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Kisara's Lament (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #2
Kisara's Lament (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #2
Kisara's Lament (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #2
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Kisara's Lament (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #2

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Introducing Kisara, Pop Idol Extraordinaire...

And her alter-ego Keith Johnson, songwriter for the hottest young acts in the music industry...

Six months after breaking up with her boyfriend and dropping out of the music industry's spotlight, Pop Idol Kisara returns with an astonishing new album starring songs about her Bad Breakup. Kisara still hasn't moved on, and her dual identities of straight female singer and gay male songwriter are taking their toll on her mind and body. She longs for the love she left behind, but she's tired of hiding behind a veil of feminine lace. Can her heart heal without shattering her mind? Or will her last song really be Kisara's Lament...?

Nicholas Hargreave lost his heart and soul when Kisara left him. Unable to get over her but still unwilling to reveal the reason they broke up to begin with, he must breakthrough the barriers preventing him from a life filled with love.

Kisara's "cousin" and songwriter, Keith Johnson has secrets of his own, including the love affair that ended Kisara and Nick's relationship.

In the heart of every girl exists a princess. Deep within the hearts of some boys lives the heart of a girl. Tales of these boys are known as the Princess Chronicles...

Release dateFeb 28, 2013
Kisara's Lament (The Princess Chronicles): The Princess Chronicles, #2

Desirée de L’éncrée

Desirée de L'éncrée is a freelance writer, editor, and active participant in National Novel Writing Month. She started writing short stories at age ten and joined a local writing group during high school to further her skills. She has been an avid reader of yaoi fiction for the past decade and eventually tried her hand writing it. When she came up with the idea of a romance between a disguised Princess and Pirate, she incorporated her Wiccan belief system into the principles and practices making up their worlds. She's currently the mother of two dogs who own her more than she owns them.

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    Kisara's Lament (The Princess Chronicles) - Desirée de L’éncrée

    Chapter One – The Ghost in the Clock Tower

    cleff note

    October 1999

    Heavy fog veiled the campus, and the almost full moon did little to assuage it.  Not even the chilly wind could break through the barrier of low-flying clouds.  The streetlights caused the night sky to glow eerily.  In the midst of it all, a white figure, a woman by the way the gown fluttered in the wind, floated through the mist.  As the apparition approached, the streetlights flickered before darkening, only to rekindle themselves once the apparition passed beyond the span of their gentle glow.

    The white woman glided through the fog and ascended the stairs into the clock tower, disappearing behind the closing door and reappearing all too quickly upon the observation deck.  A wrought iron railing ran the distance around the observation deck, residing right beneath the four massive clocks marking the cardinal directions.  On a day or night without fog, the clock tower could be seen from anywhere on campus, and from the observation deck, the whole of campus and the entirety of the surrounding city could also be viewed, but with the fog, very little could be seen and even less identified.

    A single white arm rose towards the sky, and an eerie sound broke through the stillness of the night.  The wailing of both wind and woman sang together in near perfect harmony as the clocks above her ticked through the night...


    Blond hair whipped around Keith Johnson’s face once he removed the motorcycle helmet he wore and passed it to his friend.  Thanks for the ride from work.  I can’t believe my stupid manager scheduled me right up until class time.  I told her I couldn’t work that late!  Anyway, I can’t chat now.  I have to run, but call me later and we’ll get together for pizza.

    Sure thing, buddy...

    Keith hoisted his bag of books further onto his back as he ran off in the direction of the math and science building.  He’d yet to discover his true calling, so for the moment he chose to get through his general education courses and hoped something jumped out as the perfect job for him.  He rushed towards the building where his early afternoon class would take place, and he looked down at his watch.  Too focused on the hands of the clock, he didn’t even see another man step out of a nearby building right in front of him.  He crashed into the black haired man and yelped as they both tumbled to the ground in a tangled heap of intertwined limbs.

    Damn it, you pathetic, worthless mutt!  Can’t you even watch where you’re going? screamed the brunet disentangling himself so he could shove the blond away.  He rubbed his head where he’d hit it upon the stone walkway and sat up slowly.

    Oh, God.  I’m so sorry.  I wasn’t watching.  Are you...?  Keith looked over at the brunet and his voice trailed off as he saw the venomous blue gaze glaring back at him.  His own honey brown eyes turned hard and angry as he saw whom exactly he’d trampled into the ground.  Hargreave, you freaking bastard, don’t you dare fucking call me a mutt!

