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Follow the scandalous escapades of four students on the ultimate college trip. Pete is a cool, thug-turned-scholar attempting to evade the endless womanizing he could inherit from his no-show father. Alexis is the sassy, sexy sister with attitude to spare. All she's ever wanted was an honest and dependable brother. For Devan, as the first from his family to go to college, this could be his only opportunity to prove himself and escape his small town. The pressures of college life may be too much for him to bear. Brooks' smooth, pretty boy appeal makes him the perfect leader of the frat brother pack. He's faced with making a choice between following his dreams and succumbing to the pressures of his father. These real, often raw character accounts follow college students forced to cope with the challenges of sex, brotherhood, betrayal, and love.
Release dateMay 19, 2024

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    Book preview

    Overslept - David Davis

    Pete                                          1

    I awoke to my moms calling me from the kitchen for breakfast.

    Pete Deshaun Arnez, she yelled. If you don’t get your rusty butt outta bed…

    Great, right in the middle of a sexy dream. Why is it that whenever you do get around to havin’ a dream like this, you’re interrupted? My moms always did have great timing. I lay there in bed inhaling the rich bacon aroma intertwined with fresh coffee and eggs. Checking my sheets to make sure the dream didn’t pull a whammy on me. Trying to remember what the girls in my dream looked like. It’s too early in the morning to concentrate. I could never remember anyway, especially when I was interrupted. I thought to myself, moms you can ruin a wet dream. As I rolled out of bed, I smiled as I thought about what the new day brought. I guess the first day of college was a big deal for everyone. I would be the third one in my family to go, if you count my moms’ part time attendance. My oldest sister, Denise, had gone off to New York to study journalism three years ago. Denise, or Nesie, as I had always referred to her since I was a baby, was interning this fall with CSN and was turning heads all over New York in all the journalism circles. I can still remember how proud moms was of her getting accepted. Now it was my turn. I glimpsed at my high school cap and gown still hanging in my closet with a few shirts that I never wore, and I thought about my other sister, Chantelle. She was only a year older than I was and had chosen not to go to college. It suddenly came to me that I didn’t know why. I stepped into my bathroom and splashed the grimace off of my face with cold water. I remember moms trying to talk her into going, but she could never hold a conversation with her about college without starting a fight. She gave up trying to talk to her about college a few months ago. Chantelle recently got a job at some auto insurance company as a receptionist. As I was coming out of the bathroom, the phone rang. I dove for the bed and snatched it up.

    Well hello, baby brother! What’s up?

    Whassup, Nesie? How’s my big sister holdin’ it down in N-Y?

    I’m cool, she smiled. I’m really enjoying my internship. So, are you ready for college? Today is the big day, right?

    Yeah, I guess I’m kinda excited. I was just thinkin’ ‘bout you. Moms was expecting your call. She’s in the kitchen now. You wanna talk to her?

    Yeah, let me speak to her. Before I go, I just want you to know that I’m proud of you. You show those busters how it’s done in college, she giggled. We’ll talk later, okay?

    That’s cool, sis. Thanks, I said warmly. Moms, I shouted from upstairs, Nesie’s on the phone. Hanging up the phone, I turned to my closet where my cap and gown hung. Still in my tank top and boxers, I turned and ran my hand over my freshly cut bald head. I headed downstairs while thinking about what I would wear my first day on campus. A brother has to make the best appearance on the first day. My moms always taught me that presentation was everything. Besides, there’d be mad girls all over campus. Who was I to disappoint them? I grinned to myself. I had heard some wild things about girls and what goes on in dorm rooms behind closed doors. Oh yeah, I was definitely ready for that part of the college experience. Moms was already seated at the table motioning for me to hurry and have a seat. From out of nowhere, she let out a big laugh as she winked at me. She was still talking to my sister while preparing my plate. I sat down and thought back to when dad and my sisters were still here. Moms laughed like that all the time then. Everyone always said that I inherited her laugh. There would be many nights after Chantelle moved out that she and I would sit and laugh together, our laugher boomin’ throughout the house. For a second, I saw the moms I used to know then. I didn’t see the gray streaks in her long, curly hair that revealed her age, while adding a sense of grace and wisdom. I didn’t see the wrinkles in her golden brown complexion above her brow. The same thin figure that had lifted me up and embraced me as a child hadn’t really changed much. And as suddenly as the laughter began, it stopped. Now I looked on a woman with a worn frame that had raised three kids practically on her own. A woman who had endured years of lies and deceit in a marriage that ended in a divorce long overdue. The permanent wrinkles above her brow returned. And now I wasn’t so happy about my big day on campus or moving out. A deep wrenching came from the bottom of my stomach as I thought about leaving her alone. I remembered this feeling from the first time she told us that dad wouldn’t be coming back home. It was a feeling even then I couldn’t shake. I quickly took a swallow of orange juice into my mouth trying to drown the awful feeling. Sensing my mood, she smiled.

