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The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
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The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones

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Did you know that for thousands of years people have been treating pain, injuries, and disease with low-radioactive stones? Read "The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones," by Dr. Jane G. Goldberg and Medicine Man Jay Gutierrez, and learn how you too can access this simple, safe, and effective lost art!
Release dateJul 16, 2014
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones

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    Book preview

    The Hormesis Effect - Jane G. Goldberg

    Published by


    Nashville, Tennessee, USA •

    Cassidy Ravensdale, President and Publisher

    Copyright © 2014 Sea Raven Press

    in accordance with U.S. and international copyright laws and regulations, as stated and protected under the Berne Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property (Berne Convention), and the Universal Copyright Convention (the UCC). All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions.

    The Hormesis Effect

    First Sea Raven Press Ebook Edition: July 2014

    eISBN: 978-0-9913779-6-1

    Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2014940743

    This book is also available in paperback: ISBN 978-0-9913779-2-3

    This work is the copyrighted intellectual property of Sea Raven Press and has been registered with the Copyright Office at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., USA. No part of this work (including text, covers, drawings, photos, illustrations, maps, images, diagrams, etc.), in whole or in part, may be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher. The sale, duplication, hire, lending, copying, digitalization, or reproduction of this material, in any manner or form whatsoever, is also prohibited, and is a violation of federal, civil, and digital copyright law, which provides severe civil and criminal penalties for any violations.

    The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones, by Jane G. Goldberg and Jay Gutierrez. Foreword by Dr. Raphael d'Angelo. Edited by Lochlainn Seabrook. Includes bibliographic references, an index, and an annotated bibliography. This newly revised and updated book was previously published by Sea Raven Press in March 2009 under the title Because People Are Dying: The Story of a Rock, an Apple, and Cancer, ISBN: 978-098-218-9924.

    Front and back cover design and art, book design, layout, and interior art by Lochlainn Seabrook

    Typography: Sea Raven Press Book Design

    All images, graphic design, graphic art, and illustrations © Lochlainn Seabrook Cover image: © Lochlainn Seabrook

    Printed and published in the United States of America


    Publisher's Note

    Prologue: What is a Cure?, by Paula Gloria Tsakona

    Foreword: A Journey Outside the Box, by Dr. Raphael d'Angelo


    Update to the New Edition: An Introduction to the Culture of Hormesis, by Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D.

    Introduction: Karma's Pit-Stop in Desolate Nature

    1 Serendipity or Divine Guidance

    2 What You Think You Know

    3 Saving the Penguins but Killing the Cars

    4 The Up-side of Radioactivity

    5 The Healthy Cell is a Suicidal Communist

    6 Who's Hungry? (and the Cancer Connection)

    7 Lethally Exposed or Living Longer

    8 Because People Are Dying

    9 Who's Dying? And Who's Not?

    10 Therapeutic Soul Sisters

    11 If You Can Do it in Jachymov, You Can Do it at Home

    Appendix A:Testimonials from Jay’s Patients Using Radiation Hormesis

    Appendix B: What’s So and What’s Not on Radiation and Nuclear Power, by Theodore Rockwell, Sc.D.

    Appendix C: Excerpt from the Unpublished Memoir of Stafford Warren, M.D.

    Appendix D: On the Life-span of Nuclear Physicists, Researchers and Engineers

    Appendix E: Places to Go for Radon Therapy

    Meet Jane G. Goldberg

    About La Casa Day Spa

    Meet Jay Gutierrez

    About Night Hawk Minerals

    Meet Raphael d’Angelo

    The Wisdom

    Bibliographic References

    Annotated Bibliography



    In our first publication of this book in 2009 under the title Because People Are Dying, the Mineral Palace is mentioned numerous times. Today, however, the Mineral Palace is no longer in operation.

    However, in this our newly revised, retitled edition, The Hormesis Effect, we have left in all references to the Mineral Palace in order to preserve the integrity of the original text.

    The facility’s hot tub and frequency room at Pritchett, Colorado, are still available to the public. To make an appointment please contact the staff at Night Hawk Minerals.

    Sea Raven Press


    This book is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. It is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. You should not use the information in this book for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. Always consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in this book is at your own discretion.

    The Authors


    What Is A Cure?

    WHAT IS A CURE . . . FOR ANYTHING? Is it something that is accomplished on a personal level, or is it something wider? As surely as knowledge and well-being of our body is influenced by the society in which we find ourselves, does it not also make sense that any cure on a personal level will, similarly, involve that very wider society?

