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Cursed by the Witch: The Coven (Book One): The Coven, #1
Cursed by the Witch: The Coven (Book One): The Coven, #1
Cursed by the Witch: The Coven (Book One): The Coven, #1
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Cursed by the Witch: The Coven (Book One): The Coven, #1

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A steamy tale of supernatural lust…

Having fallen under a vengeful witch's spell, Finn Taylor is doomed to walk the woods half-man, half-werewolf, not being able to fight his baser instincts. Eighteen-year-old Mercedes Spencer encounters the beast in the forest, as he ravishes her in the moonlight. One taste of the forbidden won't be enough, though. The unlikely lovers are drawn together, although a curse will separate them forever, unless it can be broken.

PublisherVirginia Wade
Release dateDec 10, 2016
Cursed by the Witch: The Coven (Book One): The Coven, #1

Virginia Wade

Virginia Wade is the bestselling author of erotica and erotic romance. Known for her Monster Sex series, the Cum For Bigfoot saga, she has penned tales in a variety of subjects, such as a modern, naughty retelling of Jane Austen's most popular novels and a series on lusty Vikings, in Cum For The Viking, parts 1-5. She has explored sex in outer space with Bred by the Alien and taken readers on a journey to ancient Rome in Conquest of the Gladiator. A mother of two, and a wife, she realized a lifelong dream of writing and publishing after her oldest child graduated from high school. Earlier forays into self-publishing yielded few sales, but the experience and knowledge gained were immeasurable. Once she dipped her toes in erotica, with the publication of Seducing Jennifer, which has now been titled, Jennifer's Anal Seduction, the possibility of success presented itself, as the story found a home in the Erotica Top 100. Her second story, Stacy and the Boys, also rocketed up the charts, reinforcing the idea that writing in this genre was not only fun, but also profitable. An idea to write a campy, teen horror-fest, with a Sasquatch protagonist, led to the creation of Cum For Bigfoot, which is essentially a series of stories spanning several years in the lives of a tribe of Bigfoots and their human lovers. The silliness, the romance, and the sex struck a chord with readers, who enjoyed the adventures of Porsche, Shelly, and Leslie, while the kidnapped teens came to love their hairy abductors. The series is now on its fourteenth installment, with more to follow. Cum For Bigfoot was featured in the October 2012 issue of Penthouse Magazine. The article, Paranormal Porn, was written by Nick Redfern. Visit my web page at

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    Book preview

    Cursed by the Witch - Virginia Wade


    My aunt stood at the kitchen sink, the window partially open. A breeze brought in the scent of pine, the house butting up against an old forest. She turned to look at me, her hair in a messy bun. It’s been eighty days today, Mercedes. A fine line appeared between her eyes.

    I knew what she referred to, reaching for an almond, the nuts in a small bowl on the table. I popped it into my mouth. I know.

    No word yet. She dried her hands. "Not one damn word."

    Her boyfriend, who happened to be the principal of Riverview High School, had been missing, along with several other people in town, the circumstances mysterious.

    They’ve questioned me four times, but they still don’t know where the hell he went. She shook her head. "I don’t understand it. He didn’t go to California. He didn’t just pick up and leave town for no reason, without telling anyone where he was going. He had a job here—a good job. He wouldn’t just walk away from that."

    Her confusion and pain brought forth several emotions within me, the most prominent one being shame. Connie had been dating Principal Finn Taylor for a few weeks, although she had a crush on him longer than that. She wasn’t the only one who had a crush.

    I chewed on the inside of my lip, as a memory returned, but I willed it away. We’re all hoping he comes back from wherever he went, Connie. He will.

    There have been so many weird things happening in Woods Crossing lately. They found those … those partially eaten bodies last week. Then what was left of our homeless population vanished. It’s not like they could afford bus fare to leave town. Something happened to them.

    Living this close to the woods, I had heard wolves a few nights ago, and then again tonight. I kept my curtains closed, because it felt like … it felt like someone was watching me. Ever since Principal Taylor disappeared … something was off.

    My friends waited. Um, I gotta go, Connie. Try not to worry about it, all right? I’m sure Finn will show up again.

    I hope so. She eyed me. How late are you planning on being out?

    Coupla hours.

    No later than twelve.

    It’s Friday night, for Christ’s sake. Despite it being November, we had experienced unseasonably warm weather, the Indian summer continuing without end, which suited me just fine.

    Half past twelve at the latest. Stay away from the woods. Don’t go into dark places.

    A cat rubbed against my leg. Hey, Floozy. I bent to pet her, hearing a distinctive purr. My hair was nearly as dark as her fur. You’re starting to creep me out. I grinned, making a face. Dark places, muahhh ... My voice sounded like Christopher Lee in a Dracula movie.

    You know what I mean. Just stay away from the woods. Stay in town. Where are you going anyhow?

    Gary’s Pizza. Just chill, Aunt Connie. It’s fine. I’m with my friends. We have mace. We got this. My phone buzzed. I read the text, Where the hell are u? I pocketed the phone. I gotta go.

    Just be careful, please.

    I turned for the hallway. I will.

    Call me, if you need me to pick you up.

    Okay. I passed the foyer, heading for the door.

    As I stepped out of the house, a breeze blew the branches of the old oak tree. Most of them had lost their leaves, which fluttered over the pavement. We lived near the center of town, the house more than a hundred years old. Many of the homes in Woods Crossing had been built in the Victorian era, without garages, the cars having to park to the side.

    A thick expanse of pine trees stood in the distance, an extensive forest lurking beyond. I had played there often enough as a child, knowing of several trails that passed through it and one that led to a creek.

    My phone buzzed, someone texting me, Paulina and Cordelia no doubt, my friends waiting at Gary’s. Crossing the street, I hurried to the corner, seeing a paper fluttering in the wind, taped to a metal pole. The image of Finn Taylor floated before my eyes.

    I had no clue what had happened to him, the man having come to the house several times to pick Connie up on dates. I always felt the strangest thrill at his presence, my belly flipping over in peculiar knots. Seeing him at school on occasion, the same impression registered, but he behaved with kindness and respect, not once saying anything inappropriate … until that night at our house. I smiled at the memory … No! You can’t think about that!

    The phone buzzed again. I’m coming! I muttered, hurrying down the sidewalk towards several businesses, people walking my way.

    A few minutes later, I entered the noisy establishment, spying Paulina and Cordelia at a table in the middle, while a server brought food to the family behind them. Paulina waitressed here, but she had the night off.

    Blonde and shorter than me by at least two inches, Paulina got to her feet, a look of relief on her face. Thank God! Let’s go!

    I glanced at my friends. We’re not eating? My belly rumbled in protest.

    Not here. I spend enough time here as it is. The last thing I want to do is waste even more fucking time here. Paulina motioned for Cordelia. Come on. Let’s go. We have plans, remember?

    What are we doing? I assumed we would eat and flirt with guys, but now I had to wonder.

    She grasped my arm. I’ll tell you about it outside.

    Confused, I followed her through the door, where we stood on the sidewalk, while cars drove by. What’s going on?

    Paulina grinned. Cordelia and I have decided tonight’s the night.


    You’re too fricking old to still be a virgin, Mercedes. We’re remedying that soon.

    I laughed, the sound carrying. Oh, yeah?

    We’re meeting Craig Elliot in twenty minutes.

    And that’s who I’m supposed to … do it with? I laughed even louder now, finding the situation highly amusing. Craig graduated last year, hanging around Woods Crossing instead of going to college, working at the local Box Mart. "I don’t know if I want to … do it with him, to be honest. Why don’t you do it with him?"

    Cordelia rolled her eyes. "She’s joking. He

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