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Mark of Brikyif Etenrax What is Right
Mark of Brikyif Etenrax What is Right
Mark of Brikyif Etenrax What is Right
Ebook445 pages7 hours

Mark of Brikyif Etenrax What is Right

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Wolvow has never forgotten how his father taught him to do the right thing no matter what. He has firmly believed in doing this his whole life, but it has never been so hard. Qylena refuses to believe he could possibly be a good man and continually lets him know what she thinks of him. Aurora doesn't like to see Wolvow struggling to gain Qylena's trust, but she soon finds her mind distracted with other things. Her visions have not stopped, and she still has no idea what they mean. Kerr begins to suffer, but no one knows why and the Valkacy keeps trying to play it off as nothing. A huge loss shakes all of them, making Aurora wonder what will happen next. More than ever now, they need Qylena to at least believe they mean her no harm, but Qylena refuses to believe them. When disaster strikes again, Aurora and her friends have no choice but to trust Qylena. They can only hope that Qylena has learned to trust and care about them.
Release dateMay 13, 2024
Mark of Brikyif Etenrax What is Right

MM Sudie

MM Sudie is the author of the Mark of Brikyif Fantasy series. This series follows the adventures of Aurora and her friends through the lands of Zarofell. MM started writing when she was thirteen and started Aurora's adventures when she was eighteen. The scenery in Aurora's adventures is based off places MM has been or some of the things she sees throughout the year in her home of Minnesota.

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    Mark of Brikyif Etenrax What is Right - MM Sudie


    This was one of his favorite things to do. Wolvow was holding his stuffed owl, Shan, while sitting in his father’s lap. Dowren was sitting next to their mother, who had an arm around her. It was story time! His father told them many different stories. Sometimes he told them about Lu’uara, the greatest Elf to ever live. Other times, his stories were about the different Chroniclers of the Shadow Elves and how each of them had brought something unique to Shadow Elf culture. There were even more stories about how the Shadow Warriors and Guards had come into being, and how the Shadow Elves had come to speak Shadow Tongue. Tonight, his father was telling them the story of how the Shadow Elves had come into being. Wolvow knew every detail by heart, but he loved to hear his father recount it over and over again. His father had just finished telling about the attacks from Azoron and the other races. After two such devastating battles, the Elves did not know whom to trust. Azoron had abandoned them and the other races had tried to kill them, said his father. ‘We must return to Ployru,’ said many Elves. ‘It is the only place we will be safe.’ But there were several who did not agree. They had seen what refusing to contact the other races had done to them and knew that if they ran to Ployru, the cycle would start again. ‘We should stay here and right the wrongs we committed,’ they said. ‘If we make peace, then we won’t need to hide.’ Sadly, the idea was not well liked by all the Elves. Those who wished to return to Ployru grew angry and demanded all Elves follow them. When our ancestors said no, the other Elves cursed them and all their future generations to live mortal lives. ‘If you want to live beside mortals so badly, join them,’ said the Immortal Elves. ‘Become frail beings who live short lives!’ After cursing our ancestors, the Immortal Elves left Saylon and returned to Ployru like they wanted.

    Father, Dowren interrupted. You forgot to say our ancestors turned white.

    I did, didn’t I? Their father smiled. Wolvow knew his father hadn’t actually forgotten anything; he just liked seeing that Wolvow and Dowren knew their history. Let me go back then. The moment the curse was cast, our predecessors changed. Their skin became paler than moonlight and their hair turned white as snow. After that, the Immortals left. Our ancestors wanted to prove the Elves were not evil, but without the magic and immortal lives, many were scared that they would not survive.

    Wolvow tightened his hold on Shan. He liked the story of how his people had come into being, but the part about them being scared because they were not like the other Elves always made him sad. It reminded him how he was so different from his sister and friends. Dowren, Nes’eve, and Kathreeow were tall, strong, healthy, and could talk normally. They were just like everyone else, whereas he was small, weak, sickly, and lisped. His father looked down at him. But the story doesn’t end there. In the midst of their fear, one Elf stood up to say that they would not die. Lin’lovow told everyone that they were not cursed to be mortal but blessed with a gift. Being mortal meant we could better understand the other races and would learn to value all life. His words gave courage to all our people and made them thrive. Because of how he inspired all our people, they asked him to become their leader. Lin’lovow did not want to become a king like Hield whose blindness had nearly destroyed the Elves. He knew it was important for us to never forget our past, so he accepted being the leader but refused to be called a king.