    So, are you all packed? she asked as she hung up the phone.

    Yeah, I think so. So, moms about me movin’ out…

    I know, you’ll be home at the very least once a semester, right?

    Well, yeah, but…

    No buts, she grinned solemnly. I’m going to go upstairs to make sure you packed everything you need, okay? Oh, my baby…Pete, I love you she said as she pecked my forehead and hurried from the kitchen.

    Many times I’d heard her footsteps on the hardwood stairs, but this time her climb to my room sounded as if she was carrying the burdens of a thousand black mothers. Little did I know then, but that was a moment that I’d never forget.


    I hadn’t been driving on the highway for two minutes and my cell phone rings. I looked in my rearview mirror at my handsome reflection and smoothed my eyebrows then reached for the phone. I knew that it had to be my parents returning home from their summer vacation. I was expecting their call. They had gone to Paris for the fourth or fifth time in six years. I had lost count after they finally realized that I’d never take them up on any of their invitations to join them. Don’t get me wrong. I really love my parents. It’s just that they can be a little overbearing and pretentious at times. Besides, I think it was enough that they made French my third language. It was good that I was returning to college because I wouldn’t have to worry about having to listen to their grandiose plans for my future. I slowed my speed to 60 mph before I answered the phone. It was a habit I’d developed. My mom was always reminding me about speeding. She had lost her only brother to a speeding accident and had always been insistent upon everyone following the speed limit.

    Hi, mom. How was the flight? I said in a rehearsed tone.

    Oh, it was as turbulent as ever, dear. There were many times that I swear I didn’t know if we were going to make it. And the food was terrible, the champagne was flat, and the flight delay in New York was just ungodly. Your father slept the entire way back, so I had to entertain myself. Where are you? she finally took a breath.

    "I’m on my way back to campus. I was just picking up some of my things from home. I fed Teddy and Max before I left. I didn’t expect you back until tonight.

    Good. Oh, that reminds me. You will not believe what your father and I found during our promenade leaving Jardin Park. It was so cute and defenseless, she smiled. I just couldn’t leave it there all cold and famished. I think it’s a mix breed, Pekinese and Lhasa apso probably. Anyway, it’s on its way back home with us. I hope the others won’t get too jealous she voiced thoughtfully.

    My mom had always had a soft heart when it came to dogs, especially small pure breeds. Teddy, a Great Pyrenees, had been one of my first dogs. And just recently Max, a Great Dane, had been added to the family. For as long as I can remember, there had been dogs around the house. According to my grandmother, Teddy had saved my life once in what she refers to as one of the most precious stories ever told. The story goes that as a toddler I decided to stroll away from home and wandered near a busy nearby highway. Teddy simply dragged me by the shirt into the adjacent ditch and sat on me until someone came along. Once my absence was noticed, my family came looking for me and found me crying buried under Teddy’s haunches. I guess hearing that story seemingly a million times had made him my favorite even as a small boy. I drifted back into the present just in time to hear my mom ask, school starts in two days?

    Yes. I can’t believe the summer’s over and I’m a sophomore, I said.