    Today, when alternative health care is challenging old methods of treatment of diseases—methods that have been institutionally and officially embraced—there seems to be a lack of careful attention to something beyond traditional therapies and theories. Between the lines of the hard work done to bring this book together, Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D. points with skill what the critical eye of the concerned reader will appreciate. She addresses the vulnerability of medical systems, both here and abroad—systems that have been based on scientific dead-ends. These conceptual dead-ends are, perhaps, the root cause of the failure of today’s official oncology.

    To rectify such a dismal state of affairs takes an ability to look deeply into the bad, and still see the good. It demands an attitude of maintaining a scientific bent of mind in the midst of great emotion. And, it means overcoming the horror of reaction as commonly held beliefs dissolve before new ones are finally understood. The lack of steady obvious cures is, as much as anything else, a function of old beliefs that are too tightly held onto. And while old systems may be comforting for both allopathic and alternative practitioners, ultimately they must be seen as mere suppositions without foundation, or worse, premises put forward based on lies and falsehoods.

    It is within this environment—of revelation of past errors, at best, or outright deception, at worse—that Jane Goldberg presents her work. The diligence with which she proceeds is an example of the critical need to forge ahead in order to shape a new and more effective paradigm. Her concern here has been dual: to make therapies available cheaply, as well as proposing concrete remedies based in hard science.

    Despite Jane’s pointing out to me, in a friendly sort of way, my irrationally positive attitude, I realize there is a great distance to be traveled between these two places: the place of ineffective yet familiar medical approaches, and the one yet to be embraced.

    How does one proceed in the face of such heartbreak and disappointment in the casting away of old belief structures? In the case of Jay Gutierrez, it happened because he noticed that people are dying. He saw, first hand, how pretty stones, originally made as jewelry, were first admired for their beauty, and then valued for their healing powers. He moved forward with this knowledge, sharing what he learned in his healing journey. And then a fortuitous thing happened along the way of Jay’s journey. We encountered each other: me, Jay and Jane. We met at a small lecture that Jay was giving, sponsored by Alan Steinfeld and New Realities. Jane and I quickly discovered that we were a stone’s throw-away neighbors—with only half a block between our respective homes.

    But, if Jay proceeds in working so hard against our bereft medical paradigm because people are dying in their bodies, Jane works equally hard because people are dying in their minds. Jane, from childhood on, wanted to grow up to become a parapsychologist to study phenomena like ESP, because she had a strong belief and affinity for that which is not seen. She distinguished herself in college, majoring in Religious Studies, and in graduate school, working under the country’s leading parapsychology researcher, Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler. Upon completing her Ph.D., Jane moved her interest in the unseen from religion and paranormal events to the events of the unconscious, and acquired training as a psychoanalyst. Today, this is where she puts her total joyful absorption—into her private practice.

    As well, in 1993, she founded New York City’s first holistic day spa, La Casa Day Spa, managed today by Gregg Lalley. Since committing to these two endeavors—health of the mind and health of the body (and the interface between the two)—Jane has never looked back. She doesn’t have the time! Waking up at 4:30 am every morning for the past 5 months to write this book (she gave herself a deadline of six months), she poured over the data by the light of many dawns, attempting to reconcile contradictions and to understand scientific language about concepts that were entirely new to her. By 8 am, after worlds and universes of scientific data were processed first one way, and then another, she was armed with her knowledge from her early morning’s work, and usually felt ready to discuss her latest understanding and questions with me.

    Paula Gloria (left) and Jane.

    True to the friendly spirit of this Gramercy Park area that we both live in, one of the oldest and nicest neighborhoods in Manhattan, I contributed as much as I could, meeting some mornings on the corner, as we sun-gazed together. But, truthfully, I more often benefitted from her than she did from me. She held my hand through my own professional frustrations and impediments. She always had sage advice to lend to me. One particularly upsetting event was when YouTube removed one of my postings. I had worked on this posting for months, but YouTube apparently didn’t like the title I gave the piece.

    Jane, as a psychoanalyst, understands well the seriousness of this YouTube censorship. Jane understands as well as anyone the importance of freedom of speech—both for a free democracy, and for a free psyche.

    So, we two girls, originally from altogether different worlds—she, raised in New Orleans, I, in Berkeley—now call home an area rich in historical contribution—from the planning of the first transatlantic telephone cable, to the many great writers who frequented these stomping grounds. Even the legacy of the great actor of his day, Edwin Booth, lives on in the Player’s Club, situated about half way between Jane’s house and mine. What better physical location to surrender to and roll up your sleeves, fortified by the great esoteric principle that what you focus on grows in your life?

