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Yeshua HaMashiach: YAHWEH, #13
Yeshua HaMashiach: YAHWEH, #13
Yeshua HaMashiach: YAHWEH, #13
Ebook182 pages2 hours

Yeshua HaMashiach: YAHWEH, #13

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In "Yeshua HaMashiach," authors Tarsiana Urnice Hauses and Journi Quest invite readers on an extraordinary journey into the heart and soul of the Son of the Most High God. This meticulously crafted book delves into the depths of Yeshua's character, unveiling the divine attributes that define His identity and mission as revealed in the Scriptures.

From the moment of His miraculous conception to His triumphant resurrection, "Yeshua HaMashiach" chronicles the life, teachings, and legacy of Jesus the Messiah with scholarly depth and spiritual insight. Each chapter offers a profound exploration of Yeshua's attributes, drawing upon a wealth of biblical passages and theological reflections to paint a vivid portrait of the Savior's divine nature and eternal significance.

Readers will journey alongside Yeshua as He walks the dusty roads of Galilee, heals the sick, comforts the brokenhearted, and challenges the religious establishment of His day. Through Hauses and Quest's eloquent prose and heartfelt conviction, they will witness the compassion, mercy, and grace that flowed from His divine heart, touching the lives of all who encountered Him.

But "Yeshua HaMashiach" is more than a mere retelling of biblical stories—it is a transformative exploration of the significance and relevance of Yeshua's attributes in the lives of believers today. With insightful reflections and practical applications, the authors demonstrate how Yeshua's life and teachings offer hope, healing, and redemption to a world in desperate need of His love.

As readers journey deeper into the heart of Yeshua HaMashiach, they will encounter His righteousness, holiness, and justice, which stand as beacons of divine truth in a world clouded by sin and confusion. They will marvel at His humility, patience, and gentleness, which reveal the depth of His love and the extent of His willingness to stoop down to lift us up.

Moreover, readers will be challenged to embrace Yeshua as the sovereign King and righteous Judge of all creation, recognizing His authority and lordship over every aspect of their lives. They will be inspired to follow His example as servants, intercessors, and ambassadors of His kingdom, spreading the good news of salvation and reconciliation to a broken and hurting world.

As readers journey through the pages of "Yeshua HaMashiach," they will be captivated by the depth of Yeshua's love, the power of His grace, and the beauty of His holiness. They will be challenged to live lives of worship, obedience, and service unto Him who is worthy of all honor, glory, and praise.

In a world hungering for truth, justice, and redemption, "Yeshua HaMashiach" stands as a beacon of hope, pointing the way to the one who is "the way, the truth, and the life." Join Hauses and Quest on this unforgettable journey into the heart of the Son of God, and discover the boundless depths of His love, mercy, and grace.

Release dateMay 23, 2024
Yeshua HaMashiach: YAHWEH, #13

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    Book preview

    Yeshua HaMashiach - JourniQuest

    Welcome to Yeshua HaMashiach!

    Dear Reader,

    Welcome to the extraordinary journey of exploring the divine depths of Yeshua HaMashiach, the Son of the Most High God. As authors Tarsiana Urnice Hauses and Journi Quest, we are thrilled to embark on this transformative adventure with you—a journey that will unravel the mysteries of Yeshua's character, reveal the wonders of His love, and ignite the flames of your faith like never before.

    In the pages of this book, you will encounter the multifaceted attributes of Yeshua HaMashiach, portrayed through the lens of sacred Scripture and illuminated by the guiding light of divine revelation. From His humble beginnings as a babe in Bethlehem to His exalted position as the King of kings and Lord of lords, every chapter will unveil a new facet of His divine nature and eternal purpose.

    A Heartfelt Thank You:

    But before we dive into the depths of Yeshua's identity and mission, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you for joining us on this sacred journey. Your decision to embark on this adventure with us is not taken lightly, and we are deeply grateful for your trust and support.

    We understand that time is precious and that there are countless books vying for your attention. That's why we consider it a great honor and privilege to have you as a reader of Yeshua HaMashiach. We are confident that the insights you gain and the truths you discover within these pages will leave an indelible mark on your heart and soul.

    Get Ready to Be Transformed:

    As you turn the pages of Yeshua HaMashiach, be prepared to be challenged, convicted, and ultimately transformed by the power of Yeshua's love and grace. Allow His attributes to captivate your imagination, inspire your devotion, and deepen your understanding of who He is and what He has done for you.

    So, buckle up and get ready for an exhilarating journey into the heart of the Son of God.

