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Suitor's Challenge
Suitor's Challenge
Suitor's Challenge
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Suitor's Challenge

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An Adult Faery Tale -

In the far away land of Sol, King Polaris tires of his (bisexual) son refusing all suitors who come to call, and he demands his son pick one. Crown Prince Regulus wants to marry for love and doesn't want to be forced to marry so he sets a challenge for his suitors and all the people in his kingdom.

Along with his best friend, Duke Orion, and escorted by members of the elite Royal Guard known as the Blade Sisters, Lady Havana and Lady Syria, Regulus hides hundreds of iron eggs, each with a coin locked inside except for one special egg holding the prince's signet ring. Regulus declares he will marry whoever brings the egg containing the ring back to him.

With his father temporarily appeased by the prospected challenge, Regulus finds himself free to look for the one person who he can love above all others and who might possibly be able to love him as a person and not a Prince. When he comes across the woodcutter, Ashe, and his sister, Holly, he thinks one of them just might be the right one to love.

Let the egg hunt begin!

Release dateMar 7, 2014
Suitor's Challenge

Desirée de L’éncrée

Desirée de L'éncrée is a freelance writer, editor, and active participant in National Novel Writing Month. She started writing short stories at age ten and joined a local writing group during high school to further her skills. She has been an avid reader of yaoi fiction for the past decade and eventually tried her hand writing it. When she came up with the idea of a romance between a disguised Princess and Pirate, she incorporated her Wiccan belief system into the principles and practices making up their worlds. She's currently the mother of two dogs who own her more than she owns them.

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    Suitor's Challenge - Desirée de L’éncrée

    Suitor’s Challenge

    Desirée de L’éncrée

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Desirée de L’éncrée

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Special thanks to:

    My editor Kate

    For disciplining me when I wanted to do things my way instead of the right way…

    For believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself…

    For pushing me to strive for bigger and better things

    And for putting up with me through countless edits…

    I dedicate this book to every adult who still believes in faery tales.

    Suitor’s Challenge

    Desirée de L’éncrée

    Chapter One

    Spring: the Year of the Nebula…

    Moans filled the bedroom as the two slick bodies moved together in an age-old dance.

    Yes! Yes! Right there! Harder! Highness, please! Harder!

    Such a demanding little kitten…

    Please, Highness! So good… Harder!

    Very well then, since you beg so beautifully. Crown Prince Regulus literally slammed his manhood into the willing body below him.

    Yes! The young man threw his head back and screamed as wave after wave of sexual bliss coursed through his body.

    With nothing more than a simple moan, Regulus deposited his seed deep into the bowels of the other man. He slid his satiated cock out and rolled away. He didn’t care what his lover wanted him to do next. He rose from bed and walked to his washbasin.

    The young man in bed, a lesser Prince from a neighboring kingdom, looked over at Regulus’s firm backside and moaned wantonly. Highness, come back to bed for another round.

    Regulus rolled his hazel eyes and washed his face first. Did you enjoy it that much?

    Of course! There’s one thing for certain. When you marry my sister, you’ll definitely be able to please her in bed. Your skill at love making is certainly as great as your kingdom, Highness!

    When I marry your sister?

    The other man sat up in bed for just a moment before rising and walking up behind Regulus. His hand stroked one butt cheek before sliding into the crack to rub the puckered opening. When you marry my sister, I’ll be able to come visit you frequently. She is, after all, my beloved little sister. Once she’s pregnant with your child, I’ll visit every week to service your sexual needs since she will be less than able to do so.

    It doesn’t bother you to know you’d be sleeping with the same man as your sister? asked Regulus as he washed his chest and arms.

    Not at all. She is my sister. We have shared much over the years. His second hand reached around to fondle the heavy sacks at the base of Regulus’s penis. Now come back to bed, and I’ll show you the kind of lover I can be…

    Unfortunately I don’t have time. I’m meeting your sister for afternoon tea in the garden.

    I could wait here for you and keep the bed warm. Tea with my sister couldn’t possibly take longer than an hour or two…

    Regulus removed the hand from his genitals and washed his groin before moving away to dress himself. Are you the one courting me or your sister?

    Zibal and I are a match set, Highness. You get us both…

    Kindly put your clothes on, Zuben, and be out of my room before I return, said Regulus buttoning up the final clasp on his double-breasted jacket. He pulled on his boots before leaving his room with all the superiority of the Crown Prince of Sol. He headed straight out to the garden where a table full of delicacies waited for him to partake.

    A dark-haired lady, with hair just as black as the man he’d left in his bedchambers, stood by the hydrangeas inhaling their aroma. She wore a dress of the finest silk in a fashion befitting of her desert homeland. She made no movement to acknowledge the arrival of her dining companion.

