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The Prince's Dresses (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #1
The Prince's Dresses (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #1
The Prince's Dresses (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #1
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The Prince's Dresses (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #1

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In the heart of every girl exists a princess. Deep within the hearts of some boys lives the heart of a girl. Tales of these boys are known as the Princess Chronicles…

Princess Aerin Rikutake, destined to become Queen of Cathair…

Within one year, Aerin must travel to the space colonies and survive through six trials to prove worthiness for the crown, without ever revealing the ultimate secret: Aerin's actually a man!

A fateful encounter with Shadow Pirate Captain Nunamé Starcrosser sends his world spinning out of control and his soul trembling with heartfelt desire. Faced with the daunting task of proving himself worthy to be Queen, will Aerin have the purity of heart to find true love?

Release dateMar 19, 2012
The Prince's Dresses (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #1

Desirée de L’éncrée

Desirée de L'éncrée is a freelance writer, editor, and active participant in National Novel Writing Month. She started writing short stories at age ten and joined a local writing group during high school to further her skills. She has been an avid reader of yaoi fiction for the past decade and eventually tried her hand writing it. When she came up with the idea of a romance between a disguised Princess and Pirate, she incorporated her Wiccan belief system into the principles and practices making up their worlds. She's currently the mother of two dogs who own her more than she owns them.

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    The Prince's Dresses (The Princess Chronicles) - Desirée de L’éncrée


    Cold Moon 23, Galactic Year 4509

    Queen Kairi Rikutake broke the seal on the scroll in her hands and unrolled the parchment. She read the words to herself once before steeling her nerve. For as long as anyone could remember, the Rikutake family ruled the planet Cathair, and as such, word of their silver hair and golden eyes spread throughout the cosmos. Kairi looked much like all her ancestors. Her silver hair cascaded down her back like a veil almost reaching the floor, and her golden eyes had entranced more than one male in her time. She read the words aloud to the Council members gathered around her, By declaration of Le Roi Louis Salaud d’Emania, Cathair is hereby given notice to relinquish all sovereignty to Le Roi Louis by the Winter Solstice. This is to be done by Queen Kairi Rikutake, wearing only her furs, presenting the crown of Cathair to Le Roi Louis and surrendering herself as his fiancée. If this is not complied with, a full scale assault can be expected the following night.

    Surely you must have translated wrong. High Chancellor Rah-lie Rashi took the scroll from Kairi’s hands, and her green eyes widened as she looked over the words. All right then, they must have written it wrong. You have a husband, My Lady. How do they expect you to become his bride to be when you are already married to another?

    Le Roi Louis knows perfectly well about my marriage. He attended the ceremony in person. He expects me to forsake my husband, said Kairi.

    One of the chancellors cried out, Don’t! Don’t even think about it! Our people were thrilled at your marriage to Jono. They would not ask for you to give him up for anything, especially not for something as absurd at this. We must fight them!

    Prince Jono Rikutake, announced the voice at the door as a young man entered the chamber carrying a piece of paper.

    Kairi’s husband kept his blue eyes downcast as he knelt down. Forgive my intrusion, please, but this message just arrived for the High Council. It has been marked urgent.

    I will take it, said Rah-lie holding out her hand for the paper.

    Prince Jono Rikutake rose and passed over the note. He looked at Kairi as he turned to head back out of the room, and he froze in his tracks at her disturbed appearance. He reached out his hand for her. Kairi?

    Kairi didn’t look at him, but her body tensed as she spoke, What we are discussing concerns you as well as I. Kindly stay, Jono.

    Jono nodded his head, and his long black hair, tied up with string high on his head, swung around him from the movement. He stepped over to Kairi’s chair, kneeling on the floor beside her. Have you told them?

    Kairi took Jono’s hand and clutched it tightly. No. I had wished for you to announce it with me.

    Announce what?

    Jono smiled lovingly at his wife before turning to look at the gathered Chancellors. We have only recently found out ourselves.