    Time does fly. Speaking of time, don’t forget to drop by the house this weekend. Your father’s throwing a little soiree. You know, the mayor’s daughter, Monique, will be attending. She’s such a nice girl. She definitely has blossomed these past few years, don’t you think? she asked.

    I had heard that tone before. She was hinting at whether or not I had noticed her sexual development. I thought about Monique and how her breasts had filled out and her hips had spread. No doubt, she was definitely a stallion in the making. Little did my mom know, I had more to do with her sexual emancipation than I’d ever admit. She’d given me my first blow job when I was fifteen, and I had been hitting that for quite some time. I could expect her at every party my parents hosted. I’d actually come to expect it as a packaged deal. Mom and Dad would throw a party, and I’d get to bone Monique. Monique and I could be pretty inventive when it came to where we did it, too. There was always my room up against the wall, on the stairwell, the living room on the piano, the dining room on the table, the kitchen on the stove. Sometimes we would do it in my car or in the pool house where the roar of guests and music would blanket her screams and moans. We even dared to take the risk of getting caught and performed our lustful dance on the gazebo. She always wore those short sundresses with high-heeled sandals. And if she could get away with it, she wouldn’t wear any panties. She would showcase those long, beautiful legs like they were her only prized possession. Those legs would entrance you and make you stare and follow the sensual trail from her toes to the hem of her dress. Keeping you in suspense as to what other treasures lie underneath. Shit, she really knew how to drive a brother wild. I’ll give her that. Maybe my mom knew about us. If she did, she never let on. Oh yeah, I wouldn’t miss it I answered.

    Your dad says that he will talk to you this weekend. You got the money we put in your account, right? she asked.

    Yes. I see I got an increase in my allowance, I laughed.

    Well, your dad and I discussed it, and we thought that it was time. Besides, we were so proud of your grades last year.

    Well, thanks mom. I’ll see you this weekend. I grinned and hung up the phone. This school year was definitely going to be a good one. I winked at the reflection in the mirror, put in my new jazz CD, and sped up to 80 mph again. I needed to pick-up my dry cleaning and get my hair trimmed and taped before I headed back to campus. Thinking about Monique made me horny. Who knows, on the way I might call Kim or Tonya and see if either one had made it back to campus. It was time they both stopped playing games and gave me some.


    The twelve-hour drive back to campus was hell, and all I wanted to do was get to my dorm room, take a cold shower and go to sleep. I arrived on campus amid chaos and as expected, there was nowhere to park. Teems of people were scurrying about dragging, pushing, and lifting boxes and suitcases in the August heat. I double parked in front of the dorm and hopped out of the over-sized luxury rental car. My mom had insisted on me renting the largest geriatric-mobile on the lot. She said that I would have no problem getting all of my luggage to fit. I stopped and peered up at the building that seemed to ascend into the heavens. Somebody had some rap tunes blaring from a ghetto blaster, and the smell of mild-flavored cigarettes was in the air. And as if someone orchestrated the scene, I could see shades being drawn and windows being opened on almost every floor. Almost as if the old rustic building was awakening from a deep sleep. It was hard to believe that I’d lived in this same building for two years. Interrupted by the crying of an infant, I grabbed up as much of my stuff as I could manage and emerged with the rest of the people heading for the dorm. Inside, there were lines for days. You would’ve thought that they were giving away free tee shirts and Ramen noodles or better, welfare cheese for that matter. I dragged my duffel bag behind me and eased into line. I dropped the box I was carrying down beside my bag and stood back up discreetly adjusting myself through my sweat-soaked jeans and silk boxers. It was useless. The silk boxers and my skin had become one. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and made a mental note to myself. Don’t wear silk boxers in the summer ever again. Even if it’s your last pair. The air conditioning was a welcomed comfort to the stream of sweat that was trickling down the middle of my back. I took a deep breath and gazed around the lobby to see if I recognized anyone. Everyone was talking on cell phones and shouting back and forth as they stood in line. I could feel the excitement of the new year coming on. I looked forward to attending the football and basketball games and step shows again. I made another discreet, yet futile attempt to pry the boxers from my skin for some ventilation when I heard a female voice from behind.