    When his father paused, Wolvow couldn’t help supplying the name the Shadow Elf leaders carried. He became Chwoniclew!

    His father nodded. That’s right. Since our leader had chosen to be called a Chronicler, it was decided that he would not rule from a castle or fancy manor. A chronicler is a keeper of history and knowledge, so our people chose to have him rule from a library, which was later named Chronicler’s Hall. He smiled. Thanks to Lin’lovow’s courage and strength, our people thrived.

    Dowren smiled. We thrive because we are still led by a Chronicler!

    As their mother nodded, Wolvow noticed his father shook his head. Fathew? What is it?

    We do not thrive only because of our choice to be led by a Chronicler, said his father. Our people have grown and succeeded because we chose to do what is right.

    The right thing is easy, Wy’gro, their mother pointed out. It’s an easy choice to make.

    No, it is not, Opel’lin. Their father gave their mother a strange look. Sometimes we find it easier to make the wrong choices because the path looks smoother. There are times when we are determined to make the wrong choice because it is easier, even if it will leave us with regret hanging over us all our lives. He tightened his arms around Wolvow. But even when making the right choice is hard, it is worth it because the rewards are great, and we carry no burden of guilt.

    Their mother nodded. I suppose you are right. She turned to Dowren. Would you like to help me with dinner, sweetheart?

    Dowren’s green eyes sparkled as she jumped to her feet nodding, Yes!

    Come on then. Their mother headed for the kitchen. Wolvow moved to follow her, but she shook her head when she noticed. No, Wolvow. I do not need you.

    Wolvow looked down as his mother and Dowren left the room. He was never asked to help cook and whenever he tried to follow, his mother always told him no. Cheer up, my little historian, said his father. While they’re cooking, we can talk.

    Wolvow thought for a moment about what to say. Usually, he and his father talked about history, but this evening, Wolvow had a different question. Fathew, how do you know what the wight thing is? Is it always the hawdew path?

    No, his father replied. Sometimes it is an easy choice. Let’s say one day you found Nes’eve alone and hungry. What’s the right thing to do there?

    Give him food and invite him hewe, said Wolvow at once.

    His father nodded. Exactly. Now, what should you do when someone taunts you for being short and lisping?

    Wish I could gwow biggew and stwongew than them, said Wolvow. Because then I could get even.

    His father had to conceal a laugh. No, that’s not the right thing. It’s not right for them to make fun of you, but if your answer is to do the same and be cruel, then what good will ever come of it? I want you to think with your mind and heart. His father gently touched his head and heart. What do they agree is the right answer?

    Wolvow knew what his father wanted him to say. Fowgive them and move on.

    His father laughed. You don’t sound too happy to say that. He stopped Wolvow from talking. I know why you’re unhappy, but let’s say you took revenge and one day did the same thing they did. Tell me how you feel when others treat you like that.

    Huwt and sad, Wolvow replied. So much that even hugging Shan doesn’t help.

    Right. Do you want to make someone else feel like that? his father asked. Do you really want to make them run home in tears?

    Wolvow never wanted anyone else to feel like he did so often because it was awful. No. They’d have no fwiends and be left behind by evewyone. He looked down. No one should be alone like me. You’we wight, we have to think with ouw minds and heawts. Wolvow paused, then looked up. Fathew, what if doing the wight thing means being huwt? Being nice to mean Elves is one thing, but what if you go against wawwiows or the Chwoniclew?

    His father was quiet for a while. Well, the right choice isn’t always easy. He paused and looked toward the kitchen for a moment. And sometimes even those we love don’t agree with us. It can be the hardest thing you ever have to do. I can’t tell you what to choose and neither can anyone else. In a situation like that, you need to make the choice. No matter what you choose, always remember, your choice will be with you the rest of your life. When your mind and heart agree, that’s the better path because your heart is emotion and your mind is logic. Let the two temper each other, and the choice you make with both of them will leave you with no regrets. His father hugged him. Follow your heart and mind, Wolvow. They will show you a life with true friendship, loyalty, and love, and no regret.

    Wolvow nodded. I will, Fathew. He leaned into his father. Shan and I will nevew fowget that.

    I know you won’t, my little historian.