    Kairi stood, pulling Jono up to stand beside her, and all eyes turned to her. I am with child. We were hoping the Council could join us later tonight in prayers for a healthy heir to the throne.

    The Religious Caste congratulates you on your fortune, said a woman dressed in the white robes of the Religious caste, and we would gladly pray with you. Our Goddesses have truly blessed you.

    Thank you, said Kairi smiling.

    Everyone in the room congratulated Kairi and Jono as Rah-lie read the urgent message and paled considerably. We will gladly pray with you tonight, but for the moment, we have other business to attend to. This message is about Chancellor Peter Jaa, the emissary to Emania. They have cut his eyes, pierced through with a blade. Had he received medical attention immediately, the doctors believe they could have saved his sight. He lives, thankfully, but he will forever be blind. Rah-lie crumpled the paper up and threw it to the floor. We’re going to war with Emania. We will not allow them to take Our Lady.

    Take you? Jono raised an eyebrow to his wife.

    Le Roi Louis d’Emania wishes me to surrender Cathair to his rule and forsake my marriage to you so I can become his bride, explained Kairi, And now we go to war. I hate to ask this of you, but you are familiar with the ways of space battle. Would you fight for our home, Jono?

    You needn’t have asked, Kairi. Jono wrapped an arm around Kairi’s waist to comfort her. I would die to protect you and our home.

    Please don’t die, said Kairi kissing Jono’s cheek, I do not want to live without you.

    You are well experienced in space combat. You would do well leading the space fleet, said Rah-lie, but we will not ask you to go alone. Chancellor Tiana, you expressed a desire to go to the front lines should a war be necessary. Would you accompany Our Gentle Lord to help guide him and provide prayer to our warriors?

    I do wish to go, said the white robed Chancellor Tiana of the Dells. And I have no complaints about going into space. I will accompany Our Gentle Lord.

    Then you’d best learn to call me Jono, said Jono turning to look at Tiana seriously, Or at the very least Captain. We will be working closely together. You mustn’t be afraid to call me by name.

    As you wish, Captain. Tiana nodded her head.

    We’ve been preparing for this war for a long time. Relations with Emania have been strained for decades. The first strike against Emania will be in your hands, said Rah-lie, If you will stay here, I will brief you on the plans we have had waiting, Captain.

    Jono nodded, and he remained in the room while almost all the other occupants departed. He kissed Kairi and shared a few whispered words with her before she walked to the doorway, turned, and said, Be safe, my husband.

    * * * * *

    Singing Moon 1, Galactic Year 4509

    Jono Rikutake sat in the captain’s chair of his command ship ignoring the reports in his hands. He sighed sadly and looked to the chestnut haired Chancellor sitting beside him. It’s been eight months since this war started, and it takes ten months for a child to fully mature in the womb of a Cathairian female, right?

    Yes. Our Lady is rapidly coming on time to deliver. I pray so much for this war to end so we might both be present for the birth, said Tiana, Have you received any word from her on the gender of the child?

    No. The gender couldn’t be determined. Our child is... shy... So we’ll need to wait until delivery to discover that. I’m concerned the stress of this war might be affecting her and our child.

    Our Lady is strong.

    I’m not saying she isn’t. I’m just saying stress can affect anyone, even the strongest among us. I’m worried about her, about the baby. The longer this war lasts, the more danger and stress we all must endure. We need this war ended! I wish to be there when my child is born.

    And as of yet, there are no signs of any side being able to win this war... Tiana’s amber eyes widened as she gazed at Jono. Why do I sense you know something I do not?

    There might be a way to end this war quickly and effectively, said Jono showing Tiana the papers he held. It’s a bit of a risk.

    I... I think I understand this, but what does it mean? Who would perform such a foolhardy action? Tiana read through the reports and looked at the readings. It would surely end the war if successful, but the pilot would almost certainly die. While I know many brave pilots whom would willingly sacrifice themselves for the sake of all, very few of those would do so if they did not believe the task would be successful. The chances of this working are slim at best. It is a fool’s mission...

