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Slim Siringo - A Howling Wind: Slim Siringo, #3
Slim Siringo - A Howling Wind: Slim Siringo, #3
Slim Siringo - A Howling Wind: Slim Siringo, #3
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Slim Siringo - A Howling Wind: Slim Siringo, #3

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Slim has come home, and he has brought with him three men who has sided with the Siringo family to eradicate the menace known as Devlin Wade. However, the way to do that is still in question. Simply shooting the man, as Will Ferguson has suggested, is still under advisement, but it is against the law providing there is no proof of his wrongdoing. The man cannot simply be tied to anything illegal. Everything, at least on paper, looks to be above board and legal as the day is long. Slim has lived through Apache raids, as well as, troublesome winds that seems to be blowing over the land. With the country in turmoil of a civil war looming, and Devlin Wade harassing Comanche, Oklahoma, there is no peace anywhere.

There is a howling wind blowing the spirit of ill will towards civil war. Despite the chill in the air of this civil unrest that may lead into a civil war, Slim and his family are on high alert for anything and everything Devlin Wade sends their way. Before Slim and Jenny returned home, Slim had said this would be a search for information, but he hadn't been home for a full 24 hours until he had all the information he needed. His brother, Randy was dead by an assassin's bullet. They believe that order came from Devlin Wade. Then, an evening raid on his home perpetrated by Devlin Wade resulted in the death of one of his guns for hire. A howling wind is more than just noise. There's cause and effect.

Release dateMay 23, 2024
Slim Siringo - A Howling Wind: Slim Siringo, #3

David W. Bailey

David W. Bailey was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia on February 3 1951. He has traveled across the U.S and back with his family. He is a Navy Vietnam veteran and proudly so.  He now lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife of 40 years He is the middle son of three boys. At an early age, he and his family traveled the U.S., from Parkersburg, West Virginia to Bowie Maryland down to Tampa, Florida. From Wellsville, Ohio west to Casper, Wyoming and all points in between. When his family landed in California in the mid-60s, they set roots in Ventura County. David is a Navy Vietnam veteran. Six years after his discharge, he joined the Army, spending six years with a total of twelve years military service. He and his wife, Sandy, married on July 4, 1981 in Casitas Springs, California and now lives in Bakersfield, California. They have three grown children and three grandchildren. His favorite quotation is, "I'm here 'cause I'm not all there."  

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    Book preview

    Slim Siringo - A Howling Wind - David W. Bailey

    Chapter One

    Permanent Removal

    Slim has come home, and he has brought with him three men who have sided with the Siringo family to somehow eradicate the menace known as, Devlin Wade. However, the way to do that is still in question. Simply shooting the man as Will Ferguson has suggested is still under advisement, but it is also against the law, providing there is no proof of his wrongdoing.

    The man simply cannot be tied to anything illegal. Everything looks to be, at least on paper, above board and legal as the day is long. Slim has lived through Apache raids, as well as, the troublesome winds that seems to be blowing over the land. What with the country in turmoil of a civil war, and Devlin Wade harassing Comanche, Oklahoma, there is no peace anywhere. Soon, it will be brother against brother, and father against son, and if that isn’t bad enough, it will be Americans killing Americans. Just when this civil war will happen is anyone’s guess. It has been rumored that a threat of civil war will exist, and will be declared if, and when this backwoods buffoon, Abraham Lincoln, wins the election, and the presidency of these here United States. Already the southern sabers are rattling. There is a howling wind blowing the spirit of ill will towards civil war. Despite the chill in the air of this civil unrest that may lead us to a civil war, Slim and his family are on alert for anything, and everything that Devlin Wade sends their way. They know that Devlin Wade is a devious, no account murderer, and a dangerous man, and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Before Slim had returned home with his sister Jenny, Slim had stated this would be a search for information. He hadn’t been home for a full 24 hours until he had all the information he needed. His brother Randy was dead at the hands of an assassin’s bullet. An evening raid on his home by the hired guns of Devlin Wade, which they believe was ordered by Devlin Wade, had resulted in the death of one of his hired guns.  