    Regulus cleared his throat. You look ravishing next to those flowers, Princess Zibal.

    The woman turned towards the sound of Regulus’s voice and smiled coquettishly. She gave him a low bow, which easily allowed Regulus to look down her top at her perky, unbound chest. Thank you, Your Highness. It is my will to please.

    Perhaps we shall see about that. Would you care to sit and enjoy afternoon tea with me?

    That would be very nice, Your Highness. Princess Zibal of the Desert Sand Kingdom batted her eyelashes at Regulus as she moved towards the table. I assume you have discussed the intricacies of our betrothal with my brother?

    Not exactly. We’ve gone over a few details, but we’ve certainly not covered everything. Not by a long ways. Regulus pulled out a chair for Zibal, and he narrowed his eyes when she didn’t immediately sit down upon it. Please, take a seat, Zibal.

    After you, Your Highness.

    Regulus refrained from rolling his eyes and took the seat himself. Sit where you’d like then.

    As you desire. In a flash of her sapphire blue clothing, Zibal lifted and parted her skirt to better enable her to straddle Regulus, and she sat down facing him. I would love to be your Queen, Your Highness. I can start right now.

    Regulus looked down at their nearly conjoined groins and the tan, hairless flesh pressed tightly against his tented pants. Tell, me, Zibal… The tan color of your flesh. Is that exotic color natural or is it caused by the harsh light of our Sunstar?

    Zibal’s cheeks pinkened ever so slightly. When we of the Desert Sand Kingdom are born, we are just as pale as the people of Sol, but we grow dark by grace of the Sunstar. I myself have lain beneath her light to give myself this golden glow. Does it please you, or would you prefer it if I let my color fade? I will do as you desire…

    As I desire? Have you no wishes of your own, Zibal?

    My wish is to please you, Highness. Zibal reached down in between their bodies and unbuttoned Regulus’s pants. She pulled out his flaccid cock and stroked it into semi-hardness. Will you allow me to fulfill my wish?

    Princess Zibal... A firm stroke brought him to full hardness, and his hips twitched in anticipation of their joining. Please me if you can, Princess.

    Zibal rose up just enough to take the hard cock into her already wet and loose opening, and she lowered herself down on him with a moan. She rose up again and dropped down, setting a pace for their intimate meeting.

    Explain the betrothal conditions for me, Princess. Regulus thrust up into her.

    Zibal smiled at Regulus. She lifted one of his hands and parted her shirt to press his palm against her well-endowed breast. Well, I am the oldest daughter, so I have a bountiful dowry to offer my husband... Jewels, horses, the rarest of silks... Not to mention exotic spices and foods. Our wedding feast will be absolutely fabulous.

    Regulus massaged the breast in his hand while his other gripped Zibal’s hip to guide her movements even if she didn’t need the assistance. I’m certain it would be a rare and beauteous treat fit for a king.

    Oh, yes, indeed. My family would not accept anything less than the best for my wedding day... Touch me just like that. Pinch my nipples... I would be dressed in the finest silk and lace, in a gentle white fabric befitting my purity. Zibal either ignored or didn’t see the raised eyebrow she received from that comment. The lace will be very strategically placed to reveal my most intimates to you and you alone. We will of course need to copulate before the ceremony, and perhaps even during... Oh, you are so large! You fill me right to the very core! I’ve never taken a man as powerful as you, not even my brother...

    You’ve been intimate with Zuben? Regulus squeezed her breast harshly.

    Oh, yes. He is a fine lover, but he’s not as good as you. Please, give him lessons, my darling! Zibal’s movements and thrusts increased, and she moaned loudly. She slammed down on Regulus’s manhood, and her entire body shook with her orgasm. Pleasure clouded her gaze as she slid her body off the still engorged cock.


    Is it wrong for me to have pleasured my brother? I have been doing it to learn how to properly please my future husband. I want to please you. Zibal knelt in front of Regulus and took his cock in her mouth. Her tongue moved in ways Regulus rarely felt upon his shaft, and he couldn’t help but lean back and enjoy the fruits of her incestuous training.

    Regulus moaned as he shot his seed down Zibal’s throat. He watched her lick and suck his entire cock clean of any trace of release.

