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Wetter Has Never Been Better
Wetter Has Never Been Better
Wetter Has Never Been Better
Ebook56 pages49 minutes

Wetter Has Never Been Better

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Thank you for taking the time to read this succulent selection. If it's whet your appetite for more, please visit Purple Prosaic for a complete list of available titles.

While some of my entrees may be available on this site, arbitrary restrictions on fictional erotic content imposed by vendors and/or prudish payment processors (such as PayPal) have limited the sexual diversity of your menu.

In other words, if you want to taste the full range of my talents, visit me in my kitchen. I'll take you right there on the counter.

Release dateOct 21, 2009
Wetter Has Never Been Better

Alessia Brio

Take one part Appalachian redneck, one part aging wet dream, and one part filthy-minded wordsmith. Mix well and serve with chocolate-covered cherries. There you have the one and only Alessia Brio. Alessia writes all colors and flavors of erotica, from heterosexual to menage to same sex, and from twisted to humorous to deeply touching. (Sometimes, usually by accident, it even qualifies as romance.) Her work has earned her critical acclaim in the form of a few EPIC eBook Awards for Best Erotica, a couple Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and a Romantic Times Top Pick in addition to a plethora of glowing online reviews.Not all of Alessia's publications are allowed here on Smashwords due to censorship. Readers interested in the full catalog are encouraged to visit her label's website at

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    Wetter Has Never Been Better - Alessia Brio


    by Alessia Brio

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Wetter Has Never Been Better © 2004 by Alessia Brio

    Cover art © 2011 by Alessia Brio

    All digital rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.

    A Purple Prosaic Production

    Smashwords edition

    License Notes

    Piracy robs authors of the income they need to be able to continue to write books for readers to enjoy. This ebook is licensed for the personal enjoyment of ONE reader only. This ebook may not be re-sold or copied. To do so is not only unethical, it's illegal. This ebook may not be forwarded via email, posted on personal websites, uploaded to file sharing sites, or printed and distributed. To share this ebook, please purchase an additional copy for each intended recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for you, please notify the author immediately. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this—and every—author.

    The shrill alarm jarred Stormy into consciousness. Her bare arm darted from beneath the sheets and swatted the snooze button, knocking the clock onto the floor. Dazed, she freed herself from the tangled bedclothes and struggled to her feet. She didn't feel as if she'd slept at all, in spite of turning in early. Restless didn't even begin to describe her night. Damned deadlines! she muttered to herself.

    This particular deadline, more so than any other in her brief career, weighed very heavily on Stormy's mind. She desperately wanted to nail a major account, and this was her big chance: her chance to make a name for herself. A successful ad campaign would certainly open doors, and it would prove that she'd made the right decision in turning hobby into vocation.

    Just over a year ago, Stormy burst onto the advertising scene. New in town and with no real experience or training in the field, she surprised the industry insiders with her gutsy ideas. Her freelance work caught the eye of a seasoned agency exec and, with a mixture of relief and regret, she accepted his job offer. Although she ultimately wanted to start her own company, the lure of a steady income was just too seductive. Since then, she'd been routinely cranking out quality work that, for some inexplicable reason, just wasn't producing the expected sales.

    Stormy poured all her energies into her work, leaving precious little time for a social—much less a sex—life. She was good at it, and she knew it, which only heightened the frustration when her material was not as well received as she'd anticipated. She felt she really needed to pull off a major coup: an elusive campaign that succeeded beyond anyone's wildest expectations. It would give her the name recognition needed in order to successfully launch her own business.

    Her company announced the challenge on Friday afternoon, three days ago. Not a competition. Oh, no! That word was too laden with—well, competitiveness. Advertising executives, ever attuned to nuance, instead challenged the staff to produce, by one week from Monday, the outline of a multimedia ad campaign for a big new client. As incentive, the employee best rising to the challenge secured the position of lead project manager for that campaign with the freedom to handpick the project team.

    As she drew her bath, Stormy recalled the rampant speculation preceding the announcement. Who was the client? What were they selling? Why an agency-wide challenge instead of just a regular assignment? Management assured them that the details would be revealed at four-thirty, on the dot. It was so typical of an ad agency to make a big announcement that there would soon be a bigger announcement. First rule of advertising:

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