    Wolvow smiled as he recalled that night. He’d taken his father’s words to heart and had no regrets. He looked at Aurora. Choosing Aurora over the Chronicler’s orders had been the right choice. For the first few days, he’d been imprisoned and tortured for his choice, but that didn’t change what he knew to be right in his mind and heart. He looked at Kerr and Thuban. Becoming friends with the two of them had been an easy choice. He turned his attention to Qylena. There was nothing to regret about letting her follow them, even if it meant he had to be wary of what she was doing. While Qylena clearly wasn’t sickly or weak and did not lisp, she was small and alone. Wolvow knew he could never comprehend a lot of what she’d been through, but he understood loneliness too well. My mind and heart tell me she desperately needs friends. Even if she’ll never see me that way, the right thing to do is be a friend to her. Wolvow smiled. My father was right; I have no regrets.

    Chapter 1 Talking with Actions

    Aurora didn’t know what to make of Qylena. The Kiturm girl had been with them for a few days, but since only Wolvow could talk to her, it was hard to have a conversation. Every time Wolvow translated what they said so Qylena could understand, the Kiturm would hiss like some kind of cat before replying. Talking wasn’t the only issue they faced; Qylena did not seem likely to trust any of them, so getting her to eat and sleep was a problem. To prove that none of the food was poisonous, Aurora had started taking a bite out of anything they offered to Qylena. If Thuban, Kerr, or Wolvow tried the same thing, Qylena would not eat. When it came to sleeping, Qylena would stay close to where Aurora was, even when it was Aurora’s turn to take watch. Aurora had no idea why Qylena seemed to trust her more than the others and had not yet been able to think of a way to ask. There was one other member of their group Qylena seemed okay with: Farr. The aritum purred around the Kiturm making Aurora feel better about Qylena because Farr clearly didn’t see her as a threat. Aurora turned to look at Qylena who was once again walking close to her. Her clothing was little more than dirty gray rags, which hardly covered her. Qylena’s shirt was just big enough to cover her chest and the skirt she wore did not reach her knees. Her feet were wrapped in mud and dirt caked rags going halfway up her shins. Qylena was covered in dirt, mud, and dust, underneath which were numerous healing cuts and bruises. The lavender and blue tattoo going from Qylena’s left hand to the left of her back and chest seemed to be a source of great shame to the young Kiturm because she kept trying to hide it from them with her hair. Qylena’s hair was kind of fun to look at. It was blond, but going along her scalp was a pale orange stripe from which several more pale orange stripes fell down her hair. The look was very similar to the pattern on a tabby cat. Probably the most unique thing about Qylena was her long tail. The fur on her tail was medium length and blond with a pale orange stripe running from the base to the tip. Like the rest of Qylena, her tail was dirty with a few cuts on it. Qylena looked up and noticed Aurora looking at her. "Yalak vity maitita weprer’nuar?"

    Aurora glanced back at Wolvow. The Elf nodded. Do you need something?

    Not really, Aurora said. I am just wondering about you.

    "Orenki pativ. Shef owon glugpha bizren-ata ralwu vity," Wolvow translated.

    The speed Qylena and Wolvow spoke in Elven amazed Aurora because she couldn’t tell where words started and ended. Qylena nodded slowly. "Xomles?"

    Why? Wolvow repeated.

    I like to know the people who travel with me, Aurora replied. You do not have to talk to me though. If you would rather I leave you alone, then I will.

    "Shef krye gend hervosen epreth oymed omtha cwensi iseny feve. Vity yalak orenki hemri gend ukmus gend feve xeth. Blell vity famjon idady Shef kahati vity letfeg, Shef bonub," Wolvow translated.

    Qylena looked shocked at the answer. For a moment, she watched Aurora, then she hissed, crossed her arms, and turned to Wolvow before demanding something in Elven. Wolvow nodded as he replied. Qylena shook her head, then looked away. Aurora looked at Wolvow, hoping he’d tell her what happened. She demanded I give her the real translation, Wolvow explained. When I told her I did, she didn’t believe me.

    Thuban walked up behind them. She’ll have to believe you’re telling her exactly what we say until she learns Rofan, that is if she wants to learn Rofan.

    Oh, she really wants to learn Rofan, said Wolvow. She keeps saying once she speaks Rofan, I’ll no longer be able to lie to her. He shook his head. I’ll be glad when she learns the language because then I won’t have to keep repeating everything said.