    I see you’re having technical difficulties, she said.

    I turned my head to discover a Nubian chocolate goddess smiling at me glancing up from my butt. The first thing that I noticed was her gem-like dark brown eyes laced in long eyelashes. She blinked once, and I felt my neck hairs respond as they always did when I was aroused. Her eyes captivated me. If eyes were the windows to the soul, she was definitely inviting me in to share. This black princess had shoulder length, jet-black hair worn in a natural style. She was wearing skintight jeans with a skimpy spaghetti-strapped white shirt that showed off her irresistible midriff and ample cleavage. With a smile of approval, I licked the sweat from my top lip. I answered, Technical difficulties…yeah, something like that. Silk, I said with an embarrassing smile while tugging on my jeans.

    It happens to the best of us, she returned the smile. Hi, I’m Michelle, she said with her full lips parting like cherry-colored rose buds.

    I’m Devan, I said with my deep nonchalant tone. So, how long have you been back here watching me?

    Long enough to see that you were having issues with your underwear, she laughed.

    Oh, so you think it’s funny? I smirked.

    Yes, I do, she smiled raising an eyebrow.

    I was next in line, so I turned and stared at the mountain of paper work I had to complete.

    As I was filling out my address form, a vacancy opened up next to me. She sashayed up to the desk, and her scent tickled my nasal passages bringing on a sudden erection. Whoa, I haven’t had one of those in a while I thought as I shifted to disguise my growing hard-on. So, why haven’t I seen you around campus, Michelle I asked as I turned to gaze on those dark brown eyes of hers again.

    Apparently, you haven’t been looking hard enough, she grinned looking up at me. But I have no doubt now that we’ve met that I’ll be seeing you around.

    And in a turn, her eyes and her sweet scent were gone. I would’ve followed her and made conversation, but my hard-on had confined me to the desk for another minute or two. On second thought, maybe wearing silk boxers in the summer time wasn’t such a bad idea.


    I always hated working during dorm check-in time because every guy imaginable would try to talk to me. Always coming up to the desk and asking me for my phone number. Do I have a boyfriend? they would ask. My answer would usually be the same. Maybe, I would retort. Although I was single, some guys just wouldn’t get the hint that I wasn’t interested in them. So, I would have to resort to lying about having a man or end up giving them someone else’s phone number. I amazed myself at how well I could dream-up a phone number out of thin air. Brothers were just so gullible when it came to the opposite sex. And they were supposed to be the smarter sex. Yeah, right. The sound of shattering glass on the lobby floor surprised me. And I thought to myself, well, there goes the third broken mirror today. I looked up from the computer monitor and a short and stocky almond colored brother was coming in my direction. He wore a ribbed white tank top with calf-length designer jean shorts and high top hiking boots. His bald head glistened with droplets of sweat. I took a double take. Not only was the brother’s chest bursting out of his shirt, but I could easily see not six but eight packs of abdominal muscle finely sculpted and writhing with each step beneath his shirt. I gazed at his thick, naturally arched eyebrows that gave him a devilishly cute look. I know I had never seen him on campus before. He must be a freshman, I thought to myself. Too bad I didn’t date short freshmen because he was dangerously fine. He quickly strutted up to the desk, and I turned back to my monitor pretending not to see him walk up.

    Hey, I need to check in and could you get somebody to clean up that glass? he asked. I just broke my fuckin’ mirror, he added with disgust.

    You must be a freshman, I answered with an air of condescension.

    Yeah, how did you know…

    "Because you haven’t been here ten minutes and you already think that you have a maid and someone who cares," I glared at him. I could tell from the look on his face that I had totally caught him off guard. Well, I knew that there had to be something wrong with him. The brother had no home training, plain and simple. Well, I definitely wasn’t the one to be taking any mess from him with just fifteen minutes left in my shift.

    Sorry ‘bout cussing. It’s just that it’s hot and I’ve been waiting in line and…never mind. Yo, I’m Pete, he ended with a regretful and exhausted expression.

