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The Bookshop of Secrets
The Bookshop of Secrets
The Bookshop of Secrets
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The Bookshop of Secrets

Written by Mollie Rushmeyer

Narrated by Lesa Wilson

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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A collection of lost books holds the clues to her family’s legacy...and her future.

Hope Sparrow has mastered the art of outrunning her tragic past. Never stay anywhere too long, never allow anyone control over her life again. Coming to Wanishin Falls in search of her family’s history already feels too risky. But somewhere in the towering stacks of this dusty old bookshop are the books that hold Hope’s last ties to her late mother — and to a rumoured family treasure that could help her start over.

Only, the bookshop is in shambles, and the elderly owner is in the beginning stages of dementia and can’t remember where the books lie. To find the last links to the loved ones she lost, Hope must stay and accept help from the townsfolk to locate the treasured volumes. Each secret she uncovers brings her closer to understanding where she came from. But the longer she stays in the quaint town, the more people find their way into the cracks in her heart. And letting them in may be the greatest risk of all.

Release dateNov 3, 2022
The Bookshop of Secrets

Mollie Rushmeyer

Mollie writes Contemporary Fiction with a Heart for History, a blend of modern settings and fascinating historical elements woven throughout. A born and bred Midwestern gal, Mollie Rushmeyer, makes her home in central Minnesota with her husband and two beautiful daughters. She is not only a bibliophile (the dustier the better, in her opinion), she’s a true Britophile at heart. Tea and coffee fuel her travels, by Google maps at least, and her passion for the written word. 