    Aurora nodded. At least she knows all our names. She looked over to where Qylena was walking. How long do you think it’ll take her to learn Rofan?

    Not too long. Wolvow sounded a little hopeful. When she’s not insulting me or giving me dirty looks, she’s pretty intelligent. He watched Qylena for a moment. She’s not a bad person; she’s just had a horrible life. The fact that she chose to follow you, Aurora, is amazing.

    Aurora was going to say something, but then she heard Qylena give a cry. All of them turned to see what was wrong but relaxed quickly. Kerr had let himself fall out of the sky. Qylena had never seen him do it before and must have thought something was wrong. Kerr smiled at Qylena before he turned to Aurora. This is as good a place as any to stop.

    Aurora nodded before turning to Qylena. We are stopping here for a while.

    "Clokco ko imzoven-ata lutdet zemjun gla jntev," Wolvow translated.

    Qylena nodded before walking around the area. Aurora watched her for a moment, then turned to help the other three get everything set up. What is it going to take for her to trust us? Thuban asked quietly.

    She’ll trust you three a little more once she can understand what you’re saying, Wolvow replied. Anyway, she already likes Aurora.

    But I don’t know why. We can’t talk to each other. Aurora finished spreading out her bed roll and looked over to where Qylena was sitting alone. I want to help her but don’t see how I can.

    You’re being nice to her; that’s a big start, said Wolvow. I got her to tell me more about herself. Having someone being nice to her whether or not she can talk with them is a huge thing for her. He joined Aurora in watching Qylena. One thing we may want to remember, she’s still a kid.

    Kerr turned to Wolvow. How old is she?

    Fourteen, Wolvow replied. And the night we met her, she was running because the Elves were going to kill her. I’m not sure of the exact reason, but the eye she had that night might be an indicator.

    That was an eye? Kerr asked. I never got a good look at it.

    Aurora didn’t hear the rest of what Kerr and Wolvow were talking about because she was thinking about Qylena. Only fourteen and being told her life was over. Aurora could not imagine what must have been running through Qylena’s mind upon hearing that she was going to die. She grabbed her bag and got to her feet. I’m going to talk to her. She turned to Wolvow. But without you. I know she and I cannot understand each other, but we’ll find a way of talking.

    Wolvow nodded. She’ll be more comfortable without me there. If you need me, I’ll be here.

    Aurora nodded before she walked over to Qylena. The Kiturm girl looked up as Aurora approached. She was still trying to hide the large tattoo spanning from her left hand to her back and chest, but the way she was holding her arms made Aurora suspect that she was also cold. Aurora knelt down a little away from her and slowly waved a hand in greeting. Hello.

    Qylena watched her for a moment, then did the same gesture and made an effort to speak slower than she normally did. "Pimram."

    Aurora smiled a little. You cold? She pointed to Qylena, then hugged herself.

    For a moment, Qylena just watched her. Aurora hugged herself again and imitated shivering. Cold?

    Slowly, Qylena nodded. Cold.

    Aurora slowly reached into her bag and pulled out her pine green dress. She held it out to Qylena. For you.

    Qylena did not instantly take the dress but watched Aurora with her tail flicking slightly. Then she moved a little closer and took the dress. The moment her fingers touched the fabric, Qylena’s purple catlike eyes widened. She held the dress in one hand and ran her free hand over the fabric like she couldn’t believe what it was. After a moment, Qylena put the dress to the side of her face and moved it against her cheek with a slight smile. When Qylena smiled, it was possible to see her pointed catlike teeth. Aurora hadn’t thought the fabric was that soft, but Qylena was acting like she’d just been given the finest silk. The Kiturm girl stood up, then pulled the dress over her head. Since she was six inches shorter than Aurora, the dress was a little big, but it didn’t seem to bother Qylena. "Mitata vity," said Qylena, inclining her head.

    Aurora smiled. You’re welcome. She pulled some flat bread out of her bag. You hungry? She pointed to Qylena, then touched her mouth.

    Qylena looked at the bread, then at Aurora. Aurora nodded slightly before breaking off a piece of the bread and putting it in her mouth. Once Qylena saw Aurora eat, she held out a hand. Aurora gave her the bread, then stood up. I will be over there. Aurora pointed to herself, then to where the others were sitting.

    Qylena nodded. Aurora smiled at her before walking over to Kerr, Thuban, and Wolvow. Thuban turned to her as she sat with them. It appears that went well.