    Without looking at him I said, you will need to fill out all of these forms completely and thoroughly before you can check in. He took a deep breath while he ran the large palm of his hand over his bald head. He started filling out the forms, and I returned to my monitor and pretended that he wasn’t even there. What was it about a brother with a bald head that I found so attractive? I asked myself. Oh well, the fact that he’s a jerk definitely detracts, I said to myself.

    A perky young female voice called to him from on the other side of the lobby. Pete, is somebody going to help you with this broken glass? the faceless female questioned.

    I looked up and he’d turned his back to me and was talking to a girl about three inches taller than him. She had long curly black hair and shared his light complexion. As they were talking, he started caressing his head with his palm again. When he raised his arm, the muscles of his broad back rippled and flexed. It was as if wings of an angel were being hidden under his shirt. I finally exhaled and sensed my staring, but I couldn’t look away. I was in awe of this ghetto brother with the body of a Greek god. Seconds later, the female he was talking to walked away and I busied myself sorting completed evaluation forms. He turned back around and started shuffling papers. Then he laughed to himself. I was curious as to what he thought was funny.

    Yo, you guys have a brother fillin’ out more paper work than the CIA. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a baby’s daddy release form up in this mug, he laughed.

    I couldn’t hold back the grin no matter how badly I wanted to. You two look really close. I said before I knew what I was saying.

    Who? Chantelle and me? Oh yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without her. I love her to death. She’s my heart, ya know?

    When he spoke, I could tell that it was with honesty and conviction. All of a sudden I was experiencing mixed feelings about him. One second I couldn’t stand him, now I had seen a loving side to him and didn’t know what to think. Then, a feeling of jealousy came over me, and I wanted what she had with him. From out of nowhere, she walked up again and handed him some keys.

    Thanks, sis he replied.

    Oh, I can’t believe that she’s his sister! I thought. All this time I was thinking that she was his girlfriend. I hadn’t felt this stupid in a long time. I only hoped that he didn’t know what I’d thought.

    Well, I’ve finished givin’ you my life history. And I’m sorry again about cussin’ earlier, he said shyly as he snatched up the key to his room and walked away.

    No problem, was the only thing I could think of to say. I don’t know what it was, but there was something about him that I couldn’t shake. Maybe it was his thug appeal and undeniable good looks. Maybe I just hadn’t had any in a while. Yeah, that’s probably it, I said justifying the entire incident to myself. I watched him walk away and couldn’t help but admire his muscular butt. His jean shorts and boxers were sagging, and I could see a good inch of actual brawn. I looked down at his completed forms. Pete D. Arnez, I read aloud. I wonder what the D stands for, I thought as I watched the short buff figure turn the corner and disappear.

    Pete                                          2

    I said goodbye to Chantelle, and headed for the guys’ side of the dorms. I’d been here during orientation and dorm tours and but could barely remember the general floor plan of the rooms. From what I could remember, most of the living areas in this dorm had two bedrooms connected by a living room, with one bathroom and a kitchenette. If you were lucky, you wouldn’t be assigned a roommate and would practically have an entire two-bedroom apartment to yourself. I didn’t really mind one way or the other. Just as long as my roommate was cool. As I walked toward my wing of the dorm, I could smell the dull odor of marijuana in the hallway. Yea, somebody was chiefin’ hard. I turned the corner and dropped my bag of laundry and CDs on the floor beside my door. I could hear the faint echo of what sounded like a television on the other side. I unlocked the door and stuck my foot in it as I turned around to pick-up my laundry bag. Little did I know that I wouldn’t be prepared for what I was about to see. Apparently, my new roommate had already moved in and had company over too from the sound of the moans coming from the living room. As I passed the kitchenette on my way to the living room, I inhaled and almost choked from the thick Mary Jane smoke. You could cut the air with a knife, and I was gettin’ high by just being in the room. One second I thought maybe I should leave and come back later. Hell nah, I’m tired and this room’s mine, too I justified to myself waving my way through the smoke. Obviously, my roommate hadn’t even heard me come in because the moans from both parties seemed to get louder and a distinct slurping noise was added to the array of pleasure. The lighting was dim and I could barely make anything out. As I got closer to the back of the black leather couch, I could easily see what all the moaning was about. The bobbing of girl’s blond head made it clear that my roommate was getting the fuckin’ blowjob of his life. Whoa, I’m not gonna lie. I just stood there and watched silently for a minute or so. White girl was workin’ that thing like her life depended on it. I’d heard that there were some white freaks on campus, but I didn’t know that one would be in my room as soon as I got here. I looked down at who I guessed was my roommate, and brotha looked like he was in heaven. His eyes were closed and he had a fist full of curly blond hair that he was using to control the bobbing of girl’s head. Every time she would moan, he seemed to grip her hair tighter pulling her mouth onto him harder and faster each time. From what I could see, he was a well-dressed yellow brother with a lanky build. Girl came up for air licking her lips and looked at dude when she saw me. She just smiled and continued to look at me as she took all of dude back into her mouth. Her staring at me must’ve given it away because he turned around in shock.

