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Bella & Tyler: Sex is the New Black (Complete Serial)
Bella & Tyler: Sex is the New Black (Complete Serial)
Bella & Tyler: Sex is the New Black (Complete Serial)
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Bella & Tyler: Sex is the New Black (Complete Serial)

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About this ebook

When Bella Small lands a job as a paralegal to a high-powered criminal defense attorney, she isn't expecting to find love...

When Tyler Matthews meets with his attorney in Big Sandy Federal Penitentiary, he isn't expecting to also meet the girl who will change his life...

As the Big Sandy inmates stage a riot, Bella and Tyler find that they have only each other to rely on. But it is enough.

This is the COMPLETE Bella & Tyler serial (approximately 27,000 words). It contains strong sexual themes and is not intended for readers under age 18. 

Release dateAug 19, 2014
Bella & Tyler: Sex is the New Black (Complete Serial)

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    Book preview

    Bella & Tyler - Victoria Eastlake

    Bella & Tyler: Sex is the New Black

    (The Complete Bundle)

    Victoria Eastlake

    Copyright 2014 by the author

    All characters are over the age of 18

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: Bella’s Story

    Chapter Two: Saving Bella

    Chapter Three: Rescuing Tyler

    Bella & Tyler: Sex is the New Black

    Chapter One: Bella’s Story

    So what’s your job like? Tina asked.

    Bella was on the phone with Tina, her best friend from college. Bella and Tina had graduated almost five months ago and both had struggled to find jobs in the rough economy. Fortunately, Bella had been able to land a job recently as a paralegal with a criminal defense attorney. Tina, unfortunately, had yet to find anything.

    It’s pretty good, Bella said, not wanting to brag. I’m liking it so far.

    Yeah. So what do you to?

    Let’s see. Mostly I do legal research. Sometimes I got to the courthouse for Mr. Robertson and pull up files. Oh, and next Monday we’ll be going to prison to visit a client.

    No way!

    Yeah. It’s...interesting. Actually, Bella was dreading going to the prison. But Mr. Robertson was a criminal defense attorney, and a lot of his clients were locked up in prison, either awaiting trial or awaiting their appeal. If this was a necessary part of the job, then Bella was determined to excel at it.

    So is he cute?

    Who? The client? Bella looked down at the picture of Tyler Matthews, the convicted bank robber that she and Mr. Robertson would be visiting on Monday. Before calling Tina, Bella had been working on Tyler’s file, and a photocopied mug shot had been included in the court papers. She pulled it out. The mug shot had been taken three years ago, when Tyler was 21. He looked wide eyed and innocent, with a crown of blonde curls. Not unattractive at all, actually.

    Not the client, Tina said. I meant your boss. Robertson?

    Oh my god! Bella cried, before dissolving into giggles. He’s about 70 years old and wears orthopedic socks. He’s nice, though. I hope he thinks I do a good job.

    Of course he will, Tina said. He wouldn’t have hired you if he didn’t have confidence in your abilities, right?

    I guess so.

    I know so, Tina said. Well I hope you have a wonderful time in prison. Where is it, by the way?

    Bella found the paper that listed the prison location. Big Sandy Federal Penitentiary in Inez, Kentucky.

    Huh, Tina said. Never heard of it.

    Well, I’ll be sure to call and tell you all about it, Bella said. Provided they don’t lock me up.

    All weekend Bella tried to relax. But she had trouble sleeping Friday night and then Saturday night. Each morning she woke up with a hard pit in her stomach. Monday loomed up ahead, like a giant sign on the highway: Warning. Exit. For some reason she felt like something would go wrong. To take her mind off her job, she went to the gym, where the cute trainer worked on Saturday nights. But he hardly paid any attention to her.

    Take things one at a time, Bella told herself. First, get comfortable in your job. Then, you can find a boyfriend.