    That would cripple Le Roi Louis’ forces if successful, but yes, there is only a slim chance of it being successful. Only the best of pilots could make it happen. I wouldn’t ask anyone to go on this mission.

    Tiana saw the determined look in Jono’s eyes, and she gasped. You mean to go yourself? But you can’t! You have a child to care for. Our Lady loves you! She needs you! Your child needs you, Jono.

    My child needs to grow up in a world without war, and that is what I wish to give...

    I cannot allow you... Tiana’s words died on her lips as a surge of electricity coursed through her body. She slumped down in the chair unconscious.

    I hope you’ll forgive me when you wake up, Tiana, whispered Jono pulling the stunning device away from Tiana. He rose from his chair. Second, I leave command to you. I’m heading out on a scouting mission in one of the fighters.

    Yes, sir! exclaimed a woman with a brisk nod of her head.

    And let Chancellor Tiana sleep. She needs her rest, said Jono before heading out of the room to go to the fighter pods. He climbed into the readied fighter, and he typed in the command sequence to open the doors and allow his fighter out of the main ship. I’m sorry, Kairi. I’m sorry, my daughter or my son.

    Clear for launch, came a voice through the fighter’s communications system.

    Jono secured his helmet and piloted his fighter out of the ship. He left on his mission, flying his fighter first away from the main ship and then changing course and speed. His ship vanished from sight as he traveled towards Emania. Lord Gods and Lady Goddesses, bless this mission, and if you see fit, assist me in any way you can.

    The fighter soared through space, passing Emanian ships as if invisible for in fact it was, and Jono saw his target up ahead. The communications relay and weapons outpost. What a convenient design flaw you’ve made for me.

    A siren blared in the cockpit.

    Fuck! exclaimed Jono, They can’t see me with their eyes, but they’ve finally picked me up on their instruments. At least I’ve made it this far without them finding me. He turned on his targeting systems, having left them off previously since they could be traced more easily than any other system on his fighter. I’ll only have one shot, and a last ditch effort if I miss. Please, Gods and Goddesses, don’t let me miss! I want to see my children get married!

    A missile whizzed past Jono’s fighter.

    Jono flew in evasive maneuvers, but he kept heading towards his target. He pushed a button. Firing missiles.

    Two missiles shot out from Jono’s fighter and raced towards the weapons outpost. Despite his desperate evasive maneuvering, a missile struck the fighter and sent it spiraling.

    Forgive me, Kairi... I’m sorry, said Jono as his instruments indicated only one of his missiles made contact. He pulled hard against the controls to regain some level of control over his spinning fighter, and he aimed straight towards the outpost. He had time for only one thought before his fighter plunged into the outpost and exploded, causing a chain reaction of explosions and flying debris. ‘I needed to have a daughter for Kairi, but I wanted a son.’

    * * * * *

    Tiana slowly blinked her eyes. She lifted her head and looked around her.

    Did you sleep well, Chancellor?

    Sleep? groaned Tiana closing her eyes as she tried to remember where she was. Her eyes snapped open and she looked around her. Jono!

    Captain Rikutake left in a fighter.

    How long ago?

    Nearly five hours ago, said the woman who now sat in the captain’s chair.

    Shit! There is an Emanian weapons outpost on a space station revolving around the moon! I need you to scan the area! Tell me if it’s still there, exclaimed Tiana desperately.

    A man at a control console on the left side of the room moved his fingers rapidly across his panel and kept his eyes on the screen in front of him. Chancellor, there is no space station around the moon.

    Fear gripped Tiana’s heart. Goddess... Try to contact Captain Rikutake! I need to speak to him immediately!

    If we try to contact him, the enemy will know our position!