    Read between the lines and see if you don’t agree that as a pure scientist, Jane addresses the crying need for an overarching principle of cure and wellness . . . but if I haven’t told you enough, she is also a really sparkling writer bringing to dense topics a really nice flair. And, in her writing, there is a breath of a chance for a novice to penetrate (perhaps not totally) critical understandings needed for a more balanced society.

    One of her many published books, The Dark Side of Love, was received with critical acclaim. Three more books are finished, and were waiting to be polished and published when she undertook the task of writing The Hormesis Effect. When she took the carefully allocated six month break to research and write about radiation hormesis, she had been working on her most ambitious project yet: The Collected Works of Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D., Volumes I-IV. Her love for her work with cancer patients, and for the patients themselves, is evident in her writings, as well as in any dialogue one is fortunate enough to have with her about her work. Now, with the evidence of radiation hormesis, she has added yet another tool to her forty years of experience as an analyst, as a holistic health healer, and as an adult human woman.

    Jane decided to write this book on radiation hormesis for the same reason that Jay does his work: because people are dying. The book whispers the long awaited hope that we can better help medical malfeasance by collaborating and cooperating with each other rather than competing with each other. Jane’s spirited and passionate writing reminds us that no matter what the odds, we should never forget that the greatest of things are done with a light heart.

    Paula Gloria Tsakona

    President, The Concordia Foundation

    Gramercy Park, New York, NY


    A Journey Outside The Box

    MANY YEARS AGO READER’S DIGEST ran a monthly series called The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever Met. Unequivocally for me it would be Jay Gutierrez, whom you will come to know and even more appreciate as you investigate his healing work. Dr. Jane G. Goldberg eloquently examines the fundamental principles of Jay’s special kind of healing scientifically described in The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones. I have never met Dr. Goldberg, but through the writing of this book I have come to know her as one who has dedicated her life and career to the pursuit of health and wholeness.

    I am an integrative holistic family physician. In 2006 Jay Gutierrez walked into my office with a briefcase of stones he had mined and cut, along with a stack of emails from grateful people he had helped. I was a bit skeptical but nevertheless curious to hear what he had to say. As he started laying out some beautiful stones on my desk I quickly went through some of the emails noting that many of them were giving Jay credit for saving their lives. He asked me what I knew about radiation hormesis. I had never heard the term. I told him that the best radiation was no radiation. Jay said I had a lot to learn, and I must say that since that day I have come to appreciate and value his point of view.

    At that time I was suffering from a partially torn rotator cuff of the right shoulder and was unable to sleep on my right side. I asked Jay if one of his stones would help with the pain, so he gave me one to try. I slept with the stone against the skin of my right shoulder using a pillow to hold it in place. A week later I found myself waking up on my right shoulder without any pain. This really got my attention and I was determined to learn more about radiation hormesis.

    In this book you will read many of the things that I learned from my own research. I am happy to say that three months after placing that stone on my shoulder it was completely healed without any other modality of treatment. I then turned my attention to Dupuyytren’s contracture, a benign fibrotic tumor-like process of the palm of my right hand which can lead to fingers that look like a claw. Jay had me sleep with the stone in the palm of my hand and again, three months later this fibrotic process had completely melted away.

    During this time I had Jay come back to the office periodically to bring stones that I could give out to my patients. I’ll never forget the first patient to receive a stone from me. He was a vigorous, intellectually bright 88-year-old gentleman with biopsy proven prostate cancer and a PSA blood test of 11.5. Normal is around 1. His wife figured out a way to attach the stone to a spot in his underwear so that it would rest up against the skin over the prostate area. Eight weeks later he returned and his PSA test was 6.5. I was elated! He was satisfied that he was on the right track.

    At that point he left my practice promising to use the stone, even though I wanted to have him stay with me until the prostate problem was resolved. Two years later we crossed paths. He was happy to report his PSA had been normal for quite some time. It was obvious that he was not going to die of prostate cancer.

    In The Hormesis Effect you are going to read stories of people determined to get well from chronic, disabling and dangerous diseases. Many of them have been to their medical doctors, who were unable or unwilling to help them. Never giving up in their search, somehow they found Jay Gutierrez and his Night Hawk Minerals program. From that point they started on the road to true healing and I have been fortunate to be a witness to many of the healings reported.

