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It's Complicated: A Maxi's Place Story
It's Complicated: A Maxi's Place Story
It's Complicated: A Maxi's Place Story
Ebook49 pages37 minutes

It's Complicated: A Maxi's Place Story

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Good Food. Good Music.

Three months later, we return to Maxi’s Place on a busy Friday night. Patrons crowd the host stand, waiting for the next available table. The bar is surrounded by those dying of thirst. The kitchen is hurriedly passing out delectable nourishment for the ravenous. Thompson 5 is tuning up behind the curtain ready to entertain eager groupies.

The wonderful ambiance hides the drama brewing among the staff of Maxi’s Place. Cole flaunts her womanizing ways with a badge of honor while Tasha is a steadfast monogamist. Their paths collided once before, an encounter Tasha is trying to forget even though Cole supplies constant reminders.

Bailey soon finds out her feelings are deeper than what they usually are. Afraid of karma, she pushes for something she never thought she would want. Ava’s feelings are in sync with Bailey’s, however, keeping up appearances and her future are more important.

Logan is the best bartender Maxi’s had and the most popular too. Attention flows from the feminine persuasion every time her toned biceps shook an apple martini. Thirsty women are easy to come by but Logan is tortured by a love from the past - an all consuming desire that no other woman can fill.

This is Maxi’s Place, serving a side of life with a dose of reality.

PublisherLiterary Stud
Release dateNov 30, 2013
It's Complicated: A Maxi's Place Story

Literary Stud

A native Texan, Literary Stud discovered her passion for writing at an early age. In elementary school, she penned a serial story on leftover school paper, stored in old folders with the title written on the front. Born between the analog and digital ages, Literary Stud remembers her first typewriter and desktop computer but prefers to hand-write rough drafts in college-ruled notebooks.Reading and writing are constant companions and Literary Stud often curled with a book from her mother’s bookshelf while sitting in a tree in the front yard. However, she didn’t discover Lesbian fiction until her early twenties – right around the time she bounded out of the closet. She enjoyed the tales of sapphic entanglements but could only relate to half the content. She resolved to write the books she wanted to read. Her books feature Lesbians of Color belonging to the masculine/feminine spectrum and the issues affecting those dynamics.Literary Stud lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her wife and extremely spoiled fur baby.

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    Book preview

    It's Complicated - Literary Stud





    by Literary Stud

    Copyright 2013 Literary Stud

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This book is dedicated to my family for always supporting me with anything that I need them to but most of all to my parents who knew how to nurture a writer. I also dedicate this to my fiancée for putting up with my manic moments with patience and understanding.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    The buzzing of the alarm clock creeped into Cole’s slumber and cajoled her awake. She opened her eyes slowly, aware of the extra set of lungs on the other side of the fold-out bed. Her bare feet connected with the floor and she stretched to clear out some more cobwebs. The morning’s bright rays streamed in through the mini-blinds of her office window. Cole stumbled in the bathroom for a quick shower to wash away last night’s scotch and sex. Smelling fresh, she emerged in boxer briefs, sports bra and an a-shirt. The curvaceous beauty turned over to her stomach, letting the sheet slip down to expose naked skin. Cole shook her head and picked a tailored, chocolate colored suit with matching tie, and a cream shirt. The woman still hadn’t stirred by the time Cole slipped on the chocolate and cream Stacy Adams. She heard some of the staff already moving around the restaurant.

    Daphne! Cole stood over the sleeping form, adjusting her custom cufflinks. You need to get up.

    Daphne lifted her tousled head, makeup smeared across her eyes. You know just once I wish you’d fuck me and treat me nice afterwards.

    Cole ignored the remark and pulled chocolate suspenders over her shoulders. I need to get to work.

    Daphne sighed, knowing she wouldn’t win the argument. Gracefully, she slid from the bed and stretched. Cole admired her svelte form and full breasts. Daphne was a good lay, always eager to please but naively believed she could change wandering ways.

    Push the bed back in, will you?

    Cole locked the door to the office, traveling down the hallway toward the kitchen and morning shift preparations. Tasha bellowed orders to the various prep cooks and smirked at Cole when she passed by. After making sure all employees were where they needed to be, she returned to the office. Daphne finished

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