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The Lies We Tell: A Maxi's Place Story
The Lies We Tell: A Maxi's Place Story
The Lies We Tell: A Maxi's Place Story
Ebook62 pages44 minutes

The Lies We Tell: A Maxi's Place Story

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Although the summer days grow shorter, a stifling heat lingers, affecting the carefree ambiance at Maxi’s Place. Hiding behind a wall of hospitality, the staff presses on, prepared to fill their pockets with tips. Owner Cole Washington believes in the freedom to do as she pleases and accepts any resulting consequences with stoic maturity. Lately, Cole is plagued by residual feelings and in a rare envious moment, her harsh words cause a rift in a treasured connection. Confronted with the truth of a disappointing relationship, executive chef Tasha Haynes removes rose-tinted glasses. After three years of dedication, Tasha refuses to admit she made a hasty choice and reluctantly resolves to make the best of the situation.

Musician Bailey Thompson travels unchartered waters as she waits at home, needing validation and longing for a crumb of time. Bailey battles fearful thoughts about well-deserved karma but is resentful of the lack of attention. For hostess Ava Russell, a full class schedule and shifts at Maxi’s Place means less frivolity and more homework. Unfortunately, long study hours present a problem to her love life, giving Ava one more thing to worry about.

Lead host Daniel St. Clair keeps a catalog of other’s indiscretions, but his own turbulent history is a guarded secret. Caught in an embellishment, Daniel averts a potential disaster and protects his lie for a while longer. Against her better judgment, lead bartender Logan Evans is drawn back into unhealthy circumstances. This time, no matter what it takes, Logan vows to get her happy ending.

Deep-rooted emotions and elaborate lies run rampant at Maxi’s Place, pushing the staff to their temperamental limits. Cole’s composure unexpectantly slips, allowing her outspoken nature to rub Tasha the wrong way. Ava’s goals are her priority; however, she tries to reassure Bailey’s neglected feelings, but it may not be enough. Logan’s heart holds a special place for only one woman but giving so much of herself may be her undoing. This is life. This is Maxi’s Place.

PublisherLiterary Stud
Release dateNov 29, 2013
The Lies We Tell: A Maxi's Place Story

Literary Stud

A native Texan, Literary Stud discovered her passion for writing at an early age. In elementary school, she penned a serial story on leftover school paper, stored in old folders with the title written on the front. Born between the analog and digital ages, Literary Stud remembers her first typewriter and desktop computer but prefers to hand-write rough drafts in college-ruled notebooks.Reading and writing are constant companions and Literary Stud often curled with a book from her mother’s bookshelf while sitting in a tree in the front yard. However, she didn’t discover Lesbian fiction until her early twenties – right around the time she bounded out of the closet. She enjoyed the tales of sapphic entanglements but could only relate to half the content. She resolved to write the books she wanted to read. Her books feature Lesbians of Color belonging to the masculine/feminine spectrum and the issues affecting those dynamics.Literary Stud lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her wife and extremely spoiled fur baby.

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    Book preview

    The Lies We Tell - Literary Stud

    Episode III: The Lies We Tell


    Literary Stud


    by Literary Stud

    Copyright 2013 by Literary Stud

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This book is dedicated to my family for always supporting me with anything that I need them to but most of all to my mother who knew how to nurture a writer. I also dedicate this to my fiancée for putting up with my manic moments with patience and understanding.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    The streets of downtown Dallas were busy every time of the day. Cars, driven by irritated humans, kissed each other’s bumpers most of the morning. There were no smiles or joyfulness and the angry faces mixed with sleep peppered the faces of the workforce. Cole dodged the commuter death trap with a shortcut and came up behind Maxi’s Place. She counted the vehicles scattered across the parking lot, proud of her diligent employees. Tuesday mornings were reserved for special cleanup duties. No one was exempt from attendance as even the smallest chore demanded attention. Whistling, she stomped through the back door and nodded at a few of the kitchen staff.

    She unlocked her office and immediately fired up the computer to check her emails. Cole answered a few and deemed the rest unimportant enough to wait until later. She printed out a task list and headed toward the bar in search of Logan. The main dining area bustled with silverware polishing and vacuum cleaners. A group of three servers oiled the wooden trim around the room while another threesome dusted all the decorations. She didn’t notice the succession of stares and whispers as she continued to the bar. Logan was nowhere to be seen.

    Ava, is Logan here?

    Ava stood up from behind the host stand. I haven’t seen her, Boss Lady.

    Cole frowned. Send her to me when she gets here.

    I’ll tell her.

    She turned and noticed a woman tapping on the front door. Unruly, golden curls were pulled back into a bun at the back of her head. Tan linen pants hugged her hips, showcasing curves with luscious hills and valleys. The pastel green blouse ruffled with a gust of wind exposing healthy, chocolate mounds. Her soft brown eyes held an unfathomable question.

    Cole flashed her brightest smile before unlocking the door. May I help you ma’am?

    Yes, I need to confirm a reservation. She flicked her eyes over Cole. I wasn’t aware you were closed on Tuesday.

    Cole stood back to let her in. We conduct a deep clean on days we don’t have prior appointments. What day is your reservation?

    Saturday evening at eight.

    Under what name?

    Kelsey Hopkins.

    I see it right here. Kelsey Hopkins. Bachelorette party. Cole handed the book back to Ava. Congratulations on your nuptials.

    Kelsey laughed. "Oh, I’m not the bride. I’m the

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