    I don’t care! I need to know if he’s alive! screamed Tiana, He went out there planning to die if necessary to complete his mission! I need to know if he’s alive!

    A similar fear and sense of desperation gripped the second commander. Contact Captain Rikutake. Ready weapons and shields. We don’t want to be caught unawares.

    The woman at the communications desk moved her hands across her panel. Her eyes widened fearfully as she worked. Goddess, no... Chancellor? I’m not getting a response from Captain Rikutake. I’m not even receiving a signal beacon from his fighter. It’s as if he’s vanished.

    Are you positive? Tiana’s voice emerged quietly, barely a whisper, and all the blood drained from her face.

    Yes, Chancellor. He’s gone, said the woman.

    I need to speak to Our Lady on High and High Chancellor Rah-lie Rashi! Right now! Immediately, ordered Tiana as tears rolled down her cheeks, And it must be visual communication.

    Is that wise, Chancellor? asked the second commander.

    Never wise but mandatory in this situation. I must tell Our Lady her husband is dead. That kind of news must be done face to face.

    Gloom permeated the command deck. The screen at the front of the room flared to life, and Rah-lie’s face appeared on it. Chancellor Tiana? What is it? Are you crying?

    Is Our Lady present? I must speak to you both urgently, said Tiana standing and moving closer to the screen.

    She is on her way here now. She should only be a few moments.

    Then we will wait for her. How goes everything there?

    Everything is as it should be. Our Lady’s pregnancy has developed nicely. We expect her to deliver any day now.

    And I will be quite glad when I do, said Kairi stepping into view. Her round belly protruded out making it look as if twins or triplets grew within her instead of the single child she carried. As you can see, Tiana, movement has become a bit difficult for me.

    Are you well, My Lady? Tiana discreetly wiped her tears.

    Kairi smiled. Quite well.

    You really should sit down, My Lady. It must be very strenuous for you to stand.

    Rah-lie raised an eyebrow at Tiana before she brought a chair forward so Kairi could sit down, and the pregnant woman took it gratefully.

    Forgive me, My Lady on High, said Tiana, but he would not allow me to stop him. Our Gentle Lord... Captain Rikutake set off on a mission on his own. He successfully destroyed a weapons outpost and communication relay between the Emanian troops on Cathair and their home world. He failed to return. He has not contacted us, nor can we contact him. We’re not registering his fighter on any of our equipment. It has apparently been destroyed. We believe him dead.

    Kairi paled whiter than the dress she wore. Jono?

    Is dead. Tiana sobbed. I’m sorry! I would have stopped him! He used one of his weapons on me so I fell unconscious! I told him not to go, but he wouldn’t ask anyone else to go! He knew it might turn out this way!


    Rah-lie waved her hand, and the screen went blank as Tiana buried her face in her hands.

    * * * * *

    Rah-lie knelt before Kairi. My Lady...

    He’s dead... He can’t be dead.

    I’m sorry, My Lady. Rah-lie wrapped her arms around Kairi to let the heartbroken woman cry upon her shoulder. But his loss could be our gain. If what Tiana said was true, the war might be over soon.

    A woman ran into the room. High Chancellor, Our Lady! We have just received word from the front lines!

    What is it? asked Rah-lie.

    News from the space frontier. We managed to destroy the weapons outpost. They can’t re-supply their fighters. Apparently, they lost communications when the outpost went down. Their fighters are disorganized. News from the battlefront on the ground however doesn’t look so promising. The enemy soldiers outnumber our troops severely. They’ve requested additional assistance.

    Kairi choked off a sob.

    My Lady? The woman looked at Kairi with worried eyes.

    Don’t. Rah-lie held up her hand to silence the woman. If you need to cry, My Lady, please do so. I will watch over you.

    Kairi hid her face with her hands as she cried in earnest. In between fitful sobs, she said, Leave me... I must decide what to do.

    If that is your wish, but please, My Lady, do not make any hasty decisions. Rah-lie rose. She guided the other woman away from the queen.

