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Babysitter Harem: Mia
Babysitter Harem: Mia
Babysitter Harem: Mia
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Babysitter Harem: Mia

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As if having two hot babysitters running his life isn't enough, Hannah and Chloe ask Aaron to hire their friend Mia for a week. Except he soon finds out that their request has nothing to do with babysitting. What the girls really want is for Aaron to take care of their shy friend's first time, and then add her as the third member of the harem.

Release dateMay 18, 2024
Babysitter Harem: Mia

Kelli Wolfe

I'm a nurse by day, and a smut writer by night. It's my secret identity, like I'm Supergirl or something. Only my super power is making people read one-handed. Thanks to everyone leaving reviews - they really help other people find stories they'll enjoy. You guys rock! 

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    Babysitter Harem - Kelli Wolfe



    Age Gap MFFF Ménage Erotica


    Babysitter Harem: Mia

    Copyright © 2024 Kelli Wolfe

    Published by Pink Parts Press

    All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be reproduced in any form or by any means, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Names, characters, places, businesses, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. All characters depicted are 18 or older.

    To be notified of new book releases and sales, sign up for Kelli’s mailing list or subscribe to her blog. She also writes romance under the pen name Olivia Blake.


    Babysitter Harem: Mia

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    Camgirl Harem

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    About the Author

    Babysitter Harem: Mia

    I was having serious second thoughts about the whole thing with Mia. Hannah and Chloe were already more than I could handle, and they’d been taking over my life since they’d appeared in it. What the hell was I going to do with another one? I knew better than to believe this was just about a babysitting job. No, both girls had been dropping hints and comments for the past few days that had dispelled any illusions in that direction.

    In only a few weeks I’d gone from a divorced single dad who hadn’t touched a woman in months to fucking two hot girls young enough to be my daughters. Girls who were doing their damnedest to wear me out. I still wasn’t exactly sure how it had all happened or why, other than Hannah having a will of steel when she wanted to get her way.

    Not that I was complaining—the sex was incredible. It was the whole situation that was crazy. And how was this going to affect Joshua? He was still just a baby, but he was going to get attached to them. Was it fair to let that happen when there was no real relationship involved? Shouldn’t I be looking for someone closer to my own age, someone I could settle down with who’d be a mother to him?

    I simply didn’t have the time or energy for that, though. Truth be told, I liked both of these girls and had no interest in getting rid of them to go back to a ‘normal’ relationship like I’d had with my ex. That had been a normal, traditional relationship, and look how it had turned out. And it wasn’t like I was going to find better mother material than Hanna, either. Shit. I sure wasn’t going to figure it all out now. I had to get home and meet Mia—and find out what Hannah and Chloe were setting me up for with her.

    My boss caught me on the way out of the office. Looks like you’re in a hurry to get out of here. Hot date?

    If only he knew. I’m interviewing a new babysitter.

    He shook his head with a sigh. You really need to get a life, Ryan.

    Who has time for that?

    It’s going to pass you by if you don’t make time. Look, things are starting to slow down, and I want you to get out of here by six in the evenings. You’ve been doing a great job. I don’t want you burning out on me. Take some time to unwind, time for yourself.

    Thanks. I appreciate it.

    The little nymphos now running my life would appreciate it even more. I’d have more time and energy for them.

    All three girls were in the living room with Joshua when I got home. My son was basking in the extra attention. Our dog, Cody, was curled up on Hannah’s lap with his eyes closed. I’d never seen the hyper little shit do that before.

    Did you drug my dog?

    Chloe looked up and laughed. He’s in love with Hannah.

    He’s decided to be a lap dog, Hannah said.

    With a lap like that, who could blame him?

    Mr. Cole, Hannah said, this is Mia.

    After Hannah and Chloe , the petite brunette was not at all what I’d been expecting. She was slim and shorter than Hannah, with ebony hair cut in a cute bob that just brushed her shoulders. Her coral, off the shoulder top set off her deep olive skin, while large, amber eyes regarded me uncertainly. She was certainly pretty enough, but seemed shy and demure—nothing at all like her friends. She gave me a timid smile and wave before dropping her gaze back to the infant in her arms.

    You have a very beautiful baby, Mr. Cole, she said. "And he’s so good."

    Thanks. Hannah says you went to high school together?

    We’ve been besties since middle school, the blonde girl answered for her. Sometimes we’d babysit together when the parents were going to be out late so it wouldn’t be so scary.

    Mia glared at her. "Yeah, until you made me watch that stupid movie When a Stranger Calls. I had nightmares for weeks and couldn’t babysit by myself without having panic attacks."

    Hannah rolled her eyes. How many times have I apologized for that?

    Not enough. She wrinkled her pert, little nose. Ugh. I think someone needs his diaper changed.

    Sliding Cody onto the couch, Hannah hopped up. We’ll do it. I can show you where everything is.

    As they disappeared giggling down the hallway to Joshua’s room, Chloe fixed me with her wide, green eyes. "So, how was your

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