    May your soul be stirred, your spirit refreshed, and your faith renewed as you encounter Yeshua HaMashiach in a fresh and profound way.

    Once again, thank you for choosing to embark on this adventure with us. May the revelations of Yeshua's love and majesty leave you in awe and wonder, and may His presence accompany you every step of the way.

    With gratitude and anticipation,

    Tarsiana Urnice Hauses & Journi Quest


    Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13):

    Love is the foundation of Yeshua HaMashiach's (Jesus the Messiah's) character and mission. His love is profound, sacrificial, and unconditional, extending beyond mere words to encompass the ultimate act of selflessness—laying down His life for humanity.

    This verse from John 15:13 encapsulates the depth and magnitude of His love, illustrating that true love is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the well-being of others.

    Yeshua's love is demonstrated throughout His earthly ministry. From healing the sick and feeding the hungry to forgiving sins and teaching about the Kingdom of God, every action was motivated by His deep, abiding love for humanity. His love was not limited to those who followed Him or shared His beliefs; it extended to all, including sinners, outcasts, and even His enemies. This universal love is a defining characteristic of His divine nature.

    One of the most poignant examples of Yeshua's love is found in His interactions with the marginalized and despised. Consider the account of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). Instead of condemning her, Yeshua showed mercy and compassion, telling her to go and sin no more. This act of love not only saved her life but also gave her a new beginning. His willingness to forgive and restore is a testament to His loving nature.

    Another powerful demonstration of His love is seen in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). In this story, the father represents God, who welcomes back His wayward son with open arms, symbolizing God's unconditional love and readiness to forgive. This parable illustrates that no matter how far one strays, Yeshua's love is always ready to welcome and restore.

    The pinnacle of Yeshua's love is, of course, His sacrifice on the cross. He willingly endured immense suffering and death to atone for the sins of humanity. This self-sacrifice is the ultimate expression of love, fulfilling the prophecy and demonstrating His profound commitment to humanity's redemption. As stated in Romans 5:8, But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. His death and resurrection provide the way for reconciliation with God, offering eternal life to all who believe.

    Yeshua's love also serves as a model for His followers. In John 13:34-35, He commands,

    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. This directive emphasizes that His disciples are to mirror His love, demonstrating selflessness, compassion, and forgiveness in their relationships with others.

    Moreover, His love is steadfast and enduring. In Romans 8:38-39, Paul writes, For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. This assurance underscores the constancy and invincibility of Yeshua's love, providing comfort and hope to believers.

    Yeshua's love is not just a historical or theological concept; it is a living reality that continues to transform lives. His love reaches across time and space, touching hearts and inspiring acts of kindness and service. It challenges individuals to look beyond themselves and to love others sacrificially, reflecting His love in a world that desperately needs it.

    In conclusion, Yeshua HaMashiach's love is the epitome of selfless, sacrificial devotion.

    It is a love that heals, forgives, and redeems. His willingness to lay down His life for humanity exemplifies the greatest love one can have, setting an unparalleled standard for His followers. This divine love continues to be a beacon of hope and a source of strength for all who embrace it.


    When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:36): Compassion is a central attribute of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah), manifesting in His deep empathy and concern for the suffering and needs of others.

    This verse from Matthew 9:36 captures the essence of His compassionate heart, portraying Him as one who is profoundly moved by the plight of humanity. The imagery of the crowds being harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd highlights their vulnerability and need for guidance, which Yeshua willingly provides.

    Throughout His ministry, Yeshua's compassion is evident in His interactions with people from all walks of life. He did not merely observe their suffering; He actively responded to it. His compassion compelled Him to heal the sick, feed the hungry, and comfort the sorrowful. One striking example is the healing of the blind men in Matthew 20:30-34. As Yeshua passed by, two blind men cried out to Him for mercy. Despite the crowd's attempts to silence them, Yeshua stopped, called them, and asked, What do you want Me to do for you? Upon hearing their plea for their sight to be restored, Yeshua, moved with compassion, touched their eyes and healed them. This act of kindness not only restored their physical sight but also demonstrated His deep care for their suffering.

    Yeshua's compassion extended to those who were marginalized and despised by society. The story of the leper in Mark 1:40-42 is a powerful testament to this. Lepers were outcasts, deemed unclean and untouchable. Yet, when a leper approached Yeshua, begging to be made clean, Yeshua was moved with pity and did the unthinkable—He reached out and touched the man, saying, I will; be clean.

    Immediately, the leprosy left the man, and he was healed. This miracle highlights Yeshua's willingness to break social and religious norms to show compassion and bring healing to those in desperate need.