    I am dying without you, Jono, whispered Kairi wiping her eyes and looking forward with dull golden eyes, My people need me now. We need this war to end, but I will not be able to help them much longer. Still... there might be something I can do. She placed her hand upon her round belly. Forgive me, my child, but I cannot live without a heart.

    A loud gasp of pain from Kairi’s lips caused Rah-lie to rush back into the room. My Lady!

    Rah-lie... I think I’m going into labor!

    We must get you to the medical wing! exclaimed Rah-lie. She held Kairi to her side and helped her from the room.

    Kairi wheezed and gasped in pain as they walked down the halls and entered the medical wing, and Rah-lie supported her the entire way. Our Lady is in labor!

    Several women rushed to Kairi’s side and helped her towards a bed where she would deliver her child into the world. They fussed with getting her out of her beautiful dress and into a hospital gown. They helped Kairi into the bed and proceeded with their preparations for childbirth. Forgive me, My Lady, but you are in for a rough few hours.

    Rah-lie watched Kairi lie on the bed, and she blinked a few times when she saw the shine from the ruler’s silver hair fade to look like plain gray. Her eyes widened as understanding filled them, and she silently gasped. The child must be delivered now! The delivery taxes Our Lady too greatly!

    Rah-lie, I beseech upon you to become Goddess-mother for my baby. Kairi looked at Rah-lie with pleading eyes.

    I thank you for the honor, My Lady.

    I feel myself growing weaker. We will need to cut the child out, said Kairi quietly.

    The chief doctor looked at Rah-lie for permission even as the nurses and other doctors rushed around to prepare for the operation.

    Do so! ordered Rah-lie.

    Avec ma vie, j’expulse l’armie d’Emania, whispered Kairi, Partez de Cathair. Pendant que mon enfant vit ici, vous ne retournez jamais. ‘With my life, I banish the Emanian army from Cathair. While my child lives here, they shall not come.’

    Rah-lie remained out of the way and watched the operation with a heavy heart. She saw the life literally draining away from Kairi, and it pained her to know she could do nothing to save her best friend. She jumped when a baby’s cry echoed throughout the room.

    Maintenant je meurs. ‘With this, I die,’ whispered Kairi closing her eyes. Her body fell lax against the bedding as the last remnants of her spirit departed her body.

    Our Lady departed.

    Rah-lie stepped forward. Give me the child.

    Just one moment, High Chancellor, said the doctor holding the child, A brief examination of the boy is required.

    Boy? Rah-lie looked faint as she said the word.

    The doctor completed the examination and wrapped the newborn in a warm blanket before passing him to Rah-lie.

    Rah-lie rocked the baby in her arms and she whispered, Oubliiez le fils de Kairi, mais rappelez la fille de Kairi. ‘Forget Kairi’s son, but remember Kairi’s daughter.’

    The doctors all shook their heads slightly.

    I don’t know what the baby will be called, so we’ll have to finish filling out the birth certificate later, said Rah-lie.

    That will be fine, High Chancellor. We can fill out the little girl’s other information and just wait for the name, said the doctor.

    A trill of excitement rushed through Rah-lie’s body. She looked into the sleepy golden eyes. Yes. I will call the High Council together to decide upon a name.

    The doctor nodded.

    We will also make the arrangements for Our Lady, said Rah-lie carrying the baby out of the medical wing. Her green eyes twinkled as she looked at the child. Did you help me do that, or was it your mom?

    A maid stepped out of one of the rooms up the hallway from Rah-lie.

    Maiden, I need your assistance.

    High Chancellor, said the maid bowing her head.

    Kindly fetch the other members of the High Council. I need to speak to them in the Council Chambers immediately.

    Many of them are still away.

    I understand that. I only need you to bring the four who remain to the chambers, said Rah-lie, I myself will be there as soon as I get some milk for this child.

    The maid looked up with wide eyes. Child?