    Zibal tucked his sated cock back into his pants and fastened them again. She continued to rub the shaft through the barrier of the cloth. You’ll be a most excellent husband for me, and once we’re married, I’ll give you plenty of children. If fact, my daughter will come live with us as a lady in waiting. She is Zuben’s child as well, a rare beauty even at her young age of five. His is the only seed I’ve taken to plant before marriage. No one else knows the child is my daughter except Zuben and the midwife I’ve taken on as her nurse. Our father only thinks the child is Zuben’s daughter. We hid my pregnancy so he wouldn’t be forced to recognize my training. Despite it being common practice, no one wants to hear of it. Zuben will come to visit often, of course. As heir to our kingdom, he won’t be permitted to stay here with us, but he will be an excellent lover to both of us when he can visit. He has amazing stamina, you’ll see... He can go for hours. He will be your unofficial husband, bound to you by your vows to me.

    "So in addition to you, I would receive a child you cannot claim as your own flesh and blood and, for lack of a better term, a mistress for both of us?"

    Yes. You would be amazed at what pleasures await you when you have both of us in your bed together. We have worked together to please both men and women.

    Princess Zibal, stop. Your actions displease me.

    Zibal removed her hands from his groin as if she’d been burned by his words. I don’t understand, Highness. Is my touch not pleasant? I’ve had no complaints so far…

    Kindly remove yourself from my person. You have greatly displeased me.

    Princess Zibal moved away from Regulus and looked at him with confusion and pain shimmering within her dark brown eyes. I don’t understand.

    Regulus stood and smoothed his clothing to look more presentable. He sighed. Then allow me to explain it to you, Zibal. You have just told me you’ve been with other men. You are dame to a child not my own, yet you expect me to allow this child to enter my home without you acknowledging the legitimacy of her parentage. You have lain, bare for all to see, beneath the light of the Sunstar. You have no desire for anything but the pleasure of your own body. You are as much a slut as your brother, and I will have nothing to do with either of you! I absolutely refuse to marry you. Now be gone from my palace and my kingdom! Return to your own home and never come back here again.

    You don’t want to marry me anymore?

    Zibal, you came here to introduce yourself to me and ask me to marry you. I refuse to accept your proposal. The situation is not that I don’t want to marry you anymore. The situation is that I did not wish to marry you in the first place, said Regulus.

    Anger blazed in Zibal’s eyes, and her hand moved of its own accord. Regulus’s cheek stung from where Zibal slapped him. She clenched her hands into fists to prevent herself from striking him again. How dare you! How dare you treat me in such a manner? You bed me, in a garden of all places, and then you refuse to become my husband? I would never wish to marry a pervert like you! She turned and walked briskly away.

    Regulus rubbed his cheek, and he sat back down at the table. Hey! Quit hiding back there and explain yourself. Isn’t it your duty to protect me?

    I’m sorry, Prince Regulus. A redheaded woman walked from behind a large fruit tree and gave him a quick bow. But I honestly didn’t realize you needed protection from a suitor so willing to jump into bed with you.

    You know she is not my type, Lady Havana. Now sit down and help me eat this food.

    I trust it doesn’t bother you if I don’t sit on your lap... The woman wore a leather pantsuit with a pair of daggers strapped to her thighs and another set in her knee high boots. She sat down across from Regulus with a smile. Another suitor gone. What was wrong with this one?

    She’s a slut and her brother’s an ass!

    Eyes the color of blood rolled with exasperation. You’re never going to find a wife if you remain this picky about your suitors.

    Good! I don’t want a wife, Havana. I hope I never find one. Regulus lifted the tongs and used them to place a myriad of finger sandwiches on his tiny plate.

    Your parents won’t be pleased about that. Lady Havana poured two cups of tea and passed one to Regulus. She, unlike Regulus, didn’t gain her noble title by birth alone. ‘Ladies’ weren’t true nobility; that title belonged to those of the elite royal guard.

    My parents… My parents won’t be happy until I have five hundred children roaming the palace! exclaimed Regulus lifting a sandwich to his mouth. They don’t care about what I want.

    That isn’t true, Highness.

    Yes, Havana. It is…

    Regulus! Havana slapped her hand down on the table and rattled the fine china.

    What? snapped Regulus. He glared at his long time protector and friend.

    Your parents love you, and they do care about what you want. They just don’t understand. How could they possibly understand what it is you want when you’ve never explained it to them? You need to tell them, or they’ll keep pressuring you to find a wife…

    Regulus sighed and shook his head. Maybe you’re right… I’ll try to explain it to them, and I hope they’ll understand it.

    Havana nodded. Now eat your food. I’m sure they’ll be summoning you soon to complain about you running off another suitor.

    Regulus groaned. Damn, and they’d been really hopeful about this girl too!

    They didn’t know she was an expensive whore.

    Regulus choked on a mouthful of tea and finally managed to swallow it. He glared at Havana. Are you trying to kill me? Don’t make me laugh when my mouth is full! That’s dangerous!