    Another profound demonstration of Yeshua's compassion is found in the feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21). After hearing about John the Baptist's execution, Yeshua sought solitude, but the crowds followed Him. Despite His own grief, He was moved by their needs. Seeing the large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick. As the day grew late, His disciples suggested sending the people away to find food, but Yeshua responded, They need not go away; you give them something to eat.

    With five loaves and two fish, He miraculously fed the entire multitude. This act of compassion not only met their physical hunger but also provided a powerful sign of His divine provision and care.

    Yeshua's compassion also extended to those grieving the loss of loved ones. In Luke 7:11-15, He encountered a funeral procession in the town of Nain. A widow was mourning the death of her only son. Seeing her, Yeshua's heart went out to her, and He said, Do not weep. He then touched the bier and said, Young man, I say to you, arise. The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Yeshua gave him back to his mother. This miracle, born out of deep compassion, restored a son to his mother and provided a powerful testimony to His divine authority over life and death.

    Compassion is not just an emotional response for Yeshua; it is a driving force that leads to action. His compassion is rooted in His divine nature and His intimate understanding of human suffering. Hebrews 4:15 tells us, For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. This identification with human pain and suffering enables Him to be a source of comfort and hope.

    Yeshua's compassion challenges His followers to emulate His example. In the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), He teaches that true neighborly love involves compassionate action. The Samaritan, moved by compassion, tends to the wounds of a beaten man, providing for his care without regard for cost or convenience. This parable underscores that compassion should transcend social, ethnic, and religious boundaries, urging believers to act mercifully towards all in need.

    In conclusion, Yeshua HaMashiach's compassion is a profound expression of His divine love and care for humanity. It moved Him to heal, feed, comfort, and restore, addressing both physical and spiritual needs. His compassionate actions provide a powerful model for His followers, calling them to embody His love and mercy in their interactions with others. Through His compassion, Yeshua reveals the heart of God, offering hope and healing to a world in desperate need of His touch.


    But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us.

    (Ephesians 2:4):

    Mercy is a profound aspect of Yeshua HaMashiach's (Jesus the Messiah's) nature, deeply intertwined with His love and compassion. Ephesians 2:4 underscores the richness of God's mercy, which is not merely an attribute but an essential part of His being. This mercy is extended to humanity through Yeshua, showcasing His desire to forgive, heal, and restore.

    Yeshua’s ministry is a testament to His mercy. Throughout the Gospels, we see numerous instances where His actions reflect His merciful heart. One striking example is the healing of the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12. When a paralyzed man was brought to Yeshua, His first response was not to heal him physically but to address his spiritual need: Son, your sins are forgiven. This declaration of forgiveness highlights Yeshua’s priority of spiritual restoration. However, to demonstrate His authority to forgive sins, He also healed the man’s physical ailment, telling him to rise, take up your bed, and go home. This dual act of mercy illustrates that Yeshua's concern encompasses both spiritual and physical well-being.

    Another powerful illustration of Yeshua's mercy is His interaction with the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). According to the Law of Moses, she deserved to be stoned. However, Yeshua’s response was both merciful and wise. He challenged those without sin to cast the first stone, leading to her accusers leaving one by one. He then said to the woman, Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more. This encounter demonstrates Yeshua’s readiness to forgive and His desire for repentance and transformation, highlighting the merciful nature of His judgments.

    Yeshua’s mercy is also evident in His parables, which often reveal God's heart towards sinners. The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) is a profound depiction of divine mercy. The father in the story represents God, who eagerly awaits the return of his wayward son. Despite the son’s rebellion and wastefulness, the father runs to meet him, embraces him, and celebrates his return with a feast. This parable illustrates that no matter how far one strays, God’s mercy is abundant and ready to welcome back the repentant sinner.

    Moreover, Yeshua’s teachings emphasize mercy as a fundamental principle for His followers. In the Beatitudes, He states, Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy (Matthew 5:7). This beatitude underscores the reciprocal nature of mercy in the Kingdom of God. Those who extend mercy to others will, in turn, receive mercy from God. This principle is further reinforced in the Lord’s Prayer, where Yeshua teaches,

    Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors (Matthew 6:12), linking our reception of God's mercy to our willingness to forgive others.

    Yeshua’s ultimate act of mercy is His sacrificial death on the cross. In His crucifixion, He bore the punishment for humanity's sins, providing a means for reconciliation with God. Romans 5:8 states, But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. This act of mercy is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, offering forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe. His

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