    Richard, Slim, Walt, and Will sat on their horses, along with the trail boss, and the ramrod of the herd of scrub Texas cattle crossing Siringo land.

    Richard said, Walt, you and Will follow this herd, if you would, to make sure these cows cross my land quickly. Danny and I will go confront Wade with this new trouble. I am amazed at the unmitigated gall of this man.

    The trail boss, as he admitted to be, then said, I’ll have my ramrod, Vic here, take over the herd, and I’ll go with you to see this man Devlin Wade, and have him explain why he lied to me and my men.

    Slim asked, Dad, I think it best if Walt goes with you to see Wade. I’ll go with Will.

    Richard looked at Slim, asking, Why would you do that, Dan?

    Let’s just say I prefer it that way, okay? Slim answered.

    Well, if that’s the way you want it, alright. Richard replied.

    Slim, then said, That’s the way I want it. He looked at the trail boss, asking, Are you sure you want to do this...?

    The trail boss, replied, The name’s, Eagan. Mike Eagan, trail boss. My ramrod, Victor Corman. My men and I brought this herd from Ada, Oklahoma through Pauls’ Valley. We started out with 300 head, and we will deliver 300 head, but no man makes a fool of Mike Eagan without him hearing from Mike Eagan.

    Richard, then said, You have that right, Mister Eagan. Check your weapons because after we confront Wade, we may be met with some a his hired guns. Hopefully, we won’t need them, but it’s better to be safe than dead.

    Mike asked, You really thinks he would stoop to doin’ somethin’ like that?

    Yes, we do. Richard replied. We believe Wade ordered my son Randy shot. My son died three days ago from his wounds. Wade would do anything to get his grubby little hands on my property. Murder included.

    Land sakes! Mike exclaimed. What kind a man is this Devlin Wade anyway?

    Richard replied, In a word, a monster.

    Mike chuckled, saying, To hear you tell it, he sure sounds like one. He paused, then said, I’d like to see what a monster looks like. He turned to his ramrod, saying, Vic, would you see that the herd gets across this man’s land quickly.

    Victor Corman answered, I’ll see it gets done, Mike.

    Thanks, Vic. Mike turned back to Richard, saying, Well, shall we go?

    At that said, Richard, Walt and trail boss, Mike Eagan, reined their horses towards Comanche to have a little get together with Devlin Wade. He needed to explain why he told the trail boss, Mike Eagan, he could drive his cattle on someone else’ land, namely, Siringo land.

    As they rode toward Comanche, Mike said, He better have the right answers, or I’ll get on him like ugly on an ape.

    Walt, then said, That might be a little hard to do with all the hardware he’s got behind him. He has an invisible wall, until someone, such as you, or I, try to break through it, and, if we do try, you do it at your own risk.

    Mike, then asked, Where would a man get all that kind a money to do whatever he wants, and spend it however he wants? That’s what I’d like to know. He scoffs, That’s an awful lot of money to just do whatever you want with it.

    Richard replied, I don’t know. An heritance, maybe.

    Mike asked, How many hired hands does he have? Anyone know?

    Richard answered, I don’t think anyone knows that number.

    Walt added, They’re not all in one place to count ‘em. They’re scattered here, ‘n yon.

    Richard said, Some of his men paid us a visit last night at the house. How many there were I don’t know. Too dark to tell. They were shootin’ in the air at first, then they started in to shootin’ our animals, chicken, and what not. Then, they began to shoot into the house where my wife and daughter was. That’s when I got angry. I waited until one clearly showed his face. I aimed and pulled the trigger. He fell from his horse, dead. That’s when they up and left us alone, ridin’ off yelpin’ like a bunch a hooligans, shootin’ their guns in the air.

    Mike, then said, Sounds to me like you did what needed done, Mister Siringo.

    Richard replied, Yeah, maybe, but I sure felt bad afterwards. I wish I’d never done it.

