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The Unique Saga: Foretold Savior
The Unique Saga: Foretold Savior
The Unique Saga: Foretold Savior
Ebook105 pages1 hour

The Unique Saga: Foretold Savior

By E N

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A short story about a determined young man who finds out he is in over his head. He develops powerful allies, and also destructive enemies. This story focuses on the beginning of the decline of the war, while also introducing a larger conspiracy at work. Armed with just a sword, Wil has yet to develop unique super abilities, but must in order to have the impact he desires.

Uniques are people with super powers, living in the middle ages. While the war rages on, they are able to have a greater impact than others. Wil decides to join the war, and sets out to have the biggest impact of all.

PublisherE N
Release dateFeb 10, 2013
The Unique Saga: Foretold Savior

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    The Unique Saga - E N

    The Unique Saga: Foretold Savior

    Elton Nix

    Copyright 2013 by Elton Nix

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please visit an online ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To the wandering traveler, the land is beautiful and peaceful. The countryside stretches to the ends of the Earth, while the sun cascades over the rolling hills and sparkling streams.

    To the people who live here though, the picture is quite different. The beauty of nature is an all too brief escape from the struggles that grip the land. There are both benevolent rulers, and others that would rather lead with fear. For better or worse, one trait these leaders share, is the desire to rule everyone under a unified flag. This shared quest has led to countless lives lost, and many more ruined.

    The soldiers on the front lines, and their families, suffer the most. Fighting for the same goals, but killing each other on the way there. Most of these kingdoms wage war on a relatively even playing field, with slight advantages being awarded to the castle with the best blacksmiths or elite strategists. Although, there are some individuals that possess abilities that man cannot just create through hard work. These individuals were born different; able to have a significant individual impact over battles they participate in. Not all of these individuals choose to fight in the war. But the ones that do, are called Uniques.

    Uniques are gifted people that existed in a lost chapter of the world. Long forgotten from history, their origin is a mystery and some normal people fear them. Uniques are most valuable during war times as they are worth about 20 normal men. One Unique is about join the war, believing that he can make a difference. Many people have shared his belief, but he hopes to avoid sharing their fate.

    To young William:

    The people, whether they fear you or not, wish you success. Peace is only a fleeting concept for most, as the heartbreak attached with never hearing from family that joined the war, lives with us all. We wait by the fireside, we fight alongside you, we give you direction and purpose, we follow you on your pursuit, and we all share one belief; that one day peace will permanently arrive, and you will be here to share it with us.

    Well Wishes.

    Leaving Home

    The sun is setting, casting dancing shadows onto the cliff that WIL is sitting on. The cliff overlooks a vast and dense forest that stretches as far as the eye can see. Wil looks down his arm to his hand, watching a stream of blood slowly trickle down. A broken sword lay next to him. There is a design that starts at the base and travels up the sword. The groove is darker and curves up, but is abruptly stopped as the sword is no longer a sword. His clothes, or what is left of them, are in tatters. A boot is missing and the other is barely being held together by its threads.

    Wil attempts to get up with both arms, but stumbles to his knee as his left arm gives out on him. He grimaces in pain as he pauses. He resumes getting up with both hands, fighting through the pain. Wil turns around, now staring at a small cottage. Smoke is billowing out of the chimney, and the smell of a freshly cooked meal is wafting through the air. He walks toward the house with a slight limp.

    Inside the house is Wil's MOM, Maribel. She looks older than she actually she, due to years dedicated to war. She is tall, and has the weight to handle herself against any man. Maribel used to be a Unique, but decided to leave that life behind for the safety of her child. Wil has not developed any special abilities yet, and it is unknown by his family if he ever will. Maribel looks concerned as she serves dinner.

    Wil's DAD, John, is sitting at the table reading a book. He is slender which beguiles his abilities as a soldier. There are scars running up and down his arms and presumably his entire body. He has a bald head and it looks slightly dirty like someone rubbed mud on it.


    John, would you please fetch William.

    Mom looks up and sees Wil as he walks through the door.


    William, I asked of you not to venture into the Lush Lands. You can't bring your uncle back. Please clean up.

    Wil takes a seat at the table. He looks angry but can't find the words to express how he feels. Mom glances at Dad and shakes her head. She walks over to Wil, places her hand on his face, and asks him to close his eyes. Wil does so, as a tear streams down from his face. He opens his eyes, and his wounds are gone, looking like he was never injured.


    The food's ready, so please eat.

    Wil stands up.


    No! You sit back down and eat. There is nothing that needs to be said. We understand your pain, but do not do something that we will all regret! Please....

    Mom turns away and walks to her

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