    Now I want to share with you why I find Jay Gutierrez unforgettable. The first day I met Jay in my office I was somewhat argumentative and disbelieving of his radiation stones, but this did not deter him in the least. His buoyant personality, gleam in his eyes, and broad smile spoke of a man undeterred by criticism. Jay often says that he has found answers. The hard part is figuring out what the questions are. He would be the first to admit that he works hand-in-hand with God’s purposes in bringing healing to the individual and to the planet.

    Jay is humble about this. There have been times when he questioned what he was doing and started to walk away. But being the visionary that he is, he always comes back to question what they say about problems and solutions.

    Consequently, his own research has gone beyond the common thinking about the process of radiation hormesis—and what’s more, he can validate it. I have found him to be highly perceptive and very analytical. This is no surprise as he was a highly respected and valued helicopter diagnostician in both military and civilian settings. Given any problem he just never gives up, but keeps penetrating the depths of the issue from many different angles. In time he sees a way to fix something that nobody else has thought of.

    The concept of radiation hormesis may be an unfamiliar one to most people, as it was to me at first. But it is just a door to a whole world of the power of frequencies and wave phenomena that seems to be the undergirding principle of how these stones do what is right and avoid doing what is wrong, as Jay would put it.

    Dr. Raphael d’Angelo

    Together we have done a number of different experiments with water and the stones. Learning from these simple experiments Jay has gone out of his way to make sure that there are applications that can be applied to the solving of everyday problems such as keeping the water troughs of cattle clean, helping bees overcome colony collapse disorder, and using the stones and water to invigorate soils for luxuriant growth of crops. What Jay has learned from helping people he has applied to these other areas. And what he has learned from his applications in agriculture he is applying to people.

    In 2011 I was retiring from my integrative family medicine practice, wondering what the next step for me would be. At that time Jay had come to the conclusion that parasitic infection of the human body was a major player in chronic inflammation especially in cancer and degenerative diseases. Little did he know that I had been active in the direct diagnosis of parasitic diseases and the natural treatment of them.

    For me it started in the United States Air Force, being trained in this modality and really set into motion with an unforgettable year of parasite diagnosis in Vietnam. Following medical school I always kept the laboratory going and relied on my own microbiology training to supplement laboratory testing. When Jay found this out he asked me to consider performing parasite tests for his people, and I was happy to provide this type of help.

    My program is called the ParaWellness Research Program, which is a private research laboratory setting providing comprehensive parasite testing. I work with individuals who want to be tested as well as physicians and other practitioners who need this type of examination for their patients or clients. I started this simply because Jay had a need, and it is my privilege to corroborate with such a dedicated man.

    The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones, by Dr. Goldberg and Jay, brings to light the details and particular insights that I have only alluded to. Some people will say that this is way outside the box. But keep in mind the box itself is just a means of limiting one’s vision. Jay started out inside the box and then stood up and viewed an entirely different picture, which he was brave enough to seek out, thoroughly examine, and bring to fruition. This book will introduce you to Jay’s alternative, cutting edge tools for attaining vibrant health—for our planet and ourselves.

    Raphael d’Angelo, MD

    ParaWellness Research Program

    Aurora, Colorado


    I would like to thank God for listening to people’s prayers and sending an answer. I have had many that have helped and believed in what we are doing. Some have given up everything they were doing in life to help with this project. Thank you, Faye, for giving all of yourself to see us through the journey. Thank you, Jane, for having the patience and still driving through to make this book a reality. Thanks, Paula, for your support. A special thanks to Carol, Adam, Jim Biggs, Cisco, Don, My Brother Jeff, Amy, Teresia, Tana, Chris, Dr. d’Angelo and Nancy, Tom, Vic, and the numerous people who have always helped with the vision. Also, a big thanks to the people in and around Pritchett, Colorado. — JAY GUTIERREZ

    Jay Gutierrez and Faye Cox-Gutierrez

    The sine qua non—Lochlainn Seabrook: more than my editor, more than my formatter, more than my book cover designer, more than my publisher, above all, a man who I have high regard for and count as a friend. Also, special thanks to Paula Gloria, who was the enthusiastic engine that kept me company in so many places, both physical locations as well as in emotional and cognitive spaces. Also, a deep gratitude to Ted Rockwell, who has been so very generous in his imparting of valuable information and knowledge as well as a sense of the history of our country in terms of its struggle with the complex moral, political and scientific issues surrounding nuclear energy. And, of course, ultimate thanks to Jay, whose commitment to his work has saved so many lives, and whose trust in me to write his story enabled this book to happen. — JANE G. GOLDBERG


    An Introduction to the Culture of Hormesis

    MUCH HAS HAPPENED IN THE last 30 years in the world of hormesis that makes any work on the concept, and underlining theories, much more important, even essential, not only for the on-going health of our bodies but, indeed, for our very culture. It may well be that our future depends on our thorough understanding of how hormesis works in the natural world, and how we can tap its ability to improve our health as well as the functioning of all biological systems.

