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Captive to his wishes
Captive to his wishes
Captive to his wishes
Ebook216 pages2 hours

Captive to his wishes

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About this ebook

Philip, nicknamed the Raven, is cold, firm and absolutely ruthless. Raven is the most dangerous of men. Feelings are a luxury he cannot afford until a chance encounter brings him face to face with the one woman who has found her way into his heart and touched his soul.
Pauline is used to her grey routine. Her boring life is suddenly turned upside down when she is brazenly kidnapped in the car park of the hospital where she works. She never thought she would find her first real friends in captivity. What will she do to protect them?

Release dateMay 19, 2024
Captive to his wishes


Dzimis 1989. gada 22. decembrī. Absolvējis Rīgas Juridisko koledžu. Profesijā nav strādājis, bet apguvis programmēšanas prasmes un pašlaik ar to nodarbojas. Kopš 2022. gada ir personīgā uzņēmuma vadītājs, kas nodarbojas ar transporta pārvadājumiem, kā arī programmēšanu. Dzīvnieku, īpaši suņu, mīļotājs. Born 22 December 1989. Graduated from Riga College of Law. Has not worked in the profession, but has acquired programming skills and is currently working in it. Since 2022 he has been the CEO of his own company, which deals with transport transport as well as programming. Lover of animals, especially dogs.

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    Book preview

    Captive to his wishes - EDGARS AUZIŅŠ

    Chapter 1


    The new day at the hospital began, as usual, with receiving new medications and visiting patients. The night shift gave way to the day shift, presenting us with new, unexpected surprises.

    Having run out of the taxi and checked in, holding a glass of hot drink in one hand and a phone in the other, she approached the mirrored elevator, awaiting its arrival.

    - No Egor... Today, unfortunately, I won’t be able to come. Yes, yes, work, work and more work... No, not everything here rests on me, it’s just...

    Disconnected. Well, good. Why can't I break up with this annoying guy? We don’t even meet, so one evening after work we drank coffee, and that’s it, and he was already coming up with ideas.

    - Him again? How many times a day does he call you? - asked my best friend - Albina, or as we call her Alya, smoothly approaching me from behind.

    - And do not say. Tired to death.

    The elevator finally arrived, my colleague’s floor was on the fifth floor, mine was on the third, the surgery department, when suddenly an impudent face appeared from the elevator... excuse me, a face. This is assistant surgeon Anton, who, as luck would have it, decided early in the morning to spoil the already not the best mood.

    Good morning, intern Polina, he greeted friendly.

    - Not quite anymore. Lansky, don’t pull the cat by... you know why," she said irritably. - Tell me, what brought you to me? We haven't spoken for a month, have you forgotten?

    The phone rang in her bag, seeing a call from the intensive care unit on the screen, she handed the coffee to a colleague and ran to help.

    The door of the ambulance gently slid aside, the assistant was already on alert, and the team and I took out the gurney with the bloody girl.

    - How did this happen?

    I ran my eyes over the list of injuries, each of which was serious, but the worst of them, a ruptured lung, would most likely kill the girl before the rest.

    — Found unconscious. Open puncture wound on right leg. Impact with a blunt object to the occipital region. Both wounds have been treated and the bleeding has stopped. There was cardiac arrest.

    — Are there any surgeons available? — Anton examined the girl, I cut off the girl’s bra straps.

    — At the operation.

    Polya, we need to find out what her blood type is and prepare an oxygen mask so you can help, Anton muttered, pulling on his gloves.

    Her upper lip curled as if she heard him.

    Death feared strength and stubbornness, and these qualities oozed from all the girl’s pores.

    - I have no right to be present at the operation.

    -Are you stupid? - Anton grabbed me by the robe - I didn’t hear, there were no surgeons. The girl will die, you understand?

    - Yes..

    * * *

    It was long after midnight when I left the hospital. It was very scary to attend the operation, although interns are not allowed. Previously, I only watched the glass while the hands of a real Surgeon worked.

    Knowing that I have nothing in the refrigerator, and I mean absolutely nothing, to prepare a meal, I walk over to the vending machine outside the hospital. While I was choosing what to eat, since I had nothing to eat, both lamps illuminating the parking lot went out.

