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God Speaks to The Man Who Wants to Hear: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #1
Almost Saved!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #9
How to Bring People to Christ: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #5
Ebook series11 titles

A voice for personal spiritual revival Series

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About this series

I never intended to write this tract.  It came upon me as a result of my daily meditation, heart-search and communion with God.  That day, the 16th of November, 1989 I was meditating from Luke 18:20 where the Lord said to the Jewish ruler, 
"You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour your father and mother." 
I decided to spend one meditation period of two hours in examining my heart and life before the Lord on each of the commandments that was given by the Lord in the above passage.  I will just write out what I wrote in my meditation book that day as adultery.  I believe most of it will apply to fornication.

Release dateDec 8, 2023
God Speaks to The Man Who Wants to Hear: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #1
Almost Saved!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #9
How to Bring People to Christ: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #5

Titles in the series (11)

  • How to Bring People to Christ: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #5


    How to Bring People to Christ: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #5
    How to Bring People to Christ: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #5

    There are a number of reasons why the cost of discipleship must be presented to people before they are allowed to make some commitment to the Lord. The first reason is the example of the Lord. He demanded that the disciples forsake all to follow him from the beginning and they left all and followed Him. About total separation from sin, the Word of God teaches that all those who practise sin are lost and the Lord always took for granted that all who followed Him had said their final good-bye to all known sin. The Lord did not allow the rich young ruler to make a superficial commitment and follow Him in order to have time to think about paying the whole cost. He brought him face to face with the whole cost at once and the man made the choice of keeping his money and keeping himself away from the kingdom of God. He bid men count the cost.

  • God Speaks to The Man Who Wants to Hear: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #1


    God Speaks to The Man Who Wants to Hear: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #1
    God Speaks to The Man Who Wants to Hear: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #1

    Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' (Matt. 7:21-23)

  • Almost Saved!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #9


    Almost Saved!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #9
    Almost Saved!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #9

    My dear friend, are you tolerating any sin in your life? If you are doing so, the Bible says that you will not inherit the Kingdom of God. If any sin is in your life, forsake it at once and return to the Lord Jesus. If you do not forsake all sin that you know of, you shall surely go to the lake of fire. The fact that you knowingly continue to sin may indicate the fact that you are not a child of God. Your conversion may be counterfeit.

  • The Ministry of Fasting: A Revival Tract: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #6


    The Ministry of Fasting: A Revival Tract: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #6
    The Ministry of Fasting: A Revival Tract: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #6

    Similarly, every believer can fast and every believer should fast, but there are some who are called apart to the distinctive ministry of fasting. These are ministers of fasting and their distinctive contribution to the Body is to fast. They have the special ability from God the Father to fast and they flow out in this way. Some have distinctive capacities to carry out short fasts, others have distinctive capacities to carry out medium fasts, and others have distinctive capacities to carry out long fasts, while others have distinctive capacities to carry out very long fasts.

  • The Call for Exceedingly Great Deeds: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #8


    The Call for Exceedingly Great Deeds: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #8
    The Call for Exceedingly Great Deeds: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #8

    My son, I want you to know for certain that no-one has ever died in the work I have given you to do for Me because he or she carried more responsibilities than he or she ought to carry. People have died because of sicknesses, diseases and sin, but no-one has ever died because of territorial spirits. This should be settled for ever.

  • Those Who Will Not See Him!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #10


    Those Who Will Not See Him!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #10
    Those Who Will Not See Him!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #10

    I remind you that only the pure in heart will see Me. Again, I remind you that only the pure in heart and deed have a place in the Holy City. I command you to wash your garment in my Son’s blood and be for ever spotless in all things. I insist that you shall labour with all the strength which My Spirit mightily inspires within you to be pure and holy in motive, thought, look, touch, desire, word, deed, in everything. Without this kind of holiness and purity, you shall not see Me. I say very clearly to you and to all who are Mine that without this kind of holiness and purity, none will see Me. In the glorious Kingdom of My Holy Son, I will not cast My eye on anything that is spotted. You are to put everything into being holy. You should prefer to die and come home to Me rather than practise sin in any way. You should rather allow My work that I have put into your hands to suffer than practise or commit any sin to advance it. Have you heard Me? I am saying that you are to be transparent in everything.