    Yes, I’m not sure she understood everything, but I got her to smile. Aurora reached into her bag for something to eat. It’s a start. She turned to Wolvow. "Does pimram mean hello?"

    Wolvow nodded. Yes. She said it slow enough for you to understand?

    Aurora nodded. "She did. She also said mitata vity when I gave her my spare dress. I’m guessing that means thank you."

    It does. Wolvow looked over at Qylena. She looks pretty content. Did she make you prove the bread was okay again?

    Yeah. I get why she does it, but it’s annoying. Aurora paused to eat. Qylena’s suspicious of a lot that we do.

    Did you see all the scars she has? Thuban asked. She’s had no reason to trust anyone.

    I know, but she doesn’t seem ashamed of her scars. She’s been trying to hide that tattoo on her arm since she first joined us. Aurora looked at Qylena. Maybe that’s part of the reason she was so excited to get my spare dress; it hides almost all the tattoo.

    The scars are because she disobeyed the Elves who owned her. From the way she talks to me, I’m guessing she wants Elves to know that she will not let them control her, said Wolvow. That tattoo shows that she was a slave and the colors show who owned her.

    Branded and beaten like an animal. Kerr shook his head. "Kalii wonder she hates Elves so much. How shall we ever convince her that you are not an enemy?"

    She may never stop looking at me like an enemy, Wolvow replied. I can’t blame her though.

    Aurora shook her head. She didn’t understand how Wolvow could so easily accept being treated hostilely. To avoid talking anymore about the subject, Aurora turned to pet Farr, but the aritum wasn’t there. Thuban noticed her looking for Farr and pointed to where Qylena was. He’s gone to visit her. I’m not sure he truly likes her yet, but he’s being friendly toward her, which is a good sign.

    Aurora nodded, then turned back to her food. None of them said much more as they finished eating and headed to bed. Qylena did not move much closer to them, but Aurora hadn’t expected her to. She rolled onto her side and fell asleep.

    A sharp whistle made Aurora sit up and grab her sword. It was dark and Farr wasn’t purring. Aurora looked around for Wolvow. She spotted him pinning something to the ground as Kerr and Thuban walked over to him. Aurora walked over expecting to see an Immortal Elf struggling against her friend. It was not an Elf Wolvow was pinning to the ground, it was Qylena. She stared at the Kiturm at a complete loss for words. She attacked me, said Wolvow, not taking his eyes off Qylena. She tried to choke me.

    It had been very clear to all of them that Qylena hated Elves, but Aurora hadn’t thought she’d try attacking Wolvow. She looked at Qylena. Why did you attack Wolvow?

    "Xomles bisnak vity fadust feve?" Wolvow asked.

    "Vity ko coa Elf! Qylena spat. Vity ko glupha-ata zemjum epreth wilkab zupog gend iyoa kersh!"

    Wolvow sighed but did not loosen his hold on Qylena as he translated her words. You are an Elf! You are waiting for the right time to kill us!

    Kerr shook his head and crossed his arms. "Kalii, Wolvow lting eth iqbel ut. Tel alss u magno." (No, Wolvow shall not kill us. He is a friend.)

    "Japga, Wolvow drished orenki iyoa kersh. Bilri nilf gla inokvro," Wolvow translated.

    Qylena glared. "Vity ko negtk-ata gend feve!"

    You are lying to me, Wolvow repeated.

    Aurora moved closer and knelt down. She knew what she wanted to say, but having to say it through Wolvow would be strange because of the things she wanted to say. They were the kind of things that were amazing to say about a person but not usually said in front of the person they were about. She turned to Wolvow. Translate what I say exactly.

    Wolvow nodded at her. And pretend I’m not hearing what you’re about to say?

    Aurora smiled. There isn’t a way to keep you from hearing it. She looked at Qylena. Wolvow is not an enemy. He is the kindest, most compassionate man I have ever met. Being friends with him is an honor I do not deserve.

    Wolvow didn’t instantly start translating but watched Aurora for a moment. He nodded at her, then turned to Qylena. "Wolvow nilf orenki coa cloing. Bilri nilf epreth ryalorn-alic, vabot shaleve-mak figaz Shef hemri herget nokcind. Govtro-ata inokvro-qo iseny ecason nilf coa dowtheya Shef yalak ventrag."