    Mike stared at Richard a second, or two, confused. He, then looked at Walt who just shrugged his shoulders.

    Mike scratched behind his right ear, then said, It don’t figure.

    Richard looked at Mike, asking, What don’t figure?

    You bein’ upset ‘bout havin’ to protect your family by shootin’ the one what’s doin’ it. Mike answered. It just don’t figure.

    Richard, then said, You let me worry ‘bout what figures in with that, Mister Eagan.

    Mike was taken aback by that, so he replied, Sorry, Mister Siringo. I reckon I spoke out a turn. You have my apologies.

    I’m sorry, Mister Eagan. Richard said. I guess I’m still a little perturbed with what Wade is doin’. I must confess it does get my dander up, then I get my neck bowed, and, then, I want to hurt somebody, namely Devlin Wade.

    Mike, then said, Which led to the death of one of his hired guns when they came to your house last night causin’ a rookus.

    Richard replied, Unfortunately, yes. With Wade out a the way, life, in some respects, would be an easy, comfortable life.

    Then, silence between them until they got into Comanche. As they rode the main street, they noticed a crowd in front of the sheriff’s office. The crowd was beginning to go their separate ways. The trio reined at the saloon knowing that was where Wade would be.

    As they stepped down from their saddles, they noticed Doc Cousens following close behind two men who were carrying Deputy Sheriff, Lyle Weaver from the sheriff’s office.

    The three men watched a second, or two, then Richard yelled out, Hey, Doc? What happened to Deputy Weaver?

    Doc hollered back, Someone shot him, Richard. Quite a few times. He looks like a sieve. More than one shooter for sure.

    Richard, then said, I believe that, Doc. That’s Wade’s style.

    As Doc Cousens came up to Richard, he was saying, "We have no idea who did

    this, Richard. You shouldn’t go makin’ accusations without proof to back up what you say. With Sheriff Tucker in Duncan he doesn’t know what happened here. Doc sighed heavily, then said, But I believe I’ll be the one to tell him."

    Richard, then said, I’d love to be there when you tell him what happened here, that Wade had his deputy, Lyle Weaver killed.

    Doc sighed heavily, then said, Richard, there is no proof that happened.

    Richard replied, You believe what you want to, Doc. I’ll believe what I want. You can’t make me believe Wade didn’t have somethin’ to do with Lyle’s death. Like I said, it’s his style.

    Doc, then said, Well, I must be goin’, Richard, but you’ve already got your made up, so, there’s no use in me tryin’ to change it.

    That’s a fact, Doc. Richard replied. He smiled. Richard turned to Walt, then he looked around, asking, Where’s Eagan?

    Walt turned to look, then said, He must a gone into the saloon.

    During the conversation between Doc and Richard, trail boss, Mike Eagan had slipped away and gone into the saloon. When Richard and Walt stepped into the saloon, they saw Mike Eagan standing at a table where Devlin Wade, and a couple of his hired guns were sitting. A few of Wade’s guns for hire were scattered around the saloon As Richard, and Walt came up behind Mike, they heard Mike complain to Wade about Wade saying it was okay for him to run his herd over land already owned by Richard Siringo without his permission, though those were not his exact words.

    Mike, then asked, So, why would you tell me that, Mister Wade? That was totally wrong. You made me look like a fool, and I don’t appreciate bein’ made a fool of. Not a’tall.

    Before Wade answered, Richard stepped around the table, saying, I kind a want to hear that answer myself, Wade. Now, why would you lie about such a thing as that knowin’ it ain’t nowhere near the truth, and you knowin’ that the land is actually my land?

    Wade tilted his head a little down to the right as he watched Richard as far as he could as Richard rounded the table, then stopped behind him. Wade had his left elbow on the table with his left forefinger pressed up against his lips. Wade spoke not a word as he looked at Mike, then Walt. He couldn’t see Richard, but he had one of his hired guns sitting at the table with him keep his eyes on him.

    Richard smiled at the man which unnerved the man a little. The man started to rise from the table, but,ade shook his head no, so, the

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