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Grow, Gather, Heal: Lemon Balm for Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: A Deep Dive Into The Herb's History, Traditional Uses, Medicinal Benefits, Remedies, Recipes and Growing Your own
Grow, Gather, Heal: Lemon Balm for Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: A Deep Dive Into The Herb's History, Traditional Uses, Medicinal Benefits, Remedies, Recipes and Growing Your own
Grow, Gather, Heal: Lemon Balm for Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: A Deep Dive Into The Herb's History, Traditional Uses, Medicinal Benefits, Remedies, Recipes and Growing Your own
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Grow, Gather, Heal: Lemon Balm for Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: A Deep Dive Into The Herb's History, Traditional Uses, Medicinal Benefits, Remedies, Recipes and Growing Your own

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Unlock the magic of lemon balm: Are you searching for a natural path to better well-being? Look no further than the unassuming yet powerful 

Release dateMay 9, 2024
Grow, Gather, Heal: Lemon Balm for Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness: A Deep Dive Into The Herb's History, Traditional Uses, Medicinal Benefits, Remedies, Recipes and Growing Your own

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    Grow, Gather, Heal - John T Ungerer

    Grow, Gather, Heal:

    Lemon Balm For Everyday Wellness

    John T. Ungerer

    Title Picture by Victor Serban

    Copyright © 2024 John T. Ungerer

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a critical review.


    The information contained in this book is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new dietary or supplement regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

    The author and publisher of this book do not assume any responsibility or liability for any damages or injuries resulting from the use of the information contained within.

    Table of Contents

    A History of Lemon Balm

    Identifying and Growing Lemon Balm

    Lemon Balm's Chemistry and Aromatics

    Lemon Balm for Anxiety and Stress

    Lemon Balm for Restful Nights

    Lemon Balm for a Happy Gut

    Lemon Balm for Skin Soothing and Support

    Infusing Food and Drinks with Lemon Balm

    DIY Projects with Lemon Balm

    Understanding Potential Interactions and Cautions

    Cultivating Respect for the Herbal World





    Additional Recipes

    Online Resources

    To my wonderful wife, who wanted a big garden, and set us on this path to self-sufficiency. And my little girl, who at the age of five can spot at least a half dozen medicinal herbs while we drive around and know what they are used for, keep learning little one, you are amazing.

    A History of Lemon Balm

    Lemon balm has a rich history that stretches across time and continents, from Mediterranean gardens to ancient Chinese apothecaries. This humble member of the mint family, with its wrinkled leaves and tangy taste, is rich in cultural significance and medicinal history. To truly understand its modern applications, we need to explore its historical origins and the pioneers who first recognized its healing potential.

    Our journey takes place in the heart of the Mediterranean basin, where the cradle of civilization lies. Looking back to the time of 300 BC, we find the Greek scholar Theophrastus, who documented the significance of lemon balm in history. He named it melissóphyllon, meaning bee leaf, a name that reflected its appeal to the important pollinators of the time. Meanwhile, on the beautiful Aegean Sea, Roman naturalists, including the famous Pliny the Elder, appreciated and embraced this lovely name. The echoes praised the herb's natural attraction to bees and emphasized the suggestion to include it in beehives.

    This initial connection with the hardworking bees hinted at a lasting bond that surpassed the constraints of time. Lemon balm's connection with honey is widely recognized and appreciated for its sweet and healthy qualities. The story of lemon balm unfolds, highlighting its connection with bees and the broader significance it holds in the interconnections between nature, culture, and honey.

    In ancient Egypt, pharaohs were preserved using a blend that included lemon balm. It was believed that the citrusy fragrance of lemon balm was favored by the sun god Ra. Their connection was solidified through the sweet and everlasting bond they shared. Greek physicians, such as Dioscorides, spoke highly of the soothing effects of lemon balm tea with honey. Similarly, Roman writers celebrated its ability to attract bees, which further reinforced this connection.

    As Christianity spread, a story emerged of bees transferring pollen from Christ's crown of thorns to lemon balm blossoms. This tale emphasized the herb's sacred significance by highlighting its connection to the honey that these blessed bees produce. In medieval monasteries, bee gardens flourished alongside lemon balm, resulting in honey that carried the herb's subtle lemony essence. This particular variety, called Melissa honey, was highly valued for its healing properties and delightful taste, which showcased the long-lasting collaboration between the two.

    The connection endures, extending far beyond the boundaries of history books. Many beekeepers today choose to grow lemon balm near their hives. This is not only because it yields delicious honey, but also because it naturally attracts beneficial insects that help control harmful pests. Lemon balm and honey have a long-standing connection that spans across different eras and societies, showcasing the beauty of nature's interdependence.

    Fast forward to the Middle Ages, and lemon balm flourished not only in European gardens but also within the sacred walls of monasteries. Benedictine monks, known for their commitment to education and herbal understanding, loved the gentle herb. Its zesty smell permeated their cloisters, a fragrant tribute to its practical and spiritual worth. Steaming cups of tea eased their anxiety and aided comfortable sleep, providing solace after long hours of prayer and labor. But lemon balm's benefits go far beyond soothing agitated minds. Its leaves were used to infuse soups and broths in the hectic monastic kitchens, aiding digestion after a feast. For weary travelers, poultices infused with lemon balm soothed aching muscles and chapped lips. Rumblings of its enchantment may even be heard in the hushed prayer halls. Some academics believe the herb, prized for its purity, played a role in religious rituals and cleansing ceremonies, its energizing aroma combining with the murmur of prayers and songs. Within the protective confines of medieval monasteries, lemon balm became an integral part of monastic life, a testament to its enduring vitality and healing power that transcended its practical uses.

    Meanwhile, Arab medics across the Islamic world were incorporating the healing properties of lemon balm into detailed and elaborate medical practices. Famous figures like Avicenna, known as the father of medicine, spoke highly of its soothing properties and incorporated it into herbal remedies for various health issues. Lemon balm offered a gentle respite from the burdensome weight of depression and the

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