    Forgive me. That last comment was inexcusable… The smile on Havana’s lips couldn’t have been any less remorseful.

    But it was true. She just kept going on about her brother and me... I think she wanted me to bed him more than her! She simply had no dimension!

    Unless you count her chest.

    Laughter filled the garden as first Regulus and then Havana laughed about the desert Princess.


    Regulus walked into the audience chamber and approached the two thrones where his mother and father sat in all their finery. He knelt down and lowered his eyes respectfully. Mother. Father. You asked to see me?

    Yes, we did. The voice of Regulus’s mother came out quietly, barely louder than a whisper, but it echoed in the spaciousness of the room. The Queen sat stiffly in her throne with her hands crossed delicately over her lap. Her auburn hair, the same shade as Regulus’s neatly bound ponytail, draped over her shoulder except for the braided crown supporting the golden, feminine crown upon her head. Queen Cassiopeia of Sol perfectly represented the image of feminine beauty and mystique.

    On the other hand and throne, King Polaris looked every bit like the warrior-king his time on the battlefield had made him to be. A scar crossed over top his nose yet beneath his hazel eyes, a reminder of his last excursion on the front lines of combat. Upon his brow rested a golden crown.

    Regulus remained silent although he knew exactly why his parents summoned him to the audience chamber. He simply waited, kneeling before the thrones until one of them chose to speak. He wouldn’t get ahead of himself lest he say something to further annoy his parents. The last thing he wanted was for them to just arrange a marriage for him.

    His father broke the silence first. Polaris’s loud voice boomed, I trust you know why we asked you to come here.

    Yes, Father. I’ve refused another suitor who has come to call.


    Regulus flinched as the word echoed continuously for a few moments.

    Arise, Regulus, and come closer, said Cassiopeia gently.

    Regulus looked up at his father for confirmation. Polaris nodded his head although he remained looking grumpy and displeased. Regulus stood and walked up to stand right in front of his parents.

    Cassiopeia smiled slightly. Tell me, Regulus. What was wrong with this one?

    It might cause an international incident if I tell you the truth, Mother, said Regulus.

    Polaris clenched his hands into fists, and he grit his teeth together.

    Cassiopeia blinked a few times before her eyelids finally closed over her green eyes and remained shut. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips. You slept with her and didn’t enjoy it.

    Actually, I believe it’s worse than that. She’s a slut.

    Cassiopeia’s eyes snapped open, and she stared in shock at her eighteen year old son. Her mouth opened to speak, but no words could escape her.

    What? gasped Polaris.

    Through our conversations I learned of her having been with other men before. One of those men, in fact, her brother sired a child with her yet she somehow managed to hide the pregnancy from her family…

    That’s enough. You will say no more, and we’ll not acknowledge having heard what you have said. We will claim you simply had no attraction to her, said Polaris, That will suffice for her father.

    And it’s true too…

    I wasn’t finished, Regulus.

    I apologize, Father.

    We need to talk about your future, son. You need to find a woman and make her your wife. You are of age to marry, and it is time you chose. You’ve had dozens of suitors come to call since your birthday, but you have found fault with every one. Polaris sighed. Why are you being so stubborn?

    I don’t want a wife…

    The line of succession must be secured! You will need to have a child, and no child born out of wedlock will ever be recognized as a legitimate heir. You must find a wife, Regulus, pleaded Cassiopeia, It does not matter which noble you choose.

    Mother, please…

    Enough, Regulus! I tire of your stubborn refusals, said Polaris rising from his throne to tower over his son.

    Why is it being stubborn if I simply wait to fall in love? You, Father, fell in love with Mother, did you not? countered Regulus.

    Polaris looked at Cassiopeia and smiled lovingly at her when she rose to stand beside him. He sighed, and all the tension seemed to fade from his face. Yes, we did.

    Regulus, while it is true we did fall in love, it was after having been betrothed that we did so. Our fathers agreed shortly after my birth… Polaris and I would be married once I came of age, explained his mother in her soft voice, They allowed us to meet on several occasions growing up. We fell in love without realizing our love was designed by someone else. Then not even a year after we’d been married, you were born.

    We decided not to follow our parents’ path and would let you choose for yourself. Yet you try my patience!

    Regulus remained silent for a moment. What if, he started slowly, what if I set a challenge for my suitors? Some task to perform which would be difficult, but not impossible, to perform… I could have it be something that would search within a suitor for a specific trait or group of traits I find attractive.

