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Laurel My Shōjō Consort
Laurel My Shōjō Consort
Laurel My Shōjō Consort
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Laurel My Shōjō Consort

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Unveil the gripping tale of a young crossbreed omega's struggle for survival and the unyielding determination of her true mate in this captivating supernatural romance.

In a world where shifting realities blur the lines between human and wolf, Laurel, a crossbreed Rougarou and Shtriga, is caught between two worlds. Abandoned by her surrogate mother and thrust into a pack that despises her existence, she is forced to hide her true nature, clinging to the fringes of society to survive. The Melville Island Rougarou pack, once connected to their human side, has lost touch with their humanity, leaving Laurel vulnerable and alone.

Melville Island, a harsh and unforgiving terrain for native arctic wolves, becomes an even crueler battleground for a young crossbreed omega. Treated as nothing more than filth by her pack, Laurel faces constant hostility and rejection. With each passing day, she drains their limited resources, and her weaknesses are seen as a burden. She yearns for acceptance, for a chance to be loved and cherished for who she truly is.

Enter Kai, a Shōjō driven by an unshakable belief in his destined mate. He senses Laurel's presence from afar, her soul beckoning to him in a desperate plea for rescue. Bound by an unbreakable bond, he embarks on a relentless quest to find her and rewrite her tragic story. With unwavering devotion and the power to transform his very being, Kai will defy all odds to bring Laurel the happiness and happily ever after she deserves.

Immerse yourself in a world where supernatural forces clash, and love becomes the catalyst for redemption. Witness the raw emotions, the heart-wrenching struggles, and the unyielding determination that define Laurel and Kai's journey. Will they conquer the odds stacked against them, or will their love be torn apart by the unforgiving forces of fate?

In this gripping supernatural romance, discover the power of true love as two souls navigate treacherous paths, fighting against their own demons and the darkness that threatens to consume them. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions, where sacrifice, loyalty, and the unbreakable bond of soulmates will be put to the ultimate test.

Prepare to be enchanted, to have your heart race with anticipation, and to believe in the extraordinary as Laurel and Kai's destinies intertwine in a tale that will leave you breathless and yearning for more.

Release dateDec 26, 2013
Laurel My Shōjō Consort

Justin CP Kelly

BiographyI've always loved fantasy and paranormal books, TV and movies. It started out simple enough with Tolkien long before he was fashionable to love. Then I moved on to Jean Auel and finally Ann Rice and from there the sky was the limit.Those books along with great TV like Star Trek and Dr. Who, Buffy, Vampire Diaries not to mention the awesome movies like Star Wars became my favorites.I tried many times in the past to write but always came up short. Finally after years of mediocre I think I've finally hit my stride. Please consider joining me on facebook and/or emailing as often as possible. I love to write and read but my favorite of all things is to read what people are thinking about what I've writtenIf you ever have any questions on anything I written feel free to inbox me or email at jcpk115@gmail.comJoin me on facebook: - - -If you want to read one of my books but don't have the funds... Email me... Tell me what you can pay and I will work it.PS: All my books are in Canadian English so they are not spelled wrong.... :)True Mate SeriesDahlia Book 1Zinnia Book 2Lily Book 3Lilac Book 4Lavender Book 5Laurel Book 6Azalea Book 7Camellia Book 8

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    Laurel My Shōjō Consort - Justin CP Kelly

    Laurel My Shōjō Consort

    Justin CP Kelly

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1: Icy Fury Unleashed

    Kai awoke once again from the recurring dream, fragments of a puzzle urging him to find his true mate. Determined, he gathered the details from his latest vision. Suddenly, surrounded by a pack of arctic wolves, Kai locked eyes with the alpha Rougarou, who recognized him as a Shōjō. Anger surged within him, fueling his primal instincts.

    Protecting Laurel, who cowered beneath him, Kai dismissed the possibility of the alpha being her mate. He engaged in a fierce battle, facing the pack's relentless assault. But Kai, an ancient Sentinel Shōjō, possessed unmatched strength and unwavering determination. With each passing moment, his resilience toyed with the Rougarous, instilling doubt.

    Acknowledging their impending defeat, the pack began to retreat, the alpha's futile attempts to command obedience proving ineffective. High above, Kai soared as a majestic Golden Eagle, surveying the battlefield with determined eyes. Drawing upon his Shōjō abilities, he harnessed the snow-covered landscape, manipulating the water within it.

    Diving towards the ground, Kai stirred the frozen waters beneath, shaping them to his will. The frozen depths rose, transforming into delicate tendrils of ice that encased the Rougarous. Caught off guard, they found themsDjinn ensnared, their movements growing sluggish within the shimmering prisons.

    Kai's powers extended beyond manipulation. As a Shōjō, he could transform into any bird he desired. With a flicker of his mind, he embraced the form of a Snowy Owl. Wings extended, he glided effortlessly, his golden eyes piercing through the snowstorm, sensing every movement of his adversaries.