    The first conference specifically on hormesis was held in Oakland California in1985, with such titles for papers as: What is Hormesis and Why Haven’t We Heard About It Before, presented by Leonard Sagan. In 1990, a group of scientists from federal agencies, the private sector, and academia convened to begin thinking about how to research the biological effects of low-level exposures to chemical agents and radioactivity. They felt it was necessary to explore this issue because of their understanding that most human exposures to chemical and physical agents are at relatively low levels, yet most toxicological studies assessing health effects look at high levels of exposure. These researchers grasped that with this contradiction between research protocols and real-life phenomena, we are destined to have little real understanding of how agents, both those artificially created as well as those from the natural world, are impacting on us.

    The year 2001 marked the first annual conference on Adaptive Responses in Biology and Medicine Translational Biology. In August, 2008, an entire issue of the American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology was dedicated to the subject of hormesis. Dose-Response, the online journal of the International Dose-Response Society has now published its 12th volume. And most recently, hormesis meets holistic health in the newsletter Belle (Biological Effects of Low Level Exposures), as the entire journal is devoted to the hormesis properties of resveratrol.¹

    After writing this book, I began to understand that the hormesis effect is widespread, and not just applicable to drugs, potions or radiation. I realized that I had been using it (unwittingly) in a myriad of ways. Hormesis is a fundamental part of being alive, and it is ubiquitous. Over 5600 dose-response relationships for hormesis have been identified.²

    As we discuss in this new updated edition of our book, The Hormesis Effect, hormesis describes beneficial stimulation that is induced by low doses of an agent which, when applied in a higher dose, would be harmful, even lethal. Although the concept is not limited to humans and health, it has been most widely understood within the applications of medicine and pharmacology. It is the theory behind the effectiveness of immunizations, vaccinations and homeopathy. It is an effect that is used in everyday life to create better heath and robustness. Exposure to a potentially offending agent causes a reaction—even an over-reaction—within the exposed organism. It is precisely the reaction that has the effect of strengthening the organism. Within the human body, the hormesis effect is evident in exercise, smoking, alcohol, eating, not eating, and many other activities on all levels of our biological systems.

    The differences between the effects of high dose and low dose are seen easily. While not eating for one day a week on a regular basis, for example, can improve lean mass retention, and boost fat burning, on the other hand, starvation will cause major weight loss, and the shutting down of bodily systems and eventual death. Similarly, an hour of moderately strong sun leads to a mild tan, and a healthy infusion of vitamin D; on the other hand, five hours of strong sun leads to a skin coloration that we call sunburn which can alter DNA, prematurely aging skin, and over time, this DNA damage can contribute to skin cancers, including deadly melanoma. As a final illustration: a single stressful life event leads to the stimulation of adrenaline and cortisol, which has the effect of positively increasing vigilance and alertness; yet, a year of chronic stress will lead to adrenal fatigue.

    We don’t yet know all of the mechanisms that create the hormesis effect within the body, but there is one candidate that seems to be intimately involved in the process: Nrf2. Nrf2 is a protein that is latent within each cell in the body. It is considered to be a gatekeeper of longevity.³ It is involved in antioxidant defense, detoxification, and cellular protection. Stressors that stimulate the hormesis effect trigger Nrf2, including exercise, calorie restriction, and most importantly for our purposes, radiation.⁴ Although Nrf2 is expressed in all tissues, and levels vary among organs, the key detoxification organs of kidney and liver exhibit the highest levels. It is not mere coincidence that Night Hawk Minerals (Jay’s center in Pritchett, Colorado) and La Casa Day Spa (my holistic spa in New York City) both emphasize detoxification, as our detox procedures activate the release of Nrf2.


    I first learned about how I had been experiencing the hormesis effect from a piece of equipment we purchased for my holistic spa (though I hadn’t yet heard the term). The therapy is called Whole Body Vibration, and it involves standing on a platform that gives you a good shake, rattle and roll. In other words, the platform vibrates, and thus your body, from feet to head, vibrates accordingly. You can actually feel your teeth vibrating when you stand on the platform.

    The vibration platform is especially useful for people who can’t get exercise in any normal way. It’s the non-exercise

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