    I have heard of this done in some of the lesser kingdoms, said Cassiopeia, One wretched Princess demanded her suitors make her a Dragon Egg omelet. To my knowledge, none have ever survived the trip to retrieve a Dragon Egg much less succeeded in cooking it for her.

    Don’t listen to your mother. That is a lousy idea…

    Cassiopeia glared at her husband, and fury flared in her eyes making them look almost an envious shade of jade.

    I meant about the Dragon Egg, Cassie!

    Cassiopeia abruptly turned her back on Polaris and crossed her arms over her chest. I am not speaking to you, Your Majesty!

    If you can come up with a suitable idea for a challenge, we will consider it, Regulus. Think it over well… Your mother and I only want you to be happy… Now, go… Go and think about what you want. Try to find a way to capture that, and return to talk to us when you know what you want to do, said Polaris before turning his attention to his upset wife. I’m sorry, Cassie… I just didn’t want him thinking a Dragon Egg omelet sounded tasty! I didn’t mean to upset you...

    Regulus left the audience chamber while his father tried to apologize to his mother, and he walked back to his bedchambers while he attempted to think of some challenge to appease his parents and still keep him un-betrothed. His eyes widened when he saw the damage done to his room.

    The bedding had been hacked and slashed to be completely unrecognizable. The table lay in broken pieces around the room, and the bookcase knocked over with books scattered everywhere. Not a single thing remained in its rightful position or untouched in any way.

    You really should learn not to piss off your lovers and leave them in your room, came a woman’s voice from behind Regulus.

    Regulus looked over his shoulder at the beautiful blond woman leaning against the wall opposite him. I don’t intentionally piss them off. It just… happens.

    The woman smirked. Her long blond hair cascaded over the bodice of her fashionable dress. Lady Syria, another member of the elite royal guard, looked at the room before speaking, I have already informed the servants of this latest debacle. They will have your room repaired before you retire for the evening.

    Thank you for your efficiency, Lady Syria. You have a remarkable talent there.

    It is my duty, Highness. If you care for it, the others are waiting for us down at the stables. It’s time for our daily ride.

    Yes. That sounds like just what I need right now, and perhaps you all could help me with my dilemma, said Regulus after thinking it over for a second. I could use some advice, and you know I trust very few people…

    I would say more that you trust none. I understand. If there is anything possible for me to do, I will assist you in any way I am able, said Syria nodding.

    Thank you. I will explain everything once we have joined the others, said Regulus closing the door to his room. He turned down the hall and walked with Syria trailing two steps behind him. Together, Syria and Regulus left the palace proper and made their way to the stables where four horses waited saddled and ready for a ride.

    Two people stood beside the horses.

    Thank you for finally joining us, Highness, Syria, said Havana, The horses are all ready for our ride. We’ve been waiting for you. Her clothing differed from the last time Regulus saw her. Now she wore a dress of similar fashion to Syria’s, and no signs of her weapons appeared upon her body. Where she kept them Regulus didn’t really want to know, but he knew she could summon them to her aid at a moment’s notice.

    The man nearby wore clothing befitting his status as the son of a provincial ruler. Duke Orion of Western Sol wore his brown hair longer than most men but not yet long enough to tie back in a ponytail like Regulus did. He clapped Regulus on the shoulder in greeting. I’m glad to see you’ve lost the dead weight, Regulus!

    Me too! Regulus happily greeted his best friend in the same manner. Let’s ride! I really need some fresh air…

    Orion nodded his agreement and passed a set of reins to Syria with a sexy smile. You look lovely as usual, Syria.

    You waste your compliments on me, Orion. Syria grabbed the saddle horn and swung herself up onto the horse’s back. She settled her skirts around her and waited for the others.

    Complimenting you is never a waste, Syria. Orion mounted his horse.

    Regulus mounted his own horse before accepting the reins from Havana. Then Havana swung herself up onto her horse. Since we’re all ready… Let’s go.

    The four horses turned almost as one and walked towards the palace gate. No one said a word to each other as they passed through the palace gates and rode away from their home.

    Once away from the confines of the palace and the many ears contained within its walls, Syria broke the silence. What was it you wished to speak to us about, Regulus?

    Havana and Orion looked at Regulus, but it was Orion who spoke first. Is something troubling you?

    Something is always troubling me. I don’t want a wife, but my parents insist I choose one. So I’ve come up with an idea… to set a challenge for my suitors… a challenge only the person I wish to marry will be able to accomplish, explained Regulus as the horses carried them closer to a nearby village, but the problem is... I don’t know what the challenge should be.

    How can you be so stupid to suggest such a thing without first figuring out what the challenge should be? Your impetuousness will be the death of us, Regulus! Havana sighed heavily. What will we ever do with you?


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