    I will call you whatever I wish, mutt.  You ran over me, not the other way around.  Nicholas Hargreave sneered as he gathered his books together and rose to his feet.  He looked down his nose at Keith still sprawled upon the ground.  Besides, you look good that way, sitting on the ground at the feet of your betters...

    Keith surged upwards and swung his fist at Nicholas.  Just because you’re the heir to some fucking oil tycoon’s money doesn’t mean you’re any better than me.  You’ve never had to work a day in your life, and you wouldn’t even know how to do a hard day’s work!  Don’t you dare tell me you’re better than me...

    Nicholas dodged the blow easily and tripped Keith with his leg; the blond tumbled face first into the stone.  "I don’t need to tell you I’m better than you.  Everyone can tell I’m better than you just by looking at the two of us.  I have class.  You are trash.  I have money.  You’re a beggar.  You can’t even stand up on your own two feet.  You’re simply pathetic..."

    Keith pushed himself up onto his hands and knees and rubbed the dirt from his face as his eyes watered both from pain and from the cruel words of the other.  Though if anyone asked, he’d claim allergies.  Bastard.

    You never learn, mutt.  You never learn.  Nicholas walked away, leaving Keith on the ground where he’d fallen.

    Keith pushed himself to his feet just as the chimes began to sound in the clock tower.  He spun in the direction of the giant clock and looked at the time.  He cursed as he turned again and ran in the direction of the math and science building.  Maybe if he hurried, he’d still get there before the teacher collected the homework.  Attendance to his math class didn’t matter, but the daily assignments did count as ten percent of his final grade.  He wove around the other students as they emerged from the various buildings after their classes, and he just barely managed to get into his classroom before the final chime sounded from the clock tower.  He dropped his assignment on the pile of papers already sitting on the teacher’s desk before making his way to an empty seat.


    Three friends emerged together from the main lecture hall and walked towards the dorm building on the edge of campus.  Each carried an armload of books although the topics of study on them varied.

    Hazel eyes squinted in the mid afternoon light, and their owner shifted the business management textbooks from his right arm to his left.  He pulled his sunglasses from his shirt pocket and fought with them for just a second to get them on his face.  So...  Did you hear?  She made her appearance again last night!

    The woman’s blue eyes rolled, and she sighed exaggeratedly.  Oh, come on, Dirk!  You don’t really believe in all that mumbo jumbo, do you?

    Dirk Collins, second year business student, turned his head towards the woman and stared at her in shock, his glare hidden behind his sunglasses.  Yes, I believe it, Erika!  The Ghost of the Clock Tower is a legend!  She appears at night on the observation deck and...

    And nothing!  First year dance student, Erika Wright rolled her eyes again.  She tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear only for it to fall forward again.  "She shows up, assuming we can actually believe the supposed witnesses, who are probably drunk by the way, and then nothing.  Just some spooky moaning which, by the way, is totally the wind and those witnesses’ imaginations or drunken mutterings!  That’s it.  There are no such things as ghosts..."

    That isn’t true...  Ghosts are real.  You just don’t believe in them because you’ve never seen one with your own eyes, snapped Dirk, But...

    There’s no sense arguing about it, said the other man tucking the stray strand of Erika’s hair behind her ear again.  Honestly, Dirk, you know Erika doesn’t believe in ghosts, and Erika, you know Dirk does.  Please, just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

    Erika glanced at her boyfriend from the corner of her eye, and a faint smile graced her lips.  Fine, Trent.  I’ll agree to disagree.

    Yeah.  Me too, mumbled Dirk, for now.

    Trent Mitchell, second year Veterinarian student, raised an eyebrow at Dirk.  Confusion shimmered in his green eyes.  What do you mean?  For now?

    "I’m going up there!  Tonight the moon will be full, and Clock Tower Ghost always appears when the moon is full.  I’ve got my camera ready, and I’m going up to the observation deck tonight.  I’ll take as many pictures of her as I can so some of them have to come out good!  Then you just have to wait for me to develop the pictures and you’ll see...  You’ll see her in all her ethereal glory.  Dirk smiled.  It’ll be great..."

    You’re going to take pictures of a ghost? asked Trent, Tonight?  Are you sure?  Couldn’t that be dangerous?  What if she’s... you know, unstable?  She could fling you off the observation deck.  I’ve heard about ghosts being able to affect solid matter around them despite them being non corporeal.

    I’ll be okay.  She isn’t violent.  She’s not a banshee, said Dirk, So there’s nothing to worry about.

    Then I’m going with you.  Trent smiled.  Just in case...