    What the hell, man? Who the hell are you? he shouted standing up with a fist full of her hair still in his hands.

    Hey man, peep this. I’m your roommate, I said not sure of what he would say.

    Look, that’s bullshit. I don’t even have a roommate. There’s got to be a mistake. I paid for this entire place, he finished as he sat back down.

    Alright, that’s cool. I’ll just go back downstairs and check it out, I said taking a few steps back.

    Yeah, you do that, and shut the door behind you. What the hell? he said as he turned his back and continued his business with girl.

    When I returned to the room to deliver the bad news to my roommate—the fact that I was his new roommate, girl was still going at it. I walked up to the back of the couch, and she looked up staring at me with seductive blue eyes as she sucked and stroked up and down. I’d never done a white girl before, but she looked like she knew how to suck a mean one. I just watched her as she looked back at me. Dude was no longer controlling her head, and he didn’t seem to be getting much out of her services anymore. She winked at me and motioned for me to come to her. I looked at the back of dude’s head.

    Taking him out of her mouth she said, don’t worry he’s asleep.

    I stepped around the front of the couch and stumbled over some beer cans to find that dude was out like a light. He’d obviously had one too many beers and blunts. Before I could even turn to her, she was standing and ripping off my tank top like I was a gift that she couldn’t wait to open. I just stood there watching her in amazement. I couldn’t believe that something like this was happenin’ to me. She finished ripping off my shirt and quickly knelt before me massaging my hard-on through my jean shorts. She started tuggin’ on my zipper, and I thought I would explode. Before I knew it, she’d pulled down my shorts and boxers and was sucking me even harder than she’d been sucking dude. I grabbed the back of her head and started thrusting every inch of it into her mouth. She almost gagged, so I eased out a few inches. Oh shit, I moaned as I jerked my head back from the powerful sensation. She grabbed my ass with both hands and sped up my fast even strokes. I looked down at her as she sucked like she’d been thirsting and hungering for what I was givin’ her. She took one of her hands from my ass and held me at the base. I palmed the back of her head and plunged even deeper into her mouth. Oh fuck, I groaned and flinched. She looked up at me and clinched onto the front of my legs as I spewed all of my seed into her mouth. I looked down at her in amazement and then over at dude who was now passed out on the couch snoring with a limp noodle. I picked up my ripped tank top and wiped off girl’s saliva. And without a word, she got up off of her knees and disappeared into one of the bedrooms. I pulled-up my boxers and shorts and walked into the other bedroom. I briefly looked around the spacious empty room and passed out on the bed from all the excitement.

    When I woke up, I was afraid of the unfamiliar dark room at first. For a second, I couldn’t remember where I was or what had happened. Was it all a dream? I wondered as I sat up in the bed. I walked across the room and began to replay the events of what had happened earlier in my head. After a while I remembered where I was as I opened the door to the room. The smell of freshly burned incense rushed into the room. I stumbled down the hallway toward the living room. It was now fully lit. The big screen TV was blaring sports highlights, and dude was sitting on the couch. He turned around when he heard me.