    Descending upon the encased Rougarous, Kai shattered their icy prisons with his sharp talons. The liberated wolves, however, met their demise at his lethal strikes. The wintry winds carried the tales of Kai's power, joining him in a symphony of wings and calls, inspired by his magnificent display.

    In the midst of battle, Kai's focus remained unwavering. His Shōjō abilities and avian transformations became his shield and sword, protecting Laurel and their love. With each moment, he delved deeper into his supernatural depths, wielding his powers against those who dared threaten their bond.

    The frigid air crackled as Kai manipulated water into icy restraints, ensnaring his adversaries. Their feeble attacks were hindered by treacherous frost, their movements slowing. Kai's mastery over the elements shaped the very fabric of the battlefield, his frozen fury incapacitating the Rougarous one by one.

    In this mesmerizing dance, Kai stayed resolute, his wings beating with strength and grace. The heavens witnessed his valiant struggle, a testament to his indomitable spirit as a Shōjō on a mission to reclaim his true mate. With the unwavering support of the land, he soared, embracing the unfathomable power within him.

    Chapter 2: Frozen Dreams

    Laurel's paws were numbed by the bitter cold, and her empty stomach gnawed at her with increasing intensity. She gazed across the vast expanse of the horizon, estimating that she had covered at least forty grueling miles that day—a feat that brought a glimmer of satisfaction to her weary soul. As the native arctic wolves called out to one another, signaling the approaching sunset, Laurel felt a mix of weariness and determination settle within her.

    There was no point in calling back to the wild wolves. Their pack dynamics and territorial instincts made it clear that she was not welcome among them. Laurel knew her chances of hunting or finding companionship were nonexistent. As an omega wolf, rejected by both Rougarous and wild wolves, her survival on Melville Island grew increasingly impossible. Her only hope lay in escaping the island and venturing into the heart of the Canadian wilderness, where the fabled Mackenzie Valley wolf pack might offer her sanctuary, if she could only reach them.

    The Mackenzie Valley pack, the sole pack in the world aside from her own that embraced both wild wolves and Rougarous, held the slim possibility of accepting her into their ranks. They represented her last chance for acceptance and belonging. It had been six arduous months since her own pack had turned against her, casting her out into the unforgiving wilderness. Raised in the untamed realm of the wild, Laurel had known no other life than that of a wolf. While she possessed the ability to transform into a human form, she had never encountered a human, leaving her with no understanding of how that transformation would occur. To the wild wolves, she simply smelled wrong, an alien scent that led to her rejection.

    Thus, Laurel ventured alone, her heart heavy and her spirit crushed, navigating the treacherous terrain toward the sea. There, she hoped to find passage to the mainland and the welcoming embrace of the Mackenzie Valley wolf pack. Without the solace of her dreams, she might have succumbed to despair and surrendered to the harsh wilderness long ago. But in her shattered state, her fractured mind wove a tapestry of dreams—a haven, a life, and a true mate to ease her pain.

    The how and why of it mattered little to Laurel; all she knew was gratitude. When night fell and sleep claimed her, Kai, her true mate, materialized within her dreams. Together, they inhabited the life that Laurel yearned for during the waking hours, a respite from her desolate reality. On her most desperate days, when hunger gnawed at her insides and weariness threatened to consume her, she confided in Kai. She bared her soul, recounting the trials and torments she endured while awake. Despite her pain, Kai urged her to hold on, to return to him each night. And so, driven by the promise of those nocturnal encounters, Laurel fought against the encroaching darkness, summoning the strength to endure and breathe for yet another day, all for the chance to be reunited with him in her dreams.

    A rustle of twigs to her left shattered the silence, jolting Laurel into heightened alertness. She slowed her pace, moving stealthily toward a tangle of overgrown brush. Seeking refuge beneath its protective veil, she surveyed her surroundings with trepidation. Her keen senses detected the gradual approach of six white wild wolves, their intent unmistakably clear. The wild wolf pack, driven by hunger and scarcity of prey in the harsh winter, had marked her as fair game. Laurel knew she had become the hunted.

    Determined to evade her pursuers, she nestled deeper into the snow, blending into her wintry sanctuary. She relied on her acute sense of smell to outwit her would-be predators, hoping the scent of snow and her own efforts at concealment would prove her salvation. As she huddled in her makeshift shelter, the icy embrace of the snow wrapping around her, Laurel acknowledged the chilling truth that she might succumb to the frigid elements. Yet, with no other options available, she surrendered to the enveloping snow, allowing herself to drift into a perilous slumber, where danger lurked in the depths of her dreams.

    Chapter 3: Desperate Pursuit

    Kai jolted awake, a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins as he felt himself drawing closer to his long-awaited true mate. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but his body quivered with a mix of joy and anxiety. Somewhere out there, deep within the frozen wilderness, she was dying, alone and vulnerable, and Kai was determined to find her.

    As an ancient Shōjō, Kai understood better than most that one day his true mate would call out to him. He had spent millennia patiently waiting for that moment, believing that when it came, he would swiftly

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