    "Elf-qo hemri japga rylorn-refwa umlari shaleve. Trer yalak orenki hevosen inuvet dowtheya nilf!" Qylena yelled.

    Elves have no kindness or compassion. They do not know what honor is, Wolvow translated before shaking his head. She doesn’t think you guys are saying the things you tell me to tell her.

    Aurora had known Qylena wasn’t likely to believe anything they said since it had to come from Wolvow. Maybe there was another way to get their point across. Thuban, Kerr, watch Qylena. She turned to Wolvow. Let her up and tell her to watch.

    Okay. Wolvow turned to Qylena. "Ubmla."

    When Qylena nodded, Wolvow let her up, then turned to Aurora. I don’t see how this’ll help.

    Actions speak louder than words. Aurora hugged Wolvow. She can read actions.

    Out of the corner of her eye, Aurora could see Qylena watching with her arms crossed and a disbelieving look on her face. She had not expected Qylena to understand right away. She kissed Wolvow’s cheek. Qylena’s mouth fell open. Aurora turned to the young Kiturm, hoping she would understand the message. After a moment, Qylena looked down and nodded before walking over to where her blankets were and lying down. Aurora let out a slight breath. At least for tonight she won’t try anything again.

    "Zii, Kerr agreed before he turned to Wolvow. Ru yton?" (Yes. You okay?)

    I’m fine. She wasn’t expecting me to wake up and stop her. Wolvow turned to Aurora. How did you know that would work?

    I told you, actions speak louder than words, Aurora reminded him. And there was a seven-month period where I had no voice, so I learned how to get a point across with actions.

    Thuban smiled. It’s funny, when I think about Wamtell, I don’t think about how you lost your voice. You did a good job talking without it, and now it’s a skill we need.

    You always find the bright side of everything and that’s why we love having you around, said Kerr. You three should go back to sleep.

    Wolvow shook his head. I’m not going to get any more sleep tonight. After what just happened, closing my eyes seems like a bad idea.

    I’m going to finish my watch shift, said Kerr. So lie down and try to relax.

    I don’t think I’ll be able to, Wolvow replied.

    Oh yes, you will, said Aurora. I’ll stay close to you so you know Qylena won’t try anything.

    Wolvow smiled at her. You don’t have to do that.

    I know, but I’m going to anyway. Aurora looked over to where Qylena was lying. And it’ll help show her that I really do trust and care about you.

    And maybe then she’ll believe what you told me to tell her. Wolvow paused. Thank you for saying all that about me. You didn’t have to.

    Yes I did because I needed Qylena to understand, Aurora replied. Now, we should listen to Kerr and get some sleep.

    As she and Wolvow lay down, Aurora heard Kerr laugh. You’re actually listening to me. I’m the one who’s supposed to listen to you.

    Aurora smiled as she closed her eyes.

    Chapter 2 Brikyif’s Symbol

    It was hopeless; she’d never find a way to be happy again. There was no one who could help her, no matter how much she wished there was. She began to run, where to, she didn’t know. All she wanted to do was leave everything behind her. Aurora had just reached the edge of a dark forest when she heard two other women shouting back and forth. She didn’t want them to find her, so she ran deep into the trees. The trees around her were dark and twisted with no leaves, yet they were still blocking out all light, leaving her in darkness. Good, she thought. No one will be able to find me in here.

    She was deep enough in the forest to avoid being seen, but Aurora still ran deeper. Once she was positive that no one would find her, she began to let herself cry. As she cried, thorns began to grow out of the ground and surround her like a wall. She could hear someone running on marble, and for some reason, it sounded like they were getting closer. Why would someone come running into the woods to see why she was crying? Couldn’t they tell she’d hidden here to be alone? She began to sob harder, noticing the thorns around her grew thicker as she did. That was a good thing because then they would stop whoever was coming. Hey, it’s all right, said a woman’s voice. Can you tell me what’s wrong?

    Aurora kept her head bowed to make sure her hair hid her face as she glanced at the woman. She wore a green dress and had brown hair. Aurora couldn’t make out what her face looked like, but she didn’t care because she didn’t want anyone near her. Get away from me! She yelled. Can’t you see there’s nothing you can do?

    How could you know that if you don’t tell me what’s wrong? the woman asked.

    For some reason, there was something familiar about the woman’s voice, but Aurora couldn’t place it nor did she care to try. I am broken and there is no way to fix it, Aurora cried, not looking up. Just go away!