    Hey man, I spoke with the front desk and it appears that you’re right. We’re roommates, he said with a sigh. I guess they over-booked this year and have to stick pretty much everybody with roommates. Lucky me. Oh well, I’ll be living off campus next year. Well, we might as well get all the formalities out of the way. He stood up and his tall lanky frame started in my direction. His facial expression was unreadable, and I didn’t know what he was going to do next. I just stood there in very much the same way I had when girl had attacked me earlier. Then a fear came over me. I just knew he was gonna try to kick my ass all over this room for messin’ with his girl. He reached out and I flinched a little. He firmly grabbed my hand shaking it as he patted me on the back with his other hand. I stood firm and looked him in the eyes. What’s up, playboy? I’m Brooks, man he said with a half smile. I told him who I was, and he walked into the kitchen and returned with some bottled water. Hey Pete, I’ve never had a roommate before. This should be cool. Alright, here are the rules of the house he said without hesitation. "All the furniture and electronics have been furnished by yours truly. I don’t mind you using it. Just respect my stuff. Oh yeah, and that little blowjob action that you witnessed is to stay between you and me. I’m not trying to get blacklisted. And I don’t care if you mess with the female tricks that drop by, but my honeys and my dime pieces are off limits, you feel me? I mean if you mess with them, then I have to kick your ass and we both know that I’m too pretty for that," he said grinning.

    I looked around the living room and could now see that brother had definitely hooked-up the place. It didn’t even look like the same room that I’d walked into earlier. The huge big screen TV and stereo took up most of the living room window, and a black glass coffee table and leather couch helped set it all off. Two towers of CDs that almost reached the ceiling were on both sides of the big screen which were topped with matching champagne flutes. A large rubber plant added a natural and somewhat exotic feeling to the room. There were mirrors and black art on every wall and a few black sculptures on the bookcase next to the entertainment system. Yeah, he’s a rich pretty boy was my first impression. "Hey, what do you mean by blacklisted?" I asked naively picking-up one of the hand-carved bookends. I plopped down in the leather love seat next to the couch. He dove over the back of the couch and lay there with this look of amusement on his face.

    Man, I knew you were a freshman when I met you earlier. I see I’m going to have to school you. After all, what are roomies for, anyway? he smiled. Okay, here’s the deal he said with a serious tone. You see, sisters can’t stand to see a brother with a white girl let alone know that they’re freaking with one of them, he said smiling while gyrating his hips with excitement. "As soon as the sisters find out you’re doing white girls, they get an attitude and won’t give you any play. And you know a brother’s got to have some brown sugar. After the news is out, I’ve seen many a brother get dissed time after time by sisters at parties and step shows. I mean, some real drama. Once it’s out, it spreads like wildfire, too. There’s nothing you can do about it. Your reputation is ruined beyond repair. But probably the worst part about it is you’re the last person to know. You go to a party and you see sisters pointing and staring at you strangely. And then it hits you. Bam! One of them calls you a ‘snowman.’ And you’re branded a ‘snowman’ for the rest of your college career," he finished taking a sip of water.

    Man, I didn’t know it was that crucial. Snowman, huh? You mean just like that…you’re ruined with the sistas? I asked curiously thinking back to the blowjob I’d received earlier.

    Yeah, that’s all it takes. That’s why I take all the precautions. I usually don’t even have them over at my place, but since school doesn’t start until Wednesday I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. Just don’t forget that what you saw is between us, he said standing up. Follow me, I’ll give you the nickel tour of the rest of the place. You’ve seen the kitchen, and the bathroom is in the hallway on your way in. I see you found your room okay, but my room is the prize winner, he said disappearing into his bedroom. I followed him staring at the black art and mirrors along the way.