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Captivating from the gorgeous cover to the intriguing characters to the mesmerizing plot, I had a hard time putting this book down! The author does a great job of writing a story that draws you in with its complexity and depth and I connected with Hope’s struggles and tender heart early on in the story. I loved the twists and turns in the novel and thought the suspense was fantastic! The quaint small town is a perfect setting and of course I loved everything about the old bookstore. The strong elements of faith are well woven and bring hope to the story. I really enjoyed this novel and highly recommend it.I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit Tours. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Bookshop of Secrets by Mollie Rushmeyer is a 2022 Love Inspired Trade publication. Bookshops and secrets- who can pass that up? The Dusty Jackets bookshop in Wanishin Falls holds the key to Hope’s heritage. She was sent there to pick up some rare books that her mother had bequeathed her, but upon her arrival she discovers the books are not readily available. The owner has dementia and can’t remember where they were placed, and the bookshop is packed to the brim with old books. Hope is talked into sticking around for a couple of months to help the older couple while she searches for her books, but she is very edgy about the prospect of staying in one place for too long. Hope is just now getting her life back together. She’s an orphan who got lured in by the wrong person and her life became a living nightmare for a while. Now free, she’s hoping to open a literary themed mobile food cafe, but she can’t do that until she’s found her mother’s books. In the meantime, she meets the bookshop owner’s son, Ronan, and despite Hope’s skittishness around men, the two forge a friendship. But everyone has secrets, especially Hope- and to top it off - there are also rumors of a treasure, and the possibility that Hope’s inheritance might hold valuable clues- which has someone awfully interested in the Dusty Jackets bookshop and Hope’s books… This book is the full package deal. There’s a dusty bookshop that made me long for the days when I used to prowl through old- off the beaten path- bookshops looking for my own hidden book treasures. There is a mystery, some suspense, a little action and adventure, a sweet romance, and some lovely and important Christian messages that tackle issues we have all pondered on at some point in our lives. In some places the story gets a little emotional, but in a good way, and I loved watching Hope come out of her shell and start taking tentative steps towards trust and healing. Overall, I really liked this story. I’m very impressed with this debut author and will be on the lookout for her next book!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    “It’s in our broken places God plants seeds of hope. He will grow something beautiful from ashes.”Hope Sparrow, fleeing her unspeakably abusive past, lands in Wanishing Falls, MN, at an old mom-and-pop bookstore. Desperate to find books with clues to her past, Hope agrees to stay and help run the store while she searches for her antique books. She doesn’t count on falling in love with the town, the couple that operates the store, nor their handsome, troubled grandson. I loved seeing the healing that wise, older people can bring as they seek to live out the love of Jesus. Dee and Mags are two wonderful secondary characters I would like to have known. I loved that Ronan and Kat are so willing to keep on offering friendship even when Hope seems to reject it repeatedly. While that is the Christian way, how many of us would give a person multiple chances in real life? Hope has difficulty seeing herself as the kind, gentle, caring soul that she is. Instead, she sees herself through lies from her past. She needs to learn that“the past doesn’t tell us who we are, only where we’ve been.”The road to faith is rocky for Hope and Ronan. Can they put aside their individual pasts and others’ opinions to trust that God’s love supersedes anything that may have happened to them? Can they truly believe this for good? This whole idea of giving a problem over to God and realizing He’s got it, I can relax, really hit home for me last night, as I struggled with worry and fear. I have to choose to continue in His love.The one thing that I think readers should know, is there may be trigger subjects. One, which wasn’t the main issue, rang true with me, and made it difficult to read those passages as I lived them with the character.I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, plus I bought my own e-copy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First off, any book with bookshop, bookstore, book, or library in the title automatically grabs my attention and tugs at me. And when the cover art is as gorgeous as this one, I can’t resist picking it up to read.In The Bookshop of Secrets, I felt as if I walked alongside Hope and Ronan on their adventure for clues, and I connected with them so easily. Hope’s growth is clear, and I rooted for her, and Ronan is a kind, swoon-worthy hero. Though this is a cozy, clean read, it deals with difficult topics, but does so with grace. The romance is gradual (just as I like it) the mystery and secrets grab my interest, and the author’s writing is strong. It’s a wonderful, inspiring redemption story that I enjoyed from cover to cover. Disclosure: #CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you are looking for an easy, feel good book this is not for you. However if you want a book that is emotional, digs deep into the truth and exposes the evils of this world, then grab a copy and get ready for an adventure unlike anything you have ever experienced. The topics such as PTSD and human trafficking in this story could be triggers for some. The author deals with these issues in a sensitive and realistic way. It is also a healing for our main character that I was impressed by. Hope has long had flashbacks of a past that she tries to erase from her mind. A sound, smell or even a voice can trigger her thoughts. I understand how she was a wanderer because she didn’t want to be found. She changes her name and keeps to herself. Oh but her love for books is what keeps her grounded. She is on a mission to find a treasure of books her mom has left for her. Her journey takes her to Dusty Jackets to start her search. I have to say how much I like the name of the bookstore. Visions of old books and stories yet to be discovered filled my mind. The people she meets in the small town of Wanishin Falls are fascinating and will become important to the story. I liked that Ronan wanted to help Hope, but she is hesitant. She can’t risk anyone knowing who she really is and trusting others is difficult for her. She is reminded that “we can get so lost in the depths of our circumstances, we forget to look up.” How true it is for Hope to continue to fight her past but forget there is someone there waiting to save her. As Hope looks for the books her mother left her she encounters interesting people. I liked her visit with Ethel. The older lady gives her wise words that penetrate her deepest hurts. “Even the most desperate places inside of us just need light in order to heal and grow.” How will Hope find a way to overcome the pain from getting past and walk in freedom? This is a beautiful story of redemption where one character broken into pieces finds their way to becoming whole again. The author has impressed me with how she is able to get right to the fragile place we find ourselves and helps us find our way home.I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Bookshop of Secrets, by Mollie Rushmeyer, is a contemporary Christian fiction story that is filled with mystery and suspense. The author writes a heart warming story that deals with difficult issues of death, dementia and human tracking. Years after her mother’s death, Hope returns to Wanishin Falls, MN to get the books her mother left her and plans to return home the next day. The bookshop owner, who should have her books, doesn’t know where they are and is desperate need of help to get his bookshop back in order.This is such a good story! I so enjoyed reading this and trying to solve the mystery of what could be hidden within the books. Hope’s past is so tragic, it is easy to see why she doesn’t trust others. But it was especially fun to see the friendships that developed, even when she didn’t want them to. This story shows the depth of history our families hold and how through out the years, misunderstandings happen and stories are no longer the truth.I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Everybody needs to know and be known by others."With this debut novel, Mollie Rushmeyer makes a name for herself in the inspirational women's fiction world. When I picked up this Love Inspired novel, I was not expecting a full length novel with a complex plot and tangled up mysteries. As Ronan and Hope hunt for clues among beloved books to a pirate treasure, dodge those who'd try to stop them, and delve into their entwined family history, their discoveries, triumphs, friendship, love and faith will surprise and delight you.Both Ronan and Hope have tough, traumatic pasts and they must learn to deal with their own version of PTSD. Their friendship and relationship is fraught with self-doubt, but how they overcome the fear and anxiety step by step is beautiful to see. Ronan is so tender, sincere, and thoughtful, even when battling his own issues. Hope is creative, compassionate, and big-hearted, even when she tries to hide herself. Their banter that stems from shared love of books is quite witty. If you enjoy contemporary women's fiction with depth and adventure, you'll absolutely enjoy this book.I received the book from the publisher via Celebrate Lit Tours and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It’s in our broken places God plants seeds of hope. He will grow something beautiful from the ashes.I must admit I do not usually pick up a debut novel and expect that I will have to take some time to digest the story before I can possibly review it. This is such a narrative.‘We might think we’re too damaged to come to Him. That we’re forgotten, cast aside. But He can make something beautiful out of the broken place of our lives. Even the most desperate places inside of us just need light in order to heal and grow.’ Hope Sparrow has lived a life that one would not even dream in a nightmare. So damaged, exploited and ashamed she cannot even imagine anyone would want to get to know the real girl. Little by little, the wonderful characters around her chip away at the walls she has built around herself, forcing her to know and be known by others. Can she learn that God and others can and do love her - just as she is?An early copy of this incredible story of a family mystery of buried treasure becoming a chance at a new beginning, a lesson in faith and trust was received through Love Inspired and Harlequin. The thoughts expressed are from the book as well as my impressions, none of which was solicited.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This novel is in a bookshop, Dusty Jackets, in Wanishin Falls near Duluth. Hope Sparrow, not her real name has escaped her life as a woman for 10 years in a human trafficking situation. She can't trust anyone because of this and has a genuine fear of what men could do to her.She comes to Wanishin Falls to retrieve her mother's old books. She becomes ingrained into the lives of Mags and Ulysses, owners of the bookshop. Through them, she is able to have a roof over her head and a job helping Mags with Ulysses. He has Alzheimer's and she needs the extra help that Hope can provide.As she tries to find her mother's books, she becomes involved with Ronan, Mags, and Ulysses' grandson. Through him, she is able to get back her books. During their attempts to find out more about her family and how they were connected to the town, they become closer and after a while, she reveals what happened to her in the past.With Ronan's help and with the help of her faith in God, she is able to become the person she should have always been. She learns to trust again and they are able to figure out what happened to her family and its secrets.This is a story that will tug at the heartstrings, the reader can understand the traumas that can deplete the human spirit. I loved the fact that it took place in a bookshop and the care that was taken in describing Hope and Ronan's traumas make this a very readable book.I give it 4 stars.