    Rah-lie smiled and held the baby so the maid could see.

    Beautiful, whispered the maid with a slight smile.

    Now, go. Please, and hurry, said Rah-lie, It is quite urgent I speak to the others.

    The maid nodded and lifted her skirts as she ran down the hall.

    Rah-lie hurried to the kitchen where cooks and kitchen maids scurried around. I need milk for the baby.

    Is that...? One of the cooks rushed to get a bottle, which had been made available in preparation for Kairi’s child, and he made up a bottle of warm milk.

    We will need to have milk readily available at all times, said Rah-lie.

    Understood, said a cook.

    The cook tending the bottle tested it on his wrist to make sure it was no warmer than the milk straight from a mother’s breast and passed it to Rah-lie. There you are.

    Thank you, said Rah-lie holding the bottle to the baby’s mouth as she left the kitchen. She walked carefully mindful of the bundle in her arms on her way to the Council Chambers, and she entered to the sound of the voice announcing her presence. One look around showed the four Chancellors already in their seats. Thank you all for coming on such short notice. Everyone gather close.

    Everyone moved to form a small circle around Rah-lie.

    I do not know where to begin. Rah-lie sighed.

    We have received news from the front lines. They can’t re-supply their space fighters, and their communications are down. Their fighters are flying blind. The battlefront on the ground sent us a new report in the past few minutes. The Emanians are retreating. They’re heading to their ships and evacuating the planet. Our commanders have no idea why. They requested additional assistance a short while ago.

    In addition to that, Tiana spoke to Our Lady and I... She informed us Our Gentle Lord passed away in battle. He caused the communications failure by destroying the weapons outpost. Rah-lie took short, rapid breaths as she tried to prevent the tears from welling up in her eyes. The news of his death caused two things to happen. First of all, Our Lady went into labor. This is her child I carry. She asked me to be Goddess-mother for it, and I accepted. Secondly, she died of grief.

    Someone gasped. She’s dead?

    Yes, but there is more, said Rah-lie.


    I heard Our Lady whispering in the medical wing, said Rah-lie rushing to speak everything as fast as she could, She was casting a spell to repel the Emanian army. They can’t return while this child remains on our world. She didn’t get the opportunity to see the baby before she passed away. But the doctors did, although they don’t believe what they saw. As I held the child, I whispered some words in the Arcane language. The baby is a boy, but because of the words I spoke, the doctors believe it is a girl. I can’t explain how my speaking the language was able to activate the spell. Perhaps it was because of Our Lady’s death in the same room just seconds before or the child in my arms at the time, but the spell was cast.

    So we have a boy whose birth certificate will say female?

    Yes, said Rah-lie simply.

    That could work to our advantage. We needed a daughter to succeed the throne. Now we have one. Only the five of us know the truth. We will raise the baby as a girl, give it a girl’s name, and arrange a marriage with a girl baby that will be raised as a boy instead. It is deceitful, but it is a plan that could work well for us.

    I must admit, I was thinking a bit of the same when I said the words, said Rah-lie.

    I don’t think the name should be female... at least, not solely female. A name that would be fitting for either gender.

    Do you have something in mind? Rah-lie looked at the white robed Chancellor who’d spoken.

    Morn, perhaps, to symbolize the untimely death of its parents. Wind, Rain, Storm... all would be appropriate. Maybe even Morgan or Raven.

    A different white robed woman wiped a tear from her eye. Aerin. It’s what I always wished to name my child, before I found out I could not conceive.

    Aerin it is then, said Rah-lie smiling at the baby in her arms, You will be the prettiest girl in our world, Aerin. She has the Divine Mark on her shoulder. She shifted positions of the baby and pulled down the edge of the blanket to show them the unique, magical mark. A circle representing Goddess Arianrhod’s Silver Wheel. A pair of wings spread out from the circle to represent Goddess Blodwin’s owl. A five pointed star to represent Goddess Morrigu’s magick. And the crescent moon crown, which represents Goddess Cerridwen. This will ease our people’s minds during the announcement ceremony. Aerin has been chosen by the Goddesses.