  • The Ministry of Prayer: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #11


    The Ministry of Prayer: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #11
    The Ministry of Prayer: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #11

    I am the One who calls people to the ministry of prayer. I am the One who sets people apart to the ministry of prayer. It is not a human decision. When I reveal Myself to someone and reveal to that one the fact that the movements of earth only make sense after Heaven has moved, that one will begin to pray. He will begin to move Me so that I would move man, instead of trying to manipulate man. The men and women in the ministry of prayer are called to it by Me. Others who are not called to it will do general praying, and they should not be manipulated to become Prayer Warriors because it will never work. They cannot, by exhortation or encouragement or rebuke, impart that knowledge of God and that burden of God that are indispensable for a life in the ministry of prayer.

  • The Marks of The Broken And The Unbroken Life: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #12


    The Marks of The Broken And The Unbroken Life: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #12
    The Marks of The Broken And The Unbroken Life: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #12

    They are selfless and Christ-centred They labour to put others first. They put the interests of others ahead of their own interests. They consciously allow others to use them to accomplish their own goals. They love God’s will and have no personal interest which will be crushed by the will of God. They give with no thought nor desire to receive. They preferentially give to those who will never be able to give back to them in any way. They are self-effacing and labour to hide their accomplishments. They are put off by praise and honour from men.

  • The Santa Cruz Prophecy: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #13


    The Santa Cruz Prophecy: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #13
    The Santa Cruz Prophecy: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #13

    God gave a prophetic message to all in our ministry, Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia on 20 September 2007. We have simply termed it the Santa Cruz message.   We reiterate that God’s proclaimed purpose and goal for our work now is that we comply with that message, i.e. we are to give ourselves exclusively to evangelism, soul-winning church-planting, healing, deliverance from demons, breaking of curses, massive selling of literature.  We are to minister the whole Gospel to the whole man in the power of the Holy Spirit. ... The Santa Cruz prophecy, though specific to our community, is not a peculiar command. It was a similar command that was Jesus’s last behest to His disciples, in their obeying of which He also pledged His companionship till the end of the age.  Though specific in a particular sense, the Santa Cruz prophecy is in total conformity to Jesus’s commanded preoccupation for all His disciples for all time.  It is wise for us to obey what the Master has commanded us and we should be busy  at it till He comes. Do not disobey the Lord whom you love.

  • God, Aids And You!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #14


    God, Aids And You!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #14
    God, Aids And You!: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #14

    A young man of about 34 years of age came into our Clinic for Spiritual Diseases to be prayed for. He was intelligent and well-mannered. He was a part-time lecturer at an institution of higher learning and owned a prosperous business in town. Physically, he was lean and complained of not feeling too well. We prayed for him and he left. He felt much better after that. Many months afterwards, I was asked to go and pray for him at home because his condition was getting worse. I went to his home and found his two children playing in the yard. On inquiry, I was informed that he had gone out. Three months afterwards, word came to me that he was dead. He had been suffering from AIDS, had hidden this fact from most people and had informed his parents of it only towards the end of his life. He told them that he had had a blood transfusion some fourteen years earlier in a neighbouring country and that that was how he had come in contact with the disease! Oh, he had got in contact with the disease fourteen years earlier but had lived as a normal person until the year in which he died!

  • When is Adultery or Fornication Committed?: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #16


    When is Adultery or Fornication Committed?: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #16
    When is Adultery or Fornication Committed?: A voice for personal spiritual revival, #16

    I never intended to write this tract.  It came upon me as a result of my daily meditation, heart-search and communion with God.  That day, the 16th of November, 1989 I was meditating from Luke 18:20 where the Lord said to the Jewish ruler,  "You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour your father and mother."  I decided to spend one meditation period of two hours in examining my heart and life before the Lord on each of the commandments that was given by the Lord in the above passage.  I will just write out what I wrote in my meditation book that day as adultery.  I believe most of it will apply to fornication.


Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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