    You can’t do that.  I’m going up to the observation deck early, and I’m going to hide up there.  There aren’t a lot of places to hide up there, so the more people who go up there, the easier it would be for her to see us.  She might not want to stay around for photos then, said Dirk.  I don’t know, but she just seems to be a bit of a shy ghost...

    All right, all right, you’ve convinced me.  I won’t intrude on your romantic interlude with the ghost, but you have to call me before you leave your dorm room and as soon as you get back to it.  Okay? asked Trent.

    Dirk blushed.

    I’ll just take Erika out to dinner tonight...

    Yes, you will!  We already had plans to do that, and I was not about to just let you cancel on me, scolded Erika.  Then she winked at Trent.  Except for a really good reason.  So you’d better be okay, Dirk.  If he has to leave our dinner to come rescue you...

    Dirk laughed.  Don’t worry.  If he has to come rescue me, well...

    I’ll see you later, said Erika turning down a different path and heading towards the women’s dorm building.

    Do you really think you’ll get pictures of the ghost girl? asked Trent continuing towards the men’s dorm building with Dirk.

    Yeah.  I’m just hoping they turn out.  Photographing the paranormal isn’t an exact science you know.  There’s no telling what the ectoplasm ghosts are made of will do to film, but I know I’ll get pictures of Clock Tower Ghost.  Hey, maybe I’ll even find out her real name so we can stop calling her Clock Tower Ghost or ghost girl!

    Trent simply smiled and shook his head slightly.  I wish you all the best.

    Thanks.  Let’s hope I don’t need it.  I know she isn’t dangerous, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t camera shy...

    Trent nodded as they entered the building.

    We have a little time before I need to go there.  Do you want to hang out and play some video games?

    Shouldn’t you be studying for the test next week?

    Isn’t that what late-night cramming is for?

    I’ll drop off my books and meet you in your room.  Trent turned to walk down the hallway to his first floor room while Dirk headed towards the elevator.


    The phone rang, and Keith shot a glare in its direction from his position sitting at his desk.  He set down his pencil.

    I’ll get the phone, said Trent climbing down the ladder from the upper bunk, It’s probably just Erika anyway.

    Aren’t you meeting her for dinner in a couple hours? asked Keith opening his desk drawer to pull out a Ziploc bag of homemade trail mix.

    Yeah...  Trent blushed as he picked up the phone.  Trent.

    Keith pretended not to hear the voice on the other end of the phone.  Even though the dorm room he shared with his best friend barely had enough room for them to breathe sometimes, he tried to give the other as much privacy as he could, but he couldn’t help noticing the voice didn’t sound very feminine.  He opened his bag and pulled out some nuts and dried fruit to stick in his mouth; the sound of his chewing being just enough to cover up the conversation behind him.  He lifted his pencil again and resumed work on his newest math assignment.

    All right.  I’ll talk to you later.  Trent hung up the phone.

    Erika worried about what to wear?

    Oh, no...  Well, probably, but that wasn’t her.  That was Dirk.  He heard about Clock Tower Ghost appearing again last night, and he’s gone off on a ghost kick again.

    Keith chuckled.  He’s a moron.  I can’t believe he really thinks the college clock tower is haunted.  Honestly, why would a ghost haunt a clock tower anyway?

    "I can kind of see his point.  If ghosts really do exist, and if a woman had been so traumatized by something that she would throw herself from the observation deck to commit suicide, then I could see how it might be possible for her spirit to get stuck there.  Maybe even reliving her final moments night after night, said Trent sitting down on the edge of Keith’s bed instead of climbing back up to his own.  Or if she hadn’t jumped and someone had pushed her to her death... if the person who killed her never met justice..."

    But these are all ifs, said Keith pulling out another small handful of his food and sticking it in his mouth.

    True, but he seems intent on discovering if she’s real or not, agreed Trent, So, what are your plans for tonight?

    I’m just going to work on some homework and grab a bite to eat from the cafeteria.  Do you want me to clear out so you can have some alone time with Erika?

    No.  That’s okay.  It’s your room too, and I don’t want to impose on you like that.  Besides, I really like her, and I don’t want to push the relationship.  It’s hard enough going from friends to lovers.  I don’t want to risk putting sex into the equation just yet.

    Offer’s open whenever you change your mind, or when she makes up your mind for you, said Keith, Just place a hangar on the outside doorknob.  If I see it, I won’t come back that night.  Now shouldn’t you get ready for your date?  You’re taking her to that fancy joint, aren’t you?

    Trent got up and walked to the closet, sliding the door open so he could look for his clothes and toiletry bag.  Yeah.  Real suit and tie affair tonight.  She wanted to try French cuisine at least once, and it is our one-month anniversary.