    Usually, if one is broken, the other one will definitely work. I look around. Everything seems to be fine. Then why is my heart beating so fast?

    I'm scaring myself.

    I take my phone out of my bag, trying to turn on the flashlight to at least see something. My breath caught in my throat as a hand covered my mouth and I was dragged back across the yard. I bit the hand that was covering my mouth and tasted blood in my mouth. Damn, calm down. I won't hurt you. Are you a doctor? - a male voice whispered in my ear. I nodded. He wrapped his arms around me, and no matter how hard I fought, I couldn't loosen his grip.

    He pushed me into the driver's side of the dark sedan and pushed me into the passenger seat. As soon as the car started moving, I opened the door and rolled out onto the road before jumping to my feet and running.

    - Stand! "He shouted, abandoning the car in the park and rushing after me. I don't know why I did this at all. I could only run a couple of meters before he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

    - Please let me go. What do you want from me?

    He set me on my feet by the car and reached to open the trunk. Panic squeezed my ribs, and I stepped on his foot with all my strength, twisting and trying to free myself before he locked me inside.

    Okay, okay, he growled, and I felt the prick of a needle in my thigh.

    - Come on...

    The last coherent thought was that they would kill me. And I will never become an anesthesiologist like my father.

    My screams fade along with my vision. A gray veil covered the world, and darkness swallowed me.

    Chapter 2


    It all started just like any other day.

    In the morning I calmly crawled out of bed shortly before noon, took a shower, shaved and cleaned myself up. Nothing was more important to me than to look good in the eyes of society. As soon as the knives were fastened to the body, as usual, he put on a new Italian suit, a crisp white shirt and a blue silk tie. There were two Glocks on his chest, a Strike One on his belt, and a knife next to him on his ankle, just above his Beretta M9 boots. After carefully checking his appearance, he went to a business meeting.

    After a business meeting, one broken leg after another followed the thugs who did not want to pay.

    Unfortunately, my day continued its downward spiral as I visited new suppliers, only to find that my territory had been encroached upon by competitors.

    A beating was never a good way to walk out a new suit, but the crime family wasted no time when there were some lessons to be taught.

    I had to invite my guys, some of the highest-ranking thugs. Together we sent the freaks back to their homeland through the fiery pit of hell.

    And put on cement boots.

    I lived in cruelty. On a grand scale. Lived for one moment. Women. Fights. Binge. Game of dice. I took on the most dangerous jobs and organized the most daring rackets. My attitude to risk became almost cavalier when I devoted my entire life to the quest to restore family honor, destroyed by my father many years ago, proving to everyone that I was worth something.

    The bastard destroyed everything I held dear to turn me into the perfect machine. He burned all my toys and books when I was still a child, drove my friends away and forced me to watch as he took the life of a dog he raised from a puppy.

    And then the training began, and I was reborn from the ashes of the fire that destroyed my childhood, as a creature full of torment and pain. I fell back into darkness, hardened my heart and accepted my fate.

    I was overconfident.

    And it was this self-confidence that landed my brother in a hospital bed. With a bullet in the chest...

    Our next meeting took place in the casino.

    I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Everyone in the criminal world knew that I was hunting for one guy who first drugs young girls and then kills them. We don't touch women, only those who owe us money. If he got so addicted to gambling that he had to come out of hiding, there were dozens of casinos to choose from. My decision to come to the Red Rock Casino could not have been accidental.

    Wait, I stopped my brother as we passed the door leading to the staff locker room. - Put on your bulletproof vest.

    I insisted that all security guards wear Kevlar body armor after shootings broke out at a downtown casino, largely sparked by drug-dealing disputes.

    You should wear it too.

    I’m fine, he reassured him. These things are so damn uncomfortable that I can’t move the way I need to.

    Hey, if we die together, my brother patted me on the shoulder, I should have been rotting in the ground a long time ago. I'll be fine with you.

    My brother never wore a vest. He was still in self-destruct mode after the girl's death. He didn't care whether he lived or died. All he wanted was to end the pain.

    Afterwards we got ready and went into the building.

    - All the guards are outside. Do you want them to come in?

    I looked around the small room, my gaze settled on the one I had been looking for for a very long time.

    I don’t want to see anyone here except you, me and my people.

