nurse and office manager was in a bitchy mood, barking and snapping at everyone who was just trying to do their jobs. She especially seemed to enjoy nitpicking at everything Francesca did. That was nothing out of the ordinary.

    Francesca had been working as a nurse practitioner for the Sarensito Medical Center for almost a year, and she enjoyed most parts of the job. She loved working with the patients, and she got along well with the doctors and the rest of the staff. All except for Mrs. McCarthy; or as Francesca liked to think of her privately, ‘Mrs. McGrumpy’. Unfortunately, Mrs. McCarthy was her supervisor, so Francesca had no choice but to put up with her. Today that was proving to be more difficult than usual.

    With a sigh, Francesca tugged at her too-tight uniform and walked toward the front desk to grab the next patient’s chart. Most medical establishments these days allowed nurses to wear scrubs; loose, comfortable outfits that Francesca would have much preferred. But Mrs. McCarthy was stuck in the 1950s and demanded that all nurses wore traditional white dresses, pantyhose, and shoes.

    Francesca wouldn’t have minded if she was a little bit slimmer, but she’d been putting on some weight since she started working at Sarensito. Too much stress eating

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