    Sunday night, Bella barely slept again, and she rose early Monday morning to get into the office and organize her files for the trip. Mr. Robertson expected her to take notes, so she packed an extra legal pad and pen for herself, in addition to the papers that they were going to give to Tyler.

    The prison was located in eastern Kentucky, and Bella spent most of the ride trying to get information about the client, Tyler Matthews. She had been reading his file at work, on and off, for over a week. But it had been a little hard to understand. Tyler had been convicted of bank robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. But for some reason there was considerable correspondence in the file between Mr. Robertson and a Senator from Virginia, Rob Matthews. Bella didn’t see how a simple bank robbery would require the attention of a U.S. Senator, so she asked Mr. Robertson about this.

    Oh, but that’s his son, Mr. Robertson said. Tyler is Rob Matthews’ son. Mr. Robertson was driving his Volvo.

    A senator’s son robbed a bank? Bella asked. Why? Aren’t they rich?

    Excuse me? Mr. Robertson said, and then turned down the radio so that they could talk. He was definitely losing his hearing and often had to ask Bella to repeat herself.

    Aren’t they rich? His dad being a Senator and all?

    Presumably, Mr. Robertson said. Tyler is apparently a bit of a wild child. He dropped out of prep school at 17 even though he was apparently near the top of his class. Tested at the near genius level his whole life. But then this robbery. And he’s also set to be tried by the state of Virginia for rape and assault.

    When did he do that? Bella asked, horrified.

    Well, Mr. Robertson said, "he allegedly did that the night after the robbery. It was some ex-girlfriend, allegedly."

    Bella shook her head and looked down at the picture in the file. He looked so...innocent. According to the information, Tyler was 24 years old, 6 feet tall, blonde hair, green eyes, and 165 lbs. Looks can be deceiving, Bella reminded herself. But if she saw Tyler walking down the street, she was more likely to take a second look because he was hot, not run away assuming he was a criminal.

    The ride from Baltimore to eastern Kentucky was a little over two hours, and Bella tried to ask as many questions as possible to show Mr. Robertson that she was engaged in her work. Mr. Robertson answered every question thoroughly and seemed pleased with her attention to detail.

    Big Sandy Federal Penitentiary sat in the middle of nowhere. For the last half hour they rode through country, full of empty fields and stands of trees, before a sign popped up telling them to pull off the road to reach the prison. They parked in a nearly empty lot.

    It was windy and cold as they hurried inside. Once inside, Bella waited near the entrance while Mr. Robertson went to talk to the Prison Warden. She was surprised that there seemed to be nobody around. In fact, she was the only one standing in the entrance to the prison. She had assumed that there would be plenty of family and friends lining up to visit.

    Mr. Robertson came back after a few minutes, in his shuffling walk, in the black sneakers he wore instead of shoes. Well, they’re in lock down, he said to Bella. Some sort of incident. Still, we can see Tyler because we’re legal counsel.

    Bella swallowed at the word lock-down.

    What does ‘lock-down’ mean? she asked.

    Not much. Just extra security, Mr. Robertson said, pulling his wallet out. When he saw how rigid Bella was, he asked, Do you want to stay out here instead of going through? I probably shouldn’t have brought you, Bella. I’m sorry. It’s perfectly safe, but if you’d rather not go in...

    In reality, Bella didn’t want to go in. But she also wanted to do a good job. Mr. Robertson had asked her to come along, and she needed to acquit herself well. If she lost this job, she might never find another.

    No, Bella said. I’ll go in with you. I’m fine.

    First, they went through the metal detector and were patted down by a guard. Then they walked to a glass booth, which had darkened windows that they couldn’t see into. Stepping up, they pressed their identification to the glass while someone, in the dark, compared their faces to the pictures in the I.D.

    Bella looked hard to see if she could make anyone out in the booth, but she couldn’t. This seemed very high-tech.

    After being told that they could proceed, Bella and Mr. Robertson then walked into a small room, like a shed, that had two doors. The door behind them was sealed off and locked as

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