    I can only assume that you came here looking for me, he smiled disgustingly, baring his teeth.

    You’ve done too many things. My hand hung on my belt, where I kept my weapon in a holster.

    - Is that me? — He swirled the bourbon in his glass. - Of course I could, yes. Or maybe you're wrong.

    - A coward will always remain a coward.

    Vladimir smiled bitterly.

    I thought I would save you the trouble. Here I am. What did you want from me? Justice?

    You killed innocent girls, and what’s more, they blamed us for every murder.

    - It's not only my fault. I was forced to do this, at first I resisted, but then I got the hang of it.

    -Who made you do this? This is a cowardly way out. We always have a choice. It is the choices we make in life that define us," I stood up from my chair.

    Vladimir was a pathetic, broken man. The guys will do their job, this world will be cleansed of this dirt.

    And sometimes the choices we make kill us, Vladimir raised his finger and looked at someone from behind.

    No, Anton rushed towards me. A shot broke the silence. The guy staggered forward. He grabbed the table and collapsed into my arms, his shirt red with blood.

    Stunned, I raised my head and saw my own man with a gun pointed in my direction.

    Victor pulled the weapon out from under his jacket, and I knelt down with Anton in my arms.

    - Either you or me. And I choose myself.

    Shots broke the silence. I was holding my brother's body, assessing the situation, when shooting began around them. The bodyguards did their job, protecting me and my brother.

    Scream. Screams. Moan.

    Chapter 3


    Is there something wrong. Something is really wrong. I can't remember what.

    - Maybe you injected her too much? - I heard through my consciousness.

    - No, he’ll wake up now!

    Blood. I hate the taste of it. Still, I let the metallic tang ooze through my taste buds. A new rush of fear flashes through my nerves, and I bite my lower lip to stop my body from shaking. Slowly I open my eyes and at that moment a bucket of water is poured on me.

    Ah... because water got into my nose, I start coughing, and I realize that my hands are tied behind me. - Let me go, please. I didn’t do anything - tears welled up in my eyes.

    Shut her up, thundered a voice that remained in the shadows.

    - No. No. — before I have time to come to my senses, my mouth is covered with tape. Something falls to my left and my heart jumps into my throat. I close my eyes in fear. I hear footsteps, someone approached me. Something cold and hard touches me.

    - Listen. There is a wounded man lying a meter away from you, you need to heal him. If you behave well, I won’t hurt you. If you try to escape, I'll shoot your leg. You can't help the guy, and if he dies, you'll follow him, am I clear?

    I nod with my eyes closed.

    - Open your eyes.

    My lips part and I hiss, opening my eyes. I see every dark feature of the face, twisted in anger. His lips are tense over clenched teeth, his nostrils are flared. I, still frozen in fear, am paralyzed by the guy. I don't know his motives or intentions. One wrong word or move and my life could end. His gaze, which is indistinguishable in this lighting, passes over my face. He runs his eyes over my chest, and I see with what hyper speed it rises and falls. I have never been so scared in my life. I swallow hard and realize that my throat is painfully dry. A young guy stood in front of me. He tugs sharply on the tape on my lip.

    - You understand, I'm not a doctor - I feel the blood on my lip when the guy hits me.

    Stas, take it easy, a man’s voice comes very close. A man emerges from the shadows. He is tall, has a muscular, toned body and olive skin. His dark brown hair is shaved clean on the sides of his head, but long on the top. He is dressed in dark blue jeans that hug his long, strong legs, a black T-shirt that accentuates his broad chest and shoulders, and a black hoodie and a thick, black leather belt. His arms and neck are covered with tattoos. He's handsome, and if it weren't for the tattoos, he'd look just like a clothing model. He has a strong chin, a full lower lip, high cheekbones and blue eyes.

    My stepson said he found you at the hospital, He leans towards me, and I catch the smell of his perfume. - then who are you?

    I was just next to the hospital, that’s all.

    Something flashes in his eyes, he silently nods.

    - Shoot her, Stas.

    The hand with the gun ends up between my eyes. I screamed out of fear.

    - I'm an intern. I only provide first aid.

    I start crying loudly, not hiding my pain. I was very scared, my hands were very numb and did not obey.

    - I don’t like it

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