    I can prepare the announcement ceremony, said one woman.

    The rest of us will work on the funeral arrangements then, and hopefully the rest of the High Council will be back with us soon so we can decide what to do for leadership until Aerin is ready to rule, said Rah-lie.

    Chapter One

    Dispute Moon 26, Galactic Year 4528

    Loud music poured through the doorway as the female bouncer allowed the nineteen-year-old boy to step into the dance club. She shouted to make her voice heard, Have a good time tonight, Riku, and don’t stay out too late or your Lady will beat you!

    I never stay out too late. The boy, who called himself Riku, flashed a smile at the woman and ducked inside the room. His ponytail of long black hair flew behind him like a banner. He walked into the dance club and headed straight towards the bar. He saw a familiar face serving up drinks, and he waved as he neared him. Hey, Frankie!

    The bartender looked up at the calling of his name. He glared at Riku. Can’t you read, Riku? The nametag says Frank!

    But your mother named you Frankie, said Riku with a grin as he slid onto a stool. His blue eyes sparkled in the soft white lights of the bar area. I’ll have my usual, if you please.

    So true. Frankie placed a glass filled with dark liquid in front of Riku.

    Thank you, Frankie. Riku slipped a small coin from somewhere on his person and flipped it at Frankie.

    Frankie caught the flipping coin in midair. He smiled and patted Riku’s hand when it reached for the glass. Be careful out there tonight. Some new ships arrived this past week, and we’ve been having a bit of trouble with some of their crewmembers.

    Damn. Sorry to hear it. I’ll keep on my guard as best I can. Riku lifted the glass at last and took a small sip before slamming it back and drinking it all.

    Buy me a drink, handsome? asked a woman in a black leather miniskirt and black leather bustier as she slid onto the stool beside Riku. She rubbed Riku’s bare arm with her gloved hands and smiled slyly.

    Riku stood and pulled a small brass coin from a hidden pocket on his black-dyed deer-hide pants. He passed it to Frankie. For the lady’s drink.

    Frankie nodded and placed a glass in front of the woman, filling it with a pink liquid from a bottle he took from beneath the counter.

    Thanks, sweetheart. Have a seat and chat with me for awhile. What’s your name anyway?

    My name is Riku. The boy sat back down on his stool. And what might you be called, beautiful lady?

    The woman’s cheeks turned the barest shade of pink. Everyone calls me Captain, but you, sweet Rickie can call me yours.

    My name is Riku, and I would never presume to call anyone I just met mine, Captain. Riku stared at the empty glass in front of him. He closed his eyes as a new song blasted out from the stage area behind him.

    The woman placed her hand on Riku’s thigh and played with one of the buckles that lined up and down each of his legs. Oh, come now, Rickie... what are you, a boy or a man?

    Riku opened his eyes and glared at the woman beside him. He stood abruptly. For your information, Captain. I am whoever and whatever I want to be whenever and wherever I wish to be it. Now if you would kindly excuse me, I hear the music calling my name.

    Captain, I will only ask you this once, said Frankie as Riku moved away from the bar, Do not touch Riku. Or you might not have any hands to touch anything ever again. He’s out of bounds, even for you.

    The shimmering silver-white muscle shirt caught the lights from the ceiling making Riku glow as he approached the dance floor. He took one tentative step onto the lighted tiles of the designated area, and the rhythm immediately took control of his body. The blood pounded in his veins. He shook his hips as he followed the pattern of the flickering on and off tiles on the floor to the center of the dance floor.

    One of the band members on the stage noticed Riku dancing in his traditional spot by himself, and he gave a signal to someone he couldn’t see. Then a prism-split light landed on Riku while he danced, and his one man show began.