    Give me a good old fashion pizza any day!

    I’m right there with you, Keith, but who knows, I might enjoy this fancy food too... for special occasions only.  Trent pulled out his black suit and his bag of toiletries.  I’m going to head out to get ready now.  I’ll see you later.

    Keith smiled as his best friend headed out of the room.


    Dirk lugged his heavy backpack up the clock tower stairs to the observation deck, and he gazed out over the campus and town for a moment.  He settled his backpack against one of the brick walls supporting the massive clocks overhead, and he opened it up.  Removing a pillowed cushion and blanket from inside, he positioned himself where he wouldn’t be seen from the stairs.  He laid out everything he’d need so it would be handy when the Clock Tower Ghost did arrive, and he leaned back to read his book, munch on the chips and sandwiches he’d packed for his dinner, and drink the hot coffee from his thermos.

    Dirk’s eyelids began to droop as he finished reading his first book and pulled out his second.  He yawned and drank more coffee to try to reawaken his sleepy senses.  Dusk settled around him, and his book fell from his fingers as he drifted to sleep...

    Dirk awoke with a jolt, and his hazel eyes scanned the area around him looking for the source of the sound.  He rubbed his eyes and listened intently.  Music, soft music, filled the air of the observation deck.  He couldn’t see where it came from, but it sounded familiar to him, like something he might have heard before though he couldn’t place where.  A glimmer of white caught his eye, and he snatched up his camera.  He looked at the figure through the viewfinder.

    The white robe fluttered in the slight breeze, and the light from the full moon reflected upon the fabric to give it an ethereal glow.  The white enshrouded arms spread out before the figure, and words emerged from beneath the white hood.  A song, in an eerily calm woman’s voice, echoed around the observation deck.

    Dirk snapped a picture.

    The ghost spun around after the camera flashed and stared at the young man half lying on the floor.  A wisp of blond hair escaped from beneath the hood.  What...?

    OMG!  Dirk lowered the camera.  His jaw dropped, and he scrambled to his feet.  You... you... you’re the Clock Tower Ghost?

    The hooded figure spun around without a word, scooped up the CD player from the floor, and ran for the stairs.

    Dirk stood in shock, even as he saw the white streak fleeing across the campus.  He sunk down onto his cushion again.  He couldn’t believe it...  The ghost...  He knew the person disguising himself as the Clock Tower Ghost, but why?  Why would his friend pretend to be a ghost, appearing at the clock tower in the middle of the night?  It didn’t make any sense.  And why was there music?

    For several long moments, only the gentle ticking of the clocks above him could be heard as Dirk tried to figure out what he’d just seen and experienced.  He looked at his watch and gasped when he noticed how late it had gotten.  The clocks didn’t chime after ten at night, for the sanity of those students living in the nearby dorms, so there hadn’t even been that sound to awaken him from his stupor.  He took a few minutes to pack up everything he’d brought with him, and he pulled his backpack onto his shoulders before heading down the stairs and making his way towards the dorm building.  Confusion reigned in his mind, and he didn’t know what to do or expect.  Should he confront the ghost in the daylight, or should he pretend he hadn’t been on the observation deck late at night?  What would his friend say?

    As he entered his dorm room, Dirk noticed his bunkmate already asleep, but he’d promised to call Trent.  He lowered his backpack to the floor as quietly as he could and stashed it in the closet.  He picked up the phone and dialed the extension to Trent and Keith’s dorm room.  His breath caught in his throat as the line picked up, but he breathed a sigh of relief when Trent’s voice spoke.  It’s Dirk.  I... uh...  I didn’t see anything...  Yeah.  Maybe you’re right.  Maybe she’s too shy...  Anyway, get some sleep.  I’ll see you in class tomorrow...  Night.

    Everything okay? mumbled the young man on the top bunk as Dirk hung up the phone.

    Yeah.  Sorry to disturb you.  Go back to sleep, okay?

    Mmm...  Okay.

    Dirk took off his clothes and crawled into bed in just his underwear.  He pulled the blankets over himself and closed his eyes, but the image of the ghost kept appearing before his eyes.  Sleep didn’t come to him easily, and when he finally did fall, his dreams revolved around the ghost who he called a friend.  He woke up exhausted, and he dressed on autopilot.  He grabbed the books for his morning classes and headed out to get a bite to eat.

    Keith spotted Dirk the second he entered the cafeteria, and he rose from his chair with his cup of coffee.  He walked toward his friend.  Hey, Dirk...

    Dirk turned towards the sound, and his

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