    I walked in behind him and the first thing I noticed was the huge bed that almost spanned the entire room. It didn’t look like a bed at all. It was more like a lovemaking temple. It was so big I wondered how he’d got it in there. And then I noticed the motion of my reflection on the ceiling. Brooks obviously didn’t mind seeing himself in action because the ceiling was covered with mirrors. I glanced around at the sensual black artwork on the walls, and then looked up at the black and white wall border. There was a camcorder in the corner angled at the bed. And he had a state of the art electronic keyboard set-up by the window with sheet music scattered everywhere. I looked over at his desk where a laptop sat. The screen saver caught my attention. It was of a fine chocolate honey doing a private dance. She was dancing just for me. I watched for a few minutes and then began to check out the rest of the room. It was pretty obvious that he’d spent a lot of time and money decorating. I was jealous. At the foot of the bed stood a dark stained bureau with a few framed photographs. One photo was of a couple that I assumed was his parents. They looked to be real high strung. Another was of him when he was a little kid. He was surrounded by dogs out on a huge lawn, and you could see a large two story white house in the background. One more-recent picture had him posing in front of a candy-apple red sports car in front of the same house. No doubt, he’d met a lot of honeys driving this nice ride. I didn’t see any pictures of brothers or sisters, so I assumed he was an only child. Hell, he had to be to afford the lifestyle he was living, I thought. I went over to one of his closets, and there were mad clothes all neatly folded and hung. All I could see was one preppy designer name after another. Suits, sweaters, slacks, leather jackets, and much more filled the closet. His shoe collection was pretty sweet, too. Many dress and casual shoes, all shined, lined the closet wall. I didn’t see too many sneakers for gettin’ his hoop on, though. Looked like brother had the James Bond collection goin’ on up in here. Pretty sweet pad and collection you got here, man I said.

    Yeah, it’s nothing posh, but it’s livable. Oh yeah, and that brings me to the last rule of the house. Man, you’ve got to wear clothes when you’re walking around here. Just because you’re all ripped and cut doesn’t mean that you can walk around half-naked. Your tits are hanging out, he laughed. I’m kidding, man…kidding. I’m just hating, he added still laughing. Much love. If you got it like that, floss it.

    I laughed too as I reflected on how girl had literally ripped my shirt off. Then I wondered, "what the hell does ‘posh’ mean, anyway?" His cell phone rang, and he ran over to his desk to pick it up. I continued looking around the room wondering what else he had stashed away in here. I started fumbling through his assortment of colognes. There had to be at least fifty or so crowding the top of his bureau.

    Playboy, you know it, he yelled to the voice coming out of the cell phone. Hey, it’s going to be crazy. I’ll see you in a few, he ended throwing the phone on the bed. Hey man, you going to the before school jam tonight, right? he said to me as he unleashed this huge smile. Did I mention that there’re going to be wall to wall honeys at this party?" he said passing me on his way to the closet.

    I didn’t even know there was a party tonight, I said turning around with a grin.

    Hey, stick with me, and I’ll take care of you, baby boy. My fraternity’s sponsoring the party with our little sisters. You know, a little somethin’ to start the year off right with the sisters, he said.

    Man, my first college party. I was pretty excited. Part of me still couldn’t believe the last couple of hours had taken place. A few hours ago, I’d met my roommate for the first time, and I’d gotten my first college blowjob. Now I was gettin’ ready to party and I hadn’t even unpacked. It was all moving too fast.

    Well, I’m leaving in fifteen minutes. Are you going to stand here, or are you going to get ready? he said palming my head and playfully pushing me toward the door.

    Already I looked up to him like a big brother. For some reason, I just felt like he had my back. I knew he’d give me the low-down on things and be straight with me, so for the first time I felt at home. I ran from his room and started thinking about what I would wear.


    The party was live when I arrived at the student union at 11:30. You could hear the music a block away. All of my beautiful black people were out, and they were all headed in the same direction like a drone of bees. The smell of sweet perfumes and dark musky colognes mixed in the summer night air creating an atmosphere of excitement and sexual energy. I looked up at the clear sky taking in a deep breath. The shower and sleep had done wonders for me. I walked

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