    Riku opened his eyes, and for a moment, the light reflecting off them looked gold. He lowered his gaze and focused only on his dancing. He ignored the touches of other people’s hands and bodies against his own. In all his time coming to this bar at the edge of the Space Port, the other people who chose to dance on the same floor as him never once bothered him. Nothing felt different at that moment... only tomorrow was different.

    A hand landed softly on Riku’s back and remained there even as he shifted his shoulders back and forth in a silent attempt to dislodge the other person from him.

    Riku’s eyes flashed angrily as he spun in a circle and caught the woman in his arms. For a moment, his gaze traveled down the length of her body, over the skin-tight, bust-revealing shirt, ultra-short shorts, and high-heeled boots, but then he looked into her sea-green eyes.

    I’m Aqua! Care to dance? The woman smiled.

    Riku shrugged his shoulders. I’m already dancing.

    Aqua threw an arm around Riku’s neck and sidled up close to him. She rubbed her body suggestively against him. What’s your name, angel?

    My name is Riku, and I’m certainly no angel, said Riku smirking at Aqua.

    Aqua slid down Riku’s body and placed a quick kiss to the front of his pants before standing up again and spinning to rub her back and butt against Riku’s chest and groin. She grabbed Riku’s hands and placed them on her large breasts. Oh, yeah, Riku.

    Riku tried his damnedest not to blush as he touched the woman. He squeezed her breasts and massaged them for a moment. He spoke directly into Aqua’s ear, So what exactly possessed you to have your breasts enhanced? Weren’t they good enough for you the way nature intended them to be?

    Aqua spun around and looked at Riku with wide, shocked eyes. You... you... you...

    Yes, I can tell your breasts are fake, and you obviously rate your own self-worth in terms of your body.

    You bastard! Aqua glared at Riku and swung her hand to slap him.

    Never insult my father! Riku grabbed Aqua’s hand before it made contact. You’re not even half the woman my father was! My father was worth a thousand of you. You’re nothing at all. Now get out of my sight. He shoved Aqua away, stormed back over to the bar, and collapsed on a stool. Frankie, I need a drink!

    Frankie passed a glass to Riku. Now take that one slowly. I know there’s barely a spit of alcohol in that drink, but your mother would kill me if I let you get drunk.

    Riku calmed down in an instant and blushed slightly. Okay.

    A man stepped up to the bar and took the stool beside Riku. He turned violet eyes to the bartender as he brushed a strand of his black, shoulder-length hair away from his eyes. He placed a bronze coin on the counter. Drink.

    Frankie took one look at the man before speaking to him in a language unknown to Riku. He nodded his head and poured an amber colored liquid into a large glass. He passed the glass over before placing a few small brass coins on the bar in front of him.

    Riku sipped his drink for a few moments as he listened to the music.

    So, how is your mother, Riku? asked Frankie, She still single?

    Yeah. Riku smiled. Do you want me to put in a good word for you?

    Frankie chuckled. Nah. I don’t think a real genteel lady like your mother would be much good for me!

    My mom? Genteel? Who have you been talking to? asked Riku laughing. She’s a hard-assed bitch! Comes from being in the Warrior Caste, I think.

    I didn’t say she was gentle. I said she was genteel... sophisticated. Frankie rolled his eyes. Learn the language, kid.

    Why bother? asked Riku downing the last gulp of his drink, You’ll just explain it all to me if I ask anyway! Thanks for the drink. He stood up, pulled out a small brass coin, and set it on the bar. He waved and turned back towards the dance floor. He reached the center as a new song begun. He danced to the heavy beat of the song, waving his hands in the air above his head.

    A blond haired man fell into step with Riku and copied the teenager’s dance movements. Would you like to dance with me?

    Riku eyed the man for a moment and shrugged. He wrapped one arm around the blond’s neck and danced close to him. He didn’t voice any complaints about the other man’s hands rubbing him in suggestive ways as they moved and swayed to the music, nor did he even notice the countless people watching him bump

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