    The other woman didn’t speak but moved closer. A third woman’s voice spoke. Please, don’t run. I just want to talk.

    The woman in the green dress turned in the direction of the third woman’s voice. No! the woman in green yelled. Stop following me!

    Aurora glanced up through her hair to see what this other woman looked like. She was in a red dress and had brown hair, but Aurora couldn’t make out her face. I can’t, the woman in the red dress replied as she held out a hand. Please, just listen to me.

    I don’t want to. The woman in green backed away from the woman in red.

    Aurora was tired of listening to the two. She wanted to be alone to cry and hide. She got to her feet and looked between them. Why are you here? I don’t want anyone else to see me!

    As she turned and ran, she heard the woman in green yell after her. Wait!

    Aurora didn’t slow down or look around. She wanted to be alone. The second woman began to talk to the one in green. You’re just like her, and me, aren’t you? You run while also wanting to help. Let me help you, then we can help her.

    Aurora wanted help but not from either of the other women. She had to get away from them.    No, the other woman replied. I don’t need or want your help.

    You can’t go on much longer without me, said the third woman.

    Aurora put her hands over her ears to block out both the other woman’s voices. She did not want to hear them any longer. The further she ran, the more the world around her seemed to fade.

    Aurora opened her eyes and sat up breathing shakily as she looked around. She was not in a dark forest. All around her were the small hills and shallow dips of Etenrax’s planes. Kerr, Thuban, and Wolvow were close by and watching her. She looked to her left and was almost nose to nose with Qylena. Aurora backed off a little. Qylena cocked her head slightly. "Vity baemp?"

    Aurora stared at her, wishing she could understand what the Kiturm was asking her. You okay? Wolvow asked. That’s what she asked you, and the three of us want an answer as well.

    I’m fine. Aurora wasn’t sure how fine she was, but she didn’t want to try explaining the strange dream she had. Just a dream.

    Qylena looked at Wolvow. The Shadow Elf nodded. "Shef owon efrotok. Glugpha gla tidcter."

    Qylena didn’t say anything else but crossed her arms and gave Aurora a disbelieving look. Aurora looked around at all of them. You guys are being way too jumpy about me having a dream. She moved to roll up her blankets. Are you desperate to worry about something?

    Thuban shook his head. You sat up and looked around to see where you were, but since it clearly bothers you, we won’t ask any more questions.

    Thank you. Aurora secured her blankets in place before speaking again. Let’s eat, then we can get moving again.

    Thuban and Kerr nodded in agreement and moved to grab food from their bags. Qylena looked at Wolvow, who nodded and began speaking in Elven. Aurora left the two of them to talk as she grabbed something for herself to eat. The dream she’d had was clear in her mind, but she had no idea what it meant. Could it have just been a dream? Yes, said a voice of honey and venom. What else could it ever be?

    Aurora might have dismissed the dream, if she hadn’t heard the voice of Empress Aurora in her mind. The Empress Aurora was a dark vision Azoner had given her and now it was with her always. She was terrified of it and didn’t know how to rid herself of the horrifying yet tempting vision. If the Empress wanted her to forget the dream, then there was something she was supposed to learn from it. What could it be though? Aurora shook her head to push everything to the back of her mind. Right now was not the time to think about it.

    Walking over the planes of Etenrax was annoying because the ground was so uneven. Next to her, Farr wasn’t having any issues walking over the ground. Aurora smiled at the aritum as she reached out to pet him. Having Farr beside her and purring was always comforting. Aurora looked around for the others. It was no shock to see Kerr soaring above the group. Thuban and Wolvow were walking next to each other talking in low voices. Qylena was a little behind Aurora and Farr, looking at the ground. Aurora wasn’t sure what she thought of Qylena at the moment. She wanted to help the young girl, but that was only on the condition that Qylena did not attack any of her friends. No one could blame Qylena for her hatred of Elves, but Aurora thought she’d have enough control to keep herself from acting. Wolvow wasn’t going to judge Qylena for her actions though, so Aurora knew she could not either. "Pimram," said Qylena from just behind her.

    Aurora turned and smiled. Hello.

    It was strange to see one of her dresses on someone else, but having it for warmth and hiding the tattoo made Qylena happy. She wasn’t sure how she and Qylena were going to talk since neither understood the other’s language. Qylena pointed to Aurora’s left hand. Aurora looked at Brikyif’s Mark, then

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