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Princess Anastasia & The Kingdom of Divulgence
Princess Anastasia & The Kingdom of Divulgence
Princess Anastasia & The Kingdom of Divulgence
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Princess Anastasia & The Kingdom of Divulgence

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Princess Anastasia was beautiful but extremely prideful. This would be her downfall. Her haughty attitude would wind her up in another dimension, the Kingdom of Divulgence.

Will she discover the key to finding her way to the P

Release dateMay 11, 2024
Princess Anastasia & The Kingdom of Divulgence

Sandra Lott

Sandra Lott was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, with one sister and two brothers. Sandra loves the mountains, making candles, and jewelry. She is the author of Jeremy's Journey, Deep Waters Within, A Princess in Waiting, Ride the Wind, and more. She has also written children's such as, The Wind Has a Voice and How Did He Get in There, Molly's Journey to Forgiveness, and more. She has written over 37 books to date and began writing poetry as soon as she was saved in June 1998. The Lord gave her, her first book to write right after her son was killed. Writing was not something she sought out. She poured her heart into time spent with the Lord in order to allow Him to heal her heart and the name of her first book was birthed in her spirit along with the chapters and what it was to be about during a devotion time. It was called: God's Love; ironically enough, with all that she was going through, God's love was exactly what she needed. She is passionate about studying the Bible. She has taught Sunday school, and Bible Study Groups, and has been actively serving in her present church, served in the Celebrate Recovery Ministry, and Homeless Outreach. Sandra was also interviewed on radio shows such as Golden Life Living and WMAP Radio (World's Most Amazing People based out of New York), the Bill Martinez show, and a Fox Radio show called the Kim Kennedy Show. She is a devoted mother of 2 sons (Tim & Gerald Ray), Gerald Ray the youngest, has gone on to be with the Lord due to a car accident. Through the death of her youngest son at the age of 16, a rocky marriage to an alcoholic and the abuse that came with that, and other overwhelming trials, she has drawn close to the loving arms of the Father. Experiencing God's unconditional love as He held her heart in His hands, has created a passion in her to help others grow in their understanding of and receive God's love and grow spiritually. She has the heart to help hurting women discover the princess in Christ that they truly are and overcome abuse. She teaches on topics to help you reach spiritual maturity, persevere through the hard times, and how to reach your destiny in Christ!

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    Princess Anastasia & The Kingdom of Divulgence - Sandra Lott


    Princess Anastasia was the oldest of two daughters of the king. She was very beautiful but that was as far as it went.  She was beautiful on the outside, but her attitude caused everyone to dislike her, and she fought constantly with her younger sister.

    Her haughty attitude would wind her up in the kingdom of another dimension.

    When our attitude is not pleasing to God, He will allow trials to come our way, brought on by our own choices, as a means to open our eyes to sin and actions that are not pleasing to God and others.

    In this, you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (I Peter 1:6-7)

    Princess Anastasia was extremely prideful and thought and acted as if she were better than everyone else, including her sister, Princess Gianna.

    Pride is a sin that idolizes self, and it hurts others by the way you treat them, like any other sin, God will not allow it to go unpunished.  He does not want sin of any kind to ruin our spirit and soul.

    God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6)

    This story in some ways is symbolic of the Israelite's travel through the Wilderness to the Promised Land.  It was an eleven-day journey, but it took them forty years!  Why did it take so long?  It was due to their disobedience, lack of faith, at times disrespect to Moses, and constant complaining.

    Princess Anastasia will have to heed the correction the Lord is allowing to open her eyes to the sin she has within.  She will need to humble herself, repent, and choose to make amends to find her way back home.

    God will correct and discipline us to correct our ways; ways that hurt others, ourselves, and Him.

    And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.  If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?  But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.  Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?  For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness.  Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

    If we are rebellious or stay in the spiritual blindness we are in, the trial, much like the Israelites, will last longer than we want it to.

    When we are in a trial, the best thing we can do is to ask God to open our eyes to what we need to see, to open our ears to hear what He is telling us, and to open our minds, and hearts to know and understand it so we can apply it.  The quicker we own up to our sins, admit the things we have done wrong, repent, make amends, and change our ways, the quicker we will find our way out of the trial.

    Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and return and be healed. (Isaiah 6:10)


    The Disappearance

    It was another beautiful day in the Kingdom of Enchantment.  It was named long ago by the first king that settled in the land.  His name was Ariel Rahman.  He came across the land as he was traveling from a distance and looking for adventure.  The beauty of the land mesmerized him. 

    It was flowing with mountains, trees, and flowers of various shades of purple, pink, and white.  Birds were singing in the trees and flying to and fro.  There were cardinals, blue jays, doves and more!

    Oddly enough there were no other inhabitants in this land.  Ariel knew this was to be his new home.  He began building a home for himself and when he finished it was grand!

    He dug a well and built a place for the animals he would acquire.  He even planted a garden.  He couldn’t stop building because he knew as he built, others would come.

    The first rule he made for his new home was that no one was to destroy the trees and the flowers of this land that made it so beautiful.

    Soon enough, people came, and they kept it as beautiful as they found it.  They built in the surrounding areas. 

    It wasn’t long before they made Ariel king, since he was the first one to discover this land.

    The kingdom grew and flourished so much so, that King Ariel had to train men for his court to be warriors. The beauty of the land had to be protected.  He trained his men day after day, and they made swords and other weaponry. 

    The beautiful land they inhabited had grown so much, it was now a kingdom.  Everyone helped their neighbor, and they were kind to one another.  King Ariel wanted it to stay that way, so he called a meeting for everyone in the land to attend.

    Here ye, here ye, King Ariel cried out and continued, We have made this into a great land, and we need to have a name for it. All cry out, agreed if you accept the name, Kingdom of Enchantment.

    Everyone agreed.

    Then, so it would stay as hospitable as it was, King Ariel knew he had to make known the Great Creator and His Commandments. He told everyone about Him and stories of how He had always been there for him. He even told people about how to pray, and to talk to the Great Creator.

    He continued to tell them about how they needed to protect their kingdom.  So, King Ariel appointed officers of the court to oversee anyone trying to harm this land or the people in it or who broke the Great Creator’s Commandments.

    Many years had passed, and King Ariel died and left descendent after descendent to carry on after him.  They all kept the rules he had set in place.

    Now, it has been hundreds of years since that time and the Kingdom of Enchantment was still the same.

    Now King Mordecai, King Ariel’s distant grandson, ruled the land; and the queen’s name was Adina.

    King Mordecai made sure that the same rules his grandfather set were followed.

    The king had two daughters and one son; their names were Ethan, the oldest, then there was Anastasia and the youngest was Gianna.

    Both girls were beautiful, but Anastasia’s beauty far outweighed any other maiden of the land, and she knew it.  She may be beautiful on the outside but within, she needed a transformation.

